
Small Steps Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"Start small... there are tried and true scientifically based ways to decrease your anxiety and improve your mood state."
"Most big transformations come about from the tiny, almost imperceptible steps that we take along the way."
"It's not about necessarily that first step; it's about being on the road, on that journey towards meaning and purpose, and it starts with those small steps."
"You don't have to change it all in one day; small steps make big progress."
"Everything feels bigger than it is. Big goals are an accumulation of little steps. Successful people are ordinary human beings who have the courage to take those steps."
"With small steps, we all can make a difference. Small actions can lead to meaningful change."
"Starting so small that the tasks ahead of you almost seem silly, is the perfect antidote to a lack of self-efficacy."
"Take all the time in the world to professional craft reflect your passion and just take small steps every little step towards your goal will get you there."
"Therapy is about making progress...it's about small things small steps it's about making progress."
"I believe that taking small steps can lead to major transformations in our cities."
"Let's just start small, just do something positive."
"Never stop taking those little steps forward."
"There is no more powerful strategy for integrating real change in your life than small steps taken consistently."
"The only way to get to a point where you're able to do big things is by becoming a master of the little things."
"Take baby steps and live in the present moment."
"Taking small steps towards your goals can lead to big progress over time."
"These little steps are bringing you towards a gigantic, gorgeous relationship."
"A micro step today is a very step that can change the whole course of Direction."
"You might be guided to take a little baby step towards your dreams."
"Every little step you take builds onto something much bigger."
"Tonight we took a baby step forward in the right direction."
"We must start by making small changes now, preferably."
"A small step is better than nothing, even if it means just forcing myself to brush my teeth a few times a week or going grocery shopping."
"Start small. Five minutes, ten minutes. That's enough."
"Small, intentional steps lead to big changes in building a life you love."
"I feel like any step, baby steps, yeah, towards a better world is a step forward."
"Little by little, baby steps, there is hope."
"Breaking your health goals into really small goals that you can do in 10 minutes is a really easy way to kick-start good behaviors."
"Start small, don't get overwhelmed, and take baby steps."
"I think the next right thing is not the next right big thing, it's usually the next right small thing."
"Life never requires big steps, just little tiny steps, saying yes to the universe."
"It's all about those little wins. First thing you do is try and cut out that refined sugar."
"Even small steps lead to greater fulfillment."
"Your dream is worthy of weaving today is a day to choose one small step toward your dream."
"Even small tiny little pigeon steps are still progression."
"The smallest actions are going to result in something much bigger down the line."
"It's a simple step but it makes the world of a difference."
"If you just do the first thing, it could be so tiny, the universe gets out of your way."
"If you break your goal down into small steps, little tiny steps, and you take a step towards it and something doesn't work, it's not the end of the world."
"Watch your small steps evolve into giant leaps."
"I'm a big fan of the phrase 'just start small, start now'."
"Sometimes you can just start doing little things and tiny little steps that happen consistently over time."
"What is like one little piece of it that you could work on for five minutes today?"
"It's making those small steps that really people should champion."
"Finding small ways, it doesn't have to be these big pivotal moments."
"Even one cherry tomato, one baby carrot before your next meal is already amazing. Be proud of yourself. Start anywhere."
"Well-being is realized by small steps but it is no small thing."
"Start small so that you don't become overwhelmed."
"This concert isn't going to be the one thing that fixes it for Tom, it's not going to take the issues away, it's about small steps and if this is one first small step then brilliant."
"The small things with the foundation... got you to the point that you are at now."
"...one small thing that you'll hear here might lead to a very big impact three years down the line."
"It's about small steps and big breakthroughs."
"Take small steps, little by little, we can stock our shelves with the ingredients that we are going to need for the recipes that we want to make."
"Little things add up to amazing benefits."
"Small steps can add up to big changes in your life."
"You're being rewarded for all these small steps that you have taken. Okay, slow and steady wins the race."
"Little gains are more important than large leaps. It's important to recognize and be grateful for the little steps you take."
"I knew with decluttering I needed to start small. That's why I started with one closet. Start small, one area at a time, one drawer at a time."
"Focus on those small steps that you can take so that the big step of getting that offer doesn't feel so overwhelming."
"...no matter what the right first steps are all of these long-term paths are made up of small steps so don't get overwhelmed just start with one thing."
"Working in small steps at every level of software development is important."
"Start with little things... start putting little things together... take little steps every week."
"The steps you take don't need to be big."
"Small changes... establish the routine first by focusing on small actionable steps that you can take every single day."
"I'm ready to action change and rather than just set out these big goals, I'm actually looking at the little small steps."
"Small, inconsistent actions will add up to big changes."
"The outcome is a combination of dreaming really big and iterating really small."
"Great things come in small disciplines."
"If you start with small steps... you will start to find other things in your life that will bring you closer to meaning and purpose."
"Start with something small today... to start to believe your word."
"I love being able to take a few steps that are probably really small to most people but that like help protect my peace."
"Changes happen in small steps and little leaps."
"It's a step in the right direction, even if it is just a small one."
"Don't despise the little steps you know you can take every day; there are tiny miracles in each and every one of them."
"The small steps when you put them together become big steps."
"Focus on the now and take small steps that you need to take now."
"It's actually just a series of small steps."
"Small steps do equal progress and do equal great reward."
"Small steps have an equal, sometimes greater chance of creating the large result as two big steps."
"Doing something small or small consistent effort is astronomically different than no effort at all."
"If you're finding yourself in the loop, I really invite you to stop and only think about taking one step forward, because that one step forward will one day look like a leap."
"But if we make a concerted effort to build one day upon another, even if it's just a very small thing... something truly remarkable can happen."
"Starting a virtuous circle is sometimes a matter of making tiny little steps in the right direction."
"Tiny little steps are so rewarding for you, and I think most people will never realize that because they don't even want to start because they're so overwhelmed from that."
"It's those small steps that really make the biggest difference."
"There are no quick fixes, it is a series of small steps that are better consistent."
"Think big, take small steps, and build the future you want."
"Find the small steps in the right direction and not these giant leaps that are not sustainable."
"Just one small step forward is a step forward."
"Sometimes it's the small steps in life that mean the most."
"Think small, daily steps forward, that's going to help you build that momentum again."
"I think it's a step forward, even though it's a tiny step."
"Focus on those small actions you can take to get to that big dream."
"Embrace it, and if you're scared, start with the little things."
"In order to do really big things, you need to start by doing deceptively small things."
"It's the small things that begin to stack over time."
"Just making little steps, baby steps over a long period of time, equals big moves."
"Pick the most minuscule tiny little steps to progress so that you can build up your belief in yourself."
"We take little steps and hopefully we could build some momentum to do better and bigger things."
"Starting small, and starting now, is a great way to get that habit underway and appreciate the difference it can make."
"By one tiny step, just start moving in that direction, and a much more fulfilling aligned life can start for you."
"It is minuscule steps but progress."
"Make some small decisions to help you make the bigger decisions."
"It takes a lot of small steps to eventually do some big ones."
"Every small step you make is a progress."
"Just try and get down there as much as you can and just do little things because it all adds up."
"The power of small steps got me started."
"It's all about starting with small steps."
"Taking any small step forward is still movement."
"You just have to take the step, even if it's a baby step."
"What is a little thing you can do that just moves forward, doesn't matter how much."
"Little steps make really big progress."
"It's a lot easier to motivate yourself to do something small."
"It's just a lot of people think they need to be confident today. When all you have to do is take little baby steps to equal that confidence and courage."
"If you're trying to get unstuck, you need to do the little steps to gather your momentum."
"We're making a step. It's just a baby step, but it's a step."
"Just keep moving forward, baby steps because it's progress."
"Big changes in your life don't always have to happen with big moves; sometimes the smallest little steps or shifts in our routine can really have dramatic impact on how we feel about life."
"It's about doing the small things consistently that allow you to build up wealth."
"A long journey begins with smaller steps."
"Just do small things and believe in what you're doing."
"In our experience, it's a better way to get a grasp in the beginning by doing these small steps."
"Starting small is better for most people."
"Progress is this big, but at least that's progress."
"Let's not forget that the small steady steps are the things that move the mountains."
"Only happens one small step at a time."
"Do whatever you think you can do, do little things at a step by step."
"Start small, start very small, and then do the next small thing."
"The way that you start to change the big things is you change the small things."
"And that is part of the exercise and because I am working on finances because I want to guide people to take that small leap."
"It's all about consistency, it's the baby steps, not the giant steps."
"Take the smallest step you possibly can in a new direction; you're going to be surprised by the results."
"Take the small steps to accomplish your dream."
"Start small, it's like you don't have to write a billion words a day, start writing 100 words a day."
"I'm learning it's okay to do things in little baby portions, start somewhere."
"All you need is a small amount of courage and a little bit of confidence."
"Small movements make a big change."
"You just take those small steps and follow that passion."
"You want to move towards betterment, and you don't care if it is just small steps."
"It's time for you to take those small baby steps towards the ultimate growth."
"I changed my whole life with very tiny changes."