
Instant Gratification Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"The less attention we commit to instant gratification activities and the more we invest into delayed gratification, the better our life gets."
"The point is to simply make the conscious effort to engage less and less in this type of instant gratification."
"Delayed gratification is a discipline that we have lost in an instant gratification culture."
"It's actually very very encouraging but in a world that's rapid gratification... that doesn't acknowledge this."
"Understand that instant gratification is not a thing that men often experience; everything is progression, it's work, it takes time."
"Our tolerance for frustration has gone way down because of the gratification world we live in."
"I think that we live in a world that's too much show and tell, too much instant gratification, and I commend Megan and Harry for trying to keep this private."
"Within 30 seconds of thinking about wanting an espresso, they have one in their cup."
"Everything you want you can have instantaneously. Everything you want, instant gratification, except job satisfaction and strength of relationships."
"Instant gratification actually makes you more likely to fail in life, while the opposite, delayed gratification, makes you more likely to succeed and not only succeed but actually be happy."
"Instant gratification is like the bad thing that feels good right now but is worse for your life in the long term."
"Poor people are wired for instant gratification... Rich people are wired for delayed gratification."
"Delayed gratification is something that's been lost on my generation and every generation after that. Everybody wants everything now."
"We live in an age of instant gratification where people want things immediately and they don't want to have to do any legwork themselves."
"A lot of problems with our society comes down to, I need instant gratification, I need instant likes, I need instant attention right now."
"Instant gratification is the society we live in man, yeah you're true that's exactly it geez."
"No single industry is a better example of the meeting of instant gratification and enormous cost to our own planet and mental health quite like the fast fashion industry."
"The reason most people fail instead of succeed is they trade what they want most for what they want at the moment."
"I've always found this feature to be really annoying, so instead of that, we're going to have upgrades be instant."
"Fight the cravings for instant pleasure...be okay with delayed gratification."
"Be able to discern moment-to-moment gratification from true fulfillment."
"Most of us humans we're not wired that way. We want instant gratification, right?"
"That reward is far greater than that instant gratification."
"Retail is groomed right now for instant gratification and instant rewards."
"Eternal bliss has a price, and the price is to give up instant gratification."
"It is pretty great you just keep clicking on you know friendly message and it'll go up instantaneously."
"They want instant gratification, they think they're entitled."
"We put a lot of value on pleasures of the moment... it's all about making yourself feel good on a physical level."
"Hard work pays off in the future but laziness pays off now."
"We're used to instant gratification, always."
"Where is the happy medium between waiting for the long-term results and wanting those results right now?"
"The most satisfying thing about comedy is instant feedback."
"I absolutely love it and what I love about it is it's instant gratification."
"It's like Uber Eats meets dating, everyone expecting everything immediate now, easy, no hard work, no build-up, and no concessions."
"Everyone's time preference is way off, they want everything to happen now."
"We have this insatiable appetite for instant gratification, but it's like chasing the dragon, man. It'll never be enough and you'll only leave behind a path of destruction, broken dreams, and wasted opportunity."
"Stop sacrificing for what you want most for what you want right now."
"Cheap dopamine is any easily attainable source of instant gratification."
"Instant gratification is something that I yearn for; greatness takes patience."
"Life works with a delay because we don't understand this, we look for instant gratification which is what society conditioned us with."
"People demanded skill-based matchmaking because they couldn't see much further than 'I want what I want when I want it now.'"
"Our culture of instant gratification a driving force behind the current calls for instant and radical change? Yes, and it's downstream of a culture that has lost touch with doing physical stuff."
"Instant gratification feels really empowering in the moment, but sometimes it's incredibly harmful."
"Society celebrates immediate gratification, leading to the erosion of self-control."
"You just press that button, you get it now, that's very cold."
"People want everything now, they don't want to wait."
"Sometimes the things that feel best in the moment are not the best for us."
"It's all just about the easy wins, the cheap dopamine hit, the constant search for validation and ego-stroking."
"If you are having a bad day, I promise you come out and do this and you will have immediate gratification."
"The primary aim of life is to maximize pleasures and it's pleasures of a particular sort the pleasures primarily of instant gratification."
"Chasing flashy things, chasing the immediate moment, yeah, it gets you a quick rush, a nice blast of dopamine, but it's empty. Ultimately, it's unfulfilling because nothing worth having is quick."
"Patience is one of the most important things in life and we live in a society right now that has absolutely no patience. Our culture is built on instant gratification."
"So, for me, the attraction is I write some code and then I see a result, and it's instant."
"The Philosopher's Stone, it has come to symbolize the ready answer, the instant solution, the immediate fulfillment."
"Delayed gratification. That was something we were taught in the 80s, I feel like, 80s, 90s, right? Delayed gratification. That's a muscle I think that a young man right now doesn't normally have because it's too easy to get too many things straight away."
"Now most products they take six weeks to work or you know two months three months six months to work this one of course the results get better and better over time but for me I love it so much because this actually gives me instant results."
"Immediate gratification has done a lot of damage to people. This idea that because I'm popular or I get attention that I'm successful."
"Immediate rewards are worth a lot."
"Short-term thinking is basically instant gratification."
"Perfectionism trained me to live in instant gratification."
"We live in a world of instant gratification. People want things now. Nobody wants to put in the work. Nobody wants to research. Nobody wants to read a piece of literature."
"If you want to feel better instantly, then why not just watch this movie?"
"Your rewards are paid out instantly through a variety of retailers like Visa, Amazon, Google Play, Xbox, Steam and more."
"It's just people want instant gratification."
"We live in a culture right now of 'what have you done for me in the last five minutes?'"
"Quick gratification is messing kids up."
"We're a generation of microwaves, we want everything instant."
"People are very impetuous now. They want everything instant. They're not prepared to wait. I think that's a big change."
"Re-addict yourself to actually arriving and re-addict yourself to having every single thing that you want now."
"I'm all about that instant gratification." - Desiring immediate results.
"When you have digital apps and digital websites where kids are answering questions, they're gonna tell them immediately whether that is right or wrong."
"Did you see what I said and that dude said? Okay, but what did you accomplish by having that instant gratification? Nothing."
"Because everything is so instant gratification and because of the internet and everything else, you can't, it'll just never have it, it'll never happen."
"Achieving in an instant what might have taken years."
"Culture loves instant, but our obsession with instant is strangling our discernment."
"We're living in a world where it's instant gratification."
"Instant gratification is the devil of our generation."
"I want to have cool stuff but I also want to have all of the stuff tomorrow so like I'm ordering stuff where I could wait and get better stuff if I went to a store but I definitely don't want to like put that effort in I just want to get delivered things right now."
"It's like you have Amazon Prime now, right? People have no patience, man."
"There's no longer that patience to earn something."
"UV resin has that instant gratification that I absolutely love, but it's creative too."
"Narcissists tend to be in it for the short-term gains; they want that instant gratification."
"The shortcuts equal instant gratification... and long-term dissatisfaction."
"How do you compete with instant gratification?"
"Everything is immediate swipe culture hookup culture is prevalent in that because we live a life of excess and instant gratification."
"This is like instant gratification."
"Sometimes I just want a little instant gratification."
"If whatever you always need is immediately satisfied, there is no civilization."
"You can get what you want when you want it."
"Life is priceless, man, you throw your life away for a couple of minutes of gratification, it's just not worth it."
"If someone comes to you and says, 'I will hand you a cookie right now,' and says the second scenario, 'I will hand you a cookie tomorrow,' there is something in us that says, 'I want the cookie now rather than tomorrow.'"
"Instant gratification... has become our generation's war."
"People are used to the instant gratification; it's a web that just performs right away in real time."
"Don't fall prey to this immediate gratification culture that we've all started to be living in."
"Remember when you couldn't watch a movie if it was out of stock? Just no instant gratification, which is strange, but I kind of miss it."
"We so value immediate pleasure so much more than future benefit."
"That's pretty cool, an instant collection."
"Enjoy instantly, everything there's so much flavor."
"As human beings, we have this psychological tendency to want instant gratification."
"We live in a microwave century now, people want stuff now."
"It's instant job satisfaction as well."
"We live in a world where you can basically have anything you want pretty much immediately... with photography, you can't get what you want straight away."
"Hard work often pays off over time, but laziness always pays off now."
"It's natural to be instant; this is the world we live in."
"Let's first get some kind of instant gratification and just hear the program how it can sound without making any changes."
"We live in like a microwave society when it comes to success."
"Immediate gratification... it's just that simple. The world is messed up because everyone wants immediate gratification."
"They were looking for something instant, gratification just the name of a shop or a website, something really quick that they could just take away."
"Instant gratification is the desire to experience pleasure or fulfillment without delay or deferment."
"We live in a very microwavable society which means that people want results instant."
"Everything around us is truly designed to now give us instant gratification."
"Accelerated gratification is the idea of lacking self-control to make wise financial decisions because we want certain things right now."
"Hookup culture promotes this immediate gratification, understanding at a glance, flash in the pan sort of comprehension of yourself."
"If we get whatever we want now, we may not get what we really want later."
"We live in an age of instant gratification, I call it microwave success versus the preheated oven."
"This culture that we have today is 'give it to me right now'."
"They're growing up in a world of instant gratification."
"Patience. A lot of kids want instant gratification."
"I think that we don't have conversations about like how we should try and strive not to give into instant gratification."
"We are in such a hurry as a society... it's instant gratification without recognizing the totality of the circumstances."
"People love instant gratification; being able to receive your product as soon as you buy it is something that customers love."
"Practice patience. You can't always have stuff instantly."
"Delayed gratification is a skill set that you need to hone in on and refine and perfect and like hang on to because we live in a world where we're just flooded with constant instant gratification."
"We just live in a microwave society where everything is for the gram, it's for social media."
"We are in a popcorn microwave society and we want everything now."
"Even an absolute beginner will be able to sit down at these pianos and play, albeit slowly, a song from scratch immediately, almost without any practice whatsoever."
"It's a novel about appalling people who do appalling things in the pursuit of instant gratification."
"We live in such a world that relies on instant gratification."
"We live in this world now of instant gratification."
"Society is also becoming a very instant society. Everything is instantly quick, everybody wants that quick gratification."
"Everyone wants an instant, instant, instant. Well, we want success, success, success."
"Nothing in this world worth having is worth having if it's instant."
"We live in the minute rice society; we want things quick."
"We are such an instant gratification type society now, we don't even know how to be patient and wait anymore."
"If everything came to us instantly, we wouldn't really appreciate it."
"We live in a microwave era and everybody wants everything like this."