
Secrecy Quotes

There are 7613 quotes

"The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society."
"The delicate balance between maintaining secrecy and promoting transparency in matters concerning UFOs remains a multifaceted and intricate issue with profound societal and governance implications."
"According to the former head of Israel's Space Program, aliens have been in contact with the US and Israel."
"It's unbelievable what a disaster to have an extraordinarily powerful agency maybe the most powerful agency in the US government operating secretly to stir up trouble all over the world."
"The reason that the CIA is so damaging is that what it does is secret and completely unaccountable."
"This is my story, this is what I was doing when nobody was looking."
"We are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings."
"This base is pretty hidden and to be honest, I haven't even shown you the best part of this base."
"You should be all vibrating right now because this is stuff you ain't supposed to know."
"The cave was 200 yards deep and the entrance was blocked by water during high tide, so the couple was able to live there undiscovered for some 25 years."
"What would you do if a secret society is calling me and blackmailing me into doing a bunch of freaky... you know what I mean? I'm outsmarting them immediately."
"For the first hundred or so years of wrestling as a public spectacle, the predetermined nature of it was not publicly acknowledged."
"Thank you, my brother. We're about to go on a secret journey. This journey will be good for all people."
"They dragged those corpses down below where they'd never be found."
"Now all I have to do is get into my secret room because there's no way they're going to be able to find me."
"It is a part of your iman that you feel ashamed of your sin and you don't want to tell the people."
"Perhaps this time they kind of knew what they were doing was wrong and didn't want to attract attention to it."
"The forest keeps its secrets close, revealing only fragments of its enigmatic inhabitants."
"I've always felt weighed down by this secret of mine, but is it worth coming out of the stigma if the stigma would feel even heavier?"
"It is a sin to write this. It is a sin to think words no others think and to put them down upon a paper no others are to see."
"The perfect crime is the one that no one ever knows has been committed."
"Whispers are sometimes heard on Imperial worlds of an Astartes force rarely spoken of or seen, but to those enemies of the Imperium who know their names, forever they are feared."
"Grey Knights are a highly secretive order, yet rightly feared by many as a force with unrivaled powers and an unbreakable mental will."
"She's my best friend; I would have lied to the grave."
"Informants and snitches, as practiced by law enforcement in America today, systematically produce wrongful convictions and operate completely in secret without sufficient government oversight."
"A good magician never reveals their secrets."
"Privacy, intimacy. That is also other words for what happens off the record."
"I'm not going to tell anybody the whole thing with the shirt, that's what we were going to start talking about."
"The first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club. Second rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club."
"This is one of those tips that I've been hesitant to share because it is so powerful; it's actually one of the keys to my success."
"The U.S. government has managed to classify more than a billion so-called public documents so at this point we can't possibly know what our leaders are doing."
"Nobody knows what's happening. A small group of people control access to all relevant information and the rest of us don't know."
"It's like a little secret. Just between me, myself, and I."
"The groups that say the least are often the most credible, and the ones that are the most secretive are usually the real contenders."
"Depression and anxiety are things I've dealt with for a long time and have kept hidden from my friends and family."
"We recovered technology; we recovered a living extraterrestrial entity."
"What they discover changes the world forever."
"At some point, the secrecy will be lifted. At some point, this will all come to light."
"Investigative reporting is... reporting secrets that powerful people want kept hidden for the wrong reasons."
"Excessive secrecy will undermine our democracy."
"The secrecy around UFOs is not only illegal and unconstitutional but provably so."
"About manipulating the world from the shadows, pulling the puppet strings as a dark and enigmatic secret brotherhood to accomplish some goal, whatever you might decide that goal is going to be."
"Secrecy serves two purposes: it covers up your mistakes and it makes you feel more important than you really are."
"Secrecy and complexity in finance and government help to obscure corruption in public office."
"The indispensable secrecy of grand jury proceedings must not be broken except where there is a compelling necessity."
"Doodle has no idea I'm lowkey cheating a little bit, but he doesn't know."
"I'm selling for $1,500. I muted right now, he has no idea."
"Inflicting hard rules and penalties doesn't prevent a misdeed, but rather forces a person into hiding and repression."
"Da Vinci never published the drawings himself, and in the margins of the diagrams, he even wrote, 'I could tell more if I was allowed to do so.'"
"They will never tell you what they represent upfront because what they represent is something that no one would believe."
"This world wasn't meant to be public yet, which makes sense because it wasn't."
"In the end of the day, it's a secret between us and Allah."
"I have a secret. I have a crush on Stella, but I don't plan on telling her soon."
"The secret vault was Vault-Tec's private vault, designed to survive the great war and continue their scientific studies in secret."
"Major world governments have technology that is 50 to 100 years more advanced than what the public is led to believe."
"The true history of Earth protected and concealed by all the religions, theories, academics, and institutions in unison."
"And Goten, don't tell your mom about all of this, alright?"
"And very carefully, I shall say this only once."
"Area 51 is a highly classified United States Air Force base located in the Nevada desert."
"The story of the discovery and scholarship of the scrolls has often been shrouded in secrecy, hidden documents, false accusations, and conspiracy theories."
"Secrecy, when a partner isn't disclosing their full self or is making you lie to your nearest and dearest, is a sign that something is off."
"If you tell them a secret, they will take it with them to their grave; they would never ever tell."
"It's not a stretch to believe that in order to keep the birth of Tegan secret, she would have gone to one extra step, escalated her behavior."
"Thank goodness nobody knows about my secret Money Room. No one can know I'm secretly a billionaire."
"You don't know anything about this movie? Okay, I don't know. So, I'm very excited about that. The less I say, the better."
"He went to his grave not having told anyone about his work."
"However, nothing can remain a secret forever."
"Our future is quite bright... we just can't talk about all things just yet, but there's some amazing things coming."
"If this document was ever leaked, it could lead to a complete Broken Masquerade scenario, where the anomalous cat is let fully out of the bag."
"Whoever covers or conceals the fault of his brother, Allah will cover his fault or conceal his faults on the day of judgment."
"It's a very powerful book, but if I tell you about it, you can't recommend it to anybody else."
"Everyone involved had only one week to submit their run, and all runs were kept secret until this reveal. By the end of it, they pushed not just my contract but the game itself to a limit I simply could not believe."
"He kept his word by returning the kisses he gained from the lady to the lord, but by hiding the gift of the green girdle, he didn't keep his word."
"Those who argue against transparency may have something to hide."
"The sun is enlightenment, something being illuminated, and the moon is secrets."
"Every contract is a secret pact, a bond forged in blood and shadow."
"Discretion is key to a successful love affair, but we had apparently not been as discreet as we should have been."
"That's classified. I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you."
"You cannot allow yourself to be nobody's secret."
"For centuries, the mechanics of the monetary system have remained hidden from the prying eyes of the populace, yet its impact both on a national and international level is perhaps unsurpassed."
"He-Man did nothing wrong in keeping it a secret."
"Welcome to Blackmail, the secret show that I started last week."
"We've got to have financing for this and we've got to keep it hidden...I began to develop the idea of a hypothesis of a completely hidden system of finance."
"It's nothing to keep secret, so I may as well spill it now about that summer competition I mentioned to you before."
"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."
"If I told you any more, I'd have to kill you."
"Check it out, that opens the entrance to my secret base."
"A man is crazy who writes a secret in any other way than one which will conceal it from the vulgar."
"The real emotional expression was a secret. Our real feelings, a real romantic inclination, where our feelings naturally flow."
"If the government has a secret they really want to keep, they don't admit they have a secret."
"Steve Jobs wanted the project to be kept so secretive that even the people chosen for the team didn’t know what they were working on."
"Secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society, and we are opposed to secret societies, secret oaths, and secret proceedings."
"The secret one, literally a few days ago I saw this in the Batcave and I left it."
"There's always something going on beneath the surface; typically, the scandal that comes out is just the tip of the iceberg."
"It's absolutely disgusting that the parents were kept in the dark."
"It's amazing that it remained a secret for so long."
"Shamans have used psychedelic compounds throughout human history to enter spiritual domains and communicate with supernatural entities." - Unknown
"It drives me absolutely crazy thinking that there's people deliberately hiding content from the public eye only for them to be seen privately."
"This is about to go down [ __ ] about tell you guys some [ __ ] tea also we don't know what happened so what I'm telling you."
"There was no explanation released with the footage because it truly is unbelievable and currently unexplainable."
"They'll never know what you sacrificed for them."
"But we all secretly know they have a time machine or a TARDIS or something in the writing room, but they just refuse to tell us."
"A lady is allowed to keep a few cunning secrets, I think."
"The truth comes out little by little, but it's clear that there were people who were definitely investigating UFOs while the message to the public was, there is nothing to see here, go away."
"How did Jay-Z of all people become entangled with someone like Diddy and what Secrets could he be desperately guarding"
"Jennifer McCabe was photographed outside of Trooper Proctor's house for a 'special meeting' that was never disclosed to the police."
"Hide the truth and the truth becomes your enemy; disclose the truth and it becomes your weapon."
"No one talks about fight club. First rule of the zero day market, nobody talks about the zero-day market."
"There's a legal agreement with someone that I can't talk about why I dumped them."
"Non-human and that was the assessment of people with direct knowledge on the program I talked to that are currently still on the program."
"I literally have them in open, we're not going to open the case."
"For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, no secret will not be known and come to the light."
"Their financial prowess set them apart, but it was their secrecy and discretion that fueled rumors and conspiracies for centuries."
"If coming out is going to jeopardize your health or security or job or any of that stuff you're better off lying, but it ain't gonna be easy."
"Verbal abuse happens behind closed doors, and then the abuser denies that there was any verbal abuse."
"Can we agree that some things are better left unsaid?"
"Having a really great wife makes life so much better."
"It’s easy to fall for saying that there is no The Doors without Jim Morrison, but I think it’s more accurate to say there is no Jim Morrison without The Doors."
"The discovery of the crashed UFO was too sensitive to become public. These documents prove that they were afraid that people would panic fearing an extraterrestrial invasion."
"Why didn't they get all of the emails from that day? Why didn't they speak to any of the witnesses?"
"Secrecy surrounding UFOs is a threat to the National Security."
"You gotta be careful who you're telling people your plans because... it's all spiritual."
"They really didn't want you to know that you had any power over them."
"What goes on in the darkness will come to the light."
"Thought they wanted them kept secret lucky id classified lot going on there."
"I intended on dying in the collapsed secret underground area."
"We have solutions... but they're in highly classified beyond black above top secret projects."
"The biggest secrets are not the zero point energy and electrogravitics, it's the science of consciousness."
"For any president to dare disclose such a horror story to the American people would be political suicide."
"We will need a groundswell of public pressure from below and tremendous political energy, ethics, and courage to take on the black budget culture that has dominated this subject for so long."
"They took me to a naval base and I saw them doing some [__] on a living creature."
"Allegedly a clandestine treaty and technology exchange with visiting aliens was brokered and managed."
"The activities of the CIA must be secret, but the debate about its role in our lives must be public."
"The Biden White House's secrecy in this matter is alarming."
"We know something is going on. We know we are being lied to."
"All legitimate ET contacts have been asking us to... demand the release of suppressed technologies."
"Parts of our black ops military have declared war on a land. Nobody should be under the illusions about that. They declared war on us and they are assaulting us daily."
"Anytime I make a mistake anytime I slip up you're all over me but if I told the world what I know you'd be in prison you wouldn't dare."
"Now in the original story you said that you hid your cell phone."
"I think we are not being told the whole story."
"You're attracting success, but there's something so secretive about it."
"But what gets under my fingernails about the Grove is that gnawing feeling that, in secret, some people in this country are having more say than others, as if the rest of us are somehow clueless."
"Excessive secrecy breeds more public interest."
"It's hard for me to explain things without giving too much away but just trust me."
"Never let your enemies know where you are. No one likes your fake secrets!"
"This is a secret door actually and it's no longer a secret to anyone because now you know what it is."
"When I was doing heroin, I was really scared about people finding out about it."
"If Veritas finds out I've fallen in love with you, I'll be fired, and they'll run away and look together like Romeo and Juliet."
"There's a lot more to the Saturn aspect that I don't want to discuss here."
"While the Simpsons is known for popularizing phrases like 'don't have a cow man' and 'd'oh,' many sources report another word made popular by the series: 'meh.'"
"The script for the movie was kept so secret that executive producers personally shredded every script after a voicing session."
"Larry Fink has done all of this largely in the shadows."
"Middle ground exists in small private underground conversations that people can't find out about."
"There's so much more about this phenomenon than they're letting on, that even finding out the tip of the iceberg of what they know is gonna put people in shock."
"There's no way really to expose those kind of things."
"Barry doesn't know, he had no clue that Wally West died and the whole time Skeets the robot of a Booster Gold was like dude shut the hell up stop talking."
"I believe they know more than they're letting on and I believe they have a good reason not to make it all public."
"That small piece of information had never actually been released to the public, causing the police to have their initial suspicions regarding Panky's potential role in Janelle's disappearance."
"No. He’s purchasing a forbidden blank paper book, a journal to write down his true thoughts."
"Everything that comes to the dark will always come to the light."
"Joe didn't talk to anybody about the hunter case... he has not talked to anybody about that case."
"Investigators believe that there are more people who know the truth of what happened that day and they could help solve the case once and for all."
"This same secretive for a reason, and they didn't have volunteers stepping up and saying, 'Yeah, I'll breathe zinc cadmium sulfide with radioactive particles.'"
"Externally, China vigorously exaggerated the performance of the j35 but remains secretive about its true combat capabilities."
"China knew about the pandemic; they didn't tell anyone; in fact, they weaponized it."
"That's wild, I mean a physicist that did all these experiments literally burned all of his work before he died."
"There has to be a reason why the Eternals have stayed in the shadows for so long, especially given all the world-ending events."
"Pretty much everything leads up to this final moment, and I won't spoil how he chooses to save the day from his evil doppelganger because it's a really great moment."
"What lengths would a person go to protect their loved one from detection?"
"Charles and Camilla enjoyed secret rendezvous all over Britain."
"There's nothing has been hidden that is going to be revealed."
"It's like a fire in your bones, and you never speak of it because you're worried about the reaction you're going to get."
"Meaning, as long as the Potters stayed in their home, they could not be found by Voldemort ever, like, ever."
"Those who know don't say, and those who say don't know."
"Neil Armstrong relayed the message to Mission Control that two large mysterious objects were watching them after having landed near the moon module, but this message was never heard by the public because NASA censored it."
"This truly shows whatever is on this website is definitely trying to be hidden and left in the past."
"Knowledge was spreading fast, and in trying to cover it up, both the Foundation and the GOC risked exposing even their own existences to the public in the process."
"It's beyond obvious that there is absolutely a cover-up here."
"Furthermore, the Red Mortal Blade was taken and hidden by the Senpou High Priest, the man who founded Senpou Temple."
"America kills its enemies in our name and then keeps it a secret."
"Can you imagine the things I'm not saying right now?"
"Congratulations, oh, and you can also hide the key if you want to be a little bit more difficult."
"This is the most secretive unclassified program that I've ever come across."
"If any adult ever in your entire life asks you to keep a secret, you should be extremely scared."
"As much as Zoraph probably enjoys his firing squads, she doubts that he's personally hiding deep secrets about the foundation and upholding the Veil."
"The most powerful secret is the empty one because if the secret is empty, you continue to say, 'I know something about you.'"
"They did not reveal all of that, Errow did not reveal all of that. I have to imagine that those people came to us to have that documented and recorded so that if this happened, that their stories would be heard."
"This is the biggest unspoken acknowledgment that there is something there that they are trying to hide."
"I've bared myself to you all in all but one regard. There's one thing that I've been cowardly about."
"They work with the approval of all world governments, effectively placing them above international law."
"The SCP Foundation has eyes and ears everywhere, ready to strike and suppress an emerging anomaly before any ripples of its existence can reach the wider world."
"SCP-2137: A helpful yet dangerous forensic ghost that exposed the Foundation's secrets."
"Operating clandestine and worldwide, the Foundation operates beyond jurisdiction, empowered and entrusted by every major national government with containing anomalous objects, entities, and phenomena."
"Do not lose this code, use it to see her, her loop is a little messed up but her X gene is absolutely powerful."
"The broken ones are closely guarded by the chapter as if any one of them was ever able to escape the result would be absolutely catastrophic."
"If you know the truth and you're not revealing it, then you're complicit too."
"If you're getting a script for a movie such as Aquaman that's kept tightly close to the vest...they want you to be in the movie."
"We Are in a New Age, and I Swear to God After That Hearing Yesterday, This is a Genie That Cannot Be Put Back in the Bottle."
"Just Somebody Come Out, Look in the Camera and Say, 'Okay, I'm Not Going to Give You All the Details Because There's National Security Involved... But Yes, There is a Non-Human Intelligence Interacting with Humanity That Much We Can Tell You.'"
"Now is a good time to point out that the Department of Abnormalities is a part of the wider Cactus Verse."