
Personal Space Quotes

There are 3635 quotes

"Space we're in tells the story. Every space is the stage on which we play off our life."
"Boundaries are very simply, 'Here's what's okay, and here's what's not okay.'"
"Learning how to protect your energy and to create that safe, sacred space around yourself is going to be really powerful in helping you feel better and stay more balanced."
"To relax, I like to clean my room. To me, having a dirty room is extremely overwhelming."
"This is it. This is my little place of hope."
"The heart is kicking off energy that we can't see... when we talk about people being in your space and you picking up people's energy, that stuff is very real."
"You know that I must remind you, it's almost 11 PM. You don't invite someone to your apartment at 11 PM."
"This little old house is my jewel box. I'm a jewelry designer; this is an extension of who I am, and each little piece in every corner tells a story."
"You're creating space for someone amazing to enter it. That's a great feeling and it's a hopeful feeling."
"Understanding that we live in a world with boundaries, and it is your right to have them too."
"Good fences make good neighbors. The stronger your boundaries, the closer you can get to somebody."
"Setting your boundaries is essential for gaining respect."
"If you're not setting boundaries, then you are really inviting people to ignore your needs."
"If you need time for conflict resolution, you should be able to say or have a discussion like, 'Listen, I love you, and I'll say it. I'll give you a hug, but you got to leave me the alone for 6 hours, then we can chat.'"
"My spaces are a physical representation of my mental space."
"We need to have healthy distance. We need to find you need to have a home base where you can decide who comes in and who doesn't and where you can protect yourself."
"I feel very, very relaxed in this flat. I knew it was mine the minute I walked through the front door."
"You should treat someone's cane or their wheelchair as if it's an extension of their own body."
"You want it to look nice; you don't want it to look junky because when I come down here, the idea is that this is a place of calm, it's a place where I can unwind, it's a place where I can think and be creative."
"I treat my social media like my home, I keep it tidy, I keep it nice."
"Try to make one room in your home as beautiful as possible."
"She's comfortable being alone. In fact, she prefers it. She craves her space and her freedom."
"Therapy is your space, your story, your experience."
"I feel like I'm in someone else's apartment but at the same time I know it's mine. I love that."
"I got into an argument with three dudes in the steam room because they were talking too loud, and it was my place of peace."
"Oh my goodness, hold on my friends, moving my diet coke. There we go."
"The space that you occupy does affect your mood."
"It's really about giving yourself a space in your life where you do get to be you."
"When you decide to take pride in your personal space... you create pride and confidence in yourself."
"You are the Garden of Eden, and when someone has sort of crossed a line, you almost prohibit them from your paradise."
"Personal space and privacy is very important."
"You have to give everybody else a chance to live free, especially in a relationship."
"Not cluttered, we're talking about purposeful, intentional decor and furniture items that are in your space that really reflect you."
"You need to have a space that you can carve out that is uniquely your own for productive work."
"Every time I walk into my room and see it, it just sparks a little bit of joy within me."
"I've been living in this place for a little over a year now, and I feel like now I'm just starting to be like, okay, let's actually put some effort into it."
"I'm going to make this more cozy, so I'm going to need some furniture."
"I got a beautiful cave all to myself, and it's mine."
"He might be the most famous person in the entire world. Can't even wave."
"You need time and space to breathe; you need time and space to just let things process, let fear dissipate."
"Once in a while, I get annoyed about the fact I have no real privacy. Nowhere I can go and not be registered."
"I've definitely benefited from being able to be in spaces where I've been able to be authentically myself."
"Tim's influence slowly encroached into her home, from how the furniture was arranged to what foods he wanted mommy to cook."
"It's amazing how much longer things will stay organized when every individual item just has their own space."
"Working out to me is such a private thing. I don't want anyone to talk to me."
"Remember, a clean home is not just about impressing visitors; it's about creating a sanctuary for yourself and your loved ones."
"I was so happy knowing the boys finally had a space of their own to paint and draw and color and imagine and just let their creativity go wild."
"I'm just trying to sit here and fangirl, why can't you just let me fangirl and live in peace?"
"What you do in your bathroom is your business. Who are we to judge?"
"I live in my own lair, it's a volcano. That's how I maintain the reptilian homeostasis necessary to protect all that treasure."
"I want nothing more than for people to walk away from the screen afterwards and live their lives away from me."
"Plants, flowers, books, magazines, candles...really make a room sing."
"You're already starting to feel that with the clearing of this person's energy."
"We finally get our own bedroom. It's such a nice thing."
"Fortunately, there's no taint in my place. That's great."
"Our homes are really our Havens, and it's about increasing equity in your home."
"You have the whole freaking sky, the whole sky, and you're in my house on my ceiling, trolling me."
"We just got a skate park built in the basement, so I'm gonna be skating that tomorrow. It's amazing."
"It wouldn't be my house if I didn't have candles."
"I come in here and I just feel like I can relax, I'm not cluttered, I'm not stressed, I feel so good in this room."
"Your home and your space should be like your little sanctuary."
"She needs a place in her mind where she can escape. Even for 15 minutes a day, if she can escape from everyone watching, that's what she needs."
"Our house is our home, just like anyone else's home. You go home at the end of the day to feel comfortable and relax in your own skin."
"Turn your living space into a sanctuary and just watch your happiness increase."
"Don't let them treat you like anybody else, you gotta give each other space."
"My favorite thing about our home... it really feels cozy and personal."
"We've spent the last few months settling in here and making this place our own."
"You don't have to be nice all the time. Sometimes people are going to think your boundaries aren't nice."
"She derived particular pleasure from the huge grounds."
"They love you enough to give you space to work on yourselves."
"It's visually it's dreadful. You know, you can't come to someone's kitchen, my private room, and start putting things where you want them when it's my house."
"Cleaning up my space, it's an act of self-care."
"I have found a way to allow people the space to be who they are and love them as they are. I'm Not Jesus, I'm not God to be judging people."
"I needed to be in my studio today because this is where I ground myself and heal."
"Can I breathe? Can I just breathe a little? Like, I just want to breathe a little. Please, I'm asking you politely, tell me to breathe."
"Implementing changes in your home life to bring sanctuary and solace."
"The best way to present yourself is to stand up forthrightly and to stretch out, you know, and to occupy some space."
"Be picky occasionally say no or reschedule and say not tonight how about next week."
"I like the fact that not everybody was in your business."
"I love you know I've actually heard like celebrities and rich people state we have like a living room then we have like our actual living living room."
"I just don't care dude. Sit in your little room, say whatever you want to say. I just don't care."
"This is my castle. I'm going to call it the castle."
"Have you felt like everybody was at your door?"
"Go where your heart feels safe to be open, feel safe to be soft."
"I'm always giving respect, I'm always giving that space."
"I want my igloo to look like it was Touched By The Hand of Midas."
"Whatever you are, leave my (beep) house now."
"They want closeness between you but also space, love never claims."
"As much as I appreciate the support, it's good to have a breather to organize."
"Escape to your bathroom and just take some breaths in."
"I'm gonna lay eggs in peace and Adam will not be able to oof any of them."
"Just check how she has organized her space, that's a principled woman."
"Next thing you know, he's cuddling with you in your bed, holding you, caressing you with his whiskers."
"It feels good, it's empowering to control one's living space."
"Space is healthy for a relationship. Do you understand space? You go over there and stay over there for a while and let me think and let me ponder and let me enjoy the balance of my spirit when you're not around."
"I loved every bit of it. Alright, so I hope you guys enjoyed touring my home."
"Like, it's not even just for, I mean obviously this is a 33 year old pregnant woman, like she needs a space for the baby regardless of all the like, just humanity in that."
"Your home should be the backdrop to the life story that you're living and the life story that you want to live."
"I feel like everyone should have a comfy cozy home base that they feel good in."
"I love coming home to a cozy home, a cozy environment."
"I'm so overwhelmed. I need to get out of the house."
"Filling your home with happy memories... I think it makes your space feel so cozy."
"Control your environment, control your space."
"For years, David's been unable to socialize in his home, but today he's opening up his living room to his family and friends."
"Doom guys got some sick-ass guitars mounted on the wall and a [ ] anvil with a pair of nunchucks on top."
"To the degree that you're in your room, the room is you. Straighten up what you can straighten up and quit saying things that make you feel weak, and then you'll know what to do next."
"At least it's not cluttering up my space anymore."
"Thank God her one-room apartment remained intact and safe."
"Setting proper boundaries with other people."
"Clear your space right now so you can really make room to choose that new direction in your life."
"He was one of the first friends she made... and he just chill in your bed."
"This closet it's freaking amazing yep a greated I mean my closet's nice this is next level well this is huge compared to your closet"
"I'm like if you want to read, you better accept the read in whatever state that I'm in."
"We don't need a space in our home that is dedicated to things that we wish we would be doing."
"We found a place that we could really call home."
"Welcome to my spiritual dojo, namaste friends."
"The best gift you can give me is going away. Leave me alone, thanks."
"Making sure my camera is covered because I do not want to be on camera right now."
"Women don't generally want to invite you into their hobbies when you're dating on a long-term basis."
"My right to swing my arm stops at the contours of someone else's face."
"If you're still disrespecting your child, not giving them the space they need, or you know giving them your trust, it's all for naught."
"If you said it once or twice and he didn't do it, back up, back up, and let him find his way."
"Just get out whatever it takes. You need space."
"Make an altar, have your candles, your sage, a sacred space just for you."
"Don't be over there hogging up all my good tools now."
"Respect for a player's personal space includes both the physical space around someone and their possessions."
"Decorate your dwelling space with things that you feel so lucky, blessed, and grateful to have."
"You can never go wrong with the hovering hand."
"Wait till you're in the shower or if you're alone in your car."
"Give her time and space. Allow her to be angry. Allow her to be triggered. Don't try to fix it. It will only make it worse."
"Thanks for coming by and visiting my magical loft. I hope it's inspiring you to dream a little in your space."
"Some of us have to share showers, John. Some of us have to put a glove on."
"Have your own life outside of your relationship."
"It is not an okay or normal thing to be monitoring how much time your partner spends in the bathroom."
"Why in the world was the fiancee's uncle allowed to go into her apartment?"
"We need a private life. We need secrets. We need to have an internal life that belongs to no one but ourselves."
"Could you imagine this? Like you just pick a certain handrail in the school. This is my rail. My rail. Don't touch it, Greg!"
"You actually want to use a powerful tool to get your ex back: back off completely."
"Our tension lives inside of a space that usually is me not having afforded her a chance to fully breathe."
"I've never been more excited to see all my favorite tools on display for easy grabbing."
"This little She Shack is going to serve me so well in all my upcoming DIY projects."
"Leave room for error... both physically and emotionally."
"Let me finish it real quickly, hey hey let me live."
"You're on because you're just dancing, yeah, and no one bothers me and it's [ __ ] swim, did you ever have an experience where a guy would try to grab you?"
"I don't want her to take deep breaths and keep pushing me out of her abdomen."
"They want to come to your house or want you to theirs."
"I like having friends I just need a lot of time to balance out the social stuff."
"Reduce external disturbances. Your nightly routine should be a personal sanctuary."
"I'm gonna turn my basement into the best room in any house that I've ever been in."
"Explore your options and take some space and some time to clear your head."
"Is it so bad to want a bit of your own space and a bit of green?"
"Wow, this is turning into a really nice space."
"I'm an over human being like everybody else, you know I don't show up to everybody else's house or their jobs if I'm a fan of them."
"But yeah that's it, I hope you guys enjoyed seeing my room, I'm so proud of this room, I feel like I waited so long for this and I feel like I worked really hard to get it, so I'm just very proud of it."
"Hands to yourself. Back the [ __ ] up. Not everybody wants to be hugged."
"It's like, whenever someone came over, I felt like I don't know if I, I feel like I just ended up not sitting in my room most of the time."
"I just need it for my peace of mind, so here we are, I'm moving into a brand new notebook."
"Be at home. Give yourself permission to do what brings you joy."
"I will take my space whether you like it or not."
"Analyse the situation, analyze why you took space in the first place, and analyze if you could live with the reason why you took space."
"We're gonna turn this bedroom into a huge gymnastics room so basically all she's going to be able to do is do gymnastics and sleep."
"When was the last time you fully became immersed in what you were doing? Realize that this is your house when you say leave me alone, you need to embody that."
"I love the warmth that this room has... at the end of the day, this is really Tan and Rob's bathroom."
"I just need a place to stretch my legs it's so cramped here I can't run."
"We do have to honor our needs and someone else's and create the space in us and in the relationship for both."
"I knew that he had a girlfriend that he was visiting and he would just put padlocks on that door."
"It just feels like a little sanctuary, like a little quiet space."
"Give your partner space and take space for yourself."
"Really the moral of today's story is Mind ya business, Stop being so quick to judge, Keep ya damn hands to yourself, Stop touchin' black women's hair period."
"Clearing this beautiful space for you to build this beautiful new house."
"Bro, I'm not trying to do this right now. I'm hanging out with my friend. I'm having a good time. This is recess, this is supposed to be my break from the nonsense."
"I'mma walk in every room I'm supposed to be in."
"Like laura loads of questions. Yeah, and then I ask you those questions. Yeah, I don't think there's enough room for both of us here."
"Keep your droplets out of my mucous membranes."
"Each room and I had a big blanket on top of me. So all good."
"It's literally just me kind of like focusing on my emotional state... I'm gonna let my team take this one."
"Amy goes 'I'm sick of being treated like a child, I've been chasing two kids around all day and no one's helping me, I need a break too.'"
"I promise you guys I'm gonna make this room look cool, I just haven't literally had a chance to leave the house or go to Ikea or make things cool in here."
"Getting a new place for me that will be my own and I can edit and film wherever I want to."
"What ultimately makes me mad... is that people are now working overtime to create personal bubbles."
"This will be a very spiritual year for you, organizing your own space in your own practice."
"To sit directly next to someone when you don't have to is obviously creepy and weird."
"Every time you walk into this room, it's just peaceful and calm."
"I like it when you like me, but at the same time, I don't want you to [__] properly be all over me constantly."
"The word 'home' means somewhere where I can be myself."
"I love the way that it just feels like an apartment in here."
"We're moving upstairs again to the third floor and this landing area is sort of an office so I have a desk over here and a plant and another fireplace."
"I never wanted this. Now, do you love me enough to respect this and leave?"
"If I was playing GTA and my house was in the game, walking around my own house, taking virtual dumps in my grandma's house, I'd find that strange."
"Function first: Make sure your space is comfortable and relaxing, and that it works for you."
"It's only when you can behave and choose and explore without judgmental eyes being cast upon you that's really the realm in which dissent and creativity and exploration exclusively reside."
"People need their own space, don't try to control them."
"I'm happiest on a day when it's raining and I have six books to go through and they're by the fireplace and they're Shady by my feet and I'm got a blanket I'm happiest cocooning with myself."
"So maybe if y'all can chill the hell out for a second, then maybe I can focus on some shit y'know?!"
"Sound beaming audio: Now you can fade away into your own personal sound bubble."
"They got each other and now they're gonna walk through life and always be like, 'No, see, they need time alone.'"
"I apologize for disappearing on you all, but I'm really grateful and appreciative of you all for giving me the space that I needed."
"I'm not into this, I don't want my bum touched."
"Thank you for the basement, it's been healing me every step of the way."
"Everybody's pushing each other out of the way, dude. Move, move, get through, get through, get through!"