
Digital Detox Quotes

There are 818 quotes

"Get outside and take a walk, don't look at your phone while you're doing it, run outside as opposed to on a treadmill if you can safely do that."
"You could try that as a weird actionable step... just leave your phone, take your house key, and just go for a walk with nothing to distract you."
"Unfollow, unsubscribe, block, delete. This includes seemingly educational YouTubers who aren't actually posting valuable content."
"Intentionally removing the phone from the bedroom... will transform your relationship not over weeks, within days."
"Disconnect from screens every once in a while... for our mental health and reconnecting with the real life."
"Escape digital at least once a day. People don't realize how cooped up they are."
"This one planning thing will change your life: No phone in the bedroom."
"A 5th generation war is easier to fight than one might think, more complex to be sure, but at the end of the day, fighting a 5th gen war could be as simple as turning off the TV, putting down the smartphone, and going outside to play in the yard with your kid."
"If you haven't heard of it, click off this video before it's too late. Put down your phone, go smell a flower or something."
"I invite you to try not to be on a screen. You can listen to music. You just can take in the ambiance of the place you're in."
"Turn everything off. Sit in a room where there's no electronics on where there's nothing to do. That will be some of the most valuable time of your life."
"Turn off social media and stop checking your email for an hour or two a day. The only person left to talk to is the self."
"I've been off Facebook for like months. It feels good, though."
"Remove shopping and spending apps from your phone...all this convenience leads you to overspending."
"Ripping the band-aid off and giving yourself that screen curfew can have the biggest impact on your sleep quality immediately."
"It's important to have a technology fast, and not go on social media, and turn off your phone, and leave your phone at home, and go for a walk on the beach so that you're not tethered to the phone."
"Once all of her devices and social media were removed, something quite amazing happened."
"Step away from everything for a month... rebuild your digital life from scratch... say what do I really need and how am I going to use it."
"We need to have a world outside of that phone."
"I've been on a hiatus. I recently left the internet for a month. I thought to myself, 'Hmm, maybe leaving the internet for a month, maybe things would improve.'"
"You don't need to be Amish to adopt many of these things, like thinking your cell phone is ruling your life, make the choice to turn it off and add structure to when and how you're allowed to use it."
"If you couldn't watch TV or go online for a month, how would you spend that time?"
"Be very mindful... you need to unplug from The Matrix to get more done."
"I'm doing this whole thing where I don't look at my phone at night so that I can sleep better."
"You don't have to be on your phone all the time in between every single moment."
"I've been thinking about this for a long time and I've considered doing a digital detox."
"Doodling and taking a moment for yourself away from screens is just about having a bit of fun with the pen in your hand."
"I find that just getting away from screens is a really powerful thing to do, especially in the mornings and the evenings."
"We could all stand to unplug and get inside our own heads a little more often."
"As you spend less time online, you realize most of this [__] don't matter, nor is it like real in any way."
"Sometimes that means just taking a step away from this digital world and reconnecting with the real world."
"And that's where I stumbled upon something that I think is really, really amazing, which is intermittent fasting for technology."
"Social media has a way to do that to you... it's so much more peaceful without it."
"It's so hard to live in the moment sometimes... so I have learned to just put my phone on a charger in my bedroom throughout the day."
"Thank you, I love you, until we can roll again. Turn the [expletive] off, go skate, life's out there, not in front of this little screen."
"Sometimes not going on your phone and not looking at social media is an act of self-care."
"It's not about less phone; it's about more boredom. We need times we're totally disconnected from this outside stimulation."
"The key is you can't go on your phone when you're bored because if you go on your phone when you're bored, then you're entertained. So you're not bored anymore, so then it doesn't force your brain to start coming up with ideas of how to entertain yourself."
"Turn your phone on airplane mode... it's a very good sign that someone respects their time."
"Stop checking your Instagram all the time, stop checking your TikTok all the time, stop checking your texts all the time. It's bad for you."
"I challenge you to make a list of all the things that you've been wanting to pursue but just haven't had time for, then delete social media off your phone for seven days."
"When you don't have your phone... you have nothing to compare it to... it allows you to feel more at one with your spirituality."
"There was something incredibly uniquely satisfying about gaining that insight without needing to be interrupted from the moment with my phone."
"This isn't half bad if you want to be without your phone for a little bit. It even has like a tiny little camera so you get tiny little memories. It's a good kid phone."
"Keeping quality time for family and friends and limiting the flow of negative information into my life."
"I did not need the lock... I'm just going to normalize putting my phone down somewhere where I'm not for a couple hours a day."
"Get off the phone and go for a walk or something."
"If you're ever going to take just a week off of social media, that Christmas week... that's kind of the time to do it."
"I've just been really needing a bit of a break from social media really as a whole"
"Maybe delete the app, maybe take a break off of it."
"Life is too short, you know, get off the internet sometime, decompress and understand the things that really matter in the real world."
"Smile at people, put your phone down, define your fights for whom and what you love."
"Giving up my smartphone has been one of the best things that I've ever done mainly because it's helped me look inside myself a lot more and help me understand my values a lot more."
"Quality time in nature with devices away is real quality time for us."
"Turning off your phone can sometimes be the best option."
"There's no cell service, there's no internet service... it was so nice to unplug from the world."
"The biggest thing you have to do is shut off technology. You have to go dark. You have to be quiet in your mind."
"It's just nice to get away from the digital circus."
"Woodworking is a great way to unplug from the online world and to get away from screens."
"Once a week, put all your machines away and meet with other people. Start to talk about things you're not allowed to say."
"I vacationed in Cuba... because there's no phone access... you were literally off the grid."
"My self-care routine is completely turning my phone off, hanging out with just the dogs."
"Turn off the volume of your smartphone, turn off notifications, and also turn off your phone."
"Unsubscribe from channels of various social media accounts... keep only the things that reflect your values."
"Reduce the number of electronic gadgets around you... we need a break from constant technology."
"There's just something blissfully amazing about not having technology for periods of time."
"There is life on the other side of constant phone use and it's a pretty good one."
"Maybe instead of trying to go offline completely, just get off the apps that make you interact more."
"I like it. I recently went on a social media purge. I deleted my old Snapchat, my Reddit, my old Tumblr account."
"One of the most spiritual things you may do is turn your notifications off of your phone."
"Sometimes the only way to be really connected is to disconnect for a while."
"Being connected to technology 24/7 takes a toll."
"The more time that passes on this social media detox, the less I miss it."
"Make sure I have a designated time off of my phone... it's important to disconnect."
"People don't realize how important this is. You wake up not right to the phone. You wake up, get your thoughts, get ready for the day, go outside, ground, and then start actually."
"That's what Tumblr is and that's how we like it. It's my palate cleanser when TikTok makes me question humanity."
"I don't want to be a slave to this thing anymore, can you dig it?"
"Creating time for ourselves off social media is extremely important."
"We're all connected by our phones, but we need to anchor ourselves to the analog."
"Shut it down and turn your attention toward real human beings."
"...put the phone down. Let it wait. It'll still be there..."
"Put your phone face down, get it out of sight, out of mind."
"Go be with your kid, go be with the family, get offline for a little while."
"Life is filled with so much potential for joy, you just gotta be willing to look up from your phone every once in a while to see it."
"It's a good first step is to try to unplug and really disconnect yourself."
"How about we put our phones down and we can make 10 seconds of unobstructed family eye contact?"
"Reading just gets me off my phone, gets me out of my own head."
"Go outside, shut down the internet for a little while, recharge those batteries."
"Put your phone down for a little while and actually go out, look out at the world around you."
"Just imagine going on a real reality show going for like two months with no phone no contact to the world."
"Turn off the phone and stop caring about what others think."
"Leave your phone at home, go out in the field, enjoy your day, do what you want to do."
"Get off your phones every so often, take a break."
"Don't touch your phone the first hour of the day; it rewires your brain for distraction and reactivity."
"It's important to recognize the impact of social media, but also take breaks from it."
"Sometimes it's good to turn off the Twitter, turn off the social media, and go enjoy the real world."
"Start engaging with the real things in life."
"If this is taking a mental toll on you, take a break from the internet and don't feel like you need to keep up with everything."
"Maybe you can't take a month off the internet but I still think this will be helpful."
"If you ever want to go to a screen-free environment, go to Silicon Valley. You will find there no screens in sight for kids below a certain age."
"Shut off the notifications on your phone on everything. It's okay to go to email or messages and all that but do it when you want to do it not because someone else is calling you."
"Teenage wasteland speaks to generation after generation... Life isn't looking down at screens, it is looking up."
"Shut down the electronics and not to mention the stress and the headache that comes with being on social media."
"Spend a month off social media or spend a month not posting on social media or something like that because I think for me it took me time to get used to my face again."
"Don't be a tool—commit to not touching your phone the first hour of the day."
"2021 is also just the year of demi needing to get off Instagram."
"Stop scrolling for the next 30 days. Just stop."
"People more and more now and maybe the slightly younger generation is looking to completely disconnect whenever possible."
"The power of unfollowing someone or an account or deleting an app that is just making you feel crappy, that power is incredible."
"As long as keanu reeves wants to act there will always be a place for him in film."
"So when's the last time you went with no Wi-Fi for a whole day? 24 hours um on the cruise."
"Detox from social media, detox from negativity."
"Life is not your computer, it's not your phone, it's just like there's so much more to life than the internet, you know? It's a lot of screen, it's life. Just go out and smell the roses and [__]."
"Quitting your social media... deleting it... and then stay off stuff for six months."
"I encourage people to leave their phone behind, go out and explore."
"Facebook is pure garbage anymore. You're better off without it." - Trash Panda 365's opinion
"Reducing my phone usage... delete all the social media apps off my phone."
"Not going on my phone first thing in the morning has honestly changed my life."
"Liberating yourself from that technology that limits your frequency is the fight."
"All of our advice was some version of log off."
"I appreciate people that take themselves out of this whole consumerism and social media."
"I've honestly been on a social media cleanse."
"I just stopped... I had to stop... the mindless scrolling."
"Get off of social media completely, take some time for yourself, get your mind right, your mental energies."
"The best moments are lived in the present moment, and you want to appreciate where you are. Find time to put your phone down and really focus on the present moment."
"Just shut your TV off bro if you need somebody for entertainment I got you, I got you."
"Putting your phone away before bed is an absolute Game Changer for better sleep."
"Unplug from technology at least two hours before bedtime."
"All we really need to do is put down our devices for a little bit and go outside."
"Reading is therapeutic and relaxing. A break from all social media."
"That's a huge part of it, getting outside, getting off your damn computer."
"By reducing your screen time, you're allowing your brain's attention span to thrive and flourish."
"We can just put our phones down and live in the real world with our people who love us and support us."
"If you put the freaking phone down, you do better."
"This is a fitting finale for get off the internet."
"Digital well-being: jump out in the real world."
"The moment you make reality exciting, people will prefer it over their phones."
"Just a few minutes every day where you just sit and don't do anything? No agenda, nothing you have to do. Just get unplugged from everything."
"It's actually pretty easy to quit things like Facebook delete your account in the app and maybe get another phone besides a smartphone."
"I've gone to Twitter a tiny bit and I feel great."
"Love each other, wait, you got the shirt, just go, put your phone down!"
"Throw your phone away. Just throw it in the water, okay? Don't be on social media."
"Have one evening a week without electronics."
"That's what getting outside is all about, it's all about turning off the computer, turning me off, turning off the television, getting out and living."
"Go put your phone down for a day. You won't regret it. Alright, I love you guys."
"Boy is it good to be back after roasting in the Florida Sun for a week straight while trying my best to stay as disconnected."
"Take a break today. Keep your phone away and take in the surroundings."
"I'm taking a break from social media. I'm not telling anyone else what to do but I've wasted too many days and not had a positive use of that."
"I'm spending so much time enjoying my life living offline."
"Unplugging from social media to recharge and prioritize other activities."
"Get on with it, put the phone down and go outside."
"It comes back to spending more time grounded in the real world and less time on your phone."
"Step away from the screen and get a reality check on what actual human interaction is like."
"Your phone on airplane mode, put it at the bottom of your bag, you're just more and more less likely to grab it because it's not dinging like are there."
"Put down the goddamn phone and just connect with people."
"Humans have survived since the dawn of time without. We only had internet for about 20 years. In, uh, 30 years, I think we'll be okay. I'm enjoying not having been in it. That makes one of us."
"It's more of an offline tool. It's to help you get away from that environment."
"Are you a slave to technology? Take periodic breaks from electronics and regenerate yourself."
"Remove yourself from them, unsubscribe from all of these channels, stop giving them money, stop giving them attention, spare yourself and feel a burden eased in a conscience claimed as a result."
"Maybe the only thing you can do is disengage."
"Looking for something that requires no logons, no one watching, email, coherent sentences and no technical problems whatsoever? Read a book."
"He deleted all the social media just because he felt like it was time for him to go."
"Put down your smartphone. That's the way out, folks."
"Sometimes social media is just a lot. You just want to chill."
"How often are you unplugged from the Matrix? How often are you away from your technology in nature with your bare feet on the ground, breathing deeply in the air, letting sunlight on your skin, and feeling good?"
"When I'm with people physically, I don't want to be with other people digitally. That's kind of my vibe too."
"Having a week off completely disconnected from social media was exactly what I needed."
"You have to learn to shut off a phone, shut off a computer, shut off a TV..."
"Going up somewhere for five days that doesn't have any internet, it's actually pretty refreshing."
"I took Twitter off my phone. It's a much healthier decision."
"I think breaks [from social media] are extremely important to mind."
"If being away from your phone genuinely makes you anxious, try putting it on airplane mode or away in a drawer for a couple of hours a day."
"It's okay to go offline, have digital holidays."
"Definitely take some time to unplug from social media."
"Just disconnect from the internet for a little bit and do things that make you happy."
"The second I deleted those apps I got my life back."
"I've more or less quit social media completely."
"I realized that social media, it wasn't just a social media break, I had to let everything go."
"The most powerful tool on your phone is the airplane mode button."
"When I do take breaks from YouTube and come back, it just gets even better."
"Unplug for a day, one day. No Twitter, no news, no social media."
"We need to unplug from technology and embrace our humanness."
"Seek nature when we need an escape, not social media."
"Take time away from technology and move your body to reconnect with yourself."
"I truly needed a social media break. I cannot tell you guys how beneficial it was for me."
"I'm gonna be unplugging a lot more often, and I highly recommend you guys do the same."
"Delete social media if it's not giving the results you want."
"Take some time only for you, no cell phones, no speaking to anybody, silence really check in with your intuition."
"It's important to take breaks and when you say breaks it's not just a break away from your computer it's really a break away from the internet."
"I encourage people to sometimes just put the phone down and use their camera or their eyes as their cameras."
"I think it's really important... to just put my phone down and forget about it."
"I tend to not touch my phone in the morning."
"Every once in a while, just put down the phone and take advantage of a great story."
"If you just put your phone down for like more than like six hours, you feel better like who would have thought."
"What I always say is, the whole point of a social media hiatus..."
"I wanted to get off my phone, off my computer, from behind a camera, and just like experience life and enjoy it."
"Spend time alone. Quiet introspection is needed. Disconnect, relax, turn off your electronics and just be."
"Put the phone down! Too much screen time's making you awkward and sad. Go talk to people in real life."
"Twitter, you're the one that we don't need. So let's all stop tweeting and have some peace."
"Close that laptop, go outside, and touch the grass."