
Solution-focused Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"Don't ever complain about a problem if you don't provide a solution."
"If you're going to complain, I might as well be part of the solution, not the problem."
"I think voters would reward people who are solution-oriented, regardless of their political party."
"I was always a problem solver. I still am till this day and for some reason, I just... I'll never sit there and dwell on the problem. I'm just going straight to the solution."
"We have to look out for each other and be solution-based."
"The only cure to OnlyFans is a healthy society, and to cure a sick society, we have to cure ourselves."
"If you complain about what you want professionally, well, there's a way to fix it."
"I'm always gonna play Overcomer. I don't complain about it. I talk about it, and I'm solution-driven."
"How about proposing some actual solutions rather than sloganeering nonsense?"
"Blaming people doesn't really fix anything, finding solutions does."
"Some of the challenges we face globally can feel pretty daunting, but I'm seeing clever people innovating on the front lines."
"I do not like to ever discuss anything that doesn't have a solution."
"Don't be part of the problem, be the solution."
"Maybe there is a fix, maybe there is something that can be done. I'm sure there is something that can be done."
"Let's respond with Solutions not getting caught up in the drama."
"Focusing primarily on solutions gives you more solutions."
"Once you realize that you're the problem, you can start to become the solution."
"It's solution oriented rather than dwelling on the problems."
"Show them how you can be a solution to their problems."
"Refined to eliminate the worst of the problem."
"I also want to offer a solution beyond just talking about the problem."
"If there's any problem that comes up, there's gonna be a solution."
"Talk about it because if he is insecure then what would cure the situation? Providing security."
"The most powerful way to address this problem is to help people develop a growth mindset."
"The solution is to get you playing again immediately."
"Let's look at the solutions, let's look at exactly what's happening, let's inform ourselves."
"To live in the solution, not to get bogged down by a problem."
"The Universe does not only provide a solution for any problem or issue... it is always preempting what is needing and creating a solution."
"Winning begins with believing you can win. It's about nurturing a mindset that looks for solutions, not excuses."
"I keep forgetting I do need to close that one, that's not perfect or pretty but it's going to work."
"You don't sit and waste time making excuses. You come up with Solutions."
"Don't give me excuses, give me solutions because there's always a way to figure out how to make things work."
"I'm not going to participate in negative commentary. I'm going to be part of the solution."
"Real solutions so that we can stave off the worst of the worst, right?"
"The mindset you want to be in is that you're on their side working with them to put together a solution that's going to help them reach their goals."
"If we handle the root cause... all of these problems go away."
"Common sense may be our best and perhaps only solution."
"How bad the problem is but how fixable it is."
"If you see a problem, participate in a solution."
"Let's identify the problem and fix it, get them off the drugs in 90 days. Wouldn't that make more sense?"
"Let's not be complainers that sit back and do nothing, let's all be doers and do something about it."
"At the end of the day, the only thing that moves the needle in a permanent way long term is dealing with the root problem."
"The goal is to move from a debating community to a solutions community."
"It's you got to focus on the solution, not the problem."
"This way we know exactly what the problem is, we come up with a solution that solves that as simply and quickly as possible, and then we move on."
"Solution-focused interventions aim to help the person move from surviving the moment to thriving. We're gonna help them repair the ship so to speak and figure out how to avoid the reef the next time."
"Complaining is actually a distraction to the solution."
"It's time to get our eyes off the problem and onto the solution."
"I would say that you have to take a solution focus, not a product focus, because in the end, people don't buy a product, they buy a solution to a problem."
"Trauma-informed solution-focused counseling is going to be a staple for treatment."
"The research is very very clear that solution-focused is effective so any client that came to my office that's what I would do - solution-focused."
"Trust the process and just stick to the solution-focused question asking process."
"Solutions are better than problems."
"...let's not just complain about what's wrong let's actually try to fix it or let's do something about it..."
"Solution questions are used to secure commitment."
"The minute you hate, you will immediately or soon thereafter become apathetic and unable to be a part of the solution because you spent too much time judging the problem."
"It's also a solution-oriented book, very very refreshing and impactful."
"You're way past blaming others for the way you feel and you're way past being problem-oriented. You're solution-oriented all the time."
"Always have a smile and always be like, 'Yep, there's a solution,' rather than get sucked into the problem."
"You are not a product of the environment of the curse; you are a solution to the curses around you."
"I'm not going to think about where this is the problem, I'm going to think about what the solution is."
"In solution focus brief therapy, our main attraction is the preferred future description room."
"I look at therapy as it is definitely a solution."
"I am a professional problem solver and I care more about my prospects than making the sale."
"Put a hundred percent of your energy towards the solution."
"The best CEOs that I work with are incredibly good at getting right to the solution and away from blame."
"Don't be a part of the problem, you have to be a part of the solution."
"You got to take the solution with you as well if you're gonna take the problem with you."
"You bring up a problem, you got to come with a solution."
"The question shouldn't be 'when do we get over it,' the question should be 'how do we fix the current problems'."
"It's either you part of the problem or you part of the solution."
"Solution-focused therapy is very popular with professional counselors, social workers, and psychologists."
"Understanding solution-focused principles, especially how to identify strengths, is essential no matter where you're working from."
"...rather light a candle than complain about darkness... instead of complaining, if there's something you can do, fix it..."
"Stop pointing out problems, become part of the solution."
"Don't focus on the problem, focus on the solution."
"Think about the solution, that's why I'm going for this, how to fix it or how to overcome it."
"It's ending, you know. And by accepting it, you can kind of get into a solution-oriented place."
"I'm learning in the process of learning to live in the solution and not the problem anymore."
"Rather than complaining, just make it work, make it happen."
"Let's find what's really wrong and stay away from the quick easy fixes."
"Knowing that there's a problem is 90% of solving it."
"I'm not looking for what can't work; I'm just looking for how to make it work the best."
"Those that's closest to the problem is closest to the solution."
"We should be the first to say okay, how can we make this work instead of saying that's not going to work."
"What happened yesterday is done. How are we going to move forward? What's the solution?"
"Shift into a mindset that is optimistic, expansive, forward-looking, and solution-driven."
"Once we see the problem, it's from the problem that we determine the solution."
"I want to now be more part of the solution instead of the problem."
"Try not to get locked into a unicorn solution mindset, really the outcome focus determines what the correct balance of technical and business fit is for you."
"Focus on Solutions and celebrate every baby step forward."
"We saw a problem and we solved it, and sometimes that's all the world needs."
"Illuminate the shadow, focus on the solution."
"It's more powerful to be focusing on the solutions."
"I'm gonna focus on the problems; we're going to focus on the solutions."