
Victim Mentality Quotes

There are 234 quotes

"Grateful people aren't angry and they don't see themselves as victims."
"The most insidious thing about excuses is you have a valid reason to feel like a victim, but the question is, is that going to serve you moving forward?"
"If we stop seeing ourselves as victims, we can allow forgiveness and compassion to come in."
"The problem with projecting everything out there is that you're really leaving yourself powerless. You're a victim in this situation; you're not taking responsibility."
"I will never ever again really be able to convince myself that I'm the victim."
"If you see yourself as a victim in any capacity, it will ruin your life."
"In my life review, I saw it wasn't about how people treated me; I could play the victim all day, but I don't do that anymore."
"It's really easy to assume that we are victims of other people's behaviors, but actually, we always have a choice who we interact with and how we show up in any connection."
"If you believe you're a victim, you give up your power."
"It's very easy to become a victim in this world and just say all these things that are happening to me are other people's fault."
"You stop being a victim when you're no longer at the effect of what's being done to you or what has been done to you."
"Fascism requires the majority to believe themselves the true victims, the true oppressed people, being forced to share power with minorities."
"You can't see yourself as a victim and at the same time aspire to achieve something."
"Life is all about perspective...you can look at things and be the victim, or you can look at things and see all the positive in the world."
"I also don't believe in having a victim mentality, but when a system is so ranked against a group, you have to question it."
"You have to first take 100 percent responsibility for your life. Give up being a victim."
"It's dangerous to stay in a victim mentality."
"It took her a long time to find strength in her experiences and to shake her 'victim mentality'." - About Selena Gomez
"I think one of the worst things you can do, especially to a young person, is to convince them that they're some kind of victim and that the world is against them and that they're oppressed, especially if that's not actually true because I believe that whatever lens you view the world through is gonna be your reality."
"Having a victim mentality is about seeing yourself as a victim and using that to justify immoral and/or irresponsible actions."
"A victim is a victim because he thinks that the external world is a greater obstacle to him than he is to himself."
"Anything good in life is perception. If you have like a victim mentality, then yeah, anything that happens to you, you're just going to be like, 'woe is me, life is hard, this sucks,' instead of seeing how it could be helping you in the long run."
"People who continuously victimize themselves never achieve anything."
"Without power, you cannot see or make any changes. Keep your power, for the helpless victim cannot see a way out."
"Exercising your power as opposed to being a victim, this makes you happy."
"Sitting at the table, all of you inspire me to better myself. Just a year ago, I had the biggest victim mentality and it wasn't until this past summer when I turned 25 that I had to make a choice, and I choose to thrive."
"If you want to be an empowered human being, you can't think like that, you can't think like a victim, you cannot, particularly if the evidence doesn't justify it."
"We're not victims, we could shape the future."
"Forget about outer circumstances, you cannot be a victim and a millionaire at the same time."
"A nation of victims: We need to bring back the concept of civic duty."
"Stop playing the victim, that was the big thing that I learned."
"Take it upon yourself to not play the victim card because you can do it."
"You can do it, you can do it, you're not a victim, Lara wasn't a victim, never was that woman a victim."
"As a society, we need to be more cognizant of our decisions and we need to get out of this idea of this victim mentality."
"Strategically, victimhood is a bad game. It leads to resentment, anger, and hostility."
"Living as a victim in Your world saying I am this way because of this person or that thing or this experience They made me think and feel this way when you switch that around you become a creator of your world and you start."
"They want to equate their illegal activities with conservatism and then they want to claim that they are being canceled, that they are being somehow discriminated against, that they are being targeted for their conservatism not their crimes."
"I never want to see myself as a victim because if you see yourself that way, you've given up the fight already."
"There's nothing that is going to stop me from being great. Nothing. I hate the victimhood [ __ ] however victimhood or being a victim has nothing to do with history. Those are very different things."
"But that what's really remarkable about this is that even reasonably well-off people think of themselves as victims."
"Playing the victim card has a devastating impact on freedom of speech because it polices what everyone says lest they offend someone."
"It's time to let go of the victim mentality."
"Victims harbor dark spirits and demons, and anytime someone tries to point out how they're harming others and how their behavior isn't right, they can pull 'I'm a victim' to protect the demon."
"We've got to come out of a victim type mentality and think of ourselves as Evolution evolving."
"This is victim talk, right from beginning to end."
"Change isn't going to happen unless the guy wants to do it. It's all just a victim complex."
"Victim consciousness is the only human pathology."
"No one in the world who sees themselves primarily as a victim is a happy person."
"The incessant cultivation of a victim identity."
"Your victim mentality is your real sickness, don't you see?"
"Can you imagine having this much of a victim complex?"
"The very essence of Maga is being a victim is being a loser and trying to coalesce a coalition of fascist-leaning losers."
"If you're conceiving yourself as a helpless victim, then that's what you are."
"You only really have two choices in life: you can play the victim and stay stuck or you can accept full responsibility, bite the bullet, and be willing to do whatever it takes to fix the problem."
"You can become a victim of your circumstances or you become a master of your destiny."
"But I feel like that's a terrible mindset though, to think that you don't deserve this or you did this because otherwise, I feel that almost puts yourself in just a vulnerable and victim mentality."
"They're making you believe that you are a victim."
"Two shades of narcissism: one who thinks they're more important, and one who thinks they're always a victim."
"He cries the victim just over and over and over."
"Once you start reinforcing that and even convincing yourself that that is true, you stop trying in life anymore. Why try when you could just blame other people and get rewarded for it?"
"Teaching people that they're victims, teaching people that their success is limited by things that they have no control over, like success is only possible if you think it's possible." - Adam
"You cannot receive everything that you want and desire with a victim narrative."
"I think people are seeking that victim status, that heightened status of fame or acceptance or pity."
"To internalize victim identity is very bad for one's own functioning in the world."
"Stop putting it off, stop making excuses, stop with the victim mentality."
"None of that matters if you don't identify as a victim."
"Most people can't handle the fact that they are Mighty beyond measure and have concocted a victim story to distract themselves from owning how great they actually are."
"You don't have to hate people if they hate you. You don't have to be the victim of something if you don't want to be."
"People who see themselves as victims feel they are entitled to compensation and special treatment."
"You cannot be a treasure and a victim simultaneously."
"The victim mentality is one of the biggest sources of human evil."
"Victim consciousness is brainwashing yourself."
"Nothing holds someone back more than seeing himself as a victim."
"Happiness tends to reach an equilibrium... don't let yourself get trapped in the victim mentality. It's totally disempowering."
"Do something about it. You want to be the victim or do you want to be the person that says you know what I'm the change that I want to see?"
"It's a hundred percent projection, it's a hundred percent persecution complex."
"We're not designed to live in these cyclical patterns where we constantly find ourselves in suffering, in struggle, and in victimhood."
"Victim culture is toxic to intelligence, progress, and truth."
"You could spend your life being a victim, but it's not going to improve your life."
"Even if you are a victim, some people are victims of doubt. Sympathy from other people is not going to help you get out of your [ __ ] situation."
"Freedom is fundamental when we want to move away from feeling like we're victims or not in control."
"Victim mentality is a life-destroying mentality. A victor mentality is a life-enhancing mentality."
"Regardless of your social reality, you are not a victim."
"Personal responsibility: owning your own destiny... when you tell somebody you're a victim, that's effectively what you're doing. You're disempowering them."
"They're realizing their illusions and playing the victim."
"The victim mentality is something that is really prominent right now."
"Playing the victim is not going to work for you."
"Stop pretending that you're a victim stop pretending that this country is racist."
"We should remove the victim mindset from society."
"Nothing got accomplished, we all generated a victim to the game."
"The victim mentality is the greatest enemy of black men and black coaches."
"A victim's mentality particularly for someone interested in being a leader destroys your ability to lead."
"I'm not going to wallow in that victimhood or that unfairness."
"Be a contrarian or you're going to be a victim."
"When someone goes out of their way to be a victim, it doesn't do us any good."
"If at first you don't succeed because your work is terrible, play the victim. Everyone gets hate mail."
"Nobody in history has done a better job of saying they're the greatest while being a victim at the same time."
"The opposite of a victim complex is somebody who takes accountability for their life."
"No longer will you be in victim mentality, no longer will you be beating yourself up for things that are completely out of your control."
"She refused to be a victim as much as she could."
"Refuse to be a victim and you shouldn't be a victim either."
"He is the epitome of the choice between victor or victim."
"Don't be the victim, focus on changing your situation."
"The victim mentality... won't lead to your success."
"Do not become a victim; victimhood is a state of mind."
"It's a choice. If you choose to be a victim, you become your own oppressor."
"It's all about changing your mindset. You have to realize one that you're not a victim."
"Victim mentality is toxic and can lead to Stalin's Russia."
"Teaching women that we live in a patriarchy perpetuates a victim mentality."
"You can leverage it to your advantage and not look at it from like a victim perspective. Like, if you listen to the content and you feel attacked then I think there's something wrong with you."
"You are not a victim. These are circumstances of your own making."
"The noble victim complex should be battled but unfortunately we're taught that that is an advanced way of being human."
"Nothing makes you feel like more of a victim than having someone tell you it's okay for you to think that it's as bad for you as it was for people who were being exterminated in the Holocaust."
"Be undeniable, be the one... be someone who's awesome and don't become a victim."
"Every single one watching this needs to know that you're not a victim of this planet or of life."
"No victim I can never be, no victim. The only people that are victims that are Christians are those who are ignorant to the Word of God. That's right."
"Victim mentality: where you're a victim and if you're a victim you put on this cloak of invisibility."
"The word victim is thrown around a lot. This is the reality for most people: you're a victim of your own poor decisions and your own poor actions."
"Again is um people who are playing the victim exactly yeah you're not responsible for anything."
"If you're always the victim, you'll be the villain."
"I absolutely refuse to buy into this notion that people are victims because of their race, gender, or ethnicity."
"You can't hold the victim mentality and expect to win, shift from within."
"If you're mad about anything, you're already in a victim state."
"If you're not a contrarian right now, you're destined to be a victim."
"The worst operating system is that you're a victim... but the most Dilbert thing I could ever teach you is that the fact that they're great ideas is almost a guarantee that they're going to destroy something."
"We shouldn't view ourselves as victims. Teaching black people they're just perennial victims of history is not a way to help them improve their lives."
"It's much easier to be unconscious and to be the victim because then it's somebody else's fault."
"There's a difference between being a victim and having a victim complex."
"As long as you feel that life is unfair, even to a small degree, you position yourself as a victim."
"The profession of victim culture is always going to blame others."
"The critical race theory only tells you you're a victim, but ultimately, it's going to kill your progress."
"Victimization is always a lie; you have never been someone's victim."
"It's easy to think you're a victim because it means you don't have to do anything."
"To hell with the weak mob mentality of fame-hungry do-nothing wannabe victims."
"Narcissists have a way of just being the victim; they're constantly the victim and even if that person that you've had to walk away from is somebody that was quite difficult."
"Decide that you are done blaming others and being the victim."
"We don't play the victim olympics and not playing a victim olympics means that we take ownership and responsibility for what goes on in our own space."
"Having a victimhood mentality... is a huge waste of time."
"Stop playing the victim to circumstances you've created."
"When we voluntarily accept what is, we won't be victims."
"They want to silence, they want to be victims, they will use any means necessary."
"As soon as you defy this victim energy consciousness, mentality or attachment to an experience, you're taking up an opportunity here, a new path."
"The truth is a lot of people who are stuck in their victim complaining about why life isn't working, they don't value change enough."
"They feel hurt, betrayed, and may have a victim mentality."
"No more excuses, no more victim mentality. We gotta keep it moving. Plan on accepting more opportunities that have been presented to me, business-wise and also as part of the channel."
"If you allow yourself to be victimized you will always be a victim."
"Choosing to be a victim of the events and circumstances in my life would have been the real tragedy."
"either genuinely see themselves as the victim or they paint themselves as the victim but either way it serves them"
"Narcissists are classic victims. They are the abuser that plays the victim when things don't go their way."
"Like, oh, if they're only capable of good and they're only capable of being victims, and that's it, their sexuality even is a way that they end up becoming victims when it's really like, you can turn that into a strength."
"Cain was an evidence of a victim mentality."
"Anxiety and depression create a victim mentality."
"You're a victim. Everything these people do, they're doing you wrong! These people are bad and you are good. You do not deserve this."
"Don't be a damn victim, of course you're a victim, Jesus!"
"I can't believe I said that, but there, there's some people who are just more willing to always make an excuse for themselves and always come up with a version that in their head makes them out to be the victim."
"Victim mentality is a tendency to blame your misfortunes, defeats, failures on someone else's misdeeds."
"Victim mentality is an illness. It retards your growth, it's unhealthy for you, it will make you very ill mentally."
"If you stay in the victim energy forever, you're gonna stay there forever and nothing is going to change."
"Don't make excuses, don't whine. People who believe they're victims...will call for more extreme punishment of other people."
"You're only a victim of the idea that you're a victim."
"There is no avenue to success that starts with you defining yourself as a victim."
"Don't rush to play victim all the time."
"You've got to love how these ladies will always paint themselves as the victim."
"I have played the Perpetual victim I have enjoyed being a victim because it gets me sympathy and attention I don't want to be a victim anymore I want to take control of my life I want to get better and recover for real."
"We live in a global culture that celebrates the victim mentality."
"I don't know in my entire professional life one single happy person that chooses victimhood. I just, I never met one."
"A narcissist will generally see themselves as a victim."
"Does it get easier? It always was, but not easy is the victim's mentality."
"It's a really hard thing to admit when we're in victim mentality... actually just taking responsibility for the fact that you are keeping yourself stuck."
"People spew ignorant and bigoted comments at you publicly and then act like they're getting bullied when they get a response. Typical victim mentality."
"You've been through hell, like I said. You've been through a lot of stress because maybe your family was mean to you or some people that you attracted into your life were mean to you. But you don't play the role of a victim."
"Be cautious of those who always play the victim. They might be sent to destroy you."
"The true suffering comes from us sitting in that victim mentality."
"If you stay as a victim, you begin to feel entitled to have everybody help you and let you stay an irresponsible immature kid."
"A selfish loser blames everyone else. They have a victim's mentality."
"You're a victim and you don't even realize you're a victim. And instead of dealing with your own shit like I did, I lived in the light. Now you're hiding from it."
"You want to be a victim, you don't want me to help you, you want to be another person, you want to go see that could not help you."
"The minute you cast yourself as a victim, you cast yourself as an object."
"The only way you can succeed long term is to take the victim mentality and dispose of it because at some point you have to accept what you can't change and you have to focus on what you can change."
"We need to just keep pushing forward and not play a victim here."
"Some people thrive on being the victim, others learn. Pick your player."
"Victimology will tell you what he would do and what he wouldn't do."
"You don't have to be a victim, you just need to be aware."
"If you don't understand how your beliefs actually create your reality and shape your world, then you can potentially end up being a victim to this as opposed to being the cause."
"Beware of the temptation to see yourself unfairly treated."
"You can paint it like it's everybody out to get you, but if you're saying to yourself, 'Why is it always me?' then you should really question that."
"You have to get out of the victim mentality."
"I stopped having a victim mentality."
"Feeling like a victim controlled by your circumstances is a sign that you're hiding from your potential."
"The difference between those that play victim and those that don't is the responsibility that they take for their own lives and their own happiness."
"Stop making excuses, stop playing the victim."
"If you make anyone else a villain, you make yourself a victim."
"Life is happening all the time, not happening to me; that's a victim mentality."
"If you always feel like you're a victim, you will likely become a victim. If instead you believe that you can overcome by the power of Christ within you, you can overcome."
"Get rid of the victim mentality and from there increase your standards."