
Social Capital Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"Resilience is a bucket, a bucket or a box or a bag that holds lots of other things. It holds social capital, the people you can access around you, your belief in the things you can get done, and your thoughts about the world, the future, your capacity."
"It's not about what you know, it's about who you know, but it's not about who you know, it's about who knows you."
"Trust is equity. You can transfer everything but trust."
"Performative activism...is a pejorative term referring to activism done to increase one's social capital rather than because of one's devotion to a cause."
"Invisible assets are super more important than visible assets. Examples of invisible assets include friendship, trust, happiness, love, generosity, kindness."
"Social media is killing our social capital as a society, one like at a time."
"Relationships are the most important currency."
"It's more about who knows you, not who you know."
"Social capital is a change in the relations among persons, a change that renders the group more productive."
"Never underestimate the power of networking."
"You might have extreme influx of money influx of gaining from other people because 11th house does kind of rule those things."
"Networking... that's how you meet people that are better than you, have more money than you."
"Who you know can take you further than what you know."
"I believe in creating a reality where you speak with as many high-value people as possible."
"Your net worth is determined by your network."
"If you once forfeit the confidence your fellow citizens... you can never regain that respect and esteem."
"Always use your social currency because guess what, your network is your network."
"Join that group, man. Having that network, having access to that person... it can help you tremendously."
"You don't need money, you need people. People have the next money you want."
"When you're not in that circle, it's hard to get the social capital yourself."
"Introduces you to a different network of people that can now benefit you."
"Community and people are the greatest resource."
"You only have one currency in this world that matters right, you can have all the money in the world but if you don't have trust and respect from other people none of it matters."
"Connections get you much more than literally any other thing in the entire world."
"My thesis is simple, your network is your power."
"College is effectively the plug, networking and wealth is the outlet."
"It ain't what you know, it's who you know." - Brad Jordan
"Your emotional and your spiritual health and the connections you have with the people around you, your social capital - this is what's going to define your success and your thriving in the future."
"Relationships are definitely currency, definitely. You know what I mean?"
"The more people you network with, the better. It's not about what you know, but who you know."
"Relationships matter a lot... If you're in the right crowd, you'll do well."
"Our vibe equals our tribe. Our network is our net worth."
"It pays to have good connections."
"Social capital is this huge kind of notion that makes us better as a society."
"The real wealth is what you know about other people."
"When social capital breaks, we lose it, but when we go back and repair it, it becomes stronger."
"And my social capital is not based on what people in AA think about me."
"Women's currency is within their network... having a good social circle is the equivalent of a guy doing really well at his career."
"Celebrities often choose to use their economic capital to acquire cultural capital."
"...the family is, always has been, always must be the transmitter of social capital... And when the family fails, the free society must fail."
"There's this disillusion of community. Social capital is overall declining pretty fast."
"Most people don't have any idea how big their networks in fact, really are."
"Networking is key, your net worth is based off of who you know."
"Philippines is really about who you know if you know the right people in the Philippines are going to have a good time."
"It's not what you know, it's the people you know."
"It's not in what we know or how much we know, it's in who we know."
"The greatest capital one can ever acquire is the Social Capital."
"Relationship is the true capital."
"Your network will determine your net worth."
"It's a matter of who you know, and who is in your corner."
"It's more about who you know than what you see online."
"In life, you need to know people in order to succeed."
"This world is about connections. The more people you know, the better off you are."
"It's not about what you know, but it's about who you know."
"It's about who knows you as well."
"You gotta know somebody that knows somebody."
"These organizations are much more than mere social circles; they are breeding grounds for future leaders in politics, finance, and entrepreneurship."
"It ain't what you know, it's who you know."
"This brother is a man who has many, many connections; you are well connected."
"Idiosyncrasy credits gain you flexibility because there's a trust there."
"Your network really matters, and your host will influence you very much on networking."
"We need lots of people to be spending lots of time on creating social capital... and the universal basic income makes it a whole lot easier."
"The relationship network is actually the currency."
"Sometimes it pays to know the right people, huh?"
"It's definitely not what you know, it's who you know."
"Cultural capital... the knowledge, the values, the ideas, and the experiences that you have that can help you to get on and get further in life."
"Network is the N that connects you with the right people."
"It's literally about who you know."
"What are we doing to help build social capital? Are we having small groups where people feel safe and can trust each other?"
"When that social fabric comes back together again, when you have high social capital, the outcomes broadly are just incredible."
"People invest in people they know. It may not be fair. It's not the way the world works. It just is."
"It was my social capital, it was the relationships that I was building, that's why I'm sitting here."
"The social capital, those personal connections, can often make your career faster, more fun, more productive."
"Community involves building social capital, the attitude, spirit, and willingness of people to engage in collective civic activities."
"The focus of community centers is to build social capital, the attitude, spirit, and willingness of people to engage in collective activities."
"I teach black women the tools, tactics, strategies to increase their social capital."
"Relationships are the next dimension of wealth."
"Value is heterogeneous, it is derived from a network of interacting social, cultural, industrial, and ecological capital."
"It's important to build this kind of social capital purely for economic reasons at companies."
"When you make these investments in people, you're going to see the amount of returns that you're going to get."
"Invest in strategic relationships."