
Gentleness Quotes

There are 2033 quotes

"Transformation doesn't always mean crunches, faster, harder, louder... stronger. It's also the tender things."
"She taught me how to love, how to be gentle, how to be thoughtful."
"The best leaders are gentle. In our culture, we have been misled to believe the tougher we are, the more control we gain. But that simply is not true. What we gain by being tough is fear, and fear is not respect. Respect is gained by giving it away."
"I speak with gentleness and listen with gentleness."
"We're kinder and gentler to the people around us, and we're kinder and gentler to ourselves."
"Restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted."
"With the star energy, this is shining a light across the whole of this reading... this is gentle energy, the energy of compassion."
"Sometimes, in order to be gentle, you have to have self-control."
"We can keep the gentleness, we can keep the kindness, but we can also be more dominant over ourselves, more assertive in what we want, but we can still be gentle at the same time."
"Sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you for the reason for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and respect. - 1 Peter 3:15"
"Gentleness and self-compassion: Just being a little bit kinder to yourself now, knowing that there's never really such thing as perfect eating."
"Take care and please remember to be gentle with yourself and those around you."
"Be gentle with yourself and those around you."
"The Holy Spirit never coerces, never compels, never puts on the pressure, and never bullies."
"When you argue and defend the faith, always do it with gentleness and reverence."
"If you are so-called the head, if you so-called the leader, then you lead with gentleness and your gentleness is your strength. You lead in love."
"Light academia is an aesthetic that focuses on the softer and more gentle side of dark academia."
"The real servants of Ar-Rahman are the ones who are walking with gentleness on this earth."
"You're going to love what you're doing and stay sweet and gentle and tender in what you're doing."
"Gentleness can also be translated as meekness."
"Be gentle in your approach, beware of this harsh character." - Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
"Whenever you find gentleness, it will always adorn and beautify the person's character." - Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
"Being gentle has immense benefits, it is one of the paths to paradise." - Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
"Gentleness leads to people loving you, supplicating for you, and wishing for your well-being." - Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
"The softer and more gentle you can be towards a man..."
"Gentleness reflects the character of Christ, it's strength under control, marked by humility and consideration for others."
"Jiu-jitsu is the most gentle martial art on the planet and self-defense system while also being the most effective."
"That's a great dog that can play that gently with a little kitten like that."
"Be gentle with how you speak, truthful but thoughtful."
"Gentle really is the best method when it comes to skincare."
"Most of the time it's pretty important to be gentle with yourself."
"This is a great option that is gentle, this is not like a 35% vitamin C that's going to soak into your skin and bam bam thank you ma'am."
"Toru comforted her with gentle strokes and soothing words."
"Eric is the kindest, most gentle, and sensitive soul that I have ever met."
"You should be recharging, moving slower, talking slower, gentler. Take your time, baby."
"Using my fingers makes it a lot easier to not be so rough on my hair."
"Gentleness is the new strength... the world needs your gentleness, it's never needed your gentleness more."
"You don't want to walk on the little flowers and crush them, be tender, gentle, considerate, careful about what your emotional needs are."
"Lemurs were very gentle, pleasant creatures."
"Be gentle with yourself, be gentle with yourself."
"Be gentle with yourself at this time. Surround yourself with gentle people, situations, and environments."
"Always be ready to give an offense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that's in you yet do it with gentleness and reverence."
"Husbands love your wives and do not be harsh."
"The tailless whip scorpion: a gentle giant of the arachnid world."
"You might still be gentle and soft, but I feel you're actually very powerful people."
"The wind in the evening is extremely special. It is very, very gentle."
"You can be soft and still be powerful, there's actually very much strength in that, isn't there?"
"I want to be strong enough to be gentle with myself and with other human beings."
"Suggest gently. It's like tai chi or Aikido."
"One of the kindest, nicest, most gentle people in politics."
"American Bulldog: gentle, friendly, but fiercely protective."
"Another trait temperament trait of a Connie Corso is they're extremely gentle."
"Be soft with yourself and others because they wanted you to be soft with yourself first, be gentle and kind to you."
"It's amazing how such an aggressive bird can be so gentle."
"It's one of the most gentle, empathetic, and honest displays of care."
"Be gentle with the washes that you're including in your hair."
"Irish Wolfhound... gentle giant despite the imposing size."
"Gentlest creatures manatees: These creatures are the gentle Giants of the ocean."
"Broly from Dragon Ball super is described as a pure Saiyan with a gentle heart."
"He was lovely, gentle, and a soft-spoken man."
"It's a really great formula, and every time I've, you know, taken a long flight, my skin is extra sensitized, I just need something that's going to very gently cleanse my skin."
"This is going to be great for smoothing the texture of the skin without irritating it."
"What matters is someone's heart, as cheesy as it may sound, because Chopper is nothing if not the gentlest soul in the world."
"Being harsh is hard on your soul. Being gentle is good for your soul."
"I love the tenderness, I love when he just takes her hand and puts it on his face."
"She does know I'm pregnant because look how gentle she is."
"Be strong, but be gentle, allow yourself to speak honestly about what it is that you want for yourself."
"He created a little calm space around him of gentleness of niceness of kindness."
"Polyhydroxy acids are super gentle, they exfoliate very, very gently, and they're also really hydrating for the skin."
"Gentle and positive training—it is possible to work alongside these beautiful animals."
"I always tell you guys to be gentle so you know she was kind of being like in the middle like she wasn't being like rough rough with her skin."
"Having coached this bear to close her door with treats over several encounters, there's something surprising about seeing a usually fearsome beast carry out commands, particularly in such a gentle manner."
"This is a powerfully effective but gentle exfoliating serum."
"The Samoyed: friendly, gentle, and devoted family dogs worth the price of admission."
"I'm just gonna swing it around gently... gently... gently."
"An appropriate correction from an adult dog is brief, pointed, and with no attempt to harm."
"Wisdom from above is pure, peaceable, gentle."
"His family knew him as a kind and gentle soul."
"Learning how to accept yourself - go easy on yourself, love."
"To be a man does not mean that you need to be harsh."
"Jesus didn't come down like, 'I saw her,' he was not crazy, he was soft-spoken, sandals and all."
"Husbands love your wives and be gentle with them."
"You're being very gentle with yourself, very nurturing with yourself."
"This sunscreen is fantastic. It's a mineral formula so it's less likely to sting the eyes and the open blemishes."
"You still have to use the right products and have the right techniques and be gentle with your hair, especially while you're styling."
"It's fragrance free, moisturizing formula is non-irritating and non-comedogenic."
"Polyhydroxy acids gently exfoliate the skin."
"There are gentle, sweet boys who are horrified by the idea of toxic masculinity."
"Make sure you're gentle and kind to yourself as you grow."
"My definition of greatness is being gentle."
"The most important thing is that we are kind and gentle to one another."
"Go easy on myself, take it day by day, moment by moment, feeling by feeling."
"The angel kiss, very lightly on the eyelids."
"Your real nature is gentle which is powerful."
"You have a balance of strength and gentleness, able to be both strong and soft."
"Gyome Himejima is a gentle giant and Stone Pillar of the demon slaying core."
"It's time to learn another way. You are strong enough now to become gentle."
"There is a great power and strength in your softness."
"Her speech pattern and the gentleness of her voice and how easy ideas come from her... It's incredibly enticing. It's so engaging."
"It is really soothing, it is really calming, it is really gentle on the skin."
"Ultimately, we find our power and our gentler side just by kind of paying attention."
"Gentleness is strength under control. Responding gently takes an extremely strong person."
"I love cleansers that are gentle because it doesn't really matter like what skin type you have or what skin condition."
"It's just going to be really soft in nature."
"I, Captain Thor Odinson, will use a gentle touch."
"...the Moon is soft. She is gentle. She's not rough. The Sun–it scorches, it burns...but the Moon is far more receptive, far more gentle, far more soft."
"The cow goddess licking very gently the hand of the queen."
"If you are a soul that has been feeling like you need a little more gentleness in your life, a gentle loving kind message for where you are."
"Be gentle as doves, but also be discerning."
"I think coming from you, especially the way you sing, there's such a gentle, comforting quality."
"Being a mother has made me just more gentle with people in general."
"Frank was a very kind man, you know. We think he was all gruff, and he could throw you out the window and over the balcony, but he was a very tender guy."
"She uses gentle words to evoke his empathy."
"Be gentle with yourself. Be forgiving with yourself."
"Everything has got to be done with gentle loving care."
"Gentleness manifests itself as kindness."
"16 has a gentle yet stern personality."
"He seamlessly blended raw toughness with unexpected gentleness."
"But despite its fearsome appearance, this shark is shy towards humans with no intention of causing harm."
"A soft answer turneth away wrath."
"Be gentle with yourself about your future."
"I want to be showing forth the sweetness of Christ, the gentleness of Christ, the love of Jesus to my fellow man."
"It's good to be really gentle with your skin care regimen."
"Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth."
"Gentleness is the act of saying I'm going to fight for you, not against you. - Hosanna Wong"
"I try to treat people with compassion and gentleness."
"As soft as a dove and as wise as a serpent."
"With gentleness and humility, we must display God's glory through the words of love that encourage others, give them faith and hope, and deliver God's holy love."
"He was not harsh, it's by a mercy of your Lord that you were gentle."
"Instead of trying to yell at people, we should try to be a little bit gentler and not sway away from trying to educate people."
"There's a gentleness to you that this person really admires."
"She totally gets what's going on and she totally gets how gentle to be."
"Be gentle with your skin. Treat it like baby skin."
"If you see someone sleepwalking, don’t shock them with a slap or shout at them. Be gentle. Lead them back to bed."
"There is a sweetness to them, such a gentleness."
"If you take the softer road in anything right now, you're going to have better results."
"There's a kind of unfolding and there's a gentleness."
"You're supposed to do this with tender love and care."
"He's so gentle. Where are the guys that are just like him?"
"Being gentle with your hair is so much more important than you realize"
"Practice humility, avoid slander and quarrels. Be gentle and show true humility to everyone."
"Being kind, warm, and gentle doesn't exclude you from being insanely powerful."
"You have forgotten the lessons. You can never win, gentle always turns away strong."
"...the more gentle you are the more the water will just pour off without taking all the pulp with it."
"He was one of the nicest and gentlest souls, devoted father, never said an unkind word about anybody."
"You're a gentle soul, attracting answered prayers and angelic energies."
"Gentleness is really important in terms of letting things evolve at their own speed."
"Your energy feels silky and soft, you just feel soft and gentle to this person, and that's their favorite thing about you."
"Indeed, Allah is gentle and loves gentleness and gives due to gentleness that which he does not give to harshness."
"Be gentle with yourself and others."
"Gentleness brings victory to him who attacks, and safety to him who defends."
"But also, these friends think that you're someone that is very gentle as well, like very gentle-hearted, very loving."
"But you have a very gentle way of saying I don't like it."
"Look at yourself, put that energy into yourself, and be delicate with yourself."
"Force breaks more than it creates. Be gentle as you move ahead and trust that all will be revealed in due time."
"Haku, too gentle for the Shinobi world, sacrifices himself for the person most precious to him."
"God is gentle with us, he takes time to change us and he wants us to start slowly."
"Harmonious and gentle bonding between you and your partner."
"You look lightweight and gentle, like an angel. I figured you've probably done a lot of practice with balance and strength."
"The highest expression of gentleness."
"Be gentle with your heart, you're still learning."
"He had a gentle soul to match his enormous heart."
"Imagine if you could hold a tiny delicate hummingbird in your hand, you would be gentle and adoring, you would cherish it and appreciate its beauty."
"This person is really nice and really gentle and so fun."
"My main goal is to be gentle with myself while I accomplish that."
"You need to be more gentle on yourself."
"You need to be gentle unto yourself, you deserve that."
"Be kind to yourself, be gentle to yourself."
"Recently, I've also been trying to lower the bar towards filming and making videos and just being a little bit more forgiving and gentle on myself."
"You're being asked to be gentle with yourself through this, to show compassion."
"Her gentle nature gave him all hope."
"Gentleness works, it's gentle-hearted."
"Even if I spend that day in the bed, it does count, and be gentle with yourself."
"Be as wise as serpents but as gentle as doves."
"True love is soft, true love never hurts."
"Alicia's eyes fell upon a visible bruise on his face, and she asked about it gently."
"When I say skin compatible, I mean that all of the products are at an appropriate pH and they're very gentle for your skin."
"Humor: a gentle way to acknowledge human frailty."
"We still have a place for the softspoken."
"This person is going to come and pursue you in a very gentle way, even if it's very straightforward."
"Bullying and intimidating the weak is not the act of a gentleman."
"You miss the beauty when you're stressed. Be gentle with yourself, be messy sometimes, and let it all go."
"Brethren, if any a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted."
"So there is my messy gentle approach to creating a chignon protective style in my hair."
"Cultivate a quiet and gentle spirit, and overflow into our marriages, families, and homes."
"It's your gentleness that has made me great."
"Be a real hero, don't Hollywood hero type with all the BS and all the yelling and screaming and trying to be tough, be strong enough to be gentle."
"They like that you come across as very gentle to them."
"...there's a reason why I do this, it's really changed my life, it's helped me have more, just more of a gentleness with myself..."
"The strongest hearts will move in a gentle way."
"Make sure you're being gentle with yourself and kind to yourself."
"That's the best way to manifest, intentional but soft, quiet, and gentle."
"...if you're in this stage where you're like figuring out how to deepen into surrender, be gentle with yourself."
"We're a very gentle totalitarianism for Jews."
"Having a gentle and quiet spirit is strength under control."
"She was a very gentle creature, always anxious to please."
"It's a very tender and humble act."
"How can you be more gentle with yourself?"
"I would never use more brute force or energy than would be required on your body or your baby for a c-section."
"I'm honestly so impressed with how gentle you can be with the inputs on this car."