
Mediocrity Quotes

There are 514 quotes

"To chase this dragon almost always results in either your ascension to a select few whose names will be invoked long after your passing or, usually, your downfall into the long night of mediocrity with the rest of us."
"Normal ain't great, normal is just pretty mediocre. You want to get to optimal."
"Remember this: you have admitted that you are ambitious, so do not stop your ambitious goal at the same level as mediocre people."
"In a society where mediocrity is too often the standard and too often rewarded, there is intense fascination with men who detest mediocrity, who refuse to define themselves in conventional terms, and who seek to transcend traditionally recognized human capabilities."
"Imitation is the greatest form of flattery that mediocrity can provide to greatness."
"Your very presence will become a significant life; otherwise, you will become a mediocre life."
"Good enough is like the arch nemesis of excellence."
"Stop making excuses, stop justifying your laziness, stop choosing mediocrity."
"The market is never saturated with greatness, it is saturated with average."
"It's about pushing against the notion of mediocrity and complacency."
"The enemy of greatness is not terribleness; the enemy of great is average."
"Most of us live our lives in mediocrity and pettiness and needless anxiety."
"The difference between good enough and awesome is so big. Good enough sucks."
"I don't think that we should be ignoring the dark underbelly of mediocrity any longer."
"That mindset that keeps people in mediocrity is that they don't think that they're the one to branch out and do something."
"Not only do Muslims stifle our own progress in many ways, we almost use Islam as an excuse for mediocrity."
"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness."
"Regret is a byproduct of compromising your goals and dreams in exchange for a boring, pathetic, mediocre, average life."
"I'm personally trying to embrace mediocrity. I'm trying to embrace doing things just for fun."
"The great American office, the great dead-end job, the great middle-class mediocre."
"If you're okay with just getting by and being successful or just being okay, then I think we kill ourselves and we kill our genre more than anything."
"If you live in fear, you can't do anything and you end up living a mediocre life."
"The Addams Family animated film is frustratingly mediocre despite decent intentions. It takes a unique property and weighs it down with a weak narrative, not enough humor, and way too many mainstream studio trappings."
"I would much rather choke to death on greatness than starve on mediocrity."
"I'd rather be on my own than try to attach myself or force myself to attach to a situation that's mediocre at best."
"I have a mediocre book. Didn't expect to get excited about that today, but this is really good."
"For Andrew and Nina, their parents represent the mediocrity they fear and will come to despise."
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."
"I'm sick of rewarding this franchise when it continually gives me mediocrity."
"Gossip Girl 2021 is in a league of its own when it comes to mediocrity."
"Comfort breeds mediocrity, and that is the bottom line."
"90 or 80 percent of stuff is just okay you know I totally feel that way and you know that there's there's another ten percent that's total [ __ ] and there's another ten percent that's like amazing I think most without is like really good yeah."
"It's not bad or a masterpiece, it's just fine."
"Balance is for people who are satisfied with being average."
"Living that kind of mediocre life that you're living right now, that is what's really sad."
"Who gives a [__] it's not incredibly bad not incredibly good doesn't have almost any standout qualities."
"It's the very definition of mediocre or average."
"We now celebrate such mediocrity in our side."
"If you're not willing to risk the unusual, you'll have to settle for the ordinary."
"Being the best of the worst isn't the same as being good, but I must tread lightly with this one."
"Even the mediocre have occasional moments of greatness."
"Kind of defines a rating for me this one, um I'd probably be around you guys five or six out of ten. Yeah, I just don't feel strongly about it."
"You can't be around you and accept mediocrity, no, in any way, in any way."
"Accepting mediocrity is accepting the ripping of an armband."
"Why would you continue to settle for mediocre and just stay stuck?"
"Mediocrity is worse than bad. A bad game is entertaining; a boring game is torture."
"Everybody was striving to level up... nobody was... just seeking to be mediocre or average."
"Mediocrity is the new excellence. That game was boring and bad."
"It’s a game that never gets better, but conversely it never gets worse. It’s fine. Sufficient. It’s alright."
"It's so much easier to be the best than it is to be mediocre."
"Everyone can live in average, everyone can live in mediocrity. Then there's those outliers who consistently push themselves to go to the next level."
"Everybody wants the future but everybody wants to be average."
"A dumbing down of society so everyone's sort of mediocre. That leaves them dependent on government because they can't excel."
"It's not a great adaptation, but also not terrible, just fine."
"I'm not gonna lie, bro, this game was extremely mid."
"Living a less than extraordinary life... my biggest fear."
"The crew too is neither but it sure as hell isn't a masterpiece."
"The only people that criticize you for trying to be exceptional are those that have already accepted the fact that they're going to be mediocre forever."
"I believe every human being was born to be great. I believe no human being wants to be average. I believe no human being wants to be mediocre."
"The older I've got, the more I've realized the norm, the average, the typical is nothing anyone should aim for."
"The rest of it is totally forgettable and underwhelming."
"It wasn't trash it was just it was I all right"
"But otherwise, this is a very mediocre at best movie."
"Stop tolerating mediocrity. Unsubscribe from channels that don't inspire you."
"Jealousy is the trophy that mediocrity gives to excellence."
"The last few performances weren't particularly change anything."
"We've vilified excellence and told everyone that excellence is just as good as mediocre."
"Expect to have a mediocre life if you put yourself in a box and follow the herd."
"Greatness you are able, but you got to stop giving average a seat at the table."
"I want to make it uncomfortable for you to sit in any form of mediocrity."
"How can we fight for excellence if we settle for mediocrity?"
"Normal is not good enough... Normal is average, and average these days is terrible."
"Don't settle for mediocrity. It only takes a little extra push to make the ordinary extraordinary."
"Cynicism is what passes for insight among mediocre people."
"You're too much? No, they're too little. They're reducing themselves to a place of mediocrity and they want you to do the same."
"You're not operating at like a 40 chest level here, your brain's not special."
"What you do to leave mediocre behind is actually train, is actually get better at the stuff."
"There's never a reason to quit fighting and there's never a reason to accept mediocrity just because you feel like you're getting a late start."
"So if the big game is coming up and you didn't plan ahead, you're probably due for a mediocre spread."
"If you can market mediocrity, you can market greatness."
"Illumination's minions have mastered mediocrity, and it's something absolutely everybody can enjoy."
"That's the new frontier, the middle movie. Nobody's gone it's not that good it's not that bad."
"Comfort breeds mediocrity... go out and make a difference."
"Mediocrity: you don't make the playoffs and you're not bad enough to."
"Nothing worse on this planet than mediocrity."
"Intellectual quality against totalitarian mediocrity."
"Mediocrity should be defined not as having less, but rather as playing by somebody else's rules."
"Just good, not great, alright? Just get out of here, Carlos."
"Stop celebrating mediocrity as a local champion. It's time to stretch to the other side."
"I'm shooting for mediocrity that's not a bad strategy though."
"We're rewarding mediocrity going into a super league, that's what we're doing."
"We've gotten really comfortable with mediocrity when it comes to entertainers and the music industry."
"If you settle for a mediocre life... you settle for a certain baseline satisfaction but not real excitement."
"Stop romanticizing mediocrity. This is Karl Marx's message. Don't embrace it, it's called communism."
"The best friends of dynastic politics is mediocrity... the enemies of dynastic politics is meritocracy."
"When you accept mediocrity, you keep receiving mediocrity."
"It's not irredeemably mediocre, but I certainly do have a lot of mixed feelings about it."
"Competing for a championship every year doesn't include staying on a team where you pretty much get to the finals every year because the rest of the conference sucks."
"Most people have forgotten about Bubsy: Woolies Strike Back because it wasn't actually all that bad."
"Was it your license to be mediocre and to live beneath who you truly are?"
"If you had no attachment to it, then it's a fine movie, I guess."
"No pun intended, but I thought it was alright."
"If you want to live better than the rest, you need to stop justifying your mediocre existence."
"Average is not going to get you through in life."
"Strange... Well, that sounds like the perfect job for me. Cause there's nothing wrong with a little mediocrity." - (from the acoustic performance)
"If you try to be great at everything, you're gonna end up being mediocre at everything."
"The content I make after that is pretty alright, I'm a C student, you want more C work, you come with me, you want plush stuff, you go with her."
"Nobody else is doing that, vast majority of people they're getting some average pieces and they're calling it."
"We're brainwashed for years believing that we're supposed to be average."
"Don't get caught up in mediocrity; take control of your life."
"It's fine, it doesn't bowl me over, it's the best way of putting it."
"Rules will bring you up to mediocrity if you understand the rules."
"It's not supposed to be good it's average it's the middle."
"Prove the statistics wrong. Don't fit in with the mediocre. Don't fit in with everyone that's telling you don't work too hard."
"We strive for mediocrity right, July, August, and September to come."
"Jared Kushner may be the single most mediocre and yet powerful figure in modern American politics."
"Are we willing to pay the price to become one of the Fantastic few or are we going to spend the rest of our lives settling to be one of the mediocre manyi?"
"We're now in the age of mediocracy you can bring about the positive change you want to see in this world because the revolution will not be televised only you can bring about the revolution by industry participation."
"It is okay to let go of stuff that has been giving you mediocre results or things that you just haven't been able to pull together."
"Great souls always have violent resistance from the mediocre."
"If you're always going with the default position in life, you end up with a mediocre cancerous life."
"Stop with the excuses and appealing to mediocrity."
"Why settle for mediocre when you're capable of so much more?"
"You need to be inspired by the fear of being average."
"You can't say there's certain dreams and goals, the things you want to have and things you want to be, if you are still average."
"I'm not scared of dying but I'm certainly scared of being average. Anyone can be average, average gets average, excellence gets excellence."
"Unremarkable people don't worry about being unremarkable."
"Better than some folks, worse than some other folks. We're in the middle."
"The alternatives before us are simple. We have to make the momentous choice between brief but true greatness and longer continued mediocrity."
"If it's good, promote the heck out of it. If it's mediocre, ignore it."
"This is a young boy who at one point with everything going on in his world decided he was going to be mediocre until his mom told him that wasn't going to be acceptable."
"Nothing too amazing there and that is probably why I didn't make the review in the end."
"As an overall product, it never quite reached the level of bad but that's only really because it was so unambitious throughout its entire run."
"These are mediocre times, Mrs. Stone. People are starting to lose hope."
"When mediocrity is successful, everyone suffers in the end."
"It's just like, oh, you shouldn't have tried to do something that didn't suck. That's your first mistake."
"If you just grind when it's practiced, you're gonna be mediocre, you're gonna be average."
"Kind of makes me think it's a jack of all trades, master none."
"Don't accept mediocrity just for the sake of being nice."
"I'm allergic to average because success is allergic to average."
"A mediocre boring movie is just that: mediocre and boring."
"Man is a wonderful creature selling himself short. He is capable of magnificence and is satisfied with mediocrity."
"Discomfort catapults you out of mediocrity"
"But not too much, it's not too special at all."
"If you don't want problems, be average, mediocre, living a life well beneath your potential."
"Average is boring, and you're anything but."
"the risk of mediocrity is greater than the risk of failure"
"Our enemy in the search for better is average. Average is why you dressed the way you dress today."
"Radio just turned into a big business, pushing mediocrity on the public."
"You're not the world's best and you're not the world's worst. You're not special."
"I didn't come on this earth to be mediocre. No, I came for greatness."
"Mediocrity scales exponentially, while excellence scales incrementally."
"You're the middle, everywhere, always."
"Not everybody has to be great, somebody could just be regular."
"It's not bad but it's not amazing."
"In the middle is boring, nobody cares"
"All in all, they're all right, I guess."
"Good is detrimental because it gives you just enough."
"Will you resign yourself to a life of mediocrity or commit yourself to unleashing the unstoppable force within you?"
"The enemy of great is not average, it's good."
"I might be mediocre, but my wife is outstanding."
"You're no Messiah. You're a movie of the week. You're a t-shirt at best."
"The biggest enemy of great is good."
"Micro-management produces only mediocrity."
"You don't want to either really suck or you want to be really great. You don't want to be in the toilet bowl that never flushes at 8 and 9 or 9 and 8. You don't want to be in that."
"Anybody can have a brain it's a very mediocre commodity."
"So when you wake up somebody has given you money and you just run away with it, you're losing out on all these people who want you to succeed."
"...a leveling down of human capability... encouraging to the mediocre but cramping to the gifted."
"The mediocre are having fantasy dinner parties while the world is filled with passionate intensity."
"These are mediocre times mr. stone people are starting to lose hope it's hard for many to believe they're extraordinary things inside themselves as well as others."
"Being above average isn't good enough."
"It's an okay gun, nothing crazy, trigger was okay, the recoil was okay."
"No more wasting time with things that are mediocre."
"There's nothing exciting about it but there's nothing bad about it whatsoever."
"What it takes to be more successful than 99% of people and why being ordinary is the enemy of progress."
"People go home, they rush to watch a mediocre movie they know is mediocre, and they come back like, 'So much fun!'"
"Our culture was able to take a hero and make him mediocre."
"You didn't wake up today to be mediocre."
"You owe it to yourself to give it your best effort. If you get in the habit of being mediocre, you're not hurting anybody but you."
"People are scared to take a chance. I think that's why America is the king of mediocrity."
"It's not great, but it's entertaining."
"Why would we want to live in a sea of mediocrity where everything is acceptable and ultimately weakness prevails? That's not the world that I want to live in."
"Pusillanimity is the vice of not striving for excellence."
"This movie was overall disappointing but just like fine. It was just like okay, you know? It's rated pretty much in the middle critically as well, so again it's just kind of a sad place to be for a horror movie."
"I'm tired of people thinking that they have it all. It's so shitty that people are okay with mediocrity."
"...survival of the most mediocre."
"Laziness breeds procrastination, procrastination breeds complacency, and complacency breeds mediocrity."
"If you make average stuff then people will remember you for making average stuff."
"The bar for success is much lower."
"Airborne is a film I can only describe as extreme genericness."
"If you ain't pissed off for greatness, that mean you okay with being mediocre."
"I was troubled by my country's willingness to embrace the mediocre. I often felt Professor Sagan was troubled by this trend as well."
"That's what's wrong with the world, we're all mediocre because everybody's just lying to each other, bro."
"Not all spells are like 'you're going to die,' some spells are just like 'you're going to be mediocre for the rest of your life.'"
"Living a mediocre life also sucks... if you're in a relationship where you're walking on eggshells and you're afraid of the person, that's definitely not your best life."
"If we don't give mediocre advice, it's not because we're not good at giving it."
"It's okay to be you when you're not the best at something."
"Mediocre in a competitive field is just, what are you aiming for? That's the thing you should be afraid of. The greatest motivator, man."
"This movie is a great example about how something insanely mediocre can absolutely bang."
"The argument is if everyone gets in, it's a race to mediocrity."