
Remorse Quotes

There are 2068 quotes

"Fueled by remorse, he was determined to rescue Carlin and the other kidnapped children."
"An apology should be a complete acknowledgment of what happened, express genuine remorse, and make amends without excuses."
"The fleeting dark ambition for vengeance he so desired in the moment becomes diluted by remorse."
"You're worth forgiving, and if you are expressing remorse and if you want to apologize, then you deserve to be forgiven."
"I am deeply remorseful and I'm trying to be remorseful without being ashamed of myself. I'm human and I made a mistake."
"It's possible that somewhere in her, there would be remorse or sadness or missing her daughter, even if she had something to do with this."
"I am so, so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm still sorry, and I will keep saying I'm sorry."
"Allah forgave Adam when he faulted because there was remorse, there was regret, he sought forgiveness and he turned back to Allah."
"It's just a tricky road to go down because there's never anything that you can truly say to fix it. You have to prove that you're sorry and realize what you did was wrong over time."
"Barry is more than capable of feeling empathy, remorse, and guilt."
"The key question is: when is an apology or remorse or accountability real?"
"In order for forgiveness to take place, remorse, genuine remorse and accountability must be shown."
"After recalling those memories, Cai Yue went to Wu Shang and apologized for her actions that had killed her grandparents."
"I am so so sorry. I was rude and very wrong."
"It's really messed up of me and I know it was wrong. This isn't even something that I just have a regret because it was like I shouldn't have done it; this is something that I know deep down was wrong."
"The pain, regret, disgust, and shame I feel outweigh any feelings during the action."
"I just hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."
"I really messed up, but this drove me to want to try everything I could to make amends for what I had done."
"I do believe that people can feel remorse, they can change."
"I have left a legacy of shame, as some of my victims have pointed out, to my family and my grandchildren."
"It's the cycle of addiction. You've got the remorse period."
"Manager Yuri was the one responsible for Nara's death more than a year ago, yet he never felt any remorse or gave up on his evil ways."
"First and foremost, I need to say sorry. I owe a massive apology to anybody that I've hurt or anybody that I've made uncomfortable with my actions."
"All of us, to all my fellow nominees, it really breaks my heart to have stolen and tarnished your moment."
"Watkins sobbed while testifying and showed remorse for his actions."
"Remorse is the key to an apology... You don't even have to say you're sorry, you exhibit that someone really receives that."
"I am sorry for what I did. I have to live with this every single day, and it brings me nightmares."
"There's no excuse for what I did... I'm 100% wrong, I'm so sorry."
"If you express remorse, then at least you feel bad for it because it gives you a sense of humanity."
"Feeling remorse and regret, that is tawba. You have to feel regret, you have to seek forgiveness from Allah."
"Sam Bankman Freed appeared for sentencing this week in federal court in Manhattan, stating that he was 'selfish' and 'threw it all away'."
"So to all the youngans and even the older people who I influenced with my jokes and my perverted thoughts I'm sorry."
"I wanted to go in and talk about how remorseful I feel and how embarrassed and disgusted I am with myself."
"I wish that I could express how truly sorry I am."
"It breaks my heart to know what deep pain I have caused."
"I wish I could tell my mom how truly sorry I am."
"She's asking for forgiveness. She's saying that she knows that she did something wrong. She's acknowledging the pain that she's caused other people."
"God forgive me, forgive me, forgive me, forgive me."
"I had left him locked outside to die. What kind of monster was I?"
"I feel bad because I took that person's life."
"I know what I did has affected the world. I know I can't change anything by what I say, but I'm truly sorry and I regret everything I did."
"I'm very sorry and I don't think I will ever get involved in such things from this point."
"Apology is owning up to your mistake, realizing your wrongdoings, and actually feeling sorrow about the thing you did."
"They're going back to something and apologizing. This is enlightenment, becoming enlightened, seeing the light, a light bulb moment."
"It takes more than just being sorry... it's gonna take some due diligence."
"I think Cisneros eventually confessed to us because he truly had remorse."
"The truth is I did something that was so awful and I wish I could take it back."
"She had that intensity every day you went to work she would say good morning how are you how was your evening boom it was small talk ago we."
"I apologize for it. I mean 23 years, my God."
"You shouldn't apologize because of how good it's gonna make you feel when everyone forgives you; you should apologize because you genuinely feel sorry for something."
"If you cheat on a good woman, you usually don't get another one."
"Thank you, Lord, for my oil. God, we're sorry for complaining about the oil that we lost."
"I've abandoned my child! I've abandoned my child! I've abandoned my boy!"
"This person is feeling some kind of remorse or sadness for what's happening in this connection."
"Coman never truly expressed remorse, saying his only regret was not marrying Arena and not carrying his plans through to the end."
"He's shown zero remorse throughout these court proceedings."
"I couldn't stop thinking about it, I looked all over town for Lois to apologize to him."
"I have caused tremendous pain to my family and I take responsibility."
"I'm truly like so sorry epic I know I have to take accounts ability for my actions and you know I'm gonna I'm gonna do my best to accept any punishment light comes my way."
"It's emotional when Kratos realizes he's doomed to forever remember his past."
"Even if I atone for these sins for the rest of my life, it would still not be enough."
"This person definitely does not like the way they treated you, they really, really know that."
"I sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart."
"Dalinar admits the horrendous things he has done."
"Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you."
"I think the moment they got me the most choked up was when Luca goes and tries to apologize to Alberto and he sees all the tallies on the wall."
"I had taken the life of another human being."
"Remorse is a powerful negative emotion that causes turmoil in those that feel it."
"They are drowning in their feelings and emotions for you, deeply sorry and in love."
"You seem to be not remorseful to have no contrition that you're almost a little flippant about this."
"Noe apologized to Hikimaru for doing evil things to him."
"This is the response: I'm sorry, I truly am sorry to you, young man."
"She's sorry that she got caught, not sorry for having the affair."
"How I treated him was pretty evil man and I'm not that person anymore."
"Josh has done some very bad things and he's very sorry."
"This person's heartbroken. Someone is in their feelings because they know they screwed this up."
"I apologize for making a celebrated moment a hurtful moment." - Bonnie Ross
"I will always be deeply sorry... for the dumb vile I've said in my past."
"I want to apologize... to anyone who I offended in my past actions."
"I cried out the first of six words: 'God forgive me.'"
"I deeply regret my actions and I'm ashamed of making such remarks."
"When someone does something bad and they realize that it was really awful and they come clean about it and they admit that you know they can't be sorry enough for what they've done and you know I feel bad and I'm gonna be better going forward..."
"When I think of the battles I fought, the thousands I've killed, the worlds I've burned, I weep for my past."
"These are folks that showed no remorse. These are people that are being treated quite fairly. These were conditions where they have access to Medical Care 24 hours a day."
"I've listened to all your statements. Each one of them. And I'm really sorry to everyone I've heard. Thank you, thank you, sir."
"There's something in your head that allowed you to sacrifice your children, and no apologies change that."
"I truly, I always like to just say apologize and I can't apologize enough for my part in there."
"If you have benefited, then soaking yourself in remorse and guilt does not help anyone."
"I forgave you completely for I understood the depth of your remorse and the Lessons Learned along your journey."
"I failed them, I failed all my friends that have died."
"I'm sorry for what I did. I'll end my days here with the Gray Friars like my liege lord Richard did and the man I killed, the man that I destroyed."
"He yells desperately at Rawling Christine to leave him because he's so ashamed of what he's put them through."
"Never in a million years would I repeat the same actions."
"I'm sorry to that lady but oh well your daughter calls this for you and that's just life I don't feel bad about none of that."
"This person has no remorse and accepts zero responsibility for this crime."
"Your contrition and ownership of your actions cannot repair the damage you inflicted, but it is an important and encouraging step towards your own rehabilitation."
"I see bacon! Why hello little bacon, I am so sorry but you must be a sacrifice."
"I'm really sorry and I hope one day some can forgive me."
"You don't get to commit the sin and then ask all of us to feel sorry for you."
"How beautiful is it when you see someone actually own up, take responsibility and say hey I did this right, I'm sorry."
"I've been working on it since I hurt you last."
"There are not even words to describe the guilt and remorse that I feel each day for what I've done."
"I'm responsible for her death... I'm sorry for the grief I've caused them."
"I'm deeply remorseful without being ashamed of myself."
"I'm sorry, everybody, my family, my friends, I won't be back for a long time. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it." - Denali Bremer
"He's a sociopath, he doesn't feel remorse for anything that he's done to anybody."
"I miss you Josh, I'm sorry that you chose me, but I'll always cherish our memories."
"I'm sick. You should feel really bad for me. I just want to say what I did was wrong."
"God forgive me," he said, before pulling the trigger.
"Showcasing remorse and acknowledging your mistakes can go a really long way."
"In the face of something so horrible, saying sorry seems so pointless. But from every fiber of my being, I am sorry."
"This person wants to let you know that they are sorry."
"When the reason returned with the morning, I experienced a sentiment half of horror, half of remorse for the crime of which I had been guilty."
"I want to say I'm sorry for what happened. I wish Gabriel was alive every day. I wish that I would have made better choices. I'm sorry to my children, and I want them to know that I love them." - Pearl Fernandez
"He finally killed something that November had felt for a very long time: remorse."
"If there's anything that you've said and you wish that you could unsay it or that you could clarify or you could say I'm sorry, do it."
"I do have remorse. Remorse for victims. You know, when you've looked someone in the eye down the end of a gun, you mean the act of armed robbery, that image sort of... it's like burned into your conscience."
"Every 31st of December, I kneel down and tell my wife, 'I'm sorry'."
"I've taken someone's life and I've got to live with that for the rest of my life."
"I'm sincerely sorry for the harm that I caused you and I wish that apology could heal your pain."
"I think you're sad that you did what you did, I think you feel bad that you hurt her, but I also think that you probably equally feel bad for yourself."
"I have to live with the consequences of my actions."
"All I can say now is just how truly sorry I am."
"Enright actually told the court this: 'There is not a day goes by that I don't think about this or don't wish I could go back. I'm sorry to everyone.'"
"Of all the rotten things I've done, the thing Arthur hated me the most for."
"I ruined a lot of people's lives, and I can't seem to forgive myself."
"I truly think he's different and thinks he feels awful about that."
"Repentance is defined as a sincere regret or remorse."
"It's clear Usopp feels a lot of remorse with how he treated Luffy, with how he stressed out the crew, and with how, at the time, he had come off as unreasonable."
"I love you guys so much. I'm really sorry for being such a pain."
"I just want to say that I am sorry and I was wrong."
"I just want to apologize to Lex for how the situation was handled... I wish I could remove any pain that I caused and I wish that I, you know, had been a better friend."
"Trump showed no remorse, did not acknowledge the role in inspiring the rioters."
"I want to apologize to all of you for what I did. It was very wrong and I am very sorry. I just would like to move on and lead a normal life, you know, get a job and a wife and change my ways."
"No matter what I did I could not undo the terrible harm I have caused."
"My ignorance is unforgivable, but I hope you'd find it in your hearts to forgive me."
"He should have realized that he was to blame and he should have asked for forgiveness."
"I take full accountability and I stand on the principle of knowing that I did hurt somebody."
"I want to take full responsibility for my actions."
"This person feels like a damn fool for betraying you."
"I'm sorry if I brung you any type of pain before today."
"These were McKenzie's words after she heard her sentence: 'I hope one day you can see I would never let this happen or do it on purpose. I wish I could remember what happened. I'm just so sorry. I'm heartbroken.'"
"I wanted to apologize for releasing these videos and showing ignorance to the culture."
"I felt the pain of everybody I ever heard before. Just please don't hurt me, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please, oh God, please."
"I'm sorry whis and what I'll do here is for your own good."
"I can't believe I imposed such suffering on her and I'm so sorry."
"He's like, 'I'm sorry I killed a bunch of people. Is that cool?'"
"Everyone draws inspiration from somewhere, and the fact that I went after someone who has been nothing but nice to me just proves how much I got this wrong."
"I know I have said hurtful things to others during my time on the internet and it really makes me feel like crap. I will keep trying to become a better person."
"They're remorseful, let's see they want forgiveness and a second chance because of deception."
"He was severely depressed, disabled, and showing a lot of remorse."
"There's simply no room to atone for that... America will never be able to wash that blood off her hands."
"They genuinely regret it and try to make amends."
"I am so sorry for my disgusting and insensitive actions."
"They know they hurt you Scorpio they know that they did so this person is going to follow their heart and they're going to try to communicate all of this that they've been doing."
"I just woke up from a dream and I think I did something absolutely terrible."
"I am so terribly, terribly sorry for what I have done."
"It is my understanding that Hannah has cooperated fully with authorities investigating the incident and has expressed profound remorse for the loss of life that occurred."
"I screwed up, and so I can't be defended for what I did 5 years ago. It was bad, it was wrong."
"After taking a life for the first time, Choy Han learns the meaning of grief."
"Apologized for what he did and owned up to his actions."
"D'Angelo, realizing his mistake, is filled with remorse for having unknowingly taken the egg from its mother."
"I'm not a bad person, but I made mistakes."
"I'm really sorry for the way I treated you earlier."
"That's my biggest regret in life, one that still clings to me even in my old age."
"I'm deeply sorry that I made my mistake and I hope today clears it up some."
"I need to tell you that I'm sorry."
"I want to apologize for shouting at you earlier. I let my anger get the better of me, and I'm sorry about that."
"Sorry that I wasn't around, sorry that he isn't feeling well, and sorry for not being an older brother."
"I am guilty of choices that have torn awful wounds in many hearts."
"An apology doesn't mean a lot unless a behavioral change is made."
"I feel extremely bad regardless of what anybody else thinks."
"I would apologize and tell them I missed and loved them."
"This person really feels like this call in their soul to apologize to you."
"I'm sorry about everything, guys. I really am."
"I just couldn't control myself, I've never done anything like this before."
"She carried the weight of a hidden secret, and her guilt manifested in the form of exaggerated remorse."
"I see now just how difficult I've been, and I'm sorry."
"There's no living with the killing now."
"I hope that you will find forgiveness in your heart for me."
"I reminisced on the stress I caused, it was hell hugging on my mama from a jail cell."
"That [__] dead man, when the good die, it'll be the worst ones, last words he heard was sound just like his daughter's first one."
"If you never admit it, never regret it, never say sorry, never ask forgiveness, then you're really worse off than we are."
"It's not too late to stop, and it's not too late for you to right the wrongs you have committed."
"A really sincere apology coming through here."
"I apologize. I'm sorry. I really am sorry, I'll be in your life from here for the rest of my life. I'm sorry, I apologize."
"I've been paying for my mistakes, and if I could go back and redo it all, I would."
"I know I hurt you, I don't want to hurt you again."
"They feel very sorry for the decisions that they've made."
"He just lost it, but straight away he was full of remorse."
"I hope he lives a thousand years in his cell to remember what he did and the pain and loss he has caused so many."
"I was an angry man at this time and the tackle was terrible."
"They want to admit that they're sorry."
"Guilt gives us reason to be more outward, to make amends with the people, to resolve that feeling."
"Changing the behavior, and then never doing it again. And then you can apologize."
"An apology and a sorry don't do it."
"They're ashamed of how they treated you, regretting their actions."
"Now that they're not consumed by love, they regret turning their back on you."
"When I decide not to be nice, I say awful things and I don't feel bad about it."