
Triggers Quotes

There are 352 quotes

"Removing everything from your life that triggers an excess amount of dopamine without giving you a severe reward."
"You cannot remove the things that trigger you... but you can always choose not to repeat the pattern."
"Know thyself. Know what your triggers are, what puts you off the path to being the best version of yourself, and then reverse engineer that."
"I choose my words very carefully because my topics are very triggering, and I know that when people are triggered, their inner child can come to the forefront."
"When I say triggered, I mean that our inner child is up and running our present from a place of being activated, and our adult self, the adult part of us, is gone."
"Relationships are really just your triggers bumping up against somebody else's triggers."
"A trigger is defined as something that affects your emotional state."
"Enjoy the full moon, remember this is a time to go into the things that trigger you a little bit and learn from them."
"So many times people in couples therapy will say like, 'Oh, now I understand why I get really triggered by that, when you do that.'"
"I feel like you're on the precipice of something really big."
"Nobody can trigger you unless you are triggered."
"Everything that is a symptom of CPTSD only occurs if it gets triggered. You can't stop the world from triggering you, but you can learn to calm how you respond to triggers."
"Triggers can always lead to growth if you take that as an opportunity to reflect and actually grow from it."
"Triggers show us the shortcomings and flaws within us that we have denied and suppressed... Triggers are our friend."
"Fear, uncertainty, and stress fuel conspiracy theories."
"The design of the universe is for you to interact with other people, and then to be triggered by them. That's catalyst."
"Don't open up communication if this person could possibly trigger you."
"Learn who you are, learn what your triggers are, and learn how you communicate them."
"Managing triggers was essential, recognizing my trigger foods and situations allowed me to regulate my exposure accordingly."
"The sooner you understand why you're triggered, the easier it's going to be to process that."
"Their feelings are leading them to feel quite triggered to basically want to come to you."
"It's always the unforeseen trigger that you don't say and then behavior changes quickly."
"It might be a heavy one possibly a triggering one for some people."
"Identify your triggers as opportunities to learn more about yourself."
"Behavior happens when there's motivation, ability, and a trigger."
"Know your triggers, the mental and emotional triggers that other people hit that cause you to want to engage in a fight."
"Create space between the shit that triggers you."
"Let's talk about how sad that has become a trigger."
"You might have a girlfriend or a boyfriend or a husband or a wife or a mother-in-law and they trigger the [ __ ] out of you."
"From hidden passages to concealed triggers, explore the world of secrecy."
"The fact that violence can spring from such a tiny, tiny trigger."
"Think about what the trigger takes you back to."
"Triggers are a natural part of our process, no matter how healed or ascended we are. It doesn't mean you're failing."
"It's important that each person understand their own relationship triggers."
"Panic buying can be set off very easily... all it takes is one minor inconvenience."
"Any kind of stress is a trigger for symptoms."
"Pay attention to the triggers; they're showing you where you need to heal."
"You're working on recognizing what triggers you."
"I'm constantly learning things that set me off and trying to change how I live so I can continue to do what I do."
"Anxiety and stress, hunger, fatigue, caffeine use, and extremes in temperature can worsen the tremors."
"What if triggers were God revealing the things that we need to heal?"
"Sometimes when people get triggered, it's not a reflection of something you're doing wrong, it's actually validation and confirmation that you're getting the shadow to come out."
"Really take your time to uncover what your spending triggers are."
"Something that really triggers this person is abusive people, people who do unjustice to others."
"As soon as somebody triggers you, it's a sign that it's time for change."
"Feelings of abandonment, rejection, you're not good supply anymore, it's triggering my ego."
"Scent has this weird thing with... triggering memories."
"There's nothing in this world that'll trigger a fish more than a struggling shad or golden shiner right there at the surface."
"Triggers are a gift, they're Redemptive as well."
"Often times we respond to triggers by just cutting people out of our life instead of realizing that maybe one of the reasons that we're triggered is because of our own woundedness."
"Pay attention to what triggers you because there's something there that you need to work through."
"Some triggers are meant to deliver you, some triggers are meant to help you go back and get the pieces of yourself that you thought you would never get back again."
"Not every trigger is meant to destroy you, some triggers are meant to deliver you, some triggers are meant to help you heal."
"Treatment principles overall number one is to always avoid any triggers that the patient may have."
"Ultimately there are three big umbrella issues: lack of self-care, creating vulnerabilities, and exposure to triggers without a relapse prevention plan."
"Everybody's triggers can be a little bit different."
"Wow, the trigger words and trigger sounds actually claimed us our first win."
"The first thing we need to realize is what causes binge eating. You see, I grew up as a kid, a teenager, never ever had binge eating. It was only until I really started dieting, really started getting lean, that binge eating became a thing."
"You have to understand where your triggers are and you have to learn how to either avoid them or manage them."
"A trigger today points to an unhealed wound from the past."
"So part of growing and changing is being aware of your triggers, being aware of the needs that being negative and critical seem to meet in your life growing up and maybe your brain still thinks meets today."
"Tony's PTSD, he's trying to avoid reminders, 'I don't want to talk about New York,' he's trying to... trying to avoid reminders, trying to avoid the triggers."
"You want to spot when does that thought arrive does it arise when I'm with certain people does it arise when I'm on a particular social media platform does it arise when I go to a particular place where is that what is the seed of that thought."
"You need to remove yourself from environments that constantly trigger you to go back."
"The day you're no longer triggered is the day you're free."
"That is why when we are triggered, we can suddenly feel overwhelmed."
"As you get to know your triggers, then learn to catch yourself at the times you slip into fantasy."
"Why is it that women are so triggered by the mere suggestion that there might be something that they could be doing that would improve their relationship?"
"I love this one about having some mastery over our triggers or having things not be such a trigger anymore."
"We must change our relationship with these triggers."
"You're isolated from everything that triggers you because what triggers you controls you."
"Within all of us, there's a component of success that exists should we be able to know those motivational triggers."
"Trauma can suddenly erupt years after the event, triggered by other stresses."
"Compassion is literally the only thing shown to trigger Natsu's demon powers."
"Recognize their triggers, their attachment injuries."
"Songs are just triggers, your mind triggers."
"It might trigger you to have more eyeballs on you, to have more critique, to have more visibility."
"Sometimes you think you're confident and you're doing great and then you meet somebody who triggers something within you that you didn't even know was there."
"Triggers are wonderful times to learn about yourself."
"Cold sores are due to a virus... if you're getting sick if you're emotionally in a bad place... anything that can trigger a cold sore and if you've already had a cold sore once in your life it just means that you have a chance again of having that cold sore come back."
"Be aware of what triggers you emotionally."
"Panic disorder can be triggered by stressful life events, loss, and separation."
"I did you're talking about if I even get the glimpse of the smell of vomit it is enough to send me into to a spiral."
"It could really be something that you see and it triggers something in you that activates maybe let's say a flashback or your nervous system."
"Symptoms of mast cell activation include itching, hives, flushing, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and anaphylaxis."
"Triggers of mast cell activation include alcohol, opiates, high temperature, and strenuous activity."
"Triggers are a gift, they're showing us where we need to heal."
"You really don't know how triggered you are until you're in a relationship."
"Using isolation to control triggers is not a good way of life."
"Your triggers and emotional reactions are reminders of what still needs to be healed."
"What are the triggers for you when you do some damage where you can create a pause to be more thoughtful about your response?"
"Helping clients become aware of their triggers what triggers their anxiety is helpful."
"My relationship with women, when I was having problems with women, that would build up the pressure, so to speak. And then when I saw a woman in a vulnerable situation, that would trigger, and that's when I killed."
"When you think you're doing good, you're having such a great day and then something triggers you, that's how I just realized like, no, tell me you're you're not healed."
"Triggers are everywhere and they can trigger things like the desire to use or engage in an addictive behavior."
"Understanding your triggers is the first step in being able to address them so relapses don't sneak up from out of the blue."
"Negative thoughts can trigger emotional responses like fear, leading to distress and anxiety."
"The reason that you have a need to stop the negative thinking is because of the emotional response, the emotional content that's being triggered by those thoughts."
"Triggers aren't just behavioral, they can trigger a lot of other things."
"Triggers often touch old wounds that haven't healed."
"Know your shopping triggers and create barriers to shopping."
"Growth often comes from being triggered."
"Fourth house is your emotional state, which is coming because you're emotionally getting triggered."
"It's not even funny if someone has a trigger, guess what, that is your responsibility to manage."
"I view my triggers as a learning opportunity to understand myself better."
"Literally just it's a trigger it's."
"Our bodies are conditioned, and before we know it, we have a crazy long list of things that can set the system off."
"Many models also only via one shot after every bold trigger."
"Every time we're triggered, it's because something's getting reflected back to us. We've got to clear the trigger."
"Every single trigger you experience is actually a message from the universe of something you could learn."
"Your triggers are your healing plan."
"What safety nets do I need to put in place so I don't give in to those triggers?"
"Almonds and vanilla extract were surprising triggers for autoimmune patients."
"This triggered me a lot since a lot of people have rejected me in the past because of my sexuality."
"Narcissists can act very healthy until they're triggered."
"Remove triggers and be aware of your triggers."
"Trauma is anything that reminds you of the trauma."
"So when people say a trigger is creepy, that's what you're actually feeling."
"Your trigger has absolutely zero to do with someone else."
"It's important to recognize a person's successes, but to be aware of impending triggers or relapse warning signs."
"Now often this is triggered by hitting a transition on the freeway."
"...a narcissist absolutely dread feeling embarrassed or exposed as Petty or silly or childish and so if you come along and say what you're saying doesn't make sense or I I don't know how you arrived at that conclusion boy that's going to set them off."
"Identify our core triggers and have some different coping skills."
"I've never been so triggered when someone says a phrase 'not my Tempo'. I want to murder someone."
"If you have a fear, you have to confront the fear. So if you're having a conversation and someone says something, it triggers you."
"There's trauma-related triggers now there are very strong reactions to something and I think a lot of the time when we have a trauma-related trigger it's almost like there's part of us kicks in it feels as if yesterday's threat is present today."
"Everything you're triggered by on the external is just the sign of something unlistened to in your body."
"When you get angry, it's often because you've encountered something that has made you feel threatened or provoked."
"Specific events touch on sensitive areas. These sensitive areas or red flags usually refer to long-standing issues that can easily lead to anger."
"When identifying triggers and events, encourage people to put up whatever they can think of, but here are some suggestions: waiting a long time at the doctor's office, rejection or isolation, death or loss, and failure."
"I still become incredibly anxious every time I hear the doorbell ring."
"They're triggered too in this relationship and they do care a lot."
"Hairdressers set me off bloody waiting in line in the bloody shopping center sets me off."
"So we want to actually deal with our triggers, we want to learn how to manage ourselves when we are being triggered, and again when I talk about triggers I'm talking about something happens and then in an unconscious way we have an evaluation of what happened."
"I think relationships are kind of almost there - like trigger you."
"Anxiety is a significant trigger of emotional eating."
"You're ready to go. So that's one of my triggers: walk through a door, I'm entering the space as a happy man ready to serve, let's go."
"Sometimes people snap, and if you press someone on the wrong day, it's going to happen."
"Shame is a pretty big topic, there are lots of shame triggers that we all have."
"Autistic meltdowns are triggered by different things for different autistic people."
"I think triggers are really important to pay attention to because they tell us what we need to work on."
"You are going to be triggered to repeat your old habit because what does a habit have it has a trigger it has a behavior drink that glass of wine and then it has a reward ah that feels good."
"I understand my emotional triggers."
"Anything that triggers your shame, triggers insecurity."
"You're going to face your triggers, they're only a mirror reflecting you."
"They do think about you 24/7, and they are actually becoming very triggered by a lot of these thoughts."
"Your attractiveness, internal external both, winds up being a trigger to the toxic person."
"Your passions, your hobbies, things that make you feel peace and calm. You can do things with real feeling, and that just touches on their narcissistic injury and triggers them."
"Different things can trigger it including stress, getting sick, rundown, your immune system being suppressed."
"You can have pain and then when something happens you're overreacting because you're not just reacting to that, you're reacting to that which happened prior as well."
"One simple act of kindness in the grocery, in traffic, at the post office, at the office, on the phone, especially with customer service, talk about a place to need love, and that's one of my triggers too."
"What is the anger triggered by? Lack of attunement, empathic failure, emotional distancing, or betrayal?"
"When you get defensive and triggered, that's your number one sign that this is true about you."
"You have to figure out what is the one thing that's triggering you the most... You have to find what is the one thing that's the most negatively affecting you that's triggering you for everything else."
"Our inner child is preoccupied if we matter and we can get massively triggered when a work situation or environment feels like it's erasing us."
"Small triggers create tiny habits to produce huge results over time."
"Every habit has a trigger; most of the time, we don't know our triggers."
"The right triggers can flip your life upside down in a good way."
"So, this is just one example of how this is useful, but there's a whole bunch of other ways in which S3 triggers can be used."
"Our memories are not in our things, but sometimes our things can trigger memories."
"A trigger should tell you about you, not about others."
"Customers don't always behave in ways that you expect, and so this concept of a trigger allows it to be a customer-led journey."
"Mold exposure can trigger mast cells."
"Some of these past experiences are being triggered in them."
"Make sure you don't trigger his 'I'm being controlled' wounds."
"Your family seems to trigger you the most, you know?"
"To find your triggers and navigate through that. I think establishing and figuring out what that is is super productive because then you're able to proactively work against fighting those triggers."
"We're exposed to being triggered. We cannot live without being vulnerable to being triggered."
"I think that all of these things have triggers... take them out, I can't see that I would have ever lost my colon."
"Triggers are associated with intense negative emotions. Intense, negative emotions come up very quickly and intensely."
"What triggers them and how can I cope?"
"Looking back, what do you think might have triggered it?"
"Stress is stress, and it's going to trigger the HPA axis, the HPG axis, and the HPT axis."
"...so we know that there are genes that make you more likely to develop polymyalgia rheumatica there is most likely something in the environment that triggers those genes..."
"You have at this point once you develop these two comprehensive lists is a list of possible triggers that you can tie a new behavior to."
"Excess consumption of alcohol and smoking has immense role to play in triggering your psoriatic lesions or worsening the existing lesions."
"If you meet somebody with a lot of resentments, a trigger from an old resentment can set off their anger."
"Triggers are events, words, actions, or perceptions that in some way resemble and reawaken trauma."
"Everybody has a trigger, and they're typically very specific triggers in terms of what scares us the most. Typically, it's a type of category like a sub-genre within horror, or it can be just something very specific in a horror film."
"Our triggers become an opportunity and even a gift."
"What is triggering me to gain weight? What is triggering me to eat too much food?"
"Put hot triggers in the path of motivated people."
"Figuring out where those triggers come from gives us so much more of an ability to have control."
"I realized when I got home he triggered depression in me. I was like damn, I didn't even realize I was allowing that."
"Triggers can be statements, situations, or circumstances that elicit an automatic emotion and reaction."
"External triggers are literally a matter of life and death."
"Your worth doesn't need to be called into question, so if we start like tuning in to what's actually going on in those moments where we feel triggered..."
"Triggers are your teachers when a trigger comes up that you're excited to lean in rather than just getting triggered by it so triggers aren't bad but they're here to show you what's unresolved within you."
"It's all a habit and understanding that habits are connected to triggers."
"I still have intense anxiety every time the doorbell rings."
"I know but I was making a video and I just got triggered."
"If you don't know how to have emotional control, you're one trigger away from just losing it."
"therapy and therapists are very triggering."
"Buttons, slide layers, and triggers allow you to create more intricate interactive content in Storyline."
"If you struggle immensely with triggers, I really recommend you get the help of a professional therapist or counselor."
"Tracy suffers from emotional overeating but now she has identified what triggers this she's taken the first step towards healthier eating habits"
"When we are triggered by another person's behavior, it's still not justification to be defensive."
"There's a need to set boundaries, especially if this connection is triggering for you."
"Even if you've triggered somebody and you didn't mean to, that trigger is bringing something up from the subconscious."
"Violence only triggers more violence."