
Family Protection Quotes

There are 290 quotes

"Anastasia asserted that she could handle insults directed at her but not those aimed at her family and her father, the Duke."
"We got to be about circulating resources. We got to be about protecting families."
"Be safe so that you can protect yourself and your families."
"The focus really at that time was security, as in becoming more secure in our shelter and our food, mainly to protect my family."
"The single most important thing that a man does is become a father and raise the next generation and protect his family."
"Fasting will bring protection for your family."
"All I want to do is make the change that will help other families so they never have to experience the loss of a child, the loss of their wife, to such inhumane things."
"I hope for the sake of my kids that he is proven innocent."
"At times, you are going to have to fight for your kids, for your child, and for your family...protecting your child's story...became so important...protect them."
"The goal in my life is to protect my family and provide for my family."
"When we're being told for the last six years we can't put a statement out to protect you, but you do it for other members of the family, there becomes a point when silence is betrayal."
"The more people we have educated, the more safe the families are going to be."
"I will never ever let happen to my wife or my children what happened to my mother."
"A life insurance policy in case something happens so your wife is protected, your kids are protected, your husband's protected."
"Even if it's just a portion of your savings, trying to protect your family right now with some of these commodities, I can't recommend it highly enough."
"Policy Genius gives you a smarter way to find and buy the right coverage for you and your family."
"There's actually a guardian angel of the family. So you can actually ask your guardian angel of your family to protect us, etcetera."
"A husband is going to need to protect his wife and his children; it's a must in my eyes."
"Their family is their life... they will protect both you and your home."
"If you carry a gun like I carry a gun so you're hard to kill. My family is hard to kill. Then you also owe it to your family to make sure you know the law so you're hard to convict."
"YouTube's official blog post: 5 ways we're toughening our approach to protect families on YouTube and YouTube kids."
"Get your ass insured, get insured, insure your children, insure yourself and your family."
"Just stand up and do something to protect our families."
"Thank you so much for your support I know that the lord will bless you and protect you you and your family."
"How long until someone in the U.S. says 'my kid needs food out of my way'?"
"I never want my son to see the things I go through."
"Prepare to make sure that you're ready and your family is safe."
"I speak to every altar that has been erected against my life, against your life, against your children's life, against your children's children."
"When you're in a relationship with a Nazi and they're the one that breaks it, you know you've got problems."
"Life insurance would give your loved ones a financial cushion against these things in case you die."
"Protecting your family is incredibly important."
"I made it out of myself. I would never let anybody be in a position to put my family out like that."
"The Obamas were intentional about shielding their daughters from unnecessary exposure, particularly during their formative years."
"I just want to enjoy my love. I don't want to put my baby in that."
"I have the right to protect my family and myself."
"We gotta make sure our family is good. See, let's be real about a lot of things with a lot of us getting targeted by race soldiers."
"He thought it was the only way for him to save his family and return home."
"We want to make sure that little brother comes out of this with his future intact."
"The threats that I have received against my life and the lives of close family have been so terrifying and explicit."
"Act now to do what you need to do to protect yourself and your family."
"For a man to protect his family, he's got to have love out there, respect, or be feared."
"Remember, only you can ensure you and your family survival. Live your life with honor and integrity and always be the wolf owner. Don't be the sheep."
"You need to protect your legacy, finances, and children with a will."
"Could it be that Jesus was talking to Mary Magdalene, his wife, asking her to protect their son?"
"Kamala Harris is a fighter and a trailblazer using her groundbreaking ideas to protect families and keep them together."
"The devil doesn't play fair; he'll go after your family if he can't silence you."
"Don't let no nobody you're in a relationship with disrespect your child under no circumstances."
"I told my grandpa what had happened and I can promise you I've never seen him being so enraged before."
"It's about humanity, and of course, I'm passionate. It's about your children, it's your family, it's my family, it's everyone, right?"
"You shouldn't have to deal with hate toward your family, friends, or kids."
"A black man is protecting his white family from whom?"
"The Gates of Hell shall not Prevail in my children's lives, in my marriage, in my home."
"Be mindful of your own safety as well as your children's."
"If you have anyone in your life who is relying on your income, you need life insurance. It's just that simple."
"I would much rather put myself and my family in a position of having something to protect us and not need it then needing something to protect us and not have it..."
"Basic needs, ability to protect yourself and your family should be assured."
"Once you get a certain age and another man hits you and you are a father, especially to girls on that magnitude, I don't see any type of money that can make that right."
"Any concerns they might have expressed were not because they didn't love me or they wanted me to be unhappy. It's because in their understanding, they wanted to protect me from the world."
"I'm still young, I'm not going to leave a daughter abroad to die because I haven't told her that dudes are men."
"We can't live in a world... where we make it harder for good people to protect their families."
"If you can save at least your family it is better than to lose all."
"I'm here with my son; I love this kid, so to call the police on us is a little, you know, I wouldn't want somebody to do that to your family."
"She chose that for herself in order to protect the rest of us, to sacrifice so much."
"My job is to protect the guarantees of life. What happens to your family when you're not there anymore?"
"Hey, you're my sister. I'd do anything to protect you."
"We need to be careful about throwing stones at those trying to intervene and protect families."
"The last thing on earth I would want is CR and the kids to struggle if something were to happen to me."
"You gotta protect your family and you gotta protect your peace."
"You don't mess with someone's children, you just don't."
"All Qrow has left to say is that if anything happens to his nieces or their friends, Qrow will make sure James pays for it personally."
"If you say something to my mama, I don't care if it's the devil himself, you're gonna have an issue with me."
"But if you say something to my mama, I don't care if it's the devil himself, you're gonna have an issue with me."
"I have to protect my own mental peace, I have to protect my child, my unborn child, and things like that."
"I would do anything for those girls. I'd step in front of a bullet suburban train for those little girls."
"A woman must fight back after her family is attacked during a getaway."
"An entire family saved from the fire heading towards the path of Jenna this is great alhamdulillah historic event may Allah protect them and protect us and keep them and keep us on the right path."
"Your wife didn't want the kid with you so she sent you here to save the child to be safe."
"Rick Moranis will do whatever it takes to protect his family."
"There is no amount of money that you could offer me that would convince me to sexualize my wife or my daughter or gangsterize my sons for a willing audience." - Delano Squires
"We better learn how to pray for our sons and daughters. Pray, pray, pray!"
"If you'll fight for your family, God will fight for you."
"Everything that you've gone through with men is not gonna touch your children."
"If you're willing to insure your home, why aren't you willing to insure your family?"
"She is back to her northern roots she is wearing her sigil on her dress and the little girl who was too good for her family has fully vanished into a woman who will stop at nothing to protect her family and her homeland."
"But we can always do something to at least protect ourselves and our family and at least put a little buffer in there to absorb some of the pain."
"You will fight for your wife, for your children, for your church, for your home."
"I am fighting as an ordinary person for my lost freedom, my bruised body, and my outraged daughters."
"Antibiotics and hot tub hot chocolate won't save Jeremy and his family if their community falls prey to violence."
"For God's sake if you're only safe your family's sake don't let that happen to you."
"If you don't live in truth, your kids are gonna die."
"Just get my sister out of town someplace safe don't sit with me on this one I can't lose her man."
"My husband was a hero. He told his boys he would always protect his family and he died protecting his family."
"I'm not living in fear. My family ain't living in fear. My kids ain't living in fear. Our church ain't living in fear."
"No devil, you can't have him, you can't have my family, you can't have my son, you can't have my seed, you can't have my legacy."
"Even when she lost her ability to speak to animals in the movie to save her sister, she still did her best and managed to help a horde of elephants evade being trapped."
"Protecting our families, fighting for a better world."
"Fight for your family, fight for your future."
"That marriage that gate is intact that your children inside of this gate will always be loved protected and be accounted for first before anybody else."
"Women should not be in fear of their lives and in fear of the lives of their children because of a man, that should never be the case."
"Nobody has the right to do that to a family. Nobody."
"Are you going to suffocate your entire family and destroy everything you know based on the hypothetical possibility that someone might object to you choosing to not roll over and die?"
"Stephen Starr died protecting his daughter. His family considers him a hero."
"Make those decisions now so that they don't have to face them later without you."
"I do not play about my family. You come to a fight with God, my sister's coming with a Uzi."
"It's a family we have to rescue. Oh, grow up, yeah. I did it."
"For the people who ever asked my wife who have said horrible things about my children and I was raised differently to speak ill on people but if you had any self-respect you'd be ashamed of yourself."
"Thankfully, the Tesla kept both her and their baby completely safe."
"Jehovah's organization is spirit guided and Jehovah is blessing the kingdom work as the end approaches."
"You want to mess with my family? Okay, I'm gonna put my family over here and now I'm gonna deal with you."
"I'm more of a protector about my family now."
"I gotta protect my son. She's gone. I gotta protect my son. I can't have him going to prison for the rest of his life for an accident."
"No one would question if I were to say if my family was drowning or in a house fire."
"I'd rather wear the mask and go to the game to protect grandma, grandpa, mom, and dad and watch the ballgame." - Sean Hannity
"True love will stand and protect the kingdom of god protect our families protect our future but we'll do it with faith and authority."
"Stay safe, keep your family safe, and continue learning new skills."
"We are fighting to be able to leave to be able to see our kids being alive."
"Prepare for battle! We must hold the formation barrier, for ourselves, for our families, and for our descendants."
"Hohenheim was never great with words, so through these acts of protection and defiance, he’s finally able to be whole through expressing what he feels to his boys."
"The Lord watches over you, both now and forevermore."
"Be prepared for self-defense and be prepared to protect your family."
"Girl, get up until the rocks cry out, girl, get up until anointing springs forth, girl, get up until your children are saved."
"Having term life insurance is one of the best safety nets you can have for your family."
"We are fighting for every American mom and dad who wants to protect this land of Liberty for their precious beautiful children."
"Vote for the person who will protect your family and your children."
"You need to be prepared to protect your family and yourself."
"Lions are king of the jungle but they're also one of the most determined protectors of their family you could ever find."
"When it comes to your life and the life of your family, there is absolutely no such thing in this universe as authority."
"Life insurance through your workplace may not offer enough protection for your family needs and it won't follow you if you leave your job."
"It's an important thing to offer. No one's family should have to see anything that may remind them of the loss of their loved one."
"Personally, it gives me such peace of mind knowing that if something were to happen to Winston or myself, that our family would not have to worry about money."
"Laura believes she will be the last line of defense between her family and the avian flu."
"If there is somebody hiding somebody doing this to your sister your brother your child why would you shut up about it?"
"It's coming. I think any person who values their life and their family's lives should prepare for that accordingly."
"Don't be a victim, protect yourself and your family."
"I'll do what I have to do to protect my family."
"He'd build what he wanted if they were going to direct racist comments at his kids."
"Protect your family with everything you got."
"Nobody mess with my grandmother. One time we caught her eating a can of beans and some onions."
"I think about that night every so often and it always makes me happy knowing that he is still out there watching out for his family."
"Fighting against stuff like this when it happens to your family happens to be one of those skills."
"People are taking up arms to defend their families and their homes."
"The thing about my family is I would protect them with my life, but if anyone were going to hurt them, it would be me."
"It is heroic to protect your home and family from the people attacking you..."
"The only fear that I genuinely have is the idea of anything bad ever happening to Robin, Rosie, you, or your mom."
"That was my nine-year-old son and my wife too, and two people who died protecting my two and a half year old daughter, my one and a half month old son."
"As a parent, you probably worry all the time about bombs, bullets, and zombie apocalypses putting your family's lives at risk. But if you buy the Range Rover Sentinel, you can worry a little less."
"My father would have blown his brains out. My father would have protected us by any means necessary."
"This family is very protective... they're very aware of parasitic people."
"No more are we gonna lay back and let the enemy wreak havoc through our families."
"Gohan's journey has gone from being a total piece of shit to slowly realizing he needs to protect his family."
"If it happens to your neighbor, you would love your family enough to say, 'I must protect you.'"
"Do what you need to do to make sure that your family doesn't experience that pain."
"My grandmother started sleeping in a bed with her now 16 year-old daughter for the first few days nothing happened then my aunt poked her awake in the middle of the night."
"I probably owe my life to my dad. If he hadn't fought George for me, perhaps I would have been the first victim."
"Everyone should be able to protect their family and their property."
"It's a matter of life and death now, find your son."
"It's time to take a stand, it's time to get off the sidelines, it's time to protect your family."
"You don't have to have a million dollars to protect your family."
"I don't really appreciate anyone being horrible to my daughters."
"The only time you can really get me out of character is if you threaten my kids or my girl or my mom."
"We're simply defending ourselves and our families."
"As Bulma and my children live on it, I have to protect it at all costs."
"I'm not afraid of death, I just want to be able to raise my kids."
"Isn't it better to be safe than sorry when it comes to the survival of your family?"
"I'll never let anyone ever, ever hurt my family."
"Tommy needs to grow some balls and protect his kid."
"If you attack me and my family at my house, I will kill as many of the people attacking me as I can to protect my family. That isn't I'm going to kill Democrats randomly."
"Insane when mainstream journalists target your family because you read court documents."
"Heck all it took was a u-turn and smashing through a fence with his van and he got his wife his friends and his baby boy"
"It's crystal clear: the dogs are there to look after our family; we are its pack, and that's it."
"Preparedness exists to perpetuate normalcy for the people that you love."
"Marriage might be the only way to shield her beloved father and brother."
"Someone could have targeted not just me personally but our entire family," Antonio expressed his concern for their safety.
"I'm really thankful for what you did. You literally put yourself into hospital just to try and make sure my family stayed safe."
"As fathers and as husbands... what would that look like on the personal security or Secret Service aspect? How much work and prep work would go into the recon before you're ever executing or moving on that mission?"
"Mitigating the potential risk to you and your family is important."
"Sometimes people have to make tough decisions to protect their family."
"People are unaware or fearful of cyber predators. We offer free cyber security training and will come to your house to help you implement cyber security so that you can protect your family and use the internet with confidence and vigilance."
"You can pry my mouth open with an ax, I won't say one word about my family. It's nobody's business."
"How do I protect him now? I'm sure it's not hard. It's very hard to come here and have to fight with your daughter to protect your own grandson."
"I can't imagine for a moment walking into a place like this with my daughters, uh, for an hour or two, knowing after this I'm back on the street with them."
"If they mess with my family, it's going to be chaos."
"I will not bring what my jerk boss did to me at the job home to my family."
"I have a son. One of my greatest fears is that my son's gonna have to fight this war."
"My dad's eyes visibly burned with rage as he burst out of the car charging towards the man behind me"
"This world is so crazy, we really need to be prepared to take care of our families."
"I declare health, abundance of health to your family, protection and this anointing to come touch them for them to encounter God and revival to spread in your family throughout China in Jesus' name."
"It's good to have life insurance. It's good for your children."
"My husband and I are not willing to back down as protecting our kid and family is our first priority."
"If you see this logo, if you see it out in public or you see it posted up somewhere, to us that indicates that person takes their safety and their family safety serious."
"He was described as incredibly hard-working, intelligent, loving, caring, and he was very protective over his three little sisters."
"You need to take action now to ensure that your loved ones are protected tomorrow."
"I would never intentionally harm my family."
"Under the shelter you and your family may live in peace, free from the fear of nuclear accidents."
"Imagine my mom carrying a four-year-old running while guards are chasing after us."
"I'm going to fight for my family, I'm going to fight for my children."
"What is this doing for families? How is this protecting society?"
"Watch over our kids, our family, and continue to guide us in the path that you see for us."
"They're just like us, they have family units, and those family units are as protective of their families as we are of our own."
"These dogs are trained to be more than just protection dogs; they're family protection dogs."