
Human-animal Relationship Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"Mice, one of humanity's oldest friends and oldest enemies. From the Black Plague to the shelves of our pet stores, mice have lived alongside humans for centuries."
"Pets and animals are a moral good. However, the idea that they're here to serve us, and that we can't actually ask them if this is what they want, really bothers me."
"People say, 'Oh, you just, you don't even think it was an animal,' but a lot of farmers, they love their animals, and they do really build connections, and it is hard."
"Everybody wants to correct the dog. To me, it's more or less correct the human."
"Pet keeping can be defined as looking after an animal of another species with a level of care and affection primarily for reasons of pleasure."
"We humans didn't domesticate cats, instead they domesticated themselves."
"It's been a long-standing interest, and to me, it's all part of that story about this fascinating engagement we have with other species that defines us and reveals a lot about us."
"They're creatures that I honestly think we don't fucking deserve."
"Now I have a dog that not only respects me but also trusts me."
"The relationship between humans and dogs is mutually beneficial. Having a faithful dog assures a listening ear, a warm pot to hold, and even strong legs to run beside."
"I know we think of dogs being our best friends, so we think well, they're just like us, but it's those little nuances."
"Our relationship with dogs goes back a long, long way."
"Instead of blind fury, Buchi looks at the zookeeper with vulnerable softness in her eyes."
"To have a bond of trust between a wild animal and a human being, it just makes you feel good."
"Humans have had a close relationship with animals for thousands of years."
"I always yearned for a way to be closer to my pet lobsters. They would always scurry away from my freakish human hands."
"Bears are not our friends, even ones raised in captivity are known to kill people."
"Humans and horses have had a truly remarkable connection that spans thousands of years."
"Dogs have been serving people since ancient times."
"Just watching their little behaviors, I mean I think there's something in the human that we are programmed to live with animals and to be sort of soothed by it's really cool animals."
"It's about relationships, you'd kill a person over an animal, that's correct, because I believe human beings are animals."
"Survival of the friendliest is what really summarizes the link between dog and human evolution."
"We have more in common with these magnificent sea mammals than most people are willing to believe." - Unknown
"Animals have been created by God for us to consume."
"Animals are more scared of us than we are of them."
"All I want to do is reconnect people with animals, awaken some emotions, some feelings, and some logic that has been buried and suppressed intentionally by our society."
"What in the hell happened along the way? Who taught us to be so mean and nasty and vicious and hateful or indifferent towards animals when they used to be our friends?"
"Dogs are our best friends forever when it comes to animals and one reason we love them is that sometimes they're even smarter than we are."
"Polar bear purrs when cuddling with her human dad."
"The human animal bond is deeply entrenched, probably right up there with gravity."
"The human animal bond is the expression of altruism to another species."
"The relationship and the bonds between a homeless person and their dog is something I can't describe."
"Imagine if the AI treats us like we treat our pets."
"Humans do take animals and have for millennia."
"I just want the animals feel like it's our home."
"I'm always impressed at how cats could have domesticated their humans."
"That's what they said, they love you unconditionally."
"I love all animals but dogs are like just above whatever kind of anything else whatever humans it goes like I think animals are all together as one like humans aren't even above dog I think it's animals and then humans all animals one category."
"Despite the fact that this handsome man has his own family, he never forgets about Janna, who he's finally seeing again after a long time."
"Humans are humans, and dogs are dogs. We can talk to each other; we can have decent conversation."
"Dogs were domesticated as a partner in hunting, modifying them deeply."
"Dogs do not care about superficial things like how much money we have, who we are friends with, or what we look like. These are not the things they judge people by."
"Humans have been coexisting and evolving alongside dogs for centuries now."
"...the beasts exist for the sake of man..."
"Kong trusts humans a little bit more now."
"The bond between human and puppy grows stronger with each passing day."
"Since the beginning of time, dogs have worked for us. It now seems we work for them."
"She writes about animals and human relationships with animals beautifully."
"What can mankind learn from wild dolphins? Can we bridge the gap of understanding between us?"
"Horses are some of the most useful animals to humans and have served us for thousands of years."
"We've spent thousands of years domesticating them to trust us."
"The dog-human relationship is like nothing else on this earth; it is a crazy weird special thing."
"She undoubtedly did make lots of people think about humanity's relationship with our fellow living creatures."
"The relationship between humans and dogs goes back thousands of years."
"This human bond is incredibly important to these animals."
"We expect way too much of our dogs and way too little of ourselves."
"Wolves are generally wary of humans and are not by their nature man-killers."
"Elephant-human bond is a lifelong bond, strong bond, and if it falls apart, it becomes a real problem."
"Magpies would look in the window of her house and when they saw her they would ring the doorbell."
"This place is special to me because it's the origin of our species where we first lived in harmony with animals."
"Humans and alligators need to come to a mutual understanding that there's more that brings us together than separates us."
"Hanging around humans was highly beneficial for them, and you know how cats are."
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man."
"Cats are like probably the most spoiled pets ever by humans."
"They don't judge us for having lost our way or for how we treat them."
"Lions have a very healthy respect for human beings."
"We all have names for our pets, but what do you think your pets would name you?"
"People managed to live with them, so you know, I think it can be done."
"This is what a normal interaction with normal wildlife that has not had negative interactions with humans looks like."
"It is a bonding opportunity between us and our cats that we shouldn't pass up on."
"Let me tell you something about the bond between the dog and a human being."
"It's amazing that we can have these relationships with wildlife."
"That human-animal bond is so important."