
Self-blame Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Understanding what someone is going through, why they did what they did, is powerful because it just kind of takes the self-blame away."
"When a person has poor boundaries, they will often blame themselves even for a very negative or even a problematic or traumatic interaction, saying, 'Well, it's my fault I had poor boundaries,' which can not only result in self-blame and shame but a whole cascade of negative emotions associated with that."
"The very idea that you are at fault is a fundamental premise in the law of attraction."
"We seek order to comfort ourselves, and one of the quickest things that we can always blame is ourselves."
"The hardest part about moving on is acceptance. Accepting that it's over, and not blaming yourself for things you couldn't control."
"Often when we feel like we've been rejected or abandoned...it's like our inner child can blame ourselves, like we feel like someone's rejected us and we tell ourselves it's because we're not good enough."
"Often when we experience pain subconsciously, we create stories which blame ourselves."
"Kids after they're kind of yelled at, in the absence of repair, they really only have two options for how to regulate and feel safe again: they can self-blame, 'It's all my fault,' which is why I feel like most adults when they have a hard time, they tell themselves like, 'It's my fault. I'm not good enough.' It's like the legacy of that story from childhood."
"When he saw Viole's body, he was very sad and blamed himself for that incident by beating the wall until his hand was injured."
"It's never been your fault, no matter what. Let go of that toxic shame; it doesn't belong to you."
"The stronger our brain is, the worse the depression is, because if you have a really powerful logical ability but something in your brain has changed to always blame you, it's going to leverage that brain against you."
"Ben Grim hates himself because he looks like a monster, and Reed hates himself for what happened to Ben."
"Instead of questioning society or the system, people who fail see themselves as responsible for their lot and feel shame."
"It's not your fault, so do not put that shame on yourself."
"I had a dream, a passion, and I followed it. I cannot help but blame myself in part for the outcome of the war."
"In a narcissistic relationship, you doubt yourself, blame yourself."
"I stopped blaming myself... I stopped feeling lazy."
"Forgiveness. No guilt. Don't blame yourself."
"If you make that choice then who do you blame? You blame yourself."
"Just know that it's not your fault and you didn't deserve it."
"I had the victory in my hands and I threw it away."
"Despite everything I've just said, I still blame myself."
"INFJs are looking for their soulmates. Don't give up, but realize if you're having a hard time, it's your fault."
"Your space matters to you, and if you're with people that don't respect your space then they're toxic."
"If things fall apart despite you successfully managing all those other elements in your life, then you've only got one person left to blame: yourself."
"Agreeable person in a narcissistic relationship can spend a lifetime blaming themselves."
"Played my fucking self, my own fucking fault."
"I blame it all on me. All me. How I responded."
"Personalizing ruins your self-esteem, recognize if you're constantly blaming yourself."
"This poor kid literally is like constantly putting the full blame on herself and just is constantly struggling with the stress and the anxiety that comes with that."
"I hated myself, but like an addict, like when you're in your disease and when you're into your addiction you blame everything and everybody here except for yourself."
"I had no idea she was so unhappy with our marriage, and as much as she insisted it wasn't me, I still blame myself."
"It's all about you finding balance in the lesson. Don't let the idea that you allowed this to happen flood your thoughts."
"It's like they feel whatever happened between the two of you was their fault."
"If Ben could talk to you now, he would tell you it's not your fault, so please don't be that hard on yourself."
"But as angry as we were at the god of thunder for majorly bungling this battle it paled in comparison to how angry he was at himself."
"I won't be pleased with myself, but I'll leave furious with anyone else I could possibly blame."
"Are you to blame for the death of a young girl? Yes, yes I am."
"It's sad to hear that she's blaming herself still just like she did in the show just like she did a year ago she's saying I slowed down I know that if I would have worked harder I would be more successful with it that's not how it works."
"Not another day wrestling another night, taking the fault of everything and everybody and blaming yourself for stuff you're not."
"Self-blame and confusion after enough time in one of these relationships."
"You might do everything right and your kids still may not come back to you. Don't blame yourself."
"She's trying to get large back, right? And ISA does what a lot of us do, taking the blame."
"I think every little kid should not blame themselves in any way"
"People often enter therapy so confused and self-blaming..."
"It's very difficult to put into words what I felt at this time: shock, anger, frustration... Anger particularly, anger at the thieves but anger at myself for becoming a victim."
"Lu Fung couldn't help but blame himself for Jang's injuries."
"When I missed that weight, I knew it was all my fault."
"I blame myself... it's just that I didn't have a great run maybe slightly before that."
"You were just being a lover, and that's okay. Stop blaming yourself for things others caused."
"Maybe I could have prevented what had happened. I don't know. They say you can't blame yourself, but I do."
"You're just enjoying your life and blaming yourself for the depravity of other people."
"If you can't meet the standards, don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. It's just that you guys don't have similar standards."
"For those who can't find work or make ends meet, it's hard to escape the demoralizing thought that their failure is their own doing, that they simply lack the talent and drive to succeed."
"A lot of internalized self-blame and self-esteem issues."
"Maddie, you gotta get over yourself, Elektra's death wasn't your fault."
"Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault."
"we also victim blame ourselves into saying it's my fault that I'm here"
"If you are damned, it is not God who is to blame but you and yourself."
"It's not really my fault, but that's all I can think. That's all I can think about, even after I've won it."
"I almost started crying and it made me think that somehow it was my fault."
"I'm trying not to blame myself for this whole situation."
"Don't blame yourself for what happened. I think you need to take some time off. Go be with your family. You never know how much time you have left."
"Like it's actually all my fault, like I'm the reason why everything's [ __ ] up."
"The moment you stop blaming yourself is the moment you take one real step forward towards your peace over the situation."
"It's difficult not to blame myself for what happened, yet it's difficult not to."
"Don't you dare ever blame yourself."
"Don't blame yourself. For a child betrayed, it is never the child's fault."
"He said, 'Living is so hard.' I think he took out any problems he had career-wise or any other things in his personal life, he took it out on himself."
"I want you to stop blaming yourself."
"If only I had done this. So I blamed myself a bit, that was the worst."
"Finally, I made a decision that I'm not going to blame myself anymore."
"You can't blame yourself for what happened."
"Making sense of what happened so that you can know it wasn't your fault."
"By herself, she doesn't accomplish anything. She places the responsibility and more importantly the blame onto herself."
"They're beating themselves up again and again because they feel that things just weren't handled right."
"Don't put that guilt on yourself."
"If you're in that situation or even a spouse, don't blame yourself. Anybody can get duped."
"The scapegoat tends to believe... any abuse they suffer is their own fault."
"Hanana believes that she is the reason why all of this is happening to ayasi so she wants to end their little fairy tale and reflect on the reality."
"I wasn't fast enough. It's all my fault."
"You didn't just make it up; your reactions to abandonment are not your fault."
"As long as you blame yourself for being abused, you can't heal."
"It's heartbreaking, there's no one else to blame other than myself but I'm just so disappointed with myself, it's unreal."
"When you start to blame yourself and take full ownership, you are empowered to change your circumstance."
"I can't keep blaming everything on myself, or I really am gonna lose my mind... Do I have to keep it together?"
"I tell that to myself I talk [__] to myself yeah that scale is dangerous though because on the other flip side you have people that blame the [__] out of themselves excessively."
"When the pandemic hit, it actually helped me because I went, 'Oh look, I can't blame myself for this.'"
"I felt angry at myself. I felt like God failed me."
"I made a big mistake though in formulating this goal. I had largely blamed myself for my failed past relationships, reasoning that perhaps I had somehow unconsciously chosen a partner who was not ready for commitment."
"Eventually they conclude that it must be because of their own character."
"Once a man makes his escape, he will thrive, unlike many abused gals who blame the abuse on themselves."
"You can always blame yourself when something like this happens, and I truly identify with that."
"What's happening to you is not your fault and you are more than enough."
"Even when you feel abandoned, you might internalize that it's your fault, like I got abandoned because of me. It's my fault. I'm lacking. I'm not worthy enough."
"Stop blaming yourself for what a man should have provided in the relationship."
"I was blaming myself that I was not politically strong enough. I was afraid to open my mouth."
"You can't blame yourself for the darkness. You can't blame the sun for not chasing away every shadow, Everly."
"She really blamed herself for the whole thing."
"January to March last year was the darkest days of my life. I knew I did nothing wrong but I ended up blaming myself for everything."
"Never blame yourself for anything. My wish for you is that you raise a beautiful healthy family."
"There is no one to blame but myself."
"It's true and I don't know if maybe we were victims of bullying and that's a typical victim thing to do is to blame yourself, which is what people were saying but it also is very true."
"How much longer will you blame yourself?"
"The only mistake you can make is getting too caught up in blaming yourself for other people's choices."
"Don't let yourself feel like it has something to do with you."
"If I was plummeting to my death in a gyrocopter, I'd blame myself for going in the gyrocopter. On the way down, I'd be like, well, you knew this was going to happen."
"People begin to think... they are responsible for the ills of the world."
"If you didn't look into that and understand it, you could've spent your life blaming yourself for not working out right or eating right or something."
"If you feel like you are genuinely to blame, that is horrible because you're not by the way."
"I'm pissed off at myself for letting this happen."
"Nothing good will come of blaming yourself or someone else."
"So many people stay in abusive relationships, controlling relationships, for years and years and do so much damage to themselves and their children because they operate by this template: 'It must be my fault, I must be doing something wrong.'"
"I beat myself up thinking that if I had just stayed in the car nothing would have happened."
"I thought for a long time I was to blame, but I know that's not true."
"I release the need to blame anyone, including myself."
"Remember, victims should never blame themselves for things beyond their control; there's no excuse for anyone to violate, harass, intimidate, or stalk you."
"We just separated ways and I put this on myself."
"Stop blaming other people and blame yourself, and realize that it actually is your fault."
"I'm a curse... People around me, people I love, just seem to die."
"I will never ever blame anything but myself for getting me to 315 pounds."
"I'm going to stop trying to stop drinking, and in doing that, I'm going to stop blaming and shaming myself."
"If I fall in flames, I got nobody to blame but myself."
"Being alone is loving yourself. Loneliness is usually blaming yourself."
"When you let fear rob you, you have no one else to blame. It's you."
"Understand you did nothing to cause your abuse."
"When I had my long regrets and the blame."
"To hold destiny means to exonerate ourselves of blame."
"We need compassion, we need gentleness because when we do this, it's so easy to blame ourselves."
"Blaming yourself for failures blocks the energy of love, which will attract all good things in your life."
"Retrospect I would have did it the same, in hindsight I'm the only one to blame."
"I've been blaming myself for all these years for being overweight."
"A turning point in this animation where she realizes that the events that happened in her past were not her fault."
"Hello Jake. Dad, I thought you'd be angry. Not at you, Jake. Only at myself."
"I wasn't there for you, I hate myself for that."
"By constantly blaming ourselves for wounds that were inflicted by others, we're keeping ourselves from finding real freedom."
"There are things a person must do with his own hands, especially if he blames himself."
"You also have to stop blaming yourself for others' actions."
"It's what we do when someone we love dies, blame ourselves."
"The queen furiously questions their loyalty towards the king and blames herself for not being able to give birth."
"Forgive yourself for everything because the first thing we do as women is to blame ourselves. Don't do that."
"You internalize, you think, 'Oh, I'm wrong, this is me,' and then we carry that for lives."
"Forgive others, forgive yourself, because it's not your fault, it's never been your fault."
"Don't always blame yourself because if you know you're a good person, you have an authentic heart."
"Our immediate response to any kind of trauma is to minimize and invalidate our experience because we want to take blame for it."
"You didn't do anything wrong, so don't blame yourself."
"The truth is that you are living in a system that is pouring acid on your attention every day, and then you are being told to blame yourself and fiddle with your own habits while the world's attention burns."
"I just can't help but feel so stupid, it wasn't your fault, period."
"When you're already irritated and you catch your pocket on a kitchen drawer knob, you just get super pissed and you can't blame anybody but yourself."
"Everyone at some point in our lives has blamed ourselves for something that has happened to us, even if it's not really our fault."
"Everything isn't your fault, it's not."
"You can't blame yourself for all this, it's not your fault."
"I'm not blaming anybody but myself."
"No, Scoots, you mustn't blame yourself. If anyone should, it's me."
"I wasn't mad at her for what had happened; how could I be? It was my own fault for clumsily falling like I did."
"It can leave you thinking it was all your fault, when in fact, it was not."
"When you're not pursuing what you want in life, there's nobody to blame but you."
"The future Flash is a version of Barry Allen from the future who blamed himself for the death of Wally West."
"You kind of sound like you're blaming yourself. No, I'm not. I didn't deserve what happened to me. I didn't want that."
"Fool me once, shame on you; fool me nine consecutive years, shame on me."
"What right do I have to blame her? It is all my fault."
"Both refuse to blame each other for the accident and both actually claim the blame for themselves."
"One of the ways of combating loneliness is to remember that it's not your fault."
"I blame my actions on no one other than myself."
"It wasn't you, it was me, and to be blamed, I accept the fall for this."
"The more public that gets, the less likely it is that that kind of terrible self-blame or internalization takes place."
"Whenever something wrong happens, he'll overthink, stress, put the blame on himself, and make it his burden."