
Character Arc Quotes

There are 592 quotes

"A character who is growing less and less likeable through the course of the story can be a really interesting story."
"What does it mean when a character starts a movie alone wearing one color and ends it in love wearing something else?"
"Make sure that there is a complete arc for a character."
"Shigaraki does not need to be defeated; Shigaraki needs to be rescued, redeemed, saved."
"Hell, if you think about it, Season 7 could have made for a pitch-perfect finale for Jaime's arc with him leaving Cersei to start his own life."
"He literally gifts his life for another, the ultimate act of selflessness, destroying his greed and completing his psychological journey in this war arc."
"Tali's romance is really interesting too because, obviously, she's on her pilgrimage in Mass Effect 1, just kind of like leaving home for the first time."
"Heimerdinger's arc is the only arc in Arcane that ends with a feeling of hope."
"This is what Caribou's character was leading to."
"Zack Fair's odyssey filled with joy, heartache, and passion remains one of the most impactful character arcs for this show, and for me personally."
"Character arc can most easily be defined as a transformation or inner journey that a character experiences across a narrative."
"I believe One Piece will end with Luffy turning himself into the Marines as Roger did and being executed in Logtown."
"I love how he starts off as this completely idealistic kid and he's frickin epic."
"Even though Homer does something as bad as codependence day it works because it's not just done in a 20-minute chunk."
"Flaws and weaknesses are essential to character growth because without flaws and weaknesses, there can be no change, no journey, no character arc, and no theme for your audience to be left with."
"Plot-wise, this is easily the most interesting place the Knuckles comic has ever been."
"Peridot as once our arc was completed she mostly became a mood lifter."
"Batman forever was the first live-action Batman film to even attempt to give Bruce Wayne an arc."
"The biggest difference between Casino Royale and everything that came before it is that in this film James Bond has a character arc."
"I was really, really glad that they killed Kylo Ren."
"Could Ned Leeds be destined to become the Hobgoblin in some way, shape, or form?"
"Fans should be prepared for the possibility of saying goodbye to Thor."
"Mario is legit dead, he just died. Goodbye Mario's dead."
"When a character no longer has a functional purpose to the plot or the narrative, their death can act as a powerful close to their journey."
"Logan was kind of the perfect send-off to that franchise and that character."
"Ichigo's lowest point in this arc... It's about breaking down the main character and then building him back."
"This arc seems set to bring out Zoro's leadership in some way."
"It is simply the most powerful character arc for him out of any of the Straw Hats to grow from the most cowardly regular Joe at the start of the series into the one who ultimately has to save the rest of them and give his life doing so."
"It didn't matter. He had become complete as a character."
"Harry's father killed himself by giving in to his dark side his goblin side and Harry dies by giving in to his human side by doing the right thing both impaled by their own gliders one impaled by selfishness and the other through selflessness."
"What if Justin Hammer was captured...Justin Hammer fails upwards, building things that don't work but save the day."
"He is forced to wander for eternity immortal as the most terrifying arc Wizard of all time."
"Fat Thor is actually the best character building aspect of this movie."
"The Flash may have the most compelling arc in the film."
"There's a lot of character development, there's a lot of characterization, there's a lot of setup for the plot going forward."
"There will come a time where Master Chief's story does come to an end, or at least the Master Chief that we know and that we grew up with."
"Daenerys was never going to break the wheel... she was the wheel..."
"It's got everything I want, it's stupid, it's got a nice hero's journey, character development, you know, bad villains, everything a good superhero needs."
"While Iron Man's death was the last time we would see the nanotech suit this wouldn't be the last time we saw Iron Man as Marvel's Innovation continued."
"Tony Stark gets to die nobly to save the Marvel Universe and then he gets to live on as the voice in the suit."
"Even though I did start liking Ezra Miller's Flash more as the movie went along."
"I liked how he went out peacefully, saving Leia, saving Chewie, saving everybody."
"Sharon Carter aka the Power Broker could be revealed to be the ultimate boss of the Hawkeye series."
"John Marston has fulfilled his end of the bargain eliminated his old gang."
"Zuko's arc is about hoping he can change his path before he becomes too far gone."
"Chie's character arc is that of a good-hearted girl who desires to be appreciated and looked after after being bullied and passed over."
"Tony Stark is the main character of the MCU. It started with Iron Man, and this era ended with Iron Man."
"Tony Stark's character has gone throughout all of this. Tony Stark versus his enemy, Thanos, is the culmination of his character arc."
"The man literally brought back the dinosaurs just so he could slap one with boxing gloves."
"I love Kazuya's ending in Tekken 5 because it shows just how far the man has fallen."
"Natasha deserved better even if she didn't think so."
"He completed his arc and went out like a true hero."
"This is one of those things that works so well because Red Dead Redemption is John Marston's story. He's this legendary cowboy who went from robbing banks and killing innocents to taking down criminals and wanting to raise his family."
"Walker is stripped of his title and authority as Captain America."
"Grunt now has officially quelled his mysterious urges and is now a full-grown Krogan adult."
"The resolution of Azula's mental breakdown symbolizes the defeat of everything she represented."
"Broly's journey as this powerhouse who he is till now realizing that this same person actually is Kakarot who defeated him as a baby."
"Normally characters are either redeemed or defeated. Shadow Weaver exists in an in-between."
"Luke just disappears out of goddamn nowhere."
"This was an amazing way to end Chuck's story. Probably not going the predictable thing like killing him or trapping him."
"Not only did Dexter abandon his loved ones, he also gave fans absolutely no closure to the long-running story."
"Paul Atreides would rise to Emperor of the known Imperium, marrying the princess Irulan Kirino, daughter of the Emperor Shaddam the Fourth."
"Ziggy Stardust did indeed rise and fall just as predicted."
"It's a story of Matt Murdock, it's also the story of Wilson Fisk."
"Paul Atreides' arc is genuinely outstanding."
"Watching a winner's journey from who they started as to who they are at the end is part of the overall satisfaction."
"Heisenberg's story naturally ends in blood and mayhem, yet it also ends with redemption, reconciliation, and sweet sweet revenge."
"Zion's Redemption Arc was really good to see."
"Pidge's entire story has been building up to this moment."
"The Doctor's character growth throughout the series is arguably the best out of the cast."
"Tony Stark's journey through the MCU is symbolized by his hand holding a glass of alcohol."
"It's the point for me where Kaiba becomes a tragic figure."
"This was always the ending for her character."
"Whether he becomes a hero or dies a villain, I just want some closure."
"The film delivers an emotional resolution to the arc, demonstrating Greg's willingness to own up to his mistakes."
"I strongly believe that by the end of One Piece, Law will come around."
"Simply put, Matt Murdock must pay for his sins..."
"Loki being the person at the end of all this really does fall in line with the ideal of his glorious purpose."
"Her final comeuppance in the Fire Caves is both understated and perfect."
"After years of mystery surrounding the Night King, his entire storyline ends in seconds."
"Littlefinger's death provides an incredibly satisfying ending for this often despicable man."
"Sansa's ending is the perfect conclusion to her impressive tale."
"The return of the Silent King hints at future conflicts, with Emotec holding him responsible for the past."
"Spider-Man was now back in for an additional MCU film."
"Mario has saved Pauline, and that leads us into the final song."
"I think Thane really got a nice arc in the third. His death was inevitable, but you really felt for him."
"It's a truly special and fittingly grand conclusion of Kratos's Norse saga."
"Leo's journey began of Mike's sacrifice and now after all the training after all the monsters Leo's journey ends with his own sacrifice."
"Avengers: Robert Downey Jr. is not coming back anymore. You can't stop Spider-Man. Still just remember your favorite character is real death."
"They officially end Deadpool, they give you a way that it is truly ended and this entire arc is over, and at the same time, I also bring him back."
"I just love this redemption story that Assassin has been on."
"This is Steven's masterpiece, the end to his character, but it's not actually the end."
"Tony's death marks the emotional high point of Endgame."
"They destroyed our Star Trek, Picard went out like a chump."
"The jerk protagonist story was done really well in this case."
"'Toy Story 3' served as a perfect conclusion to the story of Woody, Buzz, and the gang."
"Did you find this story of Frieza's journey through parenthood rather wholesome?"
"Sensei Ishikawa's quest for vengeance is over."
"I still feel Joker is going to show up in a flashback scene."
"Obviously we know Luffy is going to go down as the greatest pirate of all time."
"Especially more and more as we get to the end of the show, she's breaking bad."
"Victory from failure and heroism from selflessness."
"He finally had become the Jedi that everyone knew he would be capable of becoming."
"He's breaking free and narratively speaking, he's gonna flee and tell the story of this day."
"John Wick's Sisyphus to the criminal underworld's Hades has gotten his Boulder to the summit for good."
"Chris danger has obviously had his ups and downs he's been through a lot of stuff but tonight at WrestleMania against the Undertaker look at all these other WrestleMania matches but it's going down right here right now."
"The final shot of Joker strolling along the hallways of Arkham Asylum while leaving behind a trail of red footsteps."
"And speaking of Riddler, Joker did promise him a comeback story, so it looks like we haven't seen the last of him too."
"Filmmaking being the core aspect of Tommy's character does eventually get put on the back burner as the show progresses."
"He essentially redeems himself by helping to save John Marston and set him on a path to have a life with his family."
"Grizabella is fighting to regain a feeling that she's lost while the Phantom is fighting for a feeling that he's never had."
"Through Vader’s actions at the end of his life, many believe he at last fulfilled the ancient prophecy as the chosen one."
"Michael Corleone dies, slamming the door on the prospect of a sequel."
"Rambo last blood categorically closed the book on John Rambo's journey."
"Wiley is constantly losing but also improving himself... leading us to Mega Man 5 and the introduction of the dark man series."
"Terminator needs to go away forever let Arnold Schwarzenegger ride off into the sunset certain characters have perfect poetic outcomes."
"Bakugo knew that he was sacrificing himself, finally understanding what it meant to be a true hero."
"Will Tyrion end as a villain or redeem himself?"
"My prediction moving forward is that Miwa will be a very, very important piece of this arc. Just you wait."
"It just felt both earned and surprisingly moving."
"Character starts to believe in themselves. It's a moment that is genuinely triumphant."
"Thanos is tired, killed his own daughter, and then wiped out half the universe's population. Get the wine ready, this boy is primed and ready for a big, bad retirement."
"Seeing Natasha go from uneasy about fighting for the good guys to fully committing to the cause sounds like a good start for her solo film to us."
"It's becoming more and more likely that Avengers Endgame will be his final appearance in the franchise."
"The only thing missing from this awesome trailer is Mothra who did die at the end of the last film."
"Arthas's story is nothing less than tragic, wanting to do right by his people only to unexpectedly trip and fall into the depths of pure darkness."
"Jaime finally broke free of the Kingslayer title and had a full life that dwarfed the one infamous deed of his youth."
"Vader's sacrifice is nullified because he died for nothing."
"It's probably the biggest moment of growth for him."
"Villains turning good is one of those things that make them really interesting."
"Nico has kind of become the thing he swore to destroy."
"You'll live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
"Possible redemption arc for Vanny in Security Breach, with hints of a true ending condition."
"That's how the Inquisitor's story should end."
"That may have been the last story with Shepard and his crew."
"Mark Chang: from alien invader to friend, navigating Earth isn't easy."
"But that self-sacrifice does not stop the fact that he ended up in the Citadel reserved for people who committed cruel cosmic crimes."
"I got so choked up and so emotional because I thought the journey of Luke Skywalker from New Hope to the Last Jedi is so perfect it's one of the most perfect representation of a character and done well with my childhood hero."
"Simon rejects that meaning in favor of ignoring the signs and ends up dead."
"The movie has a thematic arc about Arthur searching for a father."
"In the end, Simon finally changes his mood... from the lowest to the highest..."
"This is a solid payoff I really like it with the doctor erased and the universe inexplicably restored."
"His character arc is one of the best I've read in warriors."
"The way they shuffled out Thrawn in 'Rebels' so that the fall of the Empire doesn't include him."
"Kylo, the boy who rejected his mentor's guidance on the road to a higher self."
"The Prince goes through an excellent personal arc, where he starts the game off as an arrogant, chauvinistic, dismissive noble."
"Watching as she [Bastila] develops and goes through her own trials and tribulations is one of the strongest parts of the narrative."
"Such a unique death is definitely fitting for the arrogant Linmo now."
"Bakugo learns from Deku... an initially self-serving character had become more selfless."
"This finale I feel like is going to dictate what direction Natalie is going to be taking in the series."
"Daenerys did indeed turn into the mad Queen. I was shocked Grey Worm got his vengeance."
"Finn's journey is a slow one into the character we see at the end of the series."
"You could make the case that making her more of a victim at first actually makes her a stronger character in the long run."
"It's just really sad when you're watching like a superhero movie where everyone really seems to get redemption arc after redemption arc no matter what they do but wanda can never be happy."
"Wow, what an emotional and interesting way to Sunset Ash Ketchum."
"Even villains can find redemption in unexpected places."
"Caitlyn's death was a baffling disservice to the character."
"The best part about Anders' villain arc is that you never truly know how much of his actions were driven by his own views versus the spirit of justice that possessed him."
"Robert Downey Jr.'s final choice in endgame just felt like the perfect resolution for his character."
"She's now overcome her struggles in magic control, truly understanding what it means to enjoy her magic and embrace it, making her one of the most inspiring members to the audience, including myself."
"The birds spend this entire series trying to get out of the world of crime only to fully embrace it at the end."
"Anakin's fall to the dark side, culminating in the tragic events on Mustafar."
"He's gonna be like mason everybody's gonna hate him at first and then like all right now he's actually pretty cool."
"This was a perfectly tragic send-off to Chuck's character and I really do love it not only that but everything that happens between Nacho and Hector perfectly concludes the entire Nacho arc."
"Becoming the leader of one of the two teams of X-Men is such a beautiful journey Storm deserves like an a Trilogy."
"I do still stand by the idea that Frieza deserves one last run against Goku and Vegeta."
"I'm hooked for what's gonna happen to the straw hats."
"Call him what you will, scribe senal mummy skeleton Withers Jurgel... he's ultimately a maintainer of balance."
"A lot of people dislike the 10th doctor's farewell tour but I think it's the perfect way to close out this era of the show."
"Freedom is cruel until he was put out of his misery by one Mikasa Ackerman."
"The first six movies were the story of Anakin Skywalker and his fall and his rise."
"I think this is the absolute best way they could send Naruto off."
"The same thing that made him Spider-Man will save his life."
"He went from weeping combative right weird Arc weird Arc."
"I do like the arc that Javi has in this game."
"Her arc has been about learning to be honest, to unveil that side of herself."
"If Gabby is going to be established as a Higashikata by using the Rokakaka's powers to save Tsurugi, then it makes sense for his Stand to undergo some changes as well to adopt the king naming scheme."
"Venom is his Dark Side, a representation of all this built up rage and Corruption and darkness passed on by his dad."
"Every member of Bruno's gang was dealt a bad hand by fate, but each character was able to rise from the ashes of their past."
"Hey, at least a corrupted Tibalt gets killed. [Expletive] that guy."
"So my thoughts on this, at least based on the current chapter, it really seems like Gabby's whole arc is coming to a close."
"And finally at number one we have Petunia's redemption from the Deathly Hallows part one."
"Area killing Littlefinger that was foreshadowed like crazy."
"I love character development; I love watching people's relationships play out on screen."
"Maybe Tekken 9 is Kazuya's Redemption, Jin trying to help him remember that there is good inside of him."
"For her to go bad and go crazy and eat a Sun and kill a whole planet was really impactful."
"The downfall of the Jedi and the tragedy of Anakin Skywalker."
"The decision to leave Marva this final time is what ultimately forces Cassian into deciding to turn a new leaf as a true believer in the rebel cause."
"That is one of the greatest character arcs you will ever see of any character ever."
"During the film's production, Waititi and Thompson both agreed to remove the Valkyrie finding a queen arc in favor of Valkyrie learning to love herself."
"The real story here is the anti-hero's journey from bad to good...ish."
"And with all that buildup and questions surrounding Paul's path and what his destiny involves, the final act of the film is where we truly see the turn of his character and the birth of the kwisatz haderach."
"Loki ascending from puny God to benevolent god of time is such a wild and satisfying conclusion to his glorious purpose. Sit on a throne character Arc that I stand in awe."
"I like the idea. I do. I do like the idea and I like to actually, um, the character arc that they did with the big guy, which was kind of surprising."
"Bocatan's real arc was not recapturing the saber, it was realizing that Mandalore could be United once more."
"Even though Howard is often overlooked and disregarded throughout the course of the show, he actually goes through an incredibly expansive character arc and transformation."
"Finn actually does something in that movie. The Stormtrooper Rebellion I mentioned was started by him and it's a perfect culmination of his arc."
"I think there's a very clear structure to the arc for the character because each of the six stages I gave you before correspond to a stage of the hero's inner journey."
"The original trilogy is the story of Luke becoming a Jedi, the prequel trilogy is the story of Anakin becoming a Sith, the sequel trilogy is the story of Kylo Ren already being Kylo Ren."
"Theon Greyjoy has the best arc in the whole series."