
Nuance Quotes

There are 596 quotes

"I try really hard to be nuanced and to have an honest approach with things."
"It's very hard to have nuance when you're using character-limited social media platforms."
"We need to recognize that all things human are complex, contradictory, and constantly in the gray."
"Politics is far more complex than that, far more nuanced, far more in-depth than that, and I think we do a disservice to ourselves by considering it to be anything but."
"Ideas of sexuality and gender, they're all very nuanced."
"Medicine is nuanced, and a lot of what depends on whether or not a physician is going to recommend something to his patient depends on not just the risks and benefits of the intervention but also the findings in the patient themselves."
"The more complex the issue, the more important it becomes to explore the nuance."
"I think it's really important to have some nuance in all these conversations and just dive a little deeper and then make personal decisions about what we are okay with supporting financially, directly or indirectly."
"We live in a time where everything is boiled down, but that song kind of demands room for nuance and humanness and complexity."
"One Piece's stance on what an ideal system, really what an ideal world would be, is far more nuanced than that."
"Reality, however, is far more complex and nuanced than we've allowed ourselves to view it as, and history is no exception."
"So rather than acting like an on-off switch, think of the variation in levels like a slider with small adjustments constantly working to fine tune testosterone levels and keep reproductive drive highest in individuals whose brains see indicators of high performance."
"Reality is complex, sometimes reality is nuanced. Reality isn't black and white, it's gray. Just tell the truth."
"The idea to index minimum wage to local rents, which is a pretty cute policy."
"There's a difference between making a movie that treats its subject matter with nuance, sensitivity, and respect...and then on the other hand making straight-up propaganda."
"His critique is well reasoned, and you have to unpack the nuances of it."
"You have to talk at length about what is going on... then people hear the human aspect, they get to flesh out all the nuance and get deep on the topic."
"It's a little bit more complicated than that."
"Life isn't black and white, there's a gray area. There's a nuance."
"There's room for nuance, there's room for shades of grey."
"A lot of nuance... is needed to understand the conversation... just because of how much China has changed."
"Life is not black and white, Ian, you know that."
"Truth is very nuanced; it's very complicated."
"Both of these opinions are valid opinions to have but neither of them fully encapsulate the nuance of what it is to be an indigenous person."
"The problem with the Hitler analogy is that it doesn't afford any nuance. Hitler, as a symbol of evil, offers no shades of gray and may lead to an oversimplified political calculus."
"Reality is much more nuanced and complex than most people realize."
"There is always going to be a lot of nuance in the arguments and a myriad of different opinions and positions."
"For 7 years I’ve been trying to provide a nuanced look at American news and politics that shows multiple sides of complex issues to let you decide for yourself what you should think."
"If you want a superpower going forward for the next decade, if you want a superpower that very few of your peers have, it is nuance."
"American media is bad at nuance. Everything has to be good guy versus bad guy, and every bad guy is the same."
"More that I thought about it, and maybe approaching this with some nuance instead of just bashing you guys over the head with meme sound effects, maybe a better way of approaching this topic."
"Sometimes things are a lot more nuanced...you need a lot of soft skills."
"People are complex and big topics deserve nuance."
"I think most people are able to understand that we can have a nuanced discussion around it without getting angry."
"Bridge building... amongst... political spectrum... seeking nuance... topics that matter."
"I think there's a lot of nuance in here, and individually what's right for you might not be right for someone else."
"Making things black and white often does a huge disservice when the world's often very gray."
"Laws like this deserve more thought and more care and more nuance when being dealt with."
"Post-revisionism emphasizes ambiguity and nuance instead of oversimplified narratives."
"So what happens is when you have this for four years and people build a world view off of this, you can't change that because they'll go insane."
"The full story of his career is more nuanced he spent two years his acting U.S attorney under Barack Obama and Joe Biden and then remained as top Deputy for the remainder of their term."
"Who does not understand the Nuance in what's happening here?"
"This is all really good news as well but let me explain the nuance of it and this is important to understand."
"There's nuance, there are technicalities, there's lots of interesting stuff to discuss but none of it's simple."
"People are a little bit more complex and nuanced than than their talking points... I think that people are are three-dimensional and I think that people are a little bit more complex and nuanced than than their talking points."
"Nuance is actually the death of this ideology. If there is nuance, this ideology cannot."
"The data doesn't tell the whole story here, and when trying to work out why this is happening, we need to be aware that there is a lot of nuance at play."
"We need to have a more nuanced conversation."
"You've got to have a little bit of edginess, a little bit of delicate brushwork."
"Topics like this deserve development and a sense of nuance."
"I think there's probably a little more nuance in what he's trying to tell you."
"Understanding ideologies requires nuance, not just labels."
"The world is not black or white in this realm."
"Nuance tends to get lost in these conversations."
"It removes that nuance and it really degenerates the game."
"It just goes to show that, as always, fact is more nuanced and honestly fascinating than fiction."
"As always, these things are much more complex and nuanced."
"If there's debates going on by highly intelligent people on both sides of the argument there's clearly some nuance in what's going on here it's not just a point-and-click kind of answer."
"As soon as a little bit of nuance comes in... power wins."
"There are no simple black and white ideas in the world."
"I understand her character. There is nuance to it."
"We have to apply nuance and logic to every decision we make."
"The nuance is where we're supposed to be living."
"Absolutist claims often overlook nuances and complexities of reality."
"Not everything's so black and white. There's a little bit of nuance to everything."
"Historically, written language has always been rather limited in its ability to adequately represent the nuance of in-person communication."
"Life is not just black and white; there are nuances."
"It's really important to understand that nuance."
"This is good this is good this is like America is missing is Nuance conversations that take different perspectives and actually come up with a place where we can all learn from each other."
"Remember, things are never really just black and white in the medical world."
"Conditionals can be quite cool really, you can tweak and you can change them to help add extra layers of meaning in your sentence."
"This is Sam Jackson at his best his most nuanced and Olivia Coleman is chewing through scenery like this is the last role she's ever going to play."
"It's more nuanced and complex than just like they're the good guys and that's it."
"Two things can be true at once because everything is defined by Nuance."
"The world is a fascinating place, it's not simple, there's a lot of complexity, nuance, and Enigma to our crazy world."
"I'm all about nuance, let's stop censoring each other."
"Not all conspiracies are necessarily sinister."
"absolute lack of nuance affects how you see yourself and others it doesn't train you to reflect on which of your actions were constructive or unconstructive"
"If you're not allowed to see any nuance at all, your belief can easily be shaken."
"It requires nuance and it does require compromise in many cases."
"The reality there is likely to be more nuanced."
"I'm not against the idea of white privilege... but I'm concerned about the level of nuance that might be swept aside by the use of that term."
"Even when words are synonymous, the implication of the word is slightly different based on its usage."
"A good documentary takes you from a completely black and white thing to a more nuanced thinker."
"Try to find nuance instead of drawing rigid lines."
"It's because honestly the nuance and the flexibility that's baked in there, because woman is a nuanced and flexible term."
"Do you understand that you can be anti-Russia and pro-Russian?"
"It's just not black and white like a lot of people were very much like oh yeah the empire is the good guys and the storm i mean the bad guys and it's like there's some nuance there."
"Nothing is ever black and white as it seems."
"What actually happened... is much more nuanced than the Western media would have you believe."
"It's not like all the Targaryens are just completely hopped up on supremacy and stuff like that."
"There's nuance and complexity in everything and in everyone."
"Combat emphasizes nuance instead of brute force."
"Patriotism isn't always a bad thing; oftentimes it can be a very good thing."
"It's a lot more more interesting to listen to... And it made it a lot more more interesting to listen to the whole thing is is straightforward and yet nuanced at the same time."
"Make your arguments urgently and smartly about the dynamics of situations and nuance, and call out corrupted arguments wherever you find them."
"It's not as simple as kind of black and white in trading."
"This approach is incredibly nuanced and always mindful of the outcomes."
"The universe is deterministic... however, it's a little bit more nuanced."
"The solutions are not black or white but hundreds of shades of grey."
"The role of human intervention needs to be explored but it needs to be looked at in a more nuanced way."
"The world isn't all black and white but mostly Shades of Gray."
"People are not just black-and-white."
"Life is not black and white, there are so many grey areas."
"If there's black and white, right or wrong, good or bad, what's the gray in the middle?"
"Develop some Nuance. Can you be for real?"
"Everything in life is not this or that, it's this and that."
"Not all attachments are bad; they're just not perfect."
"Life is not always black and white, there are shades of gray."
"Nothing is... you can't be thinking in black and white."
"These small nuances, and that is again something that's very indicative of this style of music, is really detailed nuanced careful layering."
"This was a mature and nuanced version of the X-Men that invited the viewer to get invested in the drama of their lives."
"The world can be richer, not poorer, with nuance."
"Humans are messy and complicated and beautiful and wonderful. But you have to be willing to get into the nuance."
"I just think it does not have to be that legalistic and that strict. There can, of course, be some nuance."
"Maybe the nuance that you're trying to see could have something to do with seeing your own shadow."
"The real hard thing, the hard thing that we need to do is the more nuanced approach to all of this."
"Flirting is nuanced flirting is like putting a little bit of bait on the tackle and throwing it out there on the line to see who grabs at it."
"It's okay for your villain to be right about some things. That's what stops them from being one note and fleshes them out."
"While it’s fitting that we remember the awful, vicious side of Nero, it’s also worth remembering that history is more nuanced than it often appears."
"Comedy is extremely nuanced; cherry-picking clips can often remove the necessary context."
"Villains are allowed to be right about things sometimes because it shows how good and evil isn't always black and white, a nuance you rarely ever see in family films."
"Nobody's all bad, not even the abusive guy with the made-up job."
"Not everything is black and white."
"Andy Circus's performance captured through groundbreaking motion capture technology brings an unparalleled level of nuance, physicality, and emotion to the character."
"Everything is about nuance, okay?"
"That level of subtlety and that level of nuance and self-awareness and the culture, that's the kind of thing that makes really good art."
"There's so much damn nuance, and ignoring it won't create change."
"I legitimately like that it's a really nice touch."
"Nuanced emotion is crucial because in reality, there's a spectrum of emotions."
"Miraculous at times is beating you over the head with 'save the environment'. Apparently no one told Thomas that there's such a thing as Nuance."
"Don't think that it's yes or no, black or white."
"There's nuance to individual situations"
"The world isn't divided only into black and white."
"Your fans are like eight years old they don't have the Nuance to even understand that someone they like could be wrong in the first place."
"Not everything has to be black or white there's duality you can feel more than one way at a time."
"Not everything has to be black or white."
"Two opposing things can both be true."
"Nuance doesn't scale as much as aggressive identity-oriented partisanship."
"A more nuanced perspective shifts goals."
"The BRZ is nuanced and subtle; it kind of Whispers to you."
"People don't want to be driven into these two camps, they love it when they have some alternative that involves actually figuring out the nuance."
"True leaders deal in nuance, they cannot be in the energy of 'to a hammer, everything is a nail' without causing chaos."
"Life is not that black and white like there's nuance and people are capable of changing people are capable of growing and evolving if they want to if they have a desire to."
"We try not to bring in the personal baggage, shall we say, and other controversies that happened with the people that are behind it. Obviously it's a very complex situation that requires a lot of nuance."
"But despite all of this, in terms of his personality Justin isn't necessarily always mean-spirited."
"I think it's really exposed just how much Nuance there is in this discussion and how there is always room to continue learning and debating and discussing."
"Cinderella's story has a lot more depth and a lot more nuance than people are willing to give it credit for."
"I'm literally past the point of having that totalitarian way of thinking where it is either black or white. There are various Shades of Gray, and that's what I'm here to discuss in today's video."
"There's so much nuance to straight-up answer the question 'Has tick tock ruined fashion?' with a yes or no."
"What's wrong with that? It hasn't quite got the Nuance we expect, just won't do Mr. gunfire that your work is obviously the product of a one-track degenerate childish mind."
"The power of the novel is in the nuance and subtlety of observation that allows the truth of these various positions, the falsity of these positions, to be revealed."
"Both can be true at the same time."
"Her character especially, I think she was such a nuanced well-done character."
"Feminism cannot be a blanket term anymore."
"There were a few moments that were really subtle and really well done that just added a ton to the characters without having to go there."
"...nothing is simple, nothing's black and white."
"People should have some critical thinking and have some nuance to their decision making and be like, 'Alright, what are we talking about? Guilty about what?'"
"If we can't criticize anything, we've lost sight of nuance."
"The nuance and the detail and the things that are covered in here and the understanding of negative space and white space and that sort of thing, contrast is huge."
"Anytime you come across something and it’s presented as an either-or, that alone is another little flag."
"In everything in our world now, it's like black or white, Trump or Biden, red or blue, this or that. Can we have some conversation, be some nuance about it? We're actually more similar than we think we are."
"Sometimes the best thing a person can do is to contradict themselves."
"You can't find yourself in a position where you are looking at everything with a black and white lens where it's all or nothing like everything it's a gray area."
"Life is not black and white. It's very gray in the middle; it's a little bit of both."
"It's just such a subtle hint of personality."
"The realities of combat in the field are rarely as binary."
"Life is not black and white, it has to accommodate to all scenarios."
"It's so much more human and complex than just one feeling or the other, you know?"
"What we're missing in society is nuance, you know about things, so you need to hear this story."
"That's one of the things that media of every variety, video games every variety, get completely wrong and miss out on this really cool and fun nuance."
"He's a misogynist, yes, but he did not unleash an evil upon the city."
"Shit's never as black and white as people want it to be."
"There's nothing that's entirely black and white."
"One thing I see a lot is throwing out that everything is only good or bad there's never a Nuance to anything."
"Everybody is so nuanced and there is so much to unpack it truly that's you know that's a great series when you leave it and you want more."
"I'm interested in things that are messy and complicated, not just cleanly separated into 'this is good' and 'this is bad.'"
"So, these types can sort of mix up, and this is why it's not just one thing, it's a very nuanced conversation."
"People are messy and complicated. We're never just one thing or another."
"It's deeper than black, white, race, this, that, and the third."
"Thank you for bringing such nuance and compassion to such a difficult subject."
"There can be nuance to how you discuss whether something is good or bad for the story."
"Nuance is something you can only find if you're willing to go deeper and those who are willing are often misunderstood by those who aren't."
"Not everything in life is black and white."
"The world isn't always black and white."
"Science often is nuanced it's contextual it has caveats and sometimes you get apparent contradictions."
"It's like get out of this binary way of viewing it where it's like, 'Is it black and white?' It's like no, when you get in the middle that's where you find the gold."
"There's always some 'at least' to her character."
"For slightly awkward just slightly."
"I don't think it's a black and white story at all."
"People want a simple, concrete explanation. Is this better than this? Is this right or is this wrong? But there's a complete lack of appreciation for complexity and nuance."
"People have read the headlines and as a result of reading the headlines, it's formed a general consensus which doesn't include the nuances."
"It's so much more nuanced than just good and bad."
"Amongst all the nuances and complexities, there is always a pattern."
"The story is more complicated than that."
"Trying to get away from forced duality or like this imagined dichotomy of good and bad or like this or that, it's you know not either or, it's both and."
"Two things can simultaneously be true at once."
"The alternative is nuanced perspectives being put into a book throughout the book to have conversations about a topic that show the intricate details of an issue like stigma and perpetuation of stereotypes."
"The world isn't black and white, it's very much gray."
"Nuance is lacking. This is not a black and white conversation; it's complicated with many moving parts."