
Hunger Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"When you miss sleep, your body becomes insulin resistant... and it actually makes you hungrier by increasing this hunger hormone called ghrelin."
"The fastest way to end hunger in the world is to educate young girls in rural villages."
"The number one reason people fail on diets is hunger."
"We can't expect students to be successful in school if they're hungry while they're here."
"It hurts to know that a child my daughter's age, who's only five, is actually hungry."
"I think these are symptoms of a deeper hunger for purpose and meaning in our country."
"If you're not hungry enough to eat an apple, you're not that damn hungry."
"The color combination of red and yellow actually makes you feel hungry."
"We wouldn't need a charity like Feeding America if legislation was passed to make it a right for the hungry to be fed."
"Greatness is born hungry, and it's never satisfied."
"80% of the hungriest people on Earth are in Gaza."
"Your passion for the Lord, your hunger awakens."
"Food waste and hunger are connected. 30 to 40% of food in the US is wasted."
"Oh my God, bro, my phone's dead, I'm hungry, I have no food in the house."
"A global shift towards a plant-based diet... could effectively wipe out hunger."
"Water is one of the six nutrients that the body needs, and when we're dehydrated, it also mimics the signs of hunger."
"The way you satisfy your hunger primarily is by filling up your stomach."
"You're going to design foods that make people hungry more often, and that's exactly what processed food does."
"Babies are literally and children are literally dying of hunger in Afghanistan, and nobody outside is really watching anymore."
"I've experienced loss, I've experienced sadness in my life, but I didn't know the desperation that comes with hunger."
"I see enormous pain in this country... folks out of work, folks going hungry... folks trying to figure out how to keep their jobs and take care of their children."
"This is Revival. It isn't hype; it's ordinary people who are hungry."
"Sponsor effect: hunger. How did he know that was my favorite?"
"If you're watching this video hungry, I'ma suggest you go and find something to eat and then you come back."
"The most glaring and obvious theme throughout wano is that of hunger."
"By taking these classes of foods out of your diet, you actually experience hunger instead of experiencing cravings."
"Global hunger: the worldwide addition. People may be almost 265 million people by the end of this year could be facing acute hunger."
"The truth is Adam and Eve probably grabbed that apple because they were fucking starving, and it was the first tree they saw."
"There's nothing wrong with being hungry every now and then."
"America is teetering on the edge of a precipice at the moment because if people can't eat, that's when social unrest happens."
"They fight like they're hungry, they fight like there's one meal in the middle of the ring."
"Hunger must be understood as a human-made problem."
"The change in him is exemplified at the end when he's not even hungry anymore."
"Are you hungry? Yes, I am. Are you tired? No, I'm not."
"Feeding grain to animals creates hunger on the planet."
"All those little mandible wiggles, he's hungry."
"Hunger is the best sauce, makes salad taste real good."
"You can always tell that it's the right time to play Project Zomboid when you're feeling desperately hungry in real life."
"Peaceful non-violent revolution can be hard work and can really make a person hungry."
"Most of us bust into the chips on the car ride home from the grocery store when really hungry."
"I'm not going to lie, can I get some more food?"
"Starvation is no joke, one of the worst pains that you can kind of feel, especially when you transition between starvation and actually craving."
"I need a feast I need a appetizer I need a entree I need a dessert I need everything right now the way I'm feeling."
"Listen to your body. If you're hungry, please eat."
"That food has such a good flop to it like you can see the weight of like the meat and like the little like the physics of everything yeah so hungry."
"It's more than hunger, it's an obsession to win."
"Extreme hunger is a clearly defined phenomenon."
"What matters is when people can't eat, people get mad. That's it."
"It's about showing love - it's not all about just you being hungry."
"Edible paint: solving the starving artist problem."
"Everything tastes good when you're starving."
"If you could eat plain meat or an egg, you're hungry. That's just what it feels like."
"I needed a break from Dimitri and Ashley. You must be starving. Sit down, eat something. You're safe here," Josh said towards the three of them.
"I'm gonna stream only for a little bit longer guys I'm getting hungry."
"So long as capitalism is allowed to survive we have no hope of solving world hunger."
"No one wants to be in a society where the majority of people can't eat."
"If you live by the flesh you will die, if you live by the spirit you will live."
"Welcome to Broly Gaines, and I'm hungry, man. Late-night edition."
"Ending hunger in our lifetime is within our grasp."
"If we want to be successful in addressing poverty, hunger, malnutrition, we have to work with women."
"I'm satisfied. I'm the most content hungry person you'll ever meet in your life." - Gary Vee
"People associate hunger with homelessness. Homelessness is definitely ground zero for hunger, food insecurity, but the majority of people who actually suffer from food insecurity are the people who barely live above the poverty line."
"We're trying to combat hunger by using technology, technology has helped shape our lives, technology is here to stay."
"Sometimes, a growling stomach leads to unexpected encounters."
"If we can make sure people aren't hungry... weight loss really is not that difficult."
"The absence of hunger actually revealed something that wasn't right."
"There is nothing intuitive about denying your body food when it's begging to be fed."
"Honor your hunger. Yes, this means that when you're hungry, don't feel guilty, don't feel bad..."
"High levels of insulin will also make you more hungry because if you experience lack... now your body is desperately going to try to make you eat more."
"There is a difference between being offended and disgusted that there are children in the world who have not eaten today."
"Hunger is the number one killer in the world."
"The people are the root of the country and their hunger is no small matter."
"An empty stomach can make a human being do just about anything. It can destroy people, families, cities, and entire civilizations."
"Damn, y'all, hurry up, I'm starving. See, even Larry little small and hunger."
"Starvation should never happen and the famine does not have to happen."
"I'm tired. You hungry? After all of that [___], I can definitely eat."
"God can't ignore a cry, God can't ignore a shout. God is saying who's hungry, who's hungry."
"Mom, can I have an ice cream? I'm really hungry."
"Create within them this awesome, holy, dissatisfaction with where they are and a hunger to know you in a deeper way than ever before."
"Right now nature power turned into swept you know I'm really hungry - I'm like salivating by the mouth over here."
"Someone's hangry. That's Grif's secret. He's always hangry."
"In the seventh richest country in the world, no one should be going hungry."
"Fast food is such a waste of money and you'll be hungry again in two hours anyway."
"You have no idea what God can do through your life when you have a hungry heart."
"Children shouldn't be going hungry in the United States."
"Civilization is just several meals away from ending. If people are hungry, then things can change quite drastically."
"When you skip a meal, you kind of get this biting feeling."
"How sad would it be to end this video and I just... go to bed hungry."
"Everyone is just three missed meals away from a revolution."
"It's kind of like a Snickers commercial: you're just not you when you're hungry."
"I strongly believe that hungry is much much more than generous that I will be able at the bornavirus so one percent sure that people get food."
"It's amazing how hungry people are for God's healing."
"All diets fail at six months because people cannot go forever being hungry. Nobody can read the starvation studies. People cannot deprive themselves of food."
"Just made some breakfast, finally like really hungry."
"If you have not, like he said, hit that subscribe button, no time to really grind because I'm hungry time to cry."
"If you're not hungry enough to eat vegetables, you're probably not hungry."
"Every bitter thing becomes sweet to a hungry soul."
"We witnessed the desperation story of a society accustomed to hunger."
"I had one of those no-name brand chicken noodle soups to help get over a cold and I was left more hungry after having the whole package."
"If you aren't starving, if you're not hungry, you're halfway to reach your goals."
"Hunger will make you do some amazing and incredible things if you let it."
"I think I need a t-shirt that says 'always hangry.'"
"This is a simple one: Do you want kids to be hungry or not?"
"That's why today when i hear that children are hungry like i get so devastated that our country can't solve childhood hunger they can't do anything about it."
"I'm starving so I put in an order at one of the restaurants."
"Cravings are usually motivated or driven by emotion or context. Hunger is totally different and hunger feels much more primitive, much more driving."
"One who is full loathes honey, but to one who is hungry everything bitter is sweet." - Proverbs 27:7
"I hadn't eaten all day since I've been working constantly... after about an hour of work at the store."
"You just hardly eat. I said I eat because I'm hungry and I eat what my body tells me to eat."
"Oh man, I'm really hungry, like really hungry, my needs to eat you know, go microwave some eggs sounds like fun."
"Ketosis stops hunger because your blood sugar is relatively low and flat but it's flat and you're burning fat you got plenty of fuel and you don't feel hungry."
"Starvation is my current adversary, I hope assistance comes soon."
"You think you're hungry, girl you're really just thirsty."
"I'm super hungry right now, and they use that emoji."
"Nobody can talk to a hungry man except in terms of food."
"Yo, I need some food, I need some food, give me that bread, give me that bread."
"He's so starving. Oh, panini's gone, coffee's ready."
"American children and American people are starving, the child tax credit is in order."
"Hunger is a very difficult and very motivating force in a survival situation."
"I was just so hungry I could not be bothered to like have coffee with this."
"Hunger leads people to desperate, terrible places."
"A ketone goes up into the brain and it turns off the hunger hormone."
"That's just my satiety signal telling me I'm full, I'm not really nauseated."
"Poor dude doesn't have a stomach, he is always hungry."
"Nothing starts a revolution faster than hungry people and starving children."
"Honestly, I'm here, you ready? I'm honestly starving, so let's do it."
"You gotta live like this fire up your backside, you gotta work like you're hungry."
"I'm starving now. Yeah, and I'm not joking, bro. I'm literally starving."
"That program looks every bit as hungry as they did last year."
"I'm so hungry, I'm going to inhale this roast that my mother has done."
"It's the hunger that's driving me to move, so the whole idea of doing something exceptionally physical when you're fasted just makes complete evolutionary sense."
"Coming to IKEA hungry is one of the worst things you can do."
"Reba's dedication to tackling food insecurity and hunger shows just how determined she is to make life better for people in need."
"No one should go hungry or struggle to feed their family."
"Hunger is very often a conditioned response."
"Do you have an open heart and an empty stomach? I do. Are you willing to learn? I'm willing to eat. Hey, that's good enough for me, I'll take what I can get."
"It's very important to find other things to distract you from food because you're going to lose that sense of hunger."
"Can we go eat please? Let's go eat."
"Always be that wolf climbing the hill, always hungry for more."
"Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!"
"The wolf on the hill is never as hungry as the wolf climbing the hill."
"I need the world to know that the hungry places exist."
"I'm super excited, I'm super hungry."
"This summer six million people will tether themselves together to fight hunger in the United States."
"Thank you for all of your help; let's go get some food, I'm hungry."
"I will always honor my body's hunger and cravings."
"Oh my god, I am so ready for this; I'm starving."
"Hunger actually comes in waves, and when people know that, they can plan for it."
"I was just hungry, those times that I knew I wanted to make it, but I knew it also took work."
"He developed an experiment to create a plant so revolutionary that it would end starvation forever."
"I'm done 7-Eleven forever and I'm so hungry, I'm actually about to eat this in my head."
"You weren't the only one worried that I'd go hungry."
"Everything's free, what do you mean I haven't been eating anything?"
"Starvation in the United States and around the world is one of the problems that we actually can solve."
"Better. You're not you when you're hungry. Snickers satisfies."
"Exercise can also help us to regulate our hunger and satiety signals."
"It's one thing to be hungry, it's another thing when you're starving for greatness and starving for success."
"I'm hungry, but if you want to try cursing someone, you can."
"I'm starving, man. I haven't eaten all day."
"I'm hungry already, so I can't wait for this to be done."
"I'm a fat cat that's hungry, and that's a dangerous, dangerous man."
"If we all treated each other fairly, then nobody could go hungry, nobody could be thirsty, nobody could be without shelter."
"I'm ready for the food, okay, crazy person is hungry, bring all the snacks."
"Crazy person is hungry, bring all the snacks."
"We've been saying we're gonna get food for four hours, nine years."
"I'm just like my country, I'm young, scrappy, and hungry."
"The hunger for the Lord is a ridiculous, uncontrollable hunger."
"I hope this hotel serves a substantial breakfast; I'm starving," said Edna.
"I wanted fresh food. I was really hungry."
"I'm hungry, I'm tired, I'm on my period, so that means it's time to go the [__] to eat, period."
"When a man prays, it means his soul is hungry for God and God alone."
"I think that everything that you're talking about right now really speaks to how the public has a hunger for things that are real and things that are authentic."
"As soon as they're done with their meals, they're instantly craving more."
"I'm always hungry, but I can do it now; I can get food, and it makes me more. I know what I can do."
"People want transformation, they're starving for it."
"He's hungry for it, that's right."
"Guys, I'm going to be honest with you. I don't know how much longer I can survive in here. I'm starving."
"I'm not even totally sure what exactly we're gonna eat, but we're gonna find the places that are popular, and I'm gonna share it all with you in this video, and I'm hungry."
"It is officially lunch and I'm like about to die I'm so hungry like not to be dramatic but I'm about to die."
"He was daryl royal reincarnated. Hungry doesn't begin to describe it."
"Muscle is just the big hungry tissue."
"It takes God to want God. It takes God to desire after Him, and so hunger is something that He imparts to you, but first we must draw near to Him."
"I haven't had anything yet, how can I have some more of nothing? You're killing me, Smalls."
"I'm not even hungry anymore, I just kind of want to hang out with you guys and talk."
"He was so pissed off from hunger, he was like, 'He [ __ ] snakes, bastards!'"
"I'm so hungry, I'd eat a horse. Like, I'm a man of my word, I'd [ __ ] stand behind that."
"I'm starving. Man, I hate those things Coach Carr makes us eat, those bars"
"I didn't starve and I'm looking forward to doing the next challenge."
"I'm really [__] hungry. Oh, same. Yeah, and I want to impress you with how much I can eat as well, 'cause I can eat a lot."
"It says here the birds are hungry."
"Artificial sugars can increase insulin production and ultimately make us hungrier."
"Food on top because hiker hunger is real, it is absolutely real."
"You see, it looks like I was a little bit hungry and it wants to eat this illustration."
"Kobe's hunger was just different than all the other greats."
"At least we have food though if I have any food I might actually throw up but I'm really hungry so I'm gonna eat food"
"It's now a few hours later. I'm hungry now, so I'm going to make some blueberry pancakes."
"And that tells us that there's hormone or endocrine signals that are involved in the desire to eat, and hunger and appetite."
"For dinner I had like 800 and something calories at the Starbucks and I'm already starving."
"So in my field of research, hunger is actually defined as the drive to consume in response to a biological need."
"They always bring in that hunger, don't they?"