
Self-validation Quotes

There are 553 quotes

"What you're talking about is resilience...to get to the place where you can validate your own experience and not need that external validation." - Jazz Robbins
"If you don't get in, okay, like move on, please. Your life is not validated by an institution."
"You're finding that validation within yourself which is giving you strength."
"It was really a wake-up call for me to learn that I don't need the validation of others to be happy and fulfilled."
"Validation doesn't need to come from your friends; it should come from you too."
"Learning to validate yourself will maximize your independence and allow you to grow your self-love."
"Don't gaslight yourself out of your own pain. Don't talk yourself out of feeling how bad that pain is."
"If no one's validation meant anything to you, what would you actually be working on?"
"You're letting go of the need to constantly get validation from other people. You're starting to realize that I don't want to people please anymore."
"Extraordinary minds do not need to seek validation from outside opinions or through the attainment of goals; instead, they are truly at peace with themselves and the world around them."
"I don't care if the whole world can sing your praises and tell you that what you do is great, but until you truly believe that, it's almost like it doesn't hold."
"Each and every day, don't wait until someone validates that for you because you're going to have an existential crisis once they stop."
"No everything is found within you, and you have to validate that for yourself each and every day."
"A big part of health, if not the whole part of it, is when you're able to validate yourself, when you don't need it from anyone else."
"Expecting others to supply me with my own self-validation wasn't manly at all, and that the manliest thing I could do was validate others, see things from their perspective, and not assume I knew the right answer to every question."
"Stop seeking permission and validation; you are good enough."
"If you base your validation off of other people... it's the most freeing thing when you acknowledge that not everybody is going to like you in the world."
"You don't need to be validated ever in your life. I get my validation from within."
"Importance of validating the self and taking a personal inventory of the kindness and the energy that you have given out into the world."
"Comparison-free self-validation is the way to feel confident without being cocky."
"When you become your own source of validation, you won't accept disrespect or undervalue yourself."
"You can't convince yourself you're enough by just telling yourself you're enough. Your brain works on evidence, which is action."
"True self-confidence is the only form of validation that we need, and true self-confidence is something that grows on the inside, not online."
"You don't need to be validated by others to work on yourself authentically."
"Stop trying to prove people wrong and start trying to prove yourself right."
"You need to be your own source of validation."
"It's all about that mental toughness, how tough are you, how strong are you, prove it to yourself."
"You have to give yourself those things you want validation, you want to be cheered for, give it to yourself."
"The only approval I really look for is my own."
"We struggle to believe that what we think and feel is valid."
"Seeing that you were doing it at the same time as me genuinely felt like I was so on the right path."
"You need to quit waiting for white validation and you need to stand up in righteousness and validate yourself."
"I just wanted to prove to myself that I could."
"Recognizing that I've earned that and that's how I keep myself motivated."
"It's a lot less about proving the haters wrong and it's more about proving myself right."
"In this lifetime, you don't have to prove nothing to nobody except yourself."
"There's really no one else that you have to prove that to if you feel this way."
"Just know that I'm valid and you are valid and anybody else in this situation is valid."
"Super validating for my 15-year-old self... kind of a nice experience."
"Your words are just as valid in an empty room."
"Conspiracy theorists tend to predict every possible outcome and then claim they knew it all along."
"You have nothing to prove to anybody except yourself."
"Your own boundaries are valid, end of story."
"The biggest thing in life that you have to do is you have to be proud of yourselves."
"Not needing a single gram of romantic or intimate validation from anyone is so cool."
"A rise in your own sense of self and your own worthiness."
"Move away from looking to others for validation, finding your value within yourself."
"We're not originally and still probably driven by wanting to feel special, loved, validated."
"I just decided I had to separate myself from that need for external validation."
"I don't want numbers to be what define me or what people tie my value to or how I have self-validation or self-worth that kind of stuff for me."
"You're waiting for someone else to say you're worthy... it all starts with how you validate yourself."
"Validate yourself, don't seek it externally."
"If nobody else wants to validate me, I'm gonna continue validating myself. That's Point Blank period."
"I'm telling you right now, you matter and don't ever forget that."
"Stay true to yourself, enforce boundaries, and let go of the need for validation from others."
"Validate yourself before seeking validation from others."
"Above all, remember that your life is valid, no matter where you are right now, you'll find a way forward."
"Celebrate who you are celebrate your essence be bold be creative love you love you more than the need for the approval of others love you more than the need for others to validate you you validate you."
"You're not looking for that validation or that trophy, you just like your game. I'm just so happy."
"A man doesn't give into his peer pressures he doesn't seek validation or approval from others."
"It's stuff like this that kind of helps you reinforce that like, oh, maybe I am doing something right for once."
"Your amazingness is now about to be validated, seen, recognized."
"You have to give yourself those things you want validation. Give it to yourself."
"I wasn't trying to prove anyone wrong I was just trying to prove myself right and what I always knew I wanted and needed and deserved is what I have now."
"There is nothing external to you that can validate you or improve you. Of course, there is symbiosis."
"Don't wait for someone else's approval or someone to be proud of you. Are you proud of yourself? If yes, then that's all that matters."
"What you validate yourself with deep in your heart is what others want from you."
"Validation will you validate yourself with deep in your heart is what others want from you."
"I'm in the process of healing and I'm going to prove a lot of people wrong, I'm going to prove myself right."
"The fact that it worked validated this sort of movement for myself to just continue to try finding my authentic self."
"I love hearing that I'm right. It makes me happy. Karina, you're so right. Oh my god, thank you, I'm right!"
"This next level will not come from a committee's approval. You're going to have to step in crazy faith, knowing that you are verified by God."
"I wasn't the stereotypical definition of a pick me, but I was seeking out validation from other people."
"They don't need the validation; you should do it yourself."
"I felt like that was a drug that my heart really needed to feel validation."
"You must develop non-neediness because you realize that validation, approval, worthiness, and love already exist inside of you."
"Tell me that wasn't sick and you'd be lying to yourselves."
"We keep getting overwhelming confirmation that we was right."
"The real power move is in learning how to validate yourself, to see your own worth, and to have your own back regardless of what the people in the room or that you're in relationship with think or say or feel."
"You know you've got it if it makes you feel good."
"You don't owe anyone an explanation for your pain."
"Social media perpetuates... to look outside instead of inside for validation."
"He didn't have the need to have a shelf full of awards to feel validated."
"My whole life, people have told me I was dumb, I wasn't gonna amount to anything. Proving them wrong felt great, you know?"
"We do these things so that someone sees us or acknowledges my opinion and to avoid the pain that once was."
"Allow any looking back that might arise to be validating of the growth you've been through."
"Stop waiting for the masses to validate you."
"Don't wait for someone else's acknowledgment. Give yourself acknowledgment."
"The most powerful moment isn't necessarily when you're going to get the award, it's when you decide you're going to do something."
"Detachment from external validation fosters genuine self-empowerment."
"You have to prove it to yourself with small wins."
"Don't be looking for man's applause when God has already approved you in private."
"One of the most important lessons a person can learn in adult life is that validation is only something you can give yourself."
"I had to really push hard to prove that I was okay."
"I needed to stop seeking validation from people. I needed to know that everybody's feelings are in consideration."
"Validation starts within, not the external view of what everybody else thinks."
"They don't need a trophy to be validated; they were able to do that all on their own."
"I finally got the validation that I needed and now I'm like okay, I'm gonna bounce."
"You are valid and most importantly you are not alone."
"Whatever S needs to do or not do to feel comfortable in their skin is valid, as stopping testosterone and opting not to get Top surgery doesn't invalidate their identity."
"No matter what else today brings or doesn't bring you, you did something today you can be proud of."
"All the validation that I need I have from myself, from my guides, from God, from the universe."
"Nobody else gets to decide whether I am good enough nothing can stop my drive and my work ethic."
"The value of being authentic goes above that of not causing tension and getting validation."
"You're not working for anybody's validation because you validate yourself."
"You proved your medal to yourself. You got everything in front of you. Take it and run with it."
"Self-love is about not having to be liked or approved of—it's like I already am."
"When you are free of validation, you are really free."
"Who originally told her that she couldn't? Who is it that she is trying so desperately to prove wrong?"
"All the praise in the world means nothing if you don't feel it inside."
"Last year wasn't a mistake, so I'm gonna show you that last year wasn't a mistake."
"Anyone and everyone loses their power over you because you truly don't care about anybody else's affirmation or approval."
"I always say it's not necessarily about proving them wrong it's about proving yourself awesome."
"I want to show you guys is that you literally have to prove nothing to no one except for yourself."
"You're never going to get credit from people who don't want to give you credit there is no point fighting for validation of people that you don't know validate yourself."
"I just want to make sure I did a good job, it matters to me if you like what I do."
"Stop trying to find the love outside of you to validate the love within you."
"You kept trying to prove how good you are to people who didn't even care."
"She doesn't need to redeem anything. This is very impressive anyway."
"I didn't want outside validation to make me feel successful. I would rather feel good about what I'm doing."
"Validate Your Experiences, Honor Your Strength."
"I don't feel a need to be validated by white or black."
"When a woman craves validation, that's a wonderful thing. But there are too many of us who are not comfortable saying no because there's that fear of lacking that validation, lacking that approval." - Jesse Thompson
"You do not need to do things to validate yourself to other people."
"The only praise that necessarily matters is the praise that you can throw upon yourself."
"Stop relying on others for validation, validate yourself."
"Take the win! If you walk away from a piece going 'I think I did really good,' don't even invite somebody else in to tell you that you didn't. Take the win!"
"What I don't do is I don't need approval. There's a big difference between wanting approval and needing it."
"People don't realize how much they seek for outward validation."
"Who I am is enough, I don't need anything that you have to validate me."
"Even when you're not feeling remarkable, you're literally not moving from your bed, you simply being honest and living in your truth, that's power right there."
"Don't let nobody make you feel guilty about it. Applaud yourself for having the wisdom to have done it."
"People don't validate me to make me feel good. I validate me."
"You divine feminine receive the entirety of your validation and confirmation from within."
"The key is self-validation, focusing on things that you have control over."
"You do not build self-confidence by shouting affirmations in the mirror. You build it by having a stack of undeniable proof that you are who you say you are."
"People who don't respect what you're doing have freed you from the burden of having to please them, right?"
"Keep giving that love to you, because you're on the right track if that's the case."
"You're achieving, okay? You're not wasting your time."
"I'm only here because I work hard and I'm nice to people. I was like I'm gonna prove myself, I'm gonna make sure people know I deserve to be here."
"Validation from within frees you from being owned by others."
"My why at the time was the biggest thing I used to do wrong, my why was to prove everybody wrong. Now my why is to prove myself right."
"If you love something and you've really enjoyed doing it and you're good at it as well which is always a bonus, then you should pursue it."
"Believe in him or herself, you know, and the experience that he or she is going through."
"Self-validation is the deepest part of addiction management."
"As an artist, you want to keep proving it to yourself."
"If LeBron is going through this, maybe it's not meant for us to be seeking the approval of other people."
"It's almost sound like what you're saying is the happiness that I'm getting from it is maybe more important than my ability to actually confirm it to be the case for myself."
"Your choices mean something even without validation."
"Literally anything that you want, you don't need anyone else's validation, just your own."
"Trusting your own judgment and using your own internal validation system is so much healthier."
"Validate yourself, your reality, and what you experienced."
"You've proven yourself, not to the rest of the critical world, but you've proven yourself to you. And that is what matters."
"I'm glad I did it mainly because it proved to myself that I could stick to it."
"My feelings are valid, no matter how much harassment I've received."
"Success takes place in many forms. Accomplishing your goals, that's success right there."
"You don't need anybody else's validation to be who you are. Your heart is your guidepost."
"Something is going to be confirmed to you through your own success."
"We have nothing to prove to anyone except ourselves."
"If you beat really good guys, you're proving yourself to be really good."
"You don't need validation or approval from anyone."
"Validation should come from yourself, not from others."
"So if I've ever helped you in any way just let me know because that really means a lot to me and I like to I like I like to be selfish and I like to know how I've helped people because it makes me feel good to be honest."
"Seek validation within; the key to unfettered tranquility lies in self-approval."
"Your feelings are valid, your opinion is valid, I believe you."
"I started to value vulnerability, authenticity over validation, and that changed everything."
"If you're motivated to find like-minded people, you're probably not crazy."
"Merely claiming to debunk my arguments doesn't make you my peer, it just makes you another pick me."
"Try not to dismiss your feelings okay try not to think that your feelings are stupid because your feelings aren't stupid your feelings have meaning and that needs to be understood."
"You don't have to be validated by anyone else."
"Don't wait for external validation to pour into you as the only thing. Find your own strength and celebrate your journey."
"The only person you're proving that to, gemini, is yourself."
"You're just as valid as literally everybody."
"If you have a strong sense of self-worth, you don't need validation from the internet."
"Stop trying to prove everybody else wrong. All you have to do is just prove to yourself, and you can do it."
"Long Aurora proving herself to be more than capable."
"It feels good to prove something to yourself."
"You don't have to be successful to prove anything to anyone. The only person you have to prove anything to is yourself."
"You do not need other people's validation, just continue being you."
"The only person you have to prove anything to is yourself."
"You keep building from a place of love, you pat yourself on the back and keep going."
"Stop looking for validation outside and look inside."
"You don't give too much power to external sources of validation because they put you down."
"If this person doesn't have the capacity to love in the way that you do, then why are you valuing their opinion over yours?"
"Chiron is teaching y'all is to understand that to validate yourself. Don't look outwardly for the validation."
"Astrology can be self-validating where you learn about your moon sign and your sun sign and only you can verify what it means for you."
"Everybody's always going to have an opinion... does it make you feel fly and sexy? Thank you, that's all that matters."
"All the confidence should come from within and not external validation."
"I had a lot to prove to myself and to other people."
"Self-esteem, self-confidence, self-acceptance are not produced from other people."
"Your self-worth is not defined by anyone or anything else outside of you but yourself."
"We don't need the world to validate us the world doesn't validate me I validate myself"
"But the truth is I don't, I don't need these things or these people to be happy to feel fulfilled within to feel validated enough or to feel wanted or worthy I can just choose to be happy right now I have the choice."
"You never needed their validation."
"The only person I had to prove anything to was myself."
"You should not invalidate yourself for feeling it; you just allow yourself to mourn it."
"You are not waiting for physical reality to validate something you don't think you are."
"You have a strong work ethic but don't seek validation from others."
"I'm at that stage in my life where I don't have anything to prove to anybody except to myself."
"What's the biggest lesson you've learned this year? It doesn't matter what anybody else thinks. It really doesn't."