
Imperfection Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"I think we're here to live, we're gonna learn, you know, we're not here to be perfect. We're supposed to embrace all our imperfections."
"Perfection does not exist, so don't strive for it... Progress should always be the goal, not perfection."
"Home isn't perfect. It's the place that you accept in spite of its flaws."
"Imperfections are not inadequacies; they are reminders that we're all in this together."
"Thinking that it's possible to reach this place where you have no more left to work on...most people aren't gonna hit it. So don't worry if you have flaws."
"Wisdom doesn't come from being perfect; it comes from presence."
"Authenticity is more than just leaving your imperfections in the final cut. It is actually expressing true genuine thoughts and your life story."
"We're not perfect, but we're family, and that's what counts at the end of the day."
"None of us are perfect, and we're the people we are because of what we do with our mistakes. It's a symbol of the fabric of America."
"Human nature has failed. You can't come up with a system of government that we human beings can't [mess] up."
"Parenting is inherently imperfect, and no one will ever be a perfect parent."
"Parenting has nothing to do with perfection. Perfection isn't even the goal, not for us, not for our children. Learning together to live well in an imperfect world, loving each other despite or even because of our imperfections, and growing as humans while we grow our little humans—those are the goals of gentle parenting."
"You're beautiful as you are, Courage, with all your imperfections."
"It is their imperfections that they accept encouraged among useless and Muriel would love each other regardless."
"Courage isn't perfect; he won't do much well, but he'll be loved anyway."
"Real love isn't about honoring that which is personified in this particular elegant perfect way, real love is embracing all that which is equally imperfect."
"I've never said I'm a perfect person nor pretended to be someone that I'm not. I've said and done things I regret, and the words released today on this more than a decade-old video are one of them."
"We are not defined by our perfection; we are defined by our lack of perfection."
"Integrity is essential, and we'll always make mistakes and will fall short because we're imperfect, but we can act with integrity."
"Any good hero worth their salt can't be perfect... there always has to be flaws."
"Appeal to definition is a fallacy because all definitions are imperfect, as everything is imperfect."
"Start now, start if you don't have it figured out, start messy, start imperfect, but start."
"Trust is not built on perfection; it's built on accountability."
"It doesn't have to be perfect for you to start. It just has to be done."
"Being sustainable is not a competition, and we should never shame people if they are imperfect because I think we are all imperfect."
"You are a jewel, even though you may not see it. What you consider imperfection is an illusion; even in darkness, you shine eternally bright."
"This series and this character provide us a hilarious look into our imperfect world and the incredibly flawed people who live in it."
"Nothing in real life has perfectly sharp edges or totally smooth surfaces."
"The truth is, everybody we love, we know all their imperfections... none of that disqualifies them from love."
"In recovery, it's not about managing life perfectly but about acting like one of God's guys, even if not perfectly."
"You don't need to be perfect, you just need to iterate as fast as you can."
"There is no such thing as a perfect partner."
"I think you've got to hold people in position of authority accountable because nobody's perfect."
"You don't need to be perfect before putting out your work into the world."
"You don't have to be perfect to do a great job."
"As I always say, I'm no body guy at all, but I mean, right there, it was never a perfect, perfect. I mean, come on, we're talking 1971, though."
"Imperfection leads to perfection; every movement is self-improvement."
"It's okay to be messed up. What's not okay is to live in denial. Acknowledging your imperfections is the first step toward improvement."
"The truly perfect character is only truly perfect when they are not perfect at all."
"There are many within our species that argue it is impossible for Humanity to attain perfection, for we by our very nature are imperfect."
"I'm not a perfect person, and I don't want to be."
"I wish people were able to feel more okay with the idea of being environmentalist without having to be a perfect human."
"So many of our struggles come from our lack of courage to let ourselves be imperfect."
"Each of us is fearfully and wonderfully made and absolutely magnificent, flawed as we are by our own failings."
"You can't love someone if they're perfect. There's no challenge there."
"Embrace imperfection. Embrace the idea that you don't have to know everything, you don't have to be right."
"You shouldn’t need to FEEL perfect to be valuable."
"We can all like imperfect art, and we don't have to essentialize everything as we love it or we hate it."
"Fluent does not mean perfect. You can be fluent and also make mistakes."
"In Jeff Kinney's own words, 'Greg is not a hero. He's full of imperfections and having a flawed character is a little bit more interesting than having a character that always does the right thing.'"
"The deflation is part of the charm. People enjoy seeing imperfections."
"You are enough. You can be messy and imperfect, but your essence is enough."
"Who am I to judge another when I walk imperfectly? In the quiet heart is hidden sorrow that the eye can’t see."
"We are human beings. We are figuring life out just like you are, so please don't hold us to some standard of perfection because we're going to fail you every time."
"It's not our perfection in our answers, just be willing and learn as you go."
"Beauty lies in imperfection like Lao Tzu said?"
"Perfection is imperfection. It's the pursuit of the unachievable perfection that makes you progress."
"The pursuit of imperfection, because imperfection is hard to replicate."
"What's with this culture of apathy, as if it's better to do nothing than to potentially do something imperfectly?"
"The bullet journal has definitely taught me to kind of get over myself a little bit when it comes to imperfections and mistakes and not give myself quite such a hard time."
"Imperfection can make something unique; it can make it interesting, it can cause us to look more closely, or listen more intently. Heck, imperfection can even be beautiful, and it can be familiar. Hell, it can even be fun."
"I'm so far off from being perfect, but I'm starting to understand that, and that path starts here."
"Every model is wrong; every theory is wrong. Some of them are useful."
"You are not perfect, nobody is, and you are not required to be held to a standard of unattainable perfection."
"Democracy is sometimes messy... but with all our flaws, our system is still the best in the world."
"If we're walking toward Jesus, we're not going to miss it. We may drop a few balls, we're not going to do it perfectly, but His consistency is what we stand on, His faithfulness is what we stand on."
"Wabi-Sabi is something like just seeing beauty and imperfection."
"Nothing in life is perfect; everything's full of trade-offs."
"The faster and more often you can embrace imperfection, the faster and closer you'll get to your highest potential in any area."
"We're human beings, and we're not meant to be perfect."
"What if our aim isn't to be perfect but intentionally terrible, not so we can get unstuck and then go back to being perfect, but to reconnect with our creativity by taking perfect out of the equation?"
"By giving up the idea of perfection, we can start a life long wondrous, ever rewarding journey to becoming ourselves."
"Even the down moments and even the times where you're like, 'Oh my God, I'm so sorry.' Yes, but also human."
"So the argument here is that information is imperfect, but it is still present and some information is better than no information."
"You're not going to be perfect. You're going to make mistakes. The key is to love each other."
"God isn't going to walk away from your worries, questions, doubts, and imperfections."
"Maybe Humanity's not perfect, but we need to make our own decisions, even if they're sometimes wrong."
"No relationship is perfect. God puts together two imperfect people to forge a perfect relationship."
"It's the imperfections which spread the light into these glorious crimsons and golds. Imperfection is the cause of beauty."
"Always learn from your experiences. We're always learning. We're not perfect."
"We want you to embrace your imperfections and show us who you really are."
"I think there's beauty in imperfection. Perfection is not why I'm talking."
"Perfection is not real, but there's beauty in imperfection."
"I would rather have people who act and are imperfect than people who think they're perfect and who don't act."
"The becoming, all the little imperfect things that happened to you over the years that kind of shape you who you are."
"Neither one is anywhere near perfect, and that makes you and me just as damn close to perfect as it gets."
"You don't need to have everything in order, you don't need to be perfect to be loved."
"You don't have to be perfect to advise another person. It's about loving them and not wanting them to hurt themselves."
"I've learned to love myself because I'm imperfect, and I love that about myself."
"We all have our own demons. There's no such thing as a perfect person."
"All human beings make mistakes; no one is perfect."
"Being able to own up to the fact that we're not perfect and that sometimes we make mistakes makes it so you have a better, more understanding, and more trusting relationship."
"You have no choice in your day-to-day life but to rely on your own reason, but you must acknowledge that it's not perfect."
"I am not perfect. I never refer to myself as zero waste or somebody who lives a perfectly waste-free life. It's not feasible, and everybody makes mistakes, but it's all about doing your best in the moment."
"We're all struggling right now; hence, we shouldn't carry the burden of having it all perfect. Nobody can have it all perfect right now."
"You cannot make the world in your image because you are not perfect."
"I've learned to embrace the messiness of the creative process, recognizing that perfection is less important than genuine effort and creativity."
"Our heroes are not bigger than life. They were not perfect... They were men just like us."
"We're only fucking human at the end of the day; we're all going to make mistakes. No one is perfect, no one is infallible."
"You do not have to be perfect, you do not have to have all your ducks in a row. Half of us are just surviving. These are just ways to survive a little bit better."
"No one is perfect, and the problem is what this actually leads to is this really perverse incentive structure where your best move is not actually to apologize for the stuff you do wrong."
"Human beings are fallible; we are not perfect. Healthcare providers are human and we are not perfect."
"The goal is not perfection; it's progression."
"Trust me, it's not going to be perfect... but preemptively excusing your future slip-up is unacceptable."
"The whole point of wabisabi is finding the beauty in the natural shape of an object and the imperfections that occur over time with these items."
"The nice thing is that we are not perfect thinkers and so we engage in arguments and disagreement to find better ways to live."
"A good relationship is not about two perfect people getting together; it's about two people who are works in progress helping each other in a positive way."
"Be the one who tells your story; be transparent that nobody is perfect."
"You're not going to be perfect, they're not going to be perfect... all you can do is literally do the best you can."
"We will never have perfect politics but we have to understand the need to get involved in the game."
"I may not be perfect but I'm perfect for you. That's the attitude we have when it comes to voting."
"A bullet journal isn't supposed to be perfect; it's supposed to be useful in your pursuit of what matters to you."
"Life and humanity are inherently flawed, and surviving through that life is the point of the human experience."
"Golf is funny 'cause you're playing a game that's so imperfect."
"Humans are humans; we're not all perfect, and some of us are absolute bleeps."
"I am who I am, and I'm definitely not a perfect human being, and I do make mistakes, but the album that I've made is about being honest."
"Good music is imperfect, and that's okay. It's human."
"The joy of DIY: turning the mundane into the magnificent."
"She ain't perfect, but a little slickum on that, little paint, most people won't notice."
"God loves you, He died for you, He shed His blood for you, and we are preachers but we are not here because we are finished, and we are not here because we are perfect. We are here because we are committed."
"A map that's not so good but has some things about it is way better than no map at all."
"The principle of period imperfection is also something we see reflected on screen here, and it brings me so much joy."
"These sketches don't have to be perfect, in fact, you know, allowing these imperfections to happen might show you areas where you're less confident. Just happy little accidents."
"I love imperfection, but at the same time, like hygiene is very important."
"No one is perfect, and there shouldn't be an expectation for people to be perfect."
"You don't need to be perfect; you just need to execute."
"You're never going to be perfect; you're going to make mistakes, you're going to slip, it's about starting the journey and continuing."
"Religion is always going to be flawed because it's made by man."
"Maybe it's the flaws, the imperfections that make something beautiful."
"A holistic person cannot be perfect in every aspect. There's always flaws. I have flaws, we all have flaws."
"God draws straight lines with crooked sticks."
"Nobody's perfect, and nobody knows everything. We all make mistakes, and mistakes are feedback, they're information."
"Humility. All of us have fallen short of the glory of God. None of us are perfect."
"Keep daring to be who you are, good and bad [ __ ] up pieces and good pieces, because I don't think you're perfect and that's what makes you perfect."
"No car will ever have 100% perfect paint. There's always going to be some scratch or swirl. That's just a part of the car."
"What they had in common was a sense of courage... the courage to be imperfect."
"A big part of self-acceptance is just realizing like it's okay that you're not perfect."
"You're amazing exactly how you are, and that just because you have flaws doesn't mean that you aren't perfect."
"What makes us interesting is that we're so flawed."
"The massive fall in investment that Russia has experienced is a clear indicator of the economic challenges it faces."
"The heart of being human is messing up... the heart of being human is the fact that we are not perfect."
"Being an imperfect victim is okay. No victim is perfect."
"Owning up to the fact that you're human and that you're not perfect."
"Every time you make a candle it's really special, even if it doesn't look perfect."
"Never get it perfect, don't try, just be intentionally imperfect."
"Always prefer the fuzzy, the incomplete, the imperfect."
"If you're someone who loves Jesus but knows you're not perfect and struggle with stuff, join the club."
"You cannot believe God and blame them at the same time... Imperfection has never stopped God from blessing anybody." - Speaker
"Action heroes don't have to be perfect; they can stumble onto the right path and find redemption."
"He deserves to be there, but he's still human."
"He's still a human and he's gonna make mistakes and he's gonna be dumb he's not perfect."
"Nobody is perfect, no matter what anyone thinks."
"You deserve love whether you're perfect or not. Truly, you deserve love whether nobody's actually perfect, nobody's perfect, and we all deserve love."
"Kobe's message that you don't have to be perfect to be great."
"Start and post as soon as possible. That's what it is. Don't expect perfection."
"Nobody is perfect, sometimes people get it wrong. So don't get it twisted, look at yourself, have I ever gotten it wrong and then proceed forward."
"America was always great, even if she was never perfect."
"We want this to be a coalition of the willing who accept that they're not perfect but are willing to act."
"You will always suck to some degree, and that's perfectly okay."
"Sin wounds Us in such a way that only God's grace can heal us. But we've also been wounded in such a way that now we walk with a limp, but now we love with a limp."
"I still feel the need to talk about stuff like this because look, nothing is perfect, nobody's perfect, no product is perfect."
"Instead of seeing the brokenness as a bad thing, it becomes part of the beauty."
"Those who have a strong sense of love and belonging have the courage to be imperfect."
"None of us are perfect and things happen when we're children."
"It's okay to learn and move on for things to not be perfect."
"You do not need to be perfect in order to be loved."
"Part of my beauty is in my flaws. Part of my mastery is in my mistakes."
"Human error is what makes this game beautiful. If everything was perfect, everything would be boring."
"Science isn't about being perfect. It's about catching your mistakes, refining your data."
"It's not all going to be perfect... That's where wisdom comes from."
"It's not about perfection, it's about persistence."
"We are not complete if we're perfect, right? Hard to grasp, but if you don't have a shadow part of yourself then you're incomplete."
"It's okay if you bore people... Decent people don't expect you to be perfect."
"I gave up trying to be perfect long ago... You grow through failure, you grow through struggle and you realize hey, it's all part of the process."
"You're not gonna see the best setups ever; you're gonna see setups that need work, and that's the whole point."
"Life doesn't reward perfection, it rewards prior activity."
"I'm an authentic person, and Here I am, and I'm I'm perfectly imperfect."
"You're flawed, I'm flawed. The best we can ever be in the world is two flawed people having a flawed relationship."
"Recognizing like no relationship is going to be perfect."
"Truth is the best reflection you can manage of reality. Imperfect because you're imperfect, but it's the best you've got."
"There is no rulebook on how to be a perfect parent."
"Elden Ring isn't perfect, but that's what makes it compelling."
"God does not call perfect people, he calls imperfect people to be devoted to him."
"What would your life be like if you could relate to imperfections with radical acceptance?"
"The leaning can be incredibly hurtful. We're all imperfect."
"It's never going to be perfect, given the what's an issue right."
"Humans are imperfect, and the film wants to talk about what makes people do things that are violent or selfish and make you comprehend the reasons as to why the characters are the way they are."
"Argue about things that matter. Is this perfect? No. But neither is anything, like literally nothing is perfect."
"The death penalty system in our country isn't perfect."
"I worry about level-headed rational individuals who understand at the end of the day we are all just human and humans are flawed by nature."
"The moment does not need to be perfect to listen to awesome music."
"We all are perfectly imperfect. And that is perfectly alright."
"It's not about being perfect, it's about a desire to understand and empathize."
"I think trust is also about safety, no one's ever going to be perfect."
"Games like everything are defined by their legacy. There's no need for perfection but to be remembered one must leave a mark."
"No one is perfect. Everyone struggles. Everyone has bad days."
"These are not perfect people, they're human beings."
"We are imperfect people called into imperfect situations to be used by a perfect God."
"People are imperfect, imperfectly living in a world."
"This union may never be perfect, but generation after generation has shown that it can always be perfected."