
Energy Balance Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"Anything you do that affects your energy balance...is enough to substantially protect against diabetes."
"A healthy aura keeps your energy in balance and harmony."
"You don't blend energy, you have to harmonize energy and the ultimate harmonization is when you're ready to balance those opposites equally, two halves make a whole."
"Once you realize the total energy of the universe can be zero, then the possibility that it comes from nothing becomes plausible."
"A prolonged energy surplus is the main factor driving fat gain, not a single hormone such as insulin."
"Exchange of energy is important, balance the scales out."
"If your body energy is balanced and activated, no physical or mental illness can affect you."
"Give your wife the same energy you give your company."
"Obesity results from chronic excessive energy consumption greater than energy utilization there's the answer to how this is the answer to how that's not magic."
"Everyone has both feminine and masculine energies."
"Manifesting balance within yourself, redistributing energy in a way that serves you best."
"Maintaining energy balance with your diet is very important."
"Let the universe handle it and balance the energy out because it's gonna go down."
"Balanced energy leads to Kundalini awakening."
"Your shadow self encourages you to continue growing and continue balancing your energy out."
"Balancing energies inside of you - the key to happiness and success."
"We've got to think about nutrition as simple as it can be. We've got to think about it as calories in versus calories out."
"The will is the single measure of the rate and fastidiousness of the activation and balancing of the various energy centers... from the simple utilization of catalyst for evolution to the opening of the gateway to intelligent Infinity."
"Together, they are unstoppable. When the divine feminine energy links into the divine masculine energy and they merge, nothing can stop that."
"You're very aware of where to direct your energy now. Everything's coming back into balance."
"The Divine Feminine is really made up of the indigo and Chris energy complementing each other."
"Ozai's unequal attunement to and control over his energy therefore logically translates to unequal control of fire itself."
"Everybody has divine feminine and divine masculine energy."
"Calories in versus calories out is still the ultimate bottom line."
"Calories in calories out always works, can't break the laws of thermodynamics."
"Cellular respiration intricately balances energy investment and production, highlighting the complexity of metabolic pathways."
"As we dive into this video, I'll be showing you how to maneuver through the chessboard of nutrition and training, strategizing and adapting ultimately to achieve that lean physique you've always wanted."
"All diets for fat loss follow the same exact basic principle they're all governed by science and the fundamental rule of energy balance."
"This is beyond feelings, this is when you take your thoughts and feelings together and then you become that person that have that masculine feminine energy inside of you as being a body there in the sixth dimension."
"If you have a lot of shit in your intestines, if it's not fertile, if you don't have energy that can circulate well, you cannot accumulate energy."
"Harsh energy is a good thing, needed to balance something else out."
"so to put matters in a very simple way I would much rather someone eat 4 000 calories a day and this is simple but and burn 4 000 calories a day then eat 1500 calories a day and burn 1500 calories per day."
"You are now embodying in June a very passionate, powerful leader... you're really embodying and appreciating your feminine energies and your masculine energies."
"Balancing energies and taking time for self-reflection."
"For every negative energy, there is also an equally positive energy trying to combat it."
"All spirits fluctuate between these two energies, so if you care and love somebody, you know how to give a helping hand."
"Calories in calories out if you're eating more calories than you burn you're gaining fat and if you already eat fewer calories than you burn you would lose fat forget what system you're using it's way more simple than that calories in calories out."
"July is overcoming your distortion of energy, really coming to be on the same page."
"So this becomes an intellectual infrastructure for understanding how biology could influence fat storage beyond just the energy balance view which focuses on willpower..."
"Millions of years after the Sun died, the Earth's internal temperature generation happening inside of it all by itself would equal the amount of energy it is radiating out into space."
"Balance your energy, bridge the earthly and the higher realms."
"It's about clearing out that negative energy, finding the inner balance here."
"If you are eating less than you are burning, then you will lose weight."
"A really good connection with masculine and feminine energy."
"Setting healthy boundaries ensures their energy remains balanced and positive."
"If you expend more than you take in, you will lose weight."
"Be mindful of your energy; it's important to keep balance, especially during these crazy times."
"Your strength is sitting in an area of energy that is not necessarily yours right now. As things come into balance and alignment because the Wheel shows up as the last card here, with what is your nemesis, it is this new cycle coming into balance."
"Put as much, if not more, positive energy in the world as you put negative energy."
"Your energy is becoming a lot more balanced, fluid, and more open."
"The universe is putting in a balancing energy, protecting you and clearing dark energy."
"That will help you align on the physical level and therefore help you align on an energetic level."
"You're here to balance masculine and feminine energies, to make them work together."
"So those of you that are feeling off balance because I do feel this almost off balance energy just a little bit of it um allow yourself to ground your energy shake things off get outside walk in nature."
"Your energies are getting more and more balanced."
"Balancing your energy is the remedy to bring you back to center."
"Energy balance is calories in versus calories out."
"There's an imbalanced female energy coming through and there's an imbalanced male energy coming through but I keep hearing that this masculine energy or this male energy is trying to do better."
"Caloric intake greater than caloric expenditure leads to lipogenesis."
"Feminine energy is a lot of being, while masculine energy is doing."
"So there is an example of an energy balance model with some assumptions and some simplifications, and this model produces a temperature for Earth's surface that we can compare to observations again and see how it does."
"You can't invent energy from anywhere. The only way to gain weight is to eat more than you burn, and the only way to lose weight is to burn more than you eat."
"Calories in and calories out are not independent."
"If you were gonna avoid getting type 2 diabetes how much you go about it? Well first of all you'd maintain energy balance."
"The masculine energy really does desire at a core level to give in a balanced way to their divine feminine."
"When the net BTUs added to the space equals the BTUs leaving a space, you've achieved equilibrium."
"Embracing the unification of masculine and feminine energy."
"Remember to breathe here, feel the settling of your energy."
"Close your eyes if you haven't already, just taking a second to allow your energy to settle."
"The skill of life is that you play these two things together and well; time and energy should run together."
"Balance the breath, balance the energy flow by observing a steady, even breath."
"When it comes to obtaining your physique goals, energy balance is important. Calories in versus calories out, yes, it matters."
"Calories in, calories out, at the end of the day, that's what's going to determine if you lose weight."
"The way that we lose fat is from being in a negative energy balance, AKA a caloric deficit."
"Hydro is an ideal energy source for balancing electricity systems. It's a question of scale."
"Estrogen influences energy balance by opposing excessive body fat accumulation."
"Changes in weight come down to calories in versus calories out."
"Acupuncture is about balancing the Qi and energy."
"If you want to lose weight, you have to intake less energy (calories) than what your body burns."
"They're very strong protective energy meets this very nurturing and soft energy."
"A balanced Energy System is crucial for intuitive and psychic development."
"The energy is both yin and yang, positive energy and negative energy."
"By joining those two energies together in balance, we create inner harmony."
"I think there is a very important balance to be attained over the next few decades of the balance between energy security and energy supply, as well as a transition to cleaner energy sources."
"Energy balance is probably 40-50 percent of your diet success."
"Weight loss occurs when you are taking in less energy than you're expending."
"There is no such thing as evil or bad energy. Energy's just energy; what we're looking for is energy in balance or out of balance."
"Qigong is an ancient practice in China and it is a practice to help people to balance the energy to regain their health and all to achieve longevity."
"We can also manifest heaven in this life and I think that's only possible when being aware of both feminine and masculine energies."
"This is our equation for the energy balance; this is the first law for a steady flow problem."
"Every energy has a good side and a dark side."
"Send your love, send your team to help to balance that energy in time."
"Yuan source points tonify the organ."
"Don't be afraid to walk... it's not about how fast you can run when it comes down to losing weight, it comes down to the energy out and the energy in."
"Soulmate cycles are a powerful way for the universe to balance a massive amount of energy."
"Anything eclipsing you will be wiped away; your mind will dissolve, your energy will balance out and recalibrate itself."
"The balancing pyramidal structures were charged with crystals which drew the appropriate balance from the energy force streaming into the various geometrical centers of electromagnetic energy which surround and shape the planetary sphere."
"The universe basically tries to balance energy, that's what it does."
"Energy is balancing here, temperance, the heart of the angel."
"It's just nature, it's just energy trying to balance itself, that's all."
"Remember we all carry both masculine and feminine energy."
"We all contain both energies, this is about us understanding the dance between the two."
"Much of this is the journey within self to union of self between your own masculine and feminine energies."
"If you're ever in a situation where you could feel your energy not centered, just stop. Everything else can wait."