
Personal Battles Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Be kinder than necessary because everyone is fighting a battle you know so little about."
"Everybody's fighting a battle that you might just not know about."
"Everyone is fighting their own personal battles and to assume otherwise is to be incredibly narrow-minded and foolish."
"Whenever God is getting ready to use someone, they will have a battle to overcome."
"Sometimes, the greatest battles are fought within ourselves."
"Conquering her fears and showing that maybe just maybe Carolyn isn't fully gone."
"But everyone was greed that thing that said you're nothing that self-esteem that hit in the chest that just says you've done what you've done physically but now it's all emotional notes up here."
"You can't be getting in the way of God trying to open somebody else's eyes up you feel me sometimes you gotta let people go through their own battles by themselves."
"We're all fighting demons, whether they're in human form or just distractions."
"Take care of yourselves, you know you're fighting your battles and we just want you to be okay."
"If you want to win anything in life, there's one battle you gotta win first: the battle inside your mind."
"I'm down to fight for respect, I'm down to fight for equality. I don't know if really fighting for you to be attracted to me is a fight that I want to take off."
"The fight you have to win for your life has always been in you."
"Sometimes there's a silent battle that people go through that only their closest friends and family know about."
"My greatest battles were fought alone when nobody knew."
"Don't ever think you're alone in your personal battles. Keep your chin up, think of the bright side of life, and take advantage of the time that is given to you on this planet."
"Being yourself, I would say, would be the most important thing."
"Brenda was a strong woman she was used to fighting battles like literally quite literally she was strong and she was brave."
"The more you try to fit in, the less you will. But the less you try to fit in, the more comfortable you are because you win those battles with yourself."
"Don't fight every battle; pick the issues that matter the most."
"The only thing you really fight for is yourself."
"You cannot be an exceptional person and have ordinary battles."
"Fight every battle, everywhere. Always, in your mind."
"Your ability to fight your own battles is also key."
"The battle is not about these things, it's about our relationship to ourselves."
"Most people are fighting battles we know nothing about or we only see the surface of."
"They're fighting a battle in their head every day."
"Susan had won the most important battle of her life - the fight to win public approval."
"Step back, take time, look at the battles that you have been through, look at what you have accomplished, what you have conquered."
"It's good to see people succeed and overcome those battles."
"I was battling the demons and I exercised the demons."
"The fight that you have to win for your life has not been with them, it's always been in you."
"You're bravely fighting battles, slaying demons, and growing in resilience through introspection and spiritual development."
"Dia knows better than anyone how lonely it is to fight battles alone, but she isn't scared at all. In this lifetime, she's no longer fighting alone."
"Everything does not have to be your fight."
"Bruce Wayne and Jim Gordon, two figures who would change Gotham at its very core, arrive in Gotham City on the exact same day. Over the course of the next year, they will both encounter and overcome Gotham's deep-seated corruption as well as their own personal battles."
"You cannot die on that Hill... Let It Go people."
"We're all fighting our own battles."
"People fight their own wars for their own reasons because they're free to have individual goals."
"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle that you don't know. Be kind, be gentle."
"One is fighting their own battles, Diana, just as you are fighting yours."
"Everyone is fighting a battle you don't know about."
"People you know have things they fight with inside, and sometimes they just can't conquer them."
"We all have our own battles that we're trying to get through."
"Everyone is fighting their own battle."
"I feel like we all have these hidden secret insecurities and battles that we don't talk about."
"We don't wrestle in rings, but we wrestle with our wounds and our weaknesses."
"The Israel inside of the Jacob is worth fighting for."
"Being nice to everyone you see; we are all fighting a battle behind the scenes."
"You have to fight every single day; you have to fight to get up and go to work, you have to fight to love your wife, you have to fight to love your kids, you have to fight for what you want in life."
"Each player has a battle of their own to fight and must collectively rise together to achieve success."
"You've defeated multiple demons without even being completely aware of just how truly impactful this is."
"No one else is dealing with your demons, meaning maybe defeating them could be the beginning of your meaning, friend."
"We're all fighting different demons."
"The Lion and the bear represent the private battles that are going on in your world right now."
"Everybody has their own battles that they're facing."
"I'm always going to be nice to others no matter what because everyone's fighting a battle that you know nothing about."
"Nobody's life is perfect at all, everyone has their own inner struggles that they're going through."
"No matter how big or how small your battles are, one thing remains the same: you."
"Not everybody knows every battle that someone is fighting."
"He's not the only one fighting demons."
"The moment you get understanding, the moment you understand why this is happening to you, then we begin to have release because we understand that it has less to do with us and more to do with their personal battles."
"Everybody fights their own demons."
"We all have something we have to overcome."
"Everybody's fighting their own demons."
"You always fight some type of pain, you're always fighting some type of demons."