
Social Cohesion Quotes

There are 203 quotes

"Schools are not just engines of social mobility, they're also engines of social cohesion."
"The majority of our social interactions serve the function of social cohesion, not truth-seeking."
"We feel as we stand before you today, the community's unity. That's what great communities do."
"The genius of American liberal democracy was to calm down those tribal sentiments...that was all possible when we didn't feel that the other side was an existential risk to the country."
"The most important kind of diversity turns out to be viewpoint diversity."
"True social cohesion can only truly be sustained on the human scale globally, with our loyalties to each other, the habitat, and the natural laws of nature, a technical reality, not a poetic one."
"Nobody thinks that being terrible to your in-group is what constitutes a moral life. So we need to broaden the in-group."
"Community is a good thing, and you can make community happen."
"We all have to figure out a way to have a conversation with each other; we should be able to sit down, we're one country."
"We must end this uncivil war that pits red against blue, rural versus urban, conservative versus liberal."
"He always has a message of unity, you know, he has a message of trying to bring people together."
"It's this dense network, and the sets of beliefs that go along with it, that create the conformity, and that create the set of social rules that organize and run the society as a whole."
"The strength of a civilization is not the height of its material wealth and technological sophistication but that bond that unites it, social cohesiveness."
"First, we have to find common purpose across creedal and ethnic divides as we use those institutions to pursue a genuinely common good."
"The real question is why is opportunity being hoarded, how are we allowing that to happen, and what do we suspect about each other as our reason to cohere breaks down."
"We can have cities that draw us together rather than pushing us apart, cities that bring out the best in us."
"Once you have compassion and empathy, you can often see that you have a lot more in common with people than you do apart."
"This is a time when Americans usually come together and put aside their political differences."
"We have no cultural cohesion, we have no shared moral framework."
"Shared belief systems made people intelligible to one another, and that the systems weren't just about belief."
"Every study ever done has shown that social cohesion relies on a common orientation among people in order to build commonality."
"The value of religion more generally... the social cohesion point would be the best case in favor of religion."
"A society that values social cohesion and cultural understanding is stronger and more unified."
"I don't believe in the disposal of people within our community, and I want us all to work towards the very complicated adult act of kindness."
"Singapore... was very careful to... elevate national identity because that's how you get people to put aside their differences."
"What conspiracy theory means is...a breakdown of social cohesion."
"I want to talk about trust. I want to talk about the importance of trust to society, why it is so important, and how do we get more of it."
"We believe in exchange of ideas. We believe in a moment of dialogue. We don't support that no, no, no, but the dialogue can happen only when you are willing to fend off your own ears of caste."
"I'm very much an optimist, and so I want to believe that we can come back together."
"We need to stop focusing on our differences and start seeing each other as Americans once again."
"I truly believe it, we still are one people across all of those different attributes."
"The most important element in terms of being a part of a tribe is loyalty."
"Vermont has certain parts of it have really fought that... everybody comes together."
"Celebrate all our interesting differences and unite around the things that bind us together."
"We believe that in a country where every race and faith and point of view can be found, we are still bound together as one people."
"UBI leads to an increase in social cohesion and opportunities for marginalized groups."
"The ways that we are different have benefited each other so much."
"We have so much more in common than we have that divides us."
"There's this one thing that brings us back together again, and that's this."
"You don't want to start targeting cities willy-nilly."
"We think we are a family we're all a close-knit little community here that supports each other."
"Communities in the Pacific Northwest are very close-knit."
"Accept people for their differences and say hey, we don't want to live in this crazy [ __ ] where we're stirred up constantly."
"Competent and compassionate leadership, social solidarity, and trust are essential in a crisis."
"Do not discount the importance of the fine arts in maintaining social cohesion within your community."
"There's more to unite us than there is to divide us."
"How do we get people back into this shared reality with us?"
"Strengthening local communities and neighborhoods in this very fragmented world."
"We all should come together because we have more in common."
"The resilience of this community has been remarkable."
"If we think that somehow there's no way they can understand how I'm feeling and therefore don't have any standing to speak on certain matters because we're only defined by certain characteristics, that doesn't work if you want a healthy democracy."
"Comedy is the last thing keeping people with different beliefs together."
"Guru is not trying to divide people, he's going to unite people."
"We'd actually find out that we have way more agreement than disagreement."
"Humor without exclusion fosters social cohesion."
"Bloody hell, it would be nice if we had a grand narrative that held the entire nation together and gave people a shared sense of belonging."
"We need to start taking steps towards one another and to start healing the political divides."
"Encourage real meaningful unity, not just unity in rhetoric."
"They feared God more and they feared being out of his alignment, out of his timing, walking away from who he's chosen more than they feared Adonijah and his band of very men."
"Let's start to bring our people together instead of tearing the country apart."
"The fact is we're here together and we've got to find a way to get along."
"Don't let the screamers who monetize hate have the final word. Instead, organize, persuade, but most importantly, love your neighbor."
"We need more people in America right now that specialize in diffusion, unifying, glue."
"That is what we've got to do in this country: unite."
"We've lost touch with those common aspirations and common hopes... we need to recall better what we share in common."
"London is a rich part of the country, overall. It makes it a hell of a lot easier for everybody to get along and for there to be a shared sense of purpose when the economy is doing well."
"When you have a society where there are very high levels of social cohesion virtually any system will work well for a time, but only for a time."
"What do Americans have in common? ... People do need shared values."
"I think humans are inherently reliant upon one another to survive. I'd agree, and so we've developed over time this biological understanding that if something is being harmed, it might not be good for us."
"The secret of their success lay in their nautical technology and unique social cohesion."
"We need to create a center where people from different ideologies can come together."
"I just hope that we can kind of come to some sort of level of intergroup dialogue."
"We need to drastically reduce all immigration in order to regain some sense of coherence and cohesion for our people and then in 50 or 60 years maybe we can open it back up a little bit."
"Trust is important... it helps to have some sense of commonality."
"It's just British... it matters because that's then how people see each other."
"We are one, we are united. We also need to stay united."
"I am still convinced there’s more that unites us than will ever divide us."
"Community matters; during World War II, communities came together to support each other through rationing, Victory Gardens, and neighborhood watch."
"Team humanity needs a unified locker room, and that can't happen if we're getting called for technical fouls on social media."
"The things that we have in common are extremely important."
"Stop ethnic baiting. Don't destroy this country."
"Having better wages, a stronger economy. I'm pretty sure every middle class Americans, white Americans too, would care a hell of a lot more about that than they would about some mythical social cohesion that you keep alluding to."
"If we're not willing to allow other people to have different views from us, we're going to remain entrenched and intransigent."
"We label anything achieving social cohesion as moral."
"We all have to kind of turn towards each other and start talking to each other."
"We have to get together irrespective of race or whatever and handle the solution."
"All Americans are equal we're all in this thing together stop fighting each other let's walk together forward in a better direction together."
"We're seeing believers divide over politics, hate each other over politics."
"It's important that we the people stick together."
"Our differences are petty, and the values that unite us are strong."
"We need to stick together as humanity. We need to stick together."
"How do we find ways to bring people together?"
"We really need to start being a little bit more united we got to bring that United States back you can't have United States without uniting."
"But ultimately I don't think that the The Narrative for the future should be us versus then we are all together."
"I think they will come together. I think there are two aspects of being human."
"We all ultimately just want to help and protect everybody else around us."
"States which have good social cohesion and their fiscal house in order are the most likely to weather the storm."
"Strength in unity... there is strength in unity."
"Trust between villages is also very important."
"Religions fulfill a very important role... religion meaning of the term religion is to bind people together."
"Nothing brings us together like a common enemy."
"Finding what unites us, find the joint, find the connecting point."
"The only way out of this is if we have more trust in each other and more democracy, not less."
"She is someone that has spent so much time through so many very formative periods for this country doing something that has helped to bind people together."
"Let's not create division, let's create unity."
"There needs to be some level of trust in these institutions which help bind us together as a society, as a country."
"Radio has the potential to be the biggest factor in shaping social solidarity." - Cantrell
"It's the opposite of racist, actually, you trying to bring us together."
"It's a testament to the community, every single person wants to invite everyone in."
"People helped each other, that's the way they survive here."
"Diversity drastically reduces social cohesion."
"Every tragedy brings people and communities much closer together."
"People should be able to come together regardless of differences."
"Community is built when you see your neighbor struggling and you walk over there and help."
"Religious ceremonies might be a solution to the coordination problem of maximizing cooperation within a group."
"If we could all live with the consideration of others in mind, the whole world will be a much better place."
"We're all we have, divided we fall. United we stand."
"Comedy like this promotes social cohesion, it helps facilitate people being more of a melting pot."
"There are many other things they would have to have in common with us as well. Civilization is a group effort, ergo they would have to have a capacity to work together and would therefore have to be social."
"This is about bringing the country together now. We want some unity going forward."
"Everything becomes a culture war issue very quickly... it's just terribly important that's not how we talk to each other in the years to come."
"We gotta look after each other, we gotta know because when you look after each other you know who belong on that street."
"So celebrate our differences, and that's what brings us together."
"It's time to return to community. It's time to create stronger connections in your life."
"When individuals reach all awareness they realize oh wow we're all interconnected and so from that mindset the idea of seeing others as threats just because they're different vanishes because you realize it's just another aspect of our self."
"You guys actually have like a really wholesome community."
"Our interest as Americans involves regarding each other as important."
"There's a real sense of community where we live."
"The vote to leave was about identity, community, and belonging."
"The mindset needs to be in unity, not division."
"Understand that we are all in this together, we are all one."
"United we stand, divided we fall. That was absolutely true."
"What holds us together as a society is precisely the means by which we do things—a common respect for a way of making decisions."
"I actually have data and studies here that indicate that diversity overall benefits social cohesion."
"It was just making everyone's lives so it's very sweet."
"The single most important thing is for us to stay unified."
"We've got to stay together and maintain unity."
"Stick together, there's a lot of people hating, but at least we're doing that."
"America is pushing towards needing this unifying force."
"I'm excited about the unity that I'm seeing in our community. I'm now starting to feel like we are truly the united, we are the beginning of that word, that name, United States of America."
"Society is held together by a web of social bonds that give individuals a sense of being part of a collective and engaged in a project larger than the self."
"Unity in our mindset of becoming one and bridging the gaps."
"There's a strong tribalism within the Somali community."
"The only way we can begin to repair the social bonds that have come unraveled during the age of market faith and merit is by trying to cultivate a greater sense of humility, a greater sense of solidarity."
"Without Unity, without purpose, without something joining us together, we fall into fragmentation socially, and then we fall into despair in ourselves."
"Too much individual freedom destroys not social link but destroys human freedom itself."
"There's just something about reality TV that brings people together."
"You know, you read the polls about the rise of the 'nuns,' but religion addresses some deep desires that human beings have, some deep desires, fears, you know, even leaving aside the whole social cohesion issue."
"Identity politics has become so important in all developed societies, and there's some versions of identity politics that then actually corrode the basis of liberal democracy itself."
"Suddenly we're divided and we're learning different rules and separate rules. And right now in the north of Ireland, or over the past 25 years, there's been a huge movement to incorporate integrated education."
"We require a kind of shared mythology to a degree, in order to function as a diverse society."
"Durkheim studied social factors that bond and hold people together."
"Whatever we might think of this type of housing, the communities it provided were intimate, cohesive, and friendly."
"The bond of society cannot exist unless it guards and loves all its members."
"Language is partly about communicating, providing information, but also, it's a sort of social cohesive device."
"It's nice to be in a country where there's social fabric where people care about each other where you know there's common decency like that [__] you just don't really see that often."
"It's undoubtable that, like following celebrities or pretending to be interested in other people’s children, it has value for social cohesion."
"The mutuality of dependence involved in an environment which is inherently hostile would necessitate an internal social coherence."
"That's what we need to do, we need to unite man."
"Every other race is together, why we can't come together?"
"Don't focus on the separation, focus on the connection."
"This is friendly, this is Merthyr Tydfil, friendlier, the strong sense of community."
"We have to start telling the stories of how neighbors function and work together."
"The way you connect a lot of strangers together so they can trust each other and they can cooperate is... we are telling stories."
"Music has several functions, mostly social cohesion. Also, sexual selection, it's a mating dance, but the social cohesion part, where it's around the campfire, everybody plays, everybody sings."
"...religions did serve that purpose and fundamentally even if you reduce it further it's shared ideals; shared ideals are necessary for a group to cohere so they can focus on things that are necessary instead of infighting."
"The advantages of being unified as opposed to being separated."
"We have learned that a community is safer when people know their neighbors."
"We must work harder to build mutual respect, an attitude of forbearance with tolerance one for another."
"You cannot have community without unity, we need you there."
"The village was operating in complete social cohesion and perfect harmony."
"If we live next door to each other, we have to have something in common, so what is it that brings us together?"
"I was the glue between alliances."
"This is how you get Americans back together, not dividing us."
"Religion performed an important structural function in society; it binds people together, a bit like social glue."
"Everybody living in our societies, either incumbent or newcomer, needs to commit to increasing the extent of the social glue."
"Everyone should be encouraged to contribute and to be a part of the social life and the cohesion that brings us all together."
"National identity... functions as a scalable social adhesive for disparate individuals and families."
"Sport has an important part to play in the cohesion of all societies."
"Religion's main function is to create a cohesive society, is to unite people in times of crisis."
"Man owes his strength in the struggle for existence to the fact that he is a social animal."
"The idea that by foregrounding diversities, you actually cement bonds much better."
"Social cohesion often requires forms of etiquette or codified ways of relating."
"We created extraordinary unity in our community."