
Fear Of Death Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"I do not fear death, I fear not to live fully."
"I used to have a really big fear of death. I feel like but I think I overcame that."
"Humanity is haunted by the fear of death, and all our immortality projects are a response to this deep-seated fear."
"When you realize your essence identity is consciousness, and the fear of death begins to dissolve because you're able to sense that in you which is beyond death."
"People don't fear death so much as they fear suffering and pain."
"Totalitarianism stems from being so terrified of death that you give the group complete control over your life."
"The greatest figure of history didn't fear death...if they didn't fear death, I know it's an option for the rest of us not to either."
"You get no more fear of death...because there's no self, there's no one to protect anymore."
"You are always here as a spirit. And once we own that we are spiritual entities then we become empowered because the fear of death will disappear."
"If you live your entire life in fear of death, it's already killed you."
"My father once asking me if I was frightened of dying and I said you bet. He said that's because you have lost your faith."
"Having that... it provided that peace of mind and ever since that day, I have zero fear of death."
"I fear not being alive... The fact of not being here, to me, is should be the greatest fear people have."
"Here's the thing. Yes, dying is scary. And yes, not dying is pretty much universally appealing but since the expectation of mortality is pretty much the only thing every human being has in common, removing it can strip away some things that we think of as fundamental to humanity."
"The greatest fear of mankind is dying... because we haven't practiced for it."
"No man can be courageous who is afraid of death."
"I don't want to die but more than that I want to be able to live without fear of dying."
"Imagine being so scared of dying that you have effectively stopped living your own life."
"The only thing about death that scares me is that I won't do enough before it."
"The idea of dying alone, knowing what happened to you, or even finding you until it is too late, if they find you at all, was terrifying."
"I'm not afraid of dying. I'm afraid not to live." - Wim Hof
"It's all about the fear of death and human attempt to bypass the fear of death."
"I'm 45 and look a lot younger than 45, but I too have not issues with aging, but I do have issues with death."
"Should we fear death? Personally, I don't think so."
"We're afraid of death, we're afraid of that pole of experience which is unconsciousness."
"If you live in fear of death, then you're not living."
"You don't have to be afraid of death. People, Jesus has conquered death."
"An incredibly intimate perception of him, a man who feared death, humanity, and his own mind, was still able to face these fears at point blank on the very walls of his house."
"Most of us are not afraid to die; we're afraid because of the realization we never lived."
"No man is ever ready for life until he is no longer afraid of death."
"People don't get to see certain parts of life itself. The decaying of all things, the ugliness of the natural processes of life. And I think that's one of the reasons that makes us so fearful of death and causes panic and anxiety."
"I don't want to die yet! You just started the game!"
"We're terrified of what might happen after we're dead which I wish we could, I think we do a lot better if we just realize nothing's gonna happen after you're dead."
"Spiritualism freed people from the fear of death, giving them hope of something beyond."
"I always tell people that the first hour I actually thought I was going to die, and I was afraid I was. I was afraid I was going to die." - Unnamed speaker
"I fear the fear of death, but even if we die, we become legends."
"Our knowledge that we're going to die makes us want to do things which will outlive us. It's a way of escaping death, it's a way of denying death without this fear of death maybe we wouldn't be motivated to do anything at all."
"I'm not even afraid of death because I know at a certain point everybody is going to die, but how we die is very important."
"Metallica always taught me not to be afraid of death."
"We won't be there when we are dead, and this itself can be frightening."
"If you are afraid of death at this point in your life, then you might want to be looking over at our friends at Policy Genius."
"People have a very understandable yet unnatural fear of death."
"I think a lot of these members of Congress, they're so old, and they don't want to die. And they figure that, hey, if I go retire, then that'll be it. It'll be in the grave. Because purpose keeps you alive."
"More people are afraid of how they gonna die than actually dying."
"It always seems to come back when things are getting good... and it's like, 'Hey, I don't want to die yet, like, I'm not ready.'"
"Don't be afraid of death, be afraid of an unlived life."
"I don't think I fear death anymore. I actually value existence intrinsically."
"Don't rush through this, enjoy your physical life experience, but know you don't fear death because it's just a different frequency."
"Fear has absolutely left me. I know many today, especially in what we've gone through in recent years, are just gripped with fear, the fear of death."
"Everybody is [afraid of death]. Have you not thought about it very deeply?"
"Dying's not scary. I mean, it's psychopath. Becoming a walker's worse."
"You are scared of dying and tell me, is the kind of life you lead really any different than being dead?"
"Once they do come back, they are never again afraid to die."
"The greatest of all remedies for the fear of death is a burning desire for achievement backed by useful service to others."
"Radically decreased their fear of death."
"Did you consider killing yourself when it happened to you?" Wilson indicated Kimberly walking ahead. "It crossed my mind," admitted Carter, "but I'm not a brave man. Death still scares me. I want to live as long as I can, even like this."
"The paradigm to strive for now is to be a person that can appease that fear of death, to achieve that level of tranquility that civilization should be providing people."
"The more materialistic a nation becomes, the more afraid of death they are."
"China's first emperor, Qin Shi Huang, famously worked very hard to avoid death- even going so far as to drink 'life elixirs' containing mercury and prescribed by his court magicians."
"The most essential claim of Christianity is to have removed the fear of death and made the king of Terrors a good friend, right and a boon companion."
"We recoil at death because there's a natural desire for things to continue on."
"I believe it's not that they don't fear death, they know it could be them next. It's what they fear more is living a life without being able to do what they love more than anything else."
"No one wants to die, no one wants their friends to die; this is why everybody's paying attention."
"The growing virus of thought is Caden Cotard's obsession and fear of death."
"That's the thing, is like, even the ways that we're scared to die, honestly, as brutal as they are, are easy."
"I hyperventilate fully, and that's when I started losing control of my breathing, and that's when I started losing control of my consciousness, and that's when I thought this is death."
"I'm proud that I was never allowed to run away from dying, never allowed to run away from the fear of death. I can accept that, I can take pride in that."
"Aren't you afraid of dying?" "No son, I'm afraid of not living."
"...Jesus came to share in our humanity, positively in order to make us holy like him, and negatively in order to destroy the fear of death in our lives."
"Only in this way could Jesus set free all who have lived their lives as slaves to the fear of dying."
"We're all going to die. Why are we so afraid of death?"
"The fear of death... when I always tell people, 'You're not going to die, you just have to have this epiphany to understand that there is this level of ascension that takes place that puts you in a master seat of realization.'"
"I'm not afraid of death," I told myself. "What I'm afraid of is, what if death is not the end?"
"The human soul is afraid of dying; the godly soul is not."
"I'm 16 years old. I don't want to die."
"I'm too young to die. I've got my whole life before me."
"The fear of death... it's so fascinating, it is very deeply rooted and it's completely intertwined with the identity structure at the deepest level."
"But that the dread of something after death, the undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveller returns, puzzles the will."
"Life is scary, man, and everybody got to go one day, and you never know when is your time."
"I am limitless Consciousness, Immortal; what about fear of death? Let the body stay, let it die, what is it to you?"
"If there's an antidote to the fear of death and the experience of loss that's compatible with reason, I think it's to be found here."