
Social Support Quotes

There are 1043 quotes

"Everyone should have someone to speak to every week of their life; that should just be a part of being a human being." - Haley Kiyoko
"Friend power is far more powerful than willpower."
"People can be surrounded by people who love them and still feel terribly lonely."
"How we answer the question 'How loved and supported do you feel?' will tell us more about your health 10, 15, 20 years down the road than any other factor."
"If you're in a position to financially help somebody, you can do that. But also, if you're not, it doesn't mean you can't reach out to people."
"In general, I'm a big supporter of things like universal basic income, job security, unionization, the four-day working week, flexi-working."
"You have a talent for being able to stand up for other people who can't stand up for themselves."
"Religious institutions...will take up the slack where the government sucks."
"Even though you don't have any money, if you have more than 50 friends who let you stay for one week, you're rich."
"We're extremely proud of is having helped over 8 million Canadians who received the CERB when they needed it most."
"We are the caretakers of each other's nervous systems."
"We know that many Canadians are struggling to make ends meet, that is why today the Prime Minister announced that we're expanding our support for Canadians who need it most."
"An old Japanese tradition from Okinawa called Moai basically means lifelong group of friends. They meet weekly and talk about life, discuss issues, and help each other."
"You need to also surround yourself by people you can trust."
"It can feel just like festivities and boozing if you've never been in it, but to talk to the people on the ground, many people actually look forward to it, rely on it, need it."
"Being a part of a community that cares about you is huge for your own sense of identity."
"Everybody needs someone, right? Everybody needs help. It's what makes all this work."
"Millions of American families are suffering and are counting on us to help."
"The quickest way to help people in need is to give them direct assistance and let them make the choices for their own families, for their own kids, not to have to wait in line for some program, not to have to talk to some bureaucrat."
"Me, I support her because girls are constantly shamed for the things they like, and we shouldn't tear each other down."
"Isolating is dangerous... it's good to have people you can be real with."
"There are people right now that are thinking of you, believe it or not."
"We claim to care about mothers and families, we do very little for them."
"I don't see single moms looking for assistance from the government as a negative thing."
"One person accepting you can make all the difference."
"We're going to extend unemployment benefits, we're going to protect people from being evicted, we're going to expand healthcare."
"The camaraderie, the brotherhood... Brotherhood feels good, don. You know what I mean? To have conversations, to have someone to lean on."
"Rights don't mean anything in a vacuum without somebody else supporting those rights."
"The best tool for changing your lifestyle is peer support."
"I will be donating 100% of the proceeds of this video to multiple bail funds."
"The social investment program... will support millions of households with Direct Cash transfers that will enable them meet their basic needs."
"You need people in your life in order to be able to survive."
"People who have more social support are going to recover more quickly."
"The reasons people end up on homelessness are complicated... but the solution to homelessness is actually pretty simple: it's permanent housing with supports."
"With political and moral commitment, a massive increase in affordable housing, and the types of social support services...homelessness can and should be eliminated."
"Always helping and putting a smile on everybody's face."
"I'm proud to be a part of this community and how it responded so well to the needs of these kids."
"We're a nonprofit; we're like a charity, so, you know, we cater to those that are less fortunate."
"We should help those who are struggling in our society."
"That was enough because she just knew that if her friends were reaching out, then it was bad."
"I pride myself on being an ally to all. If you think there is a way that I could be a better ally, please let me know."
"People that celebrate you rather than tolerate you."
"A friend is so beneficial in your life, in various ways."
"Protecting the most vulnerable...those that are vulnerable out in the streets and sidewalks, the homeless, people with compromised immune systems."
"Humans thrive and adapt more efficiently with social support. Encouragement from friends and family often increases goal attainment, which contributes to overall improved quality of life."
"People who have done nothing wrong don't know how they're going to put food on the table or don't know how they're going to pay rent."
"You are going to be surrounded by a lot of people who are going to help you build your finances."
"She continued to hang on tight to her love for life and, unfortunately in the end, she was failed by so many that were supposed to protect her."
"Thank you, black women. You're the backbone of America."
"A good friend can make your life better in many ways. I don't think anyone can stand loneliness."
"We're building a community where people help each other, and we're getting fitter, wealthier, happier, stronger, and more secure."
"These people need community and they need to feel safe."
"We're gonna keep standing, and we're gonna hope the sisters like you would stand with us to say when it's inequality, we must speak up, and we must be glad, because your daughters are coming and you're great."
"Don't let them stop you because you're moving towards a completely different friend group or a supportive community in a circle that will cheer you on and that knows how to give instead of just taking."
"If you're out there and you find that you don't have a community, then reach out."
"Surround yourself with people that appreciate you."
"That's why I feel like I was happiest when I wasn't trying to pander."
"Your family is your first and Primal Network, take care of it, be really good to people around you."
"If we can say we see that you're trying to love yourself and be yourself, and we support that at a governmental level, we support that through health care, we will provide you with the resources to do that."
"The government could do something much more aggressive than it's doing for people in so many ways."
"It's there to look after people through thick and thin."
"At least they're supporting this, helping working-class people and helping us get out of poverty. It's a no-brainer."
"So don't underestimate the utility of listening. It's unbelievably helpful to people."
"Total videos, thank you guys so much for supporting, if you would consider subscribing it would really mean the world to me."
"The truth is the truth. Let's stop complaining and start supporting each other. The colorism [expletive] is getting old, period."
"And stimulus every month to take care of their people and a higher quality of living and better education and no violence."
"Surround yourself with people that actually care about you, that's really important too."
"We're so preoccupied with the struggles... that we don't really think about those on the come up who deserve our assistance."
"But Ronald McDonald's house provided shelter and support to families of children undergoing surgeries and medical care."
"Extroversion probably is genetic related. Agreeableness is such and so these kind of people, extroverts and agreeable people, they tend to create strong social support and strong social support serves as a protective factor."
"You know like all this time after where where's her Army you know we're part of her Army but where are her fellow women who had standing to object."
"Helping those who are less fortunate... fleeing persecution, people who are refugees."
"It's important to have a very good and strong support system to back you up."
"If you really want to help the underprivileged, this is the kind of stuff you want to be talking about."
"Helping to rebuild the social fabric in our country and around the world... most immediately in a strong family and friends."
"I feel like we should all just kind of try to be there for each other and try to be kind."
"I'd actually die from loneliness, I think. Yeah, I think I think having friends..."
"You want to help them give them a living wage give them a college education that doesn't bury them under mountains of debt."
"I'm seeing many of you not going through this life alone anymore. I'm seeing a support system come back into your life."
"Why aren't they providing services to that child who took care of those children when she was in prison?"
"Religious involvement is generally associated with greater well-being, less depression, anxiety, greater social support, and less substance abuse."
"A lot of people have this experience, okay? Like that can actually be really comforting and make you feel less alone."
"Share this with as many people as you can because there's a lot of people suffering."
"People want to help you so that you aren't stuck in this situation."
"Helping others is good for you, so cut yourself some slack and be tolerant of each other."
"I talk to our GGB fam and I feel no one judges me I feel so accepted I'm not alone."
"Bernie Sanders talking about austerity politics and the need right now for two thousand dollar stimulus checks."
"I hope you're staying safe, sane, and healthy during these difficult times."
"I wanted to capture the leadership, the resilience, the courage of essential workers."
"We need other people to help us navigate through life's challenges."
"The fellowship is a concrete tangible thing from day one."
"Work with your community... rely on other people we're all reliant on each other."
"That's a big part of why Danny is with us today especially when we made the introduction with you today Shannon it's because you know he is our success story."
"If you're feeling lonely, reach out to someone."
"It's the right thing to do and it will help the kids from the families that really really need it."
"This whole social support aspect is gone and then it leads to this protection against stress."
"You don't have to go through that. You don't have to lose eight friends."
"You are never alone. There is always someone going through something similar."
"The central concept of Wandering Son: the value of having people who can understand you."
"Talk to people about it... It just makes you feel less alone."
"It's about making sure that every person, no matter where they live, feels safe and supported in their community."
"Human solidarity will get you quite a long way."
"The people who truly love and care about you, they want to see you doing well."
"The best depression medicine is support from family and friends."
"They're not pro-life, they're pro-birth, because these same people, when the baby's born, they offer no safety nets."
"Seniors were there for us when we were growing up, now it's time for us to be there for them."
"Our community is already strong but is stronger still when we stand together united against those who are real enemies."
"My priority is to support the most vulnerable in our society and pensioners."
"I promise I am okay, but I do appreciate all the people that sent me kind words and lovely DMS because it means more to me than y'all will ever know."
"I'm interested in building communities, and in order to build communities, you have to support individuals."
"We're here today to announce a vital new action that we're taking to help former inmates find a job, live a crime-free life, and succeed beyond their wildest dreams."
"We have a rideshare partnership where formerly incarcerated people will be gifted gift cards so that they can get rides to and from job interviews and jobs."
"It's about being vulnerable, it's about making space for it to happen."
"This is why I love my community. Thanks guys, really appreciate this." - Jonathan Ms Pitts
"You're not alone, and it is something that a lot of people experience."
"I think you need both... you need free markets, but those people they need help." - Brian
"Surround yourself with people that lift you up, encourage you, and applaud your success."
"How do I feed my kids? How do I not get evicted? So what we have got to do is just demand that McConnell bring forth a clean house bill."
"I think it's just sort of the weight off their shoulders and this sort of healing moment."
"Let's start helping people up and getting the help that they need instead of thriving off their downfall."
"Sometimes we all have to rely on other people... there's no shame in asking for help."
"Friends make everything better, including reading."
"Security in numbers... just to have a sense of community."
"The power of Sisterhood and female support can never be underestimated."
"I've had so many friends check on me and that's also kind of another reason I'm just making this."
"He talks about rolling back the vast coveted state at a moment when people need more help not less to deal with rising prices."
"We have a responsibility here. You either feel like your energy is cared for or it's not."
"I'm here to absolutely save the day. Thank god for you, drag queen."
"The people who care about you the most are the ones who check on you when you go silent."
"The people who check on you when you go quiet, those are your real people."
"Surround yourself with people who will support you."
"We defend black men's right to not provide anything meanwhile we have to get all of our needs met by another group of men."
"I don't really care if you call it reparations. Clearly, African American communities in United States need help."
"They've been through enough. Leave them alone."
"Mentors, friendships, and community wisdom is the safety net."
"One of my priorities would be to help the disadvantaged among us."
"Surround yourself with the people who hype you up."
"Pay attention to the people that are around you in celebrating you and boosting you up."
"UBI should basically be about evening the bottom few rungs of economic viability."
"Losses are part of the journey... lick your wounds, get around the most important people in your life, be around the people that love you, whether you win or lose, make sure you stay built up."
"When we realize how much we need each other, and are willing to just reach out and share stories of hope and share what we're feeling and share possibilities, we can really impact each other."
"Community spirit is at the heart of so many of our stories. Whether it's in times of drought or despair, or just a town doing something fun."
"I have no friends" means "My friends don't really connect with the situation I'm dealing with."
"Surround yourself around people that want to see you successful... if you learn this early on success will repeat itself."
"You are intelligent, you're beautiful, you're fun, and there are people who love you for who you are. These other people may have no impact on your life whatsoever."
"You stand up for them when they do face those issues, you stand up for key martini, interesting."
"If you are a victim of domestic violence, if you have suffered from domestic abuse, if you've been in an abusive relationship, hashtag you're not alone."
"It's gonna take a community, so I encourage you with that."
"Surround yourself with qualified people who really have your best interests at heart."
"Surround yourself with people that are going to uplift you and cheer you on."
"Always be surrounded by your pets, friends, or family."
"If you're in need of financial help and someone offers it to you, you should take it... You should never feel ashamed about accepting help where you need it."
"You don't have to be afraid to speak up. There are other people out there like you."
"Thanks for helping out... it really does mean a lot."
"If one viewer, one family, one parent watching this could resonate with some of the words we've said, then we've done our job."
"Being there for someone is just talking and removing your judgment."
"We must continue to support funding the specialist services which saves lives."
"Communities are really, really important to people."
"That's your family, you don't have to cut them off, you can get new friends."
"The time for us to be silent and 'not feed the trolls' is over because our silence looks like we don't support our targeted community members."
"This is more of the same... stepping in to get that government funding or when the government won't come in, stepping in to get this GoFundMe funding."
"Common sense hat: Does it seem like Amanda was helped or does it seem more like Lima was helped?"
"I celebrate strength, not only the physical, but mental and social."
"The human desire for company and support is powerful."
"Right now the american people need more support."
"Be yourself and be surrounded by those who want to see blossom and or bloom."
"Rooting for you, it's nice to have rich friends."
"Thank you so much for coming and helping us out."
"People around you are very supportive... They're encouraging and they're not pushing you too aggressively."
"If you want to really help people Democrats, then put forth some real package with real teeth instead of this garbage."
"Be kind. Check on your loved ones. Make sure you're checking on your friends, your family, your parents, your siblings."
"The people you want around you in the long run are the people who will support your weirdness."
"I used government aid in the right way because I used it to get on my feet and now I'm a productive member of society giving back through taxes."
"People do need help from us, and that's what we've been working to do with the President's Build Back Better agenda. It is really transformational."
"We need to strengthen the ties of brotherhood and sisterhood in our community."
"Joe Biden demands relief for individuals, unemployed, small businesses, and renters."
"To see someone with a support system versus someone without, you shouldn't be surprised that those are two totally different outcomes."
"Every day, a constant reminder that we as trans people have so few friends, so few allies."
"We have to support these people, we have to help them, we have to stop this."
"I'm trying to defend my black women out there. Okay? Because there's not enough black men defending black women in my opinion. So I love y'all. Y'all are beautiful, y'all special. And, yeah, don't worry, nothing wrong with y'all. Y'all are queens."
"Your family is the family you make for yourself."
"Struggling middle-class families need help too."
"You feel like you're seen and you're being heard... Suddenly you don't feel alone anymore."
"A pandemic like this whole year is just... it's crazy."
"We shouldn't have to set up GoFundMe accounts to help people."
"Surround yourself with reasonable people who support you."
"Anyone who's isolated, suffering because of this, communicate with them, come alongside them, talk to them through the window if that's all you can do."
"I apologize for disappearing on you all, but I'm really grateful and appreciative of you all for giving me the space that I needed."
"You've got to have the right people around you. I've had wrong people around me most of my life."
"Freedom reads is a way for people on the outside to express our kinship, our support, and our belief in the possibilities of those on the inside."
"Our only hope is the people and I do think that people are actually with us."
"The point is we need to start helping these people instead of just enabling them."
"You really gotta need those beds. Because I wasn't a person that was in need, it was like, 'We can't give you any halfway house time.'"
"Why pay attention to the haters when you got so many people that love you and care about you?"
"Trust yourself. Trust that you are not alone. Trust that there are good people right beside you fighting for what we know to be right."
"You can't allow that negativity to be a part of your life. You have to go on with your life and find friends that love you for who you are."
"We're trying to help people get back on their feet so they can thrive and they can contribute to their local economy."
"God bless to you, your families, your loved ones. I appreciate all of you."
"We're helping Blue Collar Americans that need a little bit of help getting back on their feet."
"Remember, you are not created to go through life alone! You need people in your life!"