
Value Creation Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Success in the online world is not just about getting lucky with a crypto coin; it's about real work and providing value."
"Become a massive value provider... you have to train yourself in some way where you will provide an inordinate, disproportionate amount of value compared to everybody else."
"Value taming gives value. It's contagious in this world of entrepreneurs."
"Money is a byproduct of the value that you provide. The value that you provide should be something you're proud of, something that you care about."
"Entrepreneurship is this idea that we want to create value for others, that we want to take a little bit of a creative risk, that we want to do something that represents self-expression."
"The truth is that there's value to be made at every level."
"If someone creates a life-saving vaccine then we can say with some certainty that they're adding value."
"Money is created as a result of providing value."
"Why would you bet on Goliath when we've got David? Value given is contagious in this world of entrepreneurs."
"Deep learning is creating a lot of value and will keep creating a lot of value."
"It must be something that you are passionate about... something that you can really see that this will have an impact, that this will really create value."
"When team members understand the power of creating value, it transforms not just workplaces but communities and lives."
"It's not just about the number; it's about the whole thing and creating value."
"There is little that can equate to the satisfaction accrued from creating value from seemingly nothing."
"Are you creating any value? What's the value you are providing to your community?"
"Create more value... Can I provide them a certain service? Can I create certain tools?"
"The more value you create for more people, the more money you will have."
"Your ability to buy a console is literally relying on if you're somebody that can't wait on day zero to spam refresh the page. It means you're literally hoping that a scalper was able to buy it and then you could purchase it from them, in which case there's some value created there for you."
"As you sow, you shall reap. When you create value that's going to benefit somebody in the short term and long term, you're multiplying the value that you put out."
"Provide massive value to mankind. This is part of living a good life and finding your life purpose."
"Focus on self-reliance, on independence, focus on creating massive value for the world through your life purpose."
"If the baker and the carpenter were to come together and decide to trade one loaf of bread for one chair...everyone walks away with more value than they had before."
"The way you become successful is by adding value, not adding effort."
"Creating value generates so much more than just wealth; it creates meaningful experiences, deep connections, authentic transformations, and so much more."
"Building your dream life while working a nine to five is about learning what our value is to other people and providing some sort of value to others."
"Your value is not determined by the amount of girls you can get; your value is determined by how much value do you create for the world."
"Profit is an indication that a person has provided more value to others than he has asked for in exchange."
"One of the best things about the technology industry is that it's not zero-sum. We're building real value in the world, not just taking value from other companies."
"True passion doesn't come from us wanting things in a selfish way; it comes from us providing things of value and creating value in other people."
"Creating anything it's all about adding value. Where can you add value to something that's already existing?"
"It's important to be passionate but it's also to be passionate about creating value for the person who's going to receive or use or touch or watch or eat your product."
"Everything I do, everything I'm learning, can be translated into something of value."
"Wealthy people learn how to stop trading time for money. They start letting the money work for them and they learn how to give an immense amount of value to people."
"The entire purpose of the chemicals industry is to purchase a low-cost feedstock and convert it into a high-value product as efficiently as possible."
"Wealthy people do three things with their money: They stop trading time for money, they start making their money work for them, and they start giving value to people."
"Zoom has created a massive network, which will now undergo network effects. Therefore, the value goes exponential along with the use."
"The quickest way to make money is by creating value in something that is otherwise valueless."
"To provide amazing value to the world, you need to be able to create amazing things. To create amazing things, you have to be in love with what you're creating."
"Your ability to create value, whether you're the owner of the company or you work inside the company, is going to be determined by how good you are, not how many hours you put in."
"You need to create a business, and it's quite hard to make a business that genuinely provides value."
"We're going to just do the blocking and tackling, keep working, ignore the noise out there, and if we can deliver and customers like what we have, we're going to create a lot of value for everybody."
"Value creators are the people that earn with their mind, not their time."
"Becoming a value creator is a very viable and purposeful career path."
"Every single business creates something of value for other people. If you're not creating something of value, you have nothing to trade and therefore you don't have a business."
"Money earned is a byproduct of value creation."
"The marketplace doesn't care about our sobbing stories, our victim mentality, it doesn't even care how much experience we have or how many years we're in business. The marketplace only cares about value."
"If you want to earn more money, you have to create more value. Who do you create value for? You create value for customers."
"We don't get paid in direct proportion to the resources around us because it is our resourcefulness that turns things into resources."
"To secure our future and to prosper, we need to evolve our economic model, putting people and planets at the heart of global value creation."
"Value is hard to come by; a free society allows people to use their reason, their agency, and their abilities to create something out of nothing."
"Centralized ownership from decision makers is the most successful strategy that we've ever seen in capitalist societies for the creation of value for shareholders."
"Marketing is the science and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit."
"Place yourself where you make the most value for yourself and others, and that place is following what makes you passionate."
"If you make it sellable, then it actually sits as an asset on your personal net worth balance sheet and continues to provide cash flow."
"Ignore the market news, especially the financial market news. Focus on creating value for customers, that will, in the long run, drive the market up."
"Do something that's valuable for someone. You won't be there today, let's start working to acquire those skills."
"Money is a byproduct of value creation. Money is not something you chase; it comes to you when you focus on delivering value."
"Just try to be useful and make great products and services that people want and make their lives better."
"We focus on creating fire not flash and actually adding long-lasting value."
"Add value, don't look for anything in return."
"You have to create value and exchange it for money."
"Entrepreneurship is for everyone...you are an entrepreneur right now; you have value to provide and you provide it to some people, all you need to do is put that value on the internet or in front of people with a price tag on it and boom, you're an entrepreneur."
"Money creation should only be justified if there's also new goods and services being created."
"Money is a byproduct, and it's always going to be there as long as you're creating positive conditions for people to exist."
"The principal tasks of marketing is to create value for customers and to create value, you need an in-depth understanding of the market and the customers."
"Value is created when you make stuff in the world, when you write code, when you build companies, when you go to work."
"It's the human spirit that governments don't seem to understand...We want to be valuable; we want to create."
"If you're adding value to people's lives...you're doing something right."
"The way that money feels, the way that money acts is money wants to go to people that are adding value."
"If you can create a disruption where you have a meaningful increase in the potential value of the company...it's worth thinking about doing that on your own MasterCard on your own nickel."
"The more you help your clients grow their business, the more your own business will grow. Focus on creating value, and the rest will follow."
"If you just make a thing and people find value in it, then your business will work."
"Our money must support things that create value and support our values."
"Money is a proxy for the value we create in the world...but not all value is created equally."
"The whole idea behind making money is the more value that you can provide to the marketplace, the more money you're gonna make."
"Brand is the single most valuable thing that you can build in a business."
"Having a value offering is super super important for any channel that really hopes to thrive in the future."
"The most important thing is that that content is relevant to your audience and is providing some value."
"Pick a niche, be consistent, and provide value. It works when implemented correctly."
"Creating things that appreciate in value is the core of what business is. Business by definition is creating a system to accrue value for shareholders. A well-designed cryptocurrency accrues value for the people that own parts of it."
"You make money by doing the things that nobody wants to do who then turn out to have value."
"The more value you create for others the more expectation that people are gonna have for you."
"You make money by helping people and helping them solve their problems."
"Understanding what drives value helps you know what moves to make."
"How do you make somebody give you $100? You create $100 of value."
"Money is alchemy. Money is creating something out of nothing. It's transforming a microscopic piece of wood into a hundred dollar bill."
"Your job is to give value. Forget about receiving value. The only way you're gonna receive value is give value."
"Who can find the best ideas fastest and that creates all of the value."
"If I want to deliver value to the world, if I want to offer value as a human being that doesn't come through consumption it comes through production."
"Making money is really different than making money."
"It's almost like turning water into wine, it's the way that you're going to balance something, you turn something that is necessary but ordinary into something that is quite exquisite and sought after."
"If you're not adding value to the world then there's no point doing it."
"Building a stronger base and a stronger community is more valuable than just look how much money I'm making from brand deals."
"The mindset behind creating any funnel in any business is always adding value first."
"It's about making money and extracting value for the things that we're building."
"Promoting yourself is saying look at me, look at how great I am. Idea promotion is saying I made something I'm proud of, I hope it's valuable to you."
"If people are doing something valuable but there's no way for the community to reward them then there's an opportunity to improve our framework."
"To be a billionaire, you have to provide such immense value for the planet."
"You can't grow a successful business without first giving lots of value."
"Efficiency is where value is created in the current paradigm."
"Create a package, market a package, and then build value within yourself and around it."
"Whoever's bringing the most value always wins."
"Competition plays a good role in us bringing value."
"Whoever provides the most value, always wins."
"Companies compound in value more consistently."
"You can increase the amount of value you can put out."
"The rules are changing but the amount of value that will be created and the ability for an individual to express their Creative Vision, it's a great time."
"We must add value to what we have and take an interest in what we produce."
"99 of projects are trash. But in reality, there will be that one percent that deliver astronomical value."
"Wealth is attracted to value, not vision boards."
"Elon Musk has a great quote: 'You're paid in direct proportion to the difficulty of the problems you solve.'"
"Wealthy people do three things: they stop trading time for money, they make their money work for them, and they give as much value to people as they can."
"Success in your role is about creating tangible value for the company; prove your worth."
"The best way to do affiliate marketing is to add free value to people."
"Being helpful and adding value, especially for free, you're gonna make a hundred times more sales."
"The main thing that you need to focus on is providing value to your audience."
"The thing that makes that value is the story that you've attached to it."
"Primary focus should be on adding value, not just making money."
"If you give people so much value, they'll never leave you."
"Scarcity creates value. Being mysterious, unpredictable, and challenging to figure out causes women to become more interested in you, curious about you, value you more, respect you more, chase you more, and generally like you more."
"Profit is not related to the amount of time you spend; it's related to the amount of value you bring your customers."
"The solution is not to create more cash, it's to create more of what cash buys."
"Speculation would transform into an endeavor to add value to existing relationships."
"When you're providing value, that's when you need to start charging."
"There's a lot more options that are available to you if you just do valuable things."
"Money is a measurement for the amount of transformation you create."
"You seem very sweet and very soft, the type of person that I probably would offend at times."
"Provide the value, money is nothing but a byproduct of value creation."
"You get paid for the value that you provide, period."
"You need to add value and if you want to add value you have to remove pain."
"You need to do things to be able to make yourself more valuable to others so that you can help others more effectively."
"Wealth is the value that you create for someone other than you."
"Never forget in resource value creation is from the drill bit only."
"It's time you invested in something real, a platform that gives you real value, access to education, tools, resources that can help you reach your goals."
"If you want to be successful, do not seek success, seek to become a person of value."
"Ideas by itself have little value, you know everybody has different ideas but the real value of that is being able to execute."
"Identifying where you can pick up and create balance in that relationship makes you extremely valuable."
"Scarcity creates value, and that's the beauty of what no contact does."
"Look, just do what the hell you want in a way that provides massive value for others. If you can figure out how to monetize that and then scale it, you're going to be successful."
"Making money isn't the goal; it's about creating value for both parties."
"Making money on the internet is to provide value at scale because ultimately money is just an exchange of value."
"Be willing to offer your services for free to add value first."
"Forget about what you think, forget about what I think, what can bring somebody else value."
"You should look to see how can I add value, how can I be impactful, how can I change people's lives."
"If you want to make more money, give more value. If you want to achieve more respect, help more people."
"We offer more value than all these other channels because we're helping you guys actually change your life."
"Money is just simply the byproduct of how much value you deliver in the world."
"The bigger you grow, the more value you provide, the more money you can make."
"Believing in what you're doing is really delivering a lot of value for people."
"Conversion is assumed when you bring value to the audience."
"It's always been about providing value and giving."
"Congratulations, you have from nothing created wealth. That stick was worthless. You applied an abstract concept to it, congratulations, it is now valuable."
"If you only ever figure out how to create more value for other people, you will end up with more valuable yourself."
"Develop a mindset of giving. Money always follows value."
"You do not get paid for your time. You only get paid for the value that you're providing to the market."
"Money is a byproduct. Creating value. See what you can do for people and eventually you will make great money if that's what your goal is."
"This is the kind of content that people want to share and link to despite the fact that there's commercial value for the creator."
"Each Lego brick is valuable on its own, but seeing them put together is even more valuable."
"When you provide value to others, they will then make sure that you have a secure life."
"Ultimately, you've got to have value add to the people."
"Providing value for others rather than one person is going to be far more lucrative for you in the future."
"Playing to earn is the concept of being able to play a game and earn value." - Crypto Stash
"Value equals fundamental value plus community value."
"Entertainment is king at creating land value."
"The amount of money you make is in direct proportion to how much value you add to the world."
"So I think it starts out with figuring out a way of how you can provide value to that engineer."
"The best way to make money... is by giving value."
"Technology is going to unlock value for owners exponentially."
"NFTs are becoming the absolute biggest, most important way to create community and create value here in the crypto space."
"Withholding the supply made diamonds valuable."
"If your goal is to make more money, then you have to think beyond just working harder; you need to think about how you can make more value."
"What you're doing now is creating external value outside of your job that way you can attract more money."
"The more value I make, the more shenanigans I will spend on it."
"In business, the way you make money is by creating value."
"Focus on you being successful and providing value to people around you."
"Give value, give value, give value, then ask."
"What you know is a solution to somebody's problem."
"Give give give ask. Give people value and funny stories."
"If you make it valuable for someone else, chances are they'll see the value in it as well."
"Find your space, build trust, and provide sufficient value for people to pay what you're asking for and stick around."
"Build the best community... money will come."
"The more value you give, the more these things come back at you."
"Adding value is key to understanding how money works."
"The more value you create for somebody, the more successful you'll be."
"Work is about value. It's about generating value."
"Create images that are unique and interesting, and when you get back to your computer, identify which ones are actually valuable."
"By having images that couples can frame and print... by coming back with those photos, he really just kind of goes to the next level as a second photographer as far as creating value for myself."
"You have to put something out of value... because we're still living in a merit-based system."
"The way to get people to listen to you, to pay attention to you, is to produce something of value."
"It's all about the fundamental tenet of building any business which is creating value proposition for the customer."
"The more value that you provide in a marketplace that people need, the more money that you're going to make."
"It's not about a business model. It's about creating value for others."
"The more value you bring to others, the more money you will make."
"Money goes where value flows. The more value you're able to provide to people, the more money you'll make."
"Never chase money. Become the kind of person that delivers so much value that the money follows you."
"Fred understood that value is something created in the mind of the consumers."
"You're creating value in ways that you never could create before."
"Most businesses will not be able to switch from extracting value to giving value."
"You realize that money earned is a byproduct of value creation, and there's nothing wrong with making lots of money."
"Respect is earned by creating value, not demanding tasks."