
Self-mastery Quotes

There are 638 quotes

"The mastery of self is the ultimate challenge for anyone to go after."
"Develop self-mastery, forge ahead and keep doing what you know best."
"As you become wiser and smarter, you're going to become stronger, you will develop that sense of self mastery."
"The pyramid of self mastery... is called the seven steps to self-mastery."
"Knowledge of self is having the power of self in all your elements within you, god-like."
"Being responsible for your own life means you're the master of your life."
"You cannot be hurt by criticism when you know that you are the master of your thoughts, reactions, and emotions."
"You are beginning to master your own mindset, you're beginning to master yourself."
"Discipline is the willingness to keep your ass in line... it's not hey do I have control over other people, a lot of people have that, but do you have command control over yourself?"
"In order to master anything, you must first master yourself."
"Mastery of self, control of your thoughts and feelings is your highest achievement."
"Mastering oneself through emotional intelligence can lead to better outcomes in various aspects of life."
"Before you can master the external world, you have to master your own internal world."
"We are completely in control of our emotional state."
"You are the leader, the master of your own life."
"Self-mastery is the synergy between the body, the mind, and the spirit."
"The goal is to get to a point where you can use the mind to function in this world, not to have the mind use you."
"You have to master yourself, and that's what I'm really passionate about helping you to do."
"If you can control your breath, then you can control your mind. And if you can control your mind, you become the master of your own life."
"The beginning of self-mastery is being brought under the control of Christ."
"When you master yourself, the whole world opens up to you."
"Learn to master yourself, that is to be capable of a kind of liberty, a profound kind of liberty that really has been we've lost sight of in the modern world, but that is profoundly, profoundly transformative and also fulfilling."
"You become a master of your lower self, you are truly free."
"The real power, the real masters control themselves, and everybody else around them changes."
"Chastity is the way out. It gives us the strength not to be reactive or controlled by our passions and lust but rather the freedom that comes with self-mastery."
"Your happiness will be immeasurably intensified, and you will begin to realize the joy, strength, and power which are born only of self-mastery."
"Become your own spiritual master in your own life."
"The goal of self-mastery is to live our lives in that state as much as possible; it's in a flow state."
"Thought or suggestion is able to mould the human body as a sculptor chisels his clay."
"The name of the game is self-mastery if you want to know what is the meaning of life."
"You already have the power that you need. Pretty much everyone has the knowledge and the ability to master their current state and life."
"You really learn how to achieve your goals through self-mastery and really refining your sense of perseverance and tenacity."
"Being able to know that and know that you may end up being alone and facing the trials and tribulations on your own can scare some people... but once you can master that, it no longer has control over you, and you can live your life freely without having any fear."
"The number one thing you have to do is master your own emotions."
"If you possess the power to control your thoughts, you have at once the power to control your actions."
"Control your emotions. If you can control your emotions, you can control everything about you and control the room."
"The true challenge of golf is not just playing the course, but mastering yourself."
"Anything that you can master should be directed at yourself."
"Self-discipline makes you a master of yourself."
"I want to have mastery over my emotions; I don't want to be ruled by anxiety or fear."
"Can't Hurt Me is about getting to the root of the problem, which is yourself. You have to master your own mind."
"The one who can win over others is great, but the one who can win over oneself is the greatest."
"It was beyond building a physique... it was about mastery over yourself."
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained. You need to take a chance and become your own Master now."
"You can never truly be masters of anything until you master yourself."
"To be great is not to rule others, but to rule oneself."
"Always do your best, and maintain self-mastery."
"We must think seriously about reality and how to protect it. We are our own masters."
"No matter what I can be in control of how I choose to react regardless of the circumstance."
"He who prevails over himself is twice Victorious."
"Yet if we are quietly persistent we can learn to overcome our thoughts in course of time and when we become master of our thoughts we become master of ourselves and when we become master of ourselves we become master of life itself."
"What you're getting is mastery over yourself."
"I am not a victim of my genetics, I am a master of my genetics."
"We're not victims, but we're masters of our genetic activity."
"My body and my mind should take instructions from me, only then it's a useful instrument. If it's start doing its own things, then it's a nuisance."
"You are being led in the right direction, you're moving towards the sun."
"After Korra made a connection to Aang and the past avatars, she learned how to enter the Avatar State at will."
"Slaying the dragon symbolizes the tapping of raw energy for higher uses of the ego. The hero utilizes the sword, symbolic of the will, to overcome the beast within."
"You are in control of your emotions, your mind, your body, of everything. You have complete control over how you allow a situation to affect you."
"Victory in life... victory over our thoughts... victory in our emotions."
"A man who's not a slave to his passions and desires, but a real man who's in control of himself."
"I've made myself laugh, which is all I can hope for."
"A man who is a master of himself can end a sorrow as quickly as he can invent a pleasure."
"The most powerful thing you could do is control your own mind."
"We can become masters of our own mind rather than victims of our mind."
"Success is about mastering yourself; it's about discipline, focus, and determination."
"You're the master of your own reality, the painter of your own masterpiece."
"Some friends you can't trust, understand that you're the master of your own reality."
"Teach them life purpose and mastery early on."
"This is mastery, the mastery to know your own destiny."
"You should be the master of your own soul, captain of your own ship."
"Don't let the power use you, it needs to be you who uses the power."
"Being able to control oneself is the true mark of humanity."
"Man may become the master of himself and of his environment because he has the power to influence his own subconscious mind and through it gain the cooperation of infinite intelligence."
"Mandela was right: you are the captain of your own fate, you are the master of your own soul."
"Your feelings don't have to control you until you start the process of not letting them control you."
"You gotta create that new norm that has to be your lifestyle you are the master of your own mind create that masterpiece."
"The bottom line is that we master nothing until we master ourselves, trust ourselves."
"We master nothing until we master ourselves."
"The mind is a powerful thing... our generation has not been taught to master the mind."
"It's better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles."
"This is mastering the elements, being the master of your own domain, master of your own choices, and leaving all that baggage behind."
"The skills you have determine the quality of your life, driven by self-awareness and self-mastery."
"The conquest of the desires by the little self and the downpouring of the divine spirit into the purified chalice of the heart."
"Be bold and resourceful. You are on a spiritual journey right now. You are coming into some mastery here."
"You are the master of your own fate and the master of your own domain."
"We're actually masters, but we have to know that we have to really come from an understanding that we are creating our lives."
"Mastering the peace within brings creative juices."
"Master Your Destiny by Mastering Yourself: As within, so without."
"Emotional freedom is being free from feeling like a victim of and controlled by our emotions."
"Before you become master of relationships, you have to become master of being single."
"Saturn transits in general are about Mastery."
"Mastering the art of creating your reality is really about learning how to discipline your awareness in a new direction and relax."
"I'm not going to talk to you about dominating your market or even dominating your competition. But I want to start thinking about how are you dominating yourself."
"Whatever this new beginning is, you know I feel like it's going to be very successful with the eight of Pentacles of the sun card this person is mastering themselves."
"As somebody that really has found themselves and has mastered their own kind of uh their own life their own creativity their own spirit and it's really flowing through you."
"Spiritually, the warrior understands and harnesses inner battles, channeling internal conflicts towards greater purposes."
"You want to be on the edge, mastering your abilities while furthering them at the same time."
"If you master your fears, you master yourself."
"You get to be the master of your own fate, the captain of your own soul."
"The hermit is on the path of the sage, achieving mastery over their life."
"This is a powerful place to be. You are owning your power and taking responsibility for your life."
"My mind is my tool to use in any way I wish."
"Your head can be a beautiful servant or it could be a horrific master."
"You're only free when you're the master of your thoughts."
"Any compulsive behavior or make you a slave to life any conscious behavior will make your master over life."
"Live life powerfully as a master of our life from the inside out."
"You're someone who has mastery over your lower passions."
"If your inner game is nailed right, your outer game is just a natural byproduct."
"The only thing you really come here to master is yourself."
"Once you're fully in control of your emotions, that's when your energy is fortified."
"In removing time, Kali gives us the chance to be brought to that examination on a spiritual level. She removes all Saturnian limits so that you can see your own level of self-mastery."
"Now you have learned how to completely control and harness and direct all of your energies to make happen what you want in your life."
"You are designed for mastery. All of you, every one of you."
"We move from 'I'm a victim of my heredity' to 'I'm a master of my genetics.'"
"Authenticity, real truth, even if it's really sharp, cold, hard truth."
"The king of cups rules one person... rules a kingdom of one... himself."
"Patience is one of the great virtues and mastering it can truly set you free."
"If you took charge of the fire in your groin, the fire in your belly, and the fire in your mind, how many miraculous things you could do with this life?"
"I have to master this power just because I am a god now."
"You get no credit messing in somebody else's territory or trying to have power over something you have no control. You are the master of your own fate, the captain of your own soul."
"Conquer your soul before you conquer anybody else's."
"The Hulk's ideology is the heroism in mastering the self."
"Master yourself, know your purpose, and manifest your desires."
"Yes, you should be no one's slave, you should be no one's indentured servant, you should be your own master period, you should be your own master of your creations, you are the master of that you know what I'm saying."
"Living on purpose means making decisions with a hundred percent commitment to achieve self-mastery."
"He did it! He finally gained control of his instincts."
"So there's a long-term relationship or self-mastery aspect tied to this life purpose."
"Spirituality is, was, and will always be a mastery of the inner self. Go deep, go deep, go deep."
"If you master your emotions, you've mastered everything."
"When you can master yourself, there is very little in this world that can stop you."
"You just need to master yourself in your own true power."
"To transform means to regenerate, and this comes by trial, by effort, by self-conquest."
"To the person who attains self-mastery, heaven and hell are within."
"How can you defy the gravitational pull of mediocrity?"
"Detach from letting those things affect my inner peace, my inner tranquility, my power as a source of creation."
"No one is fit to rule who is not first master of themselves."
"You are becoming a master of your own reality."
"We are the masters of our thoughts and our perceptions, and it's a choice we have to create the unlimited potentials within our lives."
"There's something here that allows you to close out an energy or a cycle that puts you back into your spiritual truth and your spiritual Mastery."
"You have the power... You have the bravery... It's time to master, tap into that inner strength, and just flow through life as your infinite self."
"You're a master or Mistress of whatever it is you do."
"He's overcome everything, he's like 'yeah I have attained mastery of myself.'"
"Ultimate mastery comes not of the body but of the mind."
"You are the master of your own destiny and you are sailing those seas and expanding in whatever area that you truly desire."
"At this point, yes, I am very wholesome. I have mastered."
"You'll always win when you move the outcome or the goal to something that's up to you."
"You've absolutely mastered yourself... and mastered this journey."
"22 is Mastery of the self... can you lead, can you take action?"
"Move forward regardless, be the master of your destiny, success awaits."
"We have to reiterate that you are the master of your universe and it is about basically mastering the mind."
"Before a man sets out to conquer the world, he must first conquer himself."
"We're the Emperor of our own soul, in charge of our trajectory."
"But it takes self-mastery to say wait a second, yeah that's pretty easy, it's actually pretty instinctive."
"No external force has power over you when you've cultivated the ironclad discipline of intentionally crafting your mindset each morning."
"Creating emotional intelligence through self-mastery."
"He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still."
"Messing your mind to be peaceful means that your system is at ease. You know how to conduct your mind, your emotions, your body, and your energies. You are peaceful. It is not a rocket technology; it is the most basic thing."
"It only stops if you stop. If you take on these techniques and find out you have a complete different possible control within."
"You have the strength to tame the beast respectfully."
"You've mastered yourself, you've mastered this energy, you are now perfectly in alignment with everything you have ever wanted."
"Master yourself, your mindset, your mentality, and your emotions."
"You've mastered your thoughts... you don't let your mind get away from you."
"You are the boss, you are the master of your own world."
"I start the day off with a win. I beat the inner [ __ ]. I conquered the inner [ __ ]."
"Nines who have reached the high level of self-mastery no longer have difficulty taking a stand."
"We need to remove the guilt from it and people will learn to master themselves on their own without ecclesiastical intervention."
"The first and best victory is to conquer self."
"You're moving beyond burdens and focusing on mastering your life."
"We ourselves, and not things outside of ourselves, are the Masters."
"Discipline is going to come from you."
"In order to master anything, you have to master yourself first."
"When you master yourself, you don't stay in your head. You don't emotionally feel bad about certain things and you can control certain things mentally and emotionally."
"You have to overcome you to get what you want; that's what the answer is. It's an internal game."
"In essence his final principle encapsulates the journey toward self-mastery and personal Excellence it's a call to action urging us to live not by the whims of circumstance but by the strength of our convictions."
"You are the master of your emotions, thoughts, and reactions. As long as you are self-aware and understand where your emotions originate from, you can control the direction of your next move."
"You need to have the strength to overcome your animalistic nature, to see through an illusion."
"When you stop and say, 'I am going to master this moment,' you are in hot pursuit of your own freedom."
"The man takes over the world by taking over himself."
"Just be the master of your own destiny."
"Nothing on the outside can control your capacity to liberate yourself from anything because you control that on the inside."
"Don't let bad habits control you. Take charge and transform your life."
"Behold it said, I am that which must always overcome itself."
"Self-mastery takes self-honesty. And the only way you're ever going to get to a level is to heal yourself."
"Self Mastery depends on self-honesty 100%. You've got to be honest with yourself, and if not, I'll be honest for you because I don't give up about the smoke."
"We must ever be the masters of the darkest parts of ourselves, lest they master us."
"No man is free who is not master of himself."
"They're really trying to master their own mind here."
"Jamie was able to truly Master her inner beauty."
"If you are living within yourself and your mind is driving you crazy and your emotions are causing you trouble... you are not subject to that."
"It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll. I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul."
"Once you become the master of you, it doesn't matter who's looking at you."
"You are in control of the string, the string is not in control of you."
"There's 12 Eternal truths and the TW tenants of self-mastery."
"You are your own masterpiece. You've mastered self."
"Self-mastery will always be the highest expression of power."
"Until you can master yourself, you'll never master trading."
"The path to self-mastery isn't merely a title, it's a promise, a vow to venture deep into the essence of what it means to live a life of purpose and meaning."
"Let us begin this Odyssey of the self armed with the knowledge that the Quest for self-mastery is the most noble and profound Journey we can undertake."
"When you can conquer yourself, the enemy is no contest for you."