
Stoicism Quotes

There are 966 quotes

"We teach them resilience and stoicism. We teach them how to handle difficulties in life and how to make something of their life."
"Stoicism, the philosophy, is popular with Marcus Aurelius, the emperor of Rome, Cato, one of the great Senators of Rome, Epictetus, a slave. It's a philosophy for doers in a world that is chaotic and unfair and unpredictable, and they're trying to get the best out of themselves and the world around them."
"Stoicism is probably one of the most significant philosophies in terms of actually impacting my life."
"If you are pained by any external thing, it is not the thing that disturbs you, but your own judgment about it."
"Stoicism is supposed to be a guide for living a better life."
"Virtue, moral virtue, an organized soul which pursues rationally the ends which are good for all human beings, that's the stoic conception of virtue."
"Amor Fati, not just to bear what is necessary, but to love it."
"The late Queen's motto was 'never complain, never explain.' There may be furor, frenzy, and fabrication, but the monarchy should maintain a position of dignity and stoicism that befits its status and stability above the fray."
"Stoicism gives you brilliantly is a robust sense of self... It's also very useful in terms of internal strife and just generally living in uncertain times."
"Stoicism... are the originators of this idea of cosmopolitanism, the idea that we are all equal."
"Stoicism is not about the suppression of emotion, but understanding it, processing it, and not being a slave to it."
"By implementing the philosophy of Stoicism, you're going to find yourself very quickly having a lot less stress."
"Practicing negative visualization requires minimal time, energy, and talent, but those who practice it will find their capacity to enjoy life is significantly enhanced."
"The goal of Stoicism is the attainment of tranquility."
"The practice of Stoicism has resulted in me being substantially more tranquil than I formerly was."
"And so, premeditating adversity, defensive pessimism, negative visualisation, all of this is stuff that helps us recognise the suffering that we do in our imagination."
"Stoicism is staying calm while everything around you is falling apart."
"Stoicism is really simple: we don't control what happens to us, we control how we respond."
"Marcus Aurelius writes, 'Today I escaped my anxiety... No, actually I discarded it because it was within me.'"
"Marcus Aurelius says, 'You don't need to have an opinion about this. You always have the power of having no opinion.'"
"It's not things that upset us, it's our opinions about those things."
"Objective judgment now at this very moment; unselfish action now at this very moment; willing acceptance now at this very moment of all external events."
"Memento Mori to me puts everything in perspective. As Marcus Aurelius says, it shows you what's essential and what's inessential."
"On the back, there's a quote from Marcus Aurelius, the Stoic, and he wrote to himself, 'You could leave life right now. Let that determine what you do and say and think.'"
"One of the most withering lines from Seneca, he says, 'You're afraid of dying, but how is the way that you're living any different from being dead?'"
"Memento Mori. You could leave life right now, let that determine what you do and say and think."
"The tool that was developed in the nordic countries, was stoicism."
"The best option is still to get up, be an adult, control your emotions, be stoic, and do the things you're supposed to do day after day."
"When we talk about stoicism, when we talk about being happy in your own skin, when we talk about 'I'm okay with myself', you're in control of your life, you're in control of your own happiness."
"Being stoic means you're kind of detached and you're unemotional; it's not what it means at all. The original stoics were very much people of action."
"I think had we had more stoicism in the world and among our leaders, we would have dealt with COVID-19 very differently indeed."
"The Stoics wanted to be in the middle of people, to talk to people about their life and how to make it better."
"The reason many people today are familiar with some of the Stoic ideas is because they influenced Christianity."
"We should live our life according to nature."
"If you have the right idea about what really belongs to you and what does not, you will never be subject to force or hindrance, you will never blame or criticize anyone, and everything you do will be done willingly."
"You should stop talking about what a good man should be and you should start being one."
"Waste no more time arguing what a good man is like; just be one."
"Stoicism has never been a philosophy for school; it's been a philosophy for life: courage, self-discipline, justice, wisdom."
"Wisdom has always been prized by the Stoics."
"Stoicism is deep, it is not easy to chew through, it is probably one of the hardest philosophical theories to move through and absorb and to learn and to understand, but once you have, you will find your life is exponentially easier, and you will find joy in almost everything you do."
"It isn't events in the world that cause our problems but our judgments about those events."
"All the stuff we can't control, everything that's outside of our thoughts and our actions, everything else is actually fine."
"Is stoicism good for your mental health? I think absolutely. I can't think of a thing, a mindset, a philosophy on life that could be more helpful for people these days."
"The decision to distance oneself from someone is not a rash act, but a methodical deliberation that reflects the wisdom and virtue of stoicism."
"We are not disturbed by what happens, but by our thoughts about what happens."
"By practicing empathy and sharing, we contribute to a more compassionate and supportive world, aligning our actions with Stoic values of virtue and kindness."
"Stoicism places virtue at the pinnacle of human values, leading to a flourishing life."
"The philosophy of Stoicism would benefit so many different people in business... I've read the book Meditations multiple times."
"Men are socialized to believe strength, dominance, and stoicism are behaviors of a real man."
"I try to stay as stoic as possible at times like these and not succumb to fear and irrationality."
"The essence of the stoic philosophy is simply to not be preoccupied, not be caught up by the things that are not in our control."
"The stoic has a really great sense of what is within their locus of control and what is outside of it."
"Every day when he would wake up, he would look into the mirror and he would ask himself if today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?"
"Every once in a while, ponder your life as if it weren't your own, as if you were watching your life in the grand scheme of the cosmos from above."
"Vulkan was an intimidating being, stoic and Hardy in nature."
"We're living in the opposite of the stoic age... the 'your truth' age."
"The Stoics wanted us to take a closer look at how we manage our negative emotions and to try to prevent them in the first place."
"Let me see how much joy I can extract from this life that I find myself living. And that's a Stoic approach."
"Stoicism is I can deal with whatever happens."
"If thou art pained by any external thing, it is not this that disturbs thee, but thy own judgment about it. And it is in thy power to wipe out this judgment now."
"Never complain, never explain." - Queen Elizabeth
"The stoic virtues have been radically underplayed in our society."
"See yourself as a priority. Echoing the stoic virtues of discipline and self-esteem, carving out moments for self-care is non-negotiable."
"Identify the takers. Stoicism empowers us to distinguish relationships that enrich us from those that deplete our spirit."
"I've been reading a lot of Marcus Aurelius' meditations, focusing on stoicism and being more intentional with my actions."
"Stoicism: living every moment in the moment."
"Circumstances are neutral. It is what it is."
"Men are disturbed not by things but by the views which they take of things."
"The essence of stoicism: distinguishing between the things that are within our control and the things that are outside of our control."
"The modern stoic philosopher would not be blowing up their consciousness following every single push notification and news article that comes out."
"The core idea of Epictetus is very simple: 'You are invincible if nothing outside the will can disconcert you.'"
"He delighted in everything but was not attracted to anything."
"In a world full of unexpected turns of events, our emotions can tend to get in the way of things. Stoicism teaches us that in the same way we should expect that everything bad that can happen will happen."
"Stoics teach that instead you should judge the success of your work based on the amount of effort you put in and not on the outcome."
"There's a level of stoicism that says this is happening to me well yeah not letting it define him."
"His face was just stone-faced the whole time."
"We have the power over our mind, not outside events. Realize this and you will find strength."
"We are disturbed not by what happens to us, but by our thoughts about what happens."
"The strength of stoicism isn't just in the lessons we learn, it's in the community we build together."
"It is not events that disturb people, it's their judgment about things."
"Our actions may be impeded, but there can be no impeding our intentions."
"Stoic humans were far more clever than we have previously given them credit for."
"Perception, action, will – that's the essence of Stoic philosophy."
"Concentrate like a Roman. Marcus Aurelius: concentrate on doing the thing in front of you as if it was the last thing you were doing in your life."
"The obstacle to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way."
"You always have the power to have no opinion."
"Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back."
"A dead man does not respond, a dead man has no ego to protect."
"It is what it is, there's not much I can do about it."
"Most of it's just stoicism. If it's in your control, do what you can about it. If it's not, then there's nothing you can do. Don't worry about it, move on. That's pretty much how I live."
"You always own the option of having no opinion. There is never any need to get worked up or to trouble your soul about things you can't control."
"True stoic greatness doesn't translate as well, so we don't hear about it as much."
"Stoicism was popular... teaching of self-control and self-mastery."
"You basically not got to take anything personal, you've just got to be prepared to die, you know it's going to happen."
"We suffer more in imagination than reality. If it does happen, you know what you're gonna do. If it doesn't happen, you keep doing what you're doing."
"One of Seneca's most famous exercises he talks about pre-meditation he says practice anticipate all the things that could happen."
"I've been described as a stoic warrior often in the comment section."
"It's the least of my concerns with this thing... it's just annoyance, really."
"True stoic fortitude triumphs through adversity."
"The art of negative visualization rooted in stoic wisdom offers an anchor of rationality."
"The stoics want us to be grounded in the present... have this expansive awareness of the whole space and time."
"The core idea here is that the Stoics held that the first humans had a deep and powerful understanding of the fundamental nature of reality."
"Why fear death when the gods took everything I could ever want to live for?"
"Never whine, never complain, don't make excuses."
"Negative visualization... when you're done... I'm so grateful for how things are right now."
"You're being stoic and emotionally steady here, not getting all caught up in overwhelming feelings."
"If something is out of your control and misfortune befalls you, there's good fortune in handling misfortune with virtue."
"To me, stoicism is the stopping yourself before you throw the punch as opposed to stopping yourself before you get upset that someone called you a terrible name."
"One of the main things that I'd say from my perspective as a former psychotherapist is that there's a significant body of research that shows that lowercase stoicism is unhealthy and has multiple problems."
"Adventure, excitement... a Jedi craves not these things."
"Close your heart to their desperation, close your heart to their suffering."
"You've been solid as a rock on the outside this entire time."
"Everyday work might feel tedious, unsatisfying - stoicism, acceptance, keep putting one foot in front of the other."
"We are the generation that knew how to work hard and shut up about it."
"Was I perfect? No. Should you try to live exactly like I do? No. But hopefully there's some lessons here in how I have tried to live my life that will help you try to live a little bit more stoically in yours."
"Both Stoics and Christians believe that, even if you see things around you that you cannot control, they are a part of logos; they're going somewhere."
"For both traditions, Stoic and Christian, the guarantee of a rational and benevolent cosmos means that any conflict between what is good for the system as a whole is by definition good for the individual."
"No joy, no hate, no fear. Unbreakable without growth. Immortal without passion."
"I might recommend the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola which have a lot of the stoic sense of detachment."
"Create a garden that you want to be in because it's beautiful and it's not just functional, it's also a creative space."
"It's one thing to be stoic all your life, it is another to achieve that calm through discipline."
"There's a value in stoicism. It pays dividends psychologically to get over your own [__]."
"I'm a Believer in stoicism. View yourself objectively and kick your own self into your ass from time to time."
"Stoicism then is a practice. It's a process. It's not just a bunch of ideas, it's something you engage in."
"Stoicism, do what you can and don't worry about the rest."
"Learn and practice stoicism. Stoicism is very, very useful. You have your past, you have your present, you have your future."
"Give me life as long as life is good for me, and then give me death when death is good for me."
"You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this and you will find strength."
"The dichotomy of control: some things are in our control and others not."
"It's not the event itself but our judgment about the event that causes our emotions."
"He just sat there like a statue and that's remarkably brave, that story."
"His iron-willed quiet countenance cloaked a fearless determination."
"Life is filled with inevitable challenges, but stoicism teaches us that what's essential isn't what happens to us but how we respond to it."
"The chief task in life is simply this: to identify and separate matters so that I can say clearly to myself which are externals not under my control and which have to do with the choices I actually control."
"Don't seek for everything to happen as you wish it would, but rather wish that everything happens as it actually will, then your life will flow well."
"He's playing a very serious stoic type that doesn't really understand much about the world around him but also isn't actively trying to."
"Masculinity at its pinnacle is often referred to as stoic... in control of themselves and relaxed in the face of any turmoil."
"Choose not to be harmed, and you won't feel harmed. Don't feel harmed, and you haven't been."
"Choose not to feel harmed and you haven't been."
"The four virtues. Embracing the stoic Virtues Of Courage, Temperance, Justice, and wisdom in your daily life fosters personal and moral growth."
"A stoic doesn't have to stuff their emotions down. The idea is that you don't let those emotions overwhelm your life or override your ability to make rational decisions."
"We didn’t think too much [about dying]. We were trained to suppress our emotions. Even if we were to die, we knew it was for a worthy cause."
"If they choose to fear me in their ignorance, that's their choice, but it will not change what is true."
"Stoicism gives me the tools to be like, 'Well there's no use in thinking and obsessing about that because I can't control.'"
"Achieving virtue is not easy. However, the length the Stoics went with this idea is often heavily criticized, misunderstood, and dismissed as being cold."
"Emotions are not discarded in stoicism, but refined, becoming tools for self-awareness and wisdom."
"The stoic man's approach to pain is a testament to his resilience, fortitude, and unwavering commitment to maintaining inner tranquility."
"Pleasure is not inherently negative, but it is the relationship with pleasure that demands careful consideration."
"Love is a complex and profound emotion, which requires careful cultivation and consideration within the framework of stoicism."
"If you can live like a stoic and try and gamify saving money and really develop a saving muscle, you really can lean into your superpowers as a young person."
"Marcus Aurelius's Meditations is one of the most important practically applicable guidebooks to living a good life."
"Do not act as if you had ten thousand years to live."
"It's about diversification, realizing the benefit of time, and living a little bit like a stoic."
"Externals are not under my control; moral choice is under my control."
"Facts don't care about your feelings."
"Never let them see that they get to you."
"It'll be okay, or what is it? It is what it is."
"Everything which happens, if it be outside the realm of my moral purpose, is nothing to me."
"Discipline, as taught by Marcus Aurelius, is thus a kind of inner citadel, a fortress within which the character resides, unassailable by the chaos of the external world."
"Stoicism teaches acceptance of things we can't change and focuses on improving what we can control: our actions, beliefs, and feelings."
"The wise man is fortified against all inroads; he is alert, he will not retreat before the attack of poverty or of sorrow or of disgrace or of pain."
"The worth of thankfulness is like a precious gem in the rich fabric of stoic philosophy."
"Every problem we face is a chance to practice our stoic principles: to be brave, to stay calm, and to choose a reaction that is in line with our ideals."
"Stoicism: finding real joy in life, no matter what's going on. Making the best out of any situation, being grateful for what we have, and seeing challenges as chances to grow."
"Understanding what is within our control and what is not is a key component of stoicism."
"When you practice stoicism, you shine like a star of power and virtue."
"Stoicism tells us that life is too short to spend in relationships that lack authenticity and meaning."
"Stoicism should see every situation as a chance to learn and grow."
"Stoicism tells us to focus on what we can control, our choices, our ideals, and the people we hang out with."
"By internalizing the lessons of these stoic philosophers, we learn to let go of the illusion of control."
"The stoic practice of letting go is not about disengagement from the world, rather it is about engaging with it more meaningfully."
"The obstacle that blocks the way becomes the way"
"Look into stoicism, that's the [stuff] to live by."
"Stoicism also stresses how important it is to keep good relationships where honesty and mutual respect are valued."
"Stoicism stresses how important it is to live in line with your values and principles; any relationship that gets in the way of this could lead to inner turmoil and unhappiness."
"Stoicism tells people to know when a relationship is getting in the way of their personal growth and to end the relationship if that's what needs to be done."
"Stoicism tells people to put their own health and safety first even if that means cutting ties with people they care about."
"Stoics believe that developing inner strength and resilience in the face of hardship is important but they also know how important it is to set healthy limits and stay away from situations that are hurtful."
"Happiness is not something that just happens to us, stoicism teaches us this important lesson."
"Setting limits and saying no isn't just a way to be assertive in stoicism, it's also a way to figure out what needs our energy and what doesn't."
"Stoicism teaches us to find acceptance within, saying that the approval or criticism of a crowd doesn't decide how valuable we are."
"Stoicism encourages us to accept our true selves and prioritize authenticity over pleasing others. It doesn't just ask us to ignore what others think in favor of neutrality."
"To understand stoicism, we need to realize that we have the power to change our lives, not fate, luck, or other people's views."
"Stoicism teaches us to find contentment in simplicity, to focus on what we can control, and to cultivate a sense of peace unshaken by external circumstances."
"In this journey towards a more fulfilling life, you'll notice we often revisit certain stoic principles."
"The power of repetition cannot be overstated. It's through this continuous engagement with stoic teachings that these ideas transform from mere thoughts to second nature."
"We'll explore practical stoic principles that empower you to build inner strength, deepen your self-awareness, and live a life that's genuinely meaningful."
"The stoics teach us that our happiness and peace of mind shouldn't rest on things outside of us, like how other people act."
"Stoicism in the face of uncertainty means building a sense of self-worth that doesn't depend on approval from other people."
"It's about keeping our emotions and minds in check even when someone tries to tell us the sky isn't blue."
"Stoicism also teaches us how important it is to be clear when we talk to each other and set limits when other people are inconsistent."
"Stoicism shows us how important it is to know ourselves and value our own opinions and ideals instead of what other people think of us."
"It's about realizing that our worth comes from what we do and who we are, not from what other people say about us."
"Stoicism calls for a strengthening of the mind, not a hardness of the heart."
"Stoicism teaches us that detachment is not the same as not caring about anything. Rather, it's about finding peace and resilience in the middle of life's difficulties."
"I've never seen him cry ever in my life it's like dad's that is back my old man was exactly the same it was always a solid handshake but you know when they hand they keep on for another 10 seconds."
"The answers we're looking for might be in stoicism's lessons."
"The wisdom of the stoics is timeless, offering a beacon of clarity."
"Remember stoicism isn't just a philosophy to be studied, it's a way of life to be lived."
"May your path be guided by the light of stoicism."