
Symbolism Quotes

There are 13172 quotes

"We are incredibly symbolic creatures; we're not just out to make as much money as we can."
"The Saguaro cactus symbolizes longevity, persistence, and adaptability."
"God damn, light bulbs were such a good idea that they became the symbol for good ideas."
"I believe that the South shaft functioned as a symbolic corridor for the soul of the king as the sun god Ra."
"The three-stage destabilization maneuver of isolation, synchronized chaos, and natural evil could absolutely happen 100%."
"The symbolism around the airport with the Gargoyles and the NWO Insignia, it's all totally intentional."
"The labyrinth symbolizes many different meanings...a traditional meaning of a labyrinth signifies exclusion and imprisonment."
"Getting to the center of a labyrinth symbolizes uterine regression, and the labyrinth represents the body of Mother Earth."
"The Euphrates River's place in the Bible is not merely a physical body of water; it is a powerful symbol in God's prophetic word."
"What a ship is... what the Black Pearl really is... is freedom."
"Both lands disappeared because consciousness needed to change; it was highly symbolic, and they will be rediscovered."
"These holy scriptures were meant to be taken symbolically, not literally or historically."
"The Bible is saying circumcision is of the heart, not the penis, to focus on the spirit, the symbolic, not the literal."
"The scriptures should not be read literally."
"Aliens in fiction are never just aliens. Just as monsters in fiction are never just monsters."
"I designed a flag... The blue stands for freedom, the red was for the fighting and the blood that was spilled... and the white is for peace."
"The right hand is actually associated with righteousness; the left hand is associated with shady behavior, criminal behavior."
"The emperor has the crown on his head there, and the crown represents to know. To know you will be successful."
"Seeing a butterfly can be symbolic of a year that'll bring major transformation for you in the most positive of senses."
"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. But sometimes, it's a penis."
"For a god to split up a pair of male and female blades just like how Take did, well, that was the same thing as giving Mikoto an engagement ring."
"According to Carl Jung, water is a universal symbol of the unconscious mind."
"Every time someone goes up a mountain in scripture, it's the same as a pyramid; it's going up to the top of reality."
"A sword is a strange and beautiful thing, sometimes just one swing of your blade can communicate more than a lifetime of words."
"You can't symbolize God because all symbols are finite and God is infinite."
"The tree of life, representing the totality of natural and spiritual forces of laws, is surrounded by angels of light who will show man the way back to the tree."
"All things come in threes... it's special, it's spiritual, it's sacred."
"The Sun always brings happiness, no matter what the other cards are."
"Cardinals... could be a passed away loved one reaching out to you."
"If you could see... the symbology that's in front of you... then you'll be able to understand... the significance of what is unfolding."
"Now I like this a lot. I think it's very simple, it communicates sushi, and it speaks of Japan because of the big circle, right?"
"The ability to take something and move past it is like a dung beetle, which shows fertility, regrowth, and the power of transformation. It's a symbol of taking the not so good stuff in your life and using it as fertile ground to rebuild."
"The idea that this symbol of all symbols should in a sense have kind of been upended... from degradation, the notion of triumph; from humiliation, glory; from death, life."
"Inner peace in this movie is physically and visibly represented with the water droplet."
"Football club badges used to mean something; they were packed full of symbolism and nods to the club's own past."
"The cross literally becomes the door, the entrance that the blood that was put on the doorway that allowed the destroying angel to pass by."
"Green represents hope, golden symbolizes the joy of harvest."
"Butterflies also symbolize change and transformation."
"It's such a well-built-up moment within the narrative and it culminates with Po holding on to a cannonball, briefly becoming the yin and yang symbol."
"Whenever I see a white horse, it tells me that this person's on the path of their highest good."
"Her friends say that color fit her perfectly as well, because like Lauren, pink was very sweet but it was bold, it was eye-catching."
"The Phoenix rising from the ashes signifies rebirth and is a symbol of new beginnings and the rise of new Earth."
"He who sat on it had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer."
"The four horsemen of the apocalypse each signify a dangerous threat to the world."
"Remember, 12 olive trees though... olives were used for light, for healing, for food, for just all everything that you would need in your life."
"If someone took the flag of the United States of America and cut out all the white parts, all of the blue parts, and then just stitched back together the red parts... that's a red flag."
"By studying the Bible yourself, you'll gain a deeper appreciation for the power of storytelling, symbolism, and metaphor."
"Masks are used quite a bit throughout the game, mainly with Die Hardman, Higgs, and Amelie. For Higgs, the mask represents his ego."
"Our banner for our house is a lion on top of an elephant holding an axe at sea."
"Many of these texts would have only been revealed to people after 42 years of study. They would understand the symbolism here differently than the average person would."
"I think that fear that he used on me was actually symbolic for the fear that he felt inside of his own heart."
"The Sun, the light of the Sun, is symbolic of the light of the soul itself."
"I would go for something really beautiful and symbolic and something that's just gonna like take people's breath away."
"Astrology offers a symbolic and metaphorical system of imagining within a frame of order."
"Baptism is an outward sign of inward regeneration."
"By symbols, men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language."
"In a single figure, a symbol may both reveal and conceal, for to the wise the subject of the symbol is obvious, while to the ignorant the figure remains inscrutable."
"We're going to do a prophetic message on the great red dragon and look at the symbolism from a different perspective."
"The 13 people gathered around the musician are meant to represent a mixture of Jews, Muslims, and Christians, and others from around the world, as are the six children dancing to the right. The number 13 is the numerical value of the word one in Hebrew, thus symbolizing their unity."
"This is a perfect example of how to blend aesthetics with symbolism."
"Aesthetically this all works very well, the tree is detailed enough to be iconic, yet not so intricate that its character would be lost when the flag is waving or when viewed from a distance."
"The Firefly is literally a spotlight. He's also a symbol of magic, too. So, this is a time where magic is going to be surrounding you."
"The Parthenon is often claimed to be a symbol of ancient Greece, democracy, and Western Civilization."
"The symbolism of the mask... ultimately hide our true identities."
"And that’s especially important for 2024, the year of the dragon, because many people see the dragon as a symbol of China. It is a dragon, but it doesn’t have to be a red dragon."
"You get no higher than the four elements... Air and Fire masculine; Water and Earth feminine."
"Let's really look at this. There's so much to break down in this image alone."
"This tapestry with the sun and also the early Christian Chi-Rho seems weird to be promoting all this elite symbolism on these tapestries in your just hunting resort."
"The roots of fantasy go far deeper than mere dragons and elves."
"This symbol’s got everything. Really strong design, really strong symbolism."
"The cornerstone in the pyramid, that's where the power is."
"We remember the importance of Orthodox symbolism for Wagnerians."
"Powerful woman was a positive symbol regardless of her politics, her relationships with other women, or her beliefs about feminism."
"The Buddha statue has never moved, it's never bitten, it's just sat there."
"The hand which is raised with the open palm is called in Buddhist art 'the attitude of fearlessness,' the Abhaya Mudra."
"Finding Clementine's hat...it's a really powerful symbol."
"The White House is a sacred place, an important place to our culture and our country, and it's representative of America at the purest form."
"This water represents prosperity, love, and life, may that exude to every vein in my body."
"The shepherd in the Bible is a symbol of the guiding, healing, protective power of the divine presence within you."
"Why you hate America? No, how did the cigarette become a Libertarian symbol of individual liberty and personal responsibility?"
"We learned that this is all on a ship that is passing through the sands. The Duat in the Sands represent the permanent afterlife."
"Everywhere he stands against the threatening years, staunch symbol of our common will to order."
"The British soldier, all around the globe, you'll find him from Gibraltar to Hong Kong, everywhere he stands against the threatening years, staunch symbol of our common will to order."
"Butterflies are the symbol of rebirth and new beginnings."
"Its use of symbolism and literary references as both thematic and narrative tools is nothing short of genius."
"The orphic egg is a symbol of creation; it is said to have contained the universe and was split open by the god Phanes."
"Every detail in the Tabernacle points to Jesus Christ."
"Perhaps we should view the poppy in its 100th year as not just a symbol of past glory and sacrifice, but one of vigilance."
"The torch of Lady Liberty symbolizes exactly what the American Dream means."
"The salmon pink and blue paint in the powerhouse at McNary really sums it up well, with the blue symbolizing the water that drives the station, and the pink symbolizing the life within the water."
"Every horror element in this game has deeper symbolic meaning."
"As the sun rises, The Sovereign is defeated."
"Superman's hand is kind of forced... he kind of repairs the Statue of Liberty as best he can, kind of presenting himself as a beacon of hope."
"It doesn't matter what Fooly Cooly means. It isn't supposed to make sense because it symbolizes the often nonsensical nature of the adult world."
"Memory is symbolized in One Piece by the falling of snow."
"Put a human on America, you get a president."
"Supprelin is symbolic of the male values that Jules has internalized... and she's thinking about taking that out."
"The number 79 was chosen in reference to gold's atomic number on the periodic table."
"America still symbolizes freedom around the world. It's why the folks in Hong Kong were waving the American flag."
"His plan was to hopefully order the olive, put it in his pocket, and then after he got executed, have an olive tree sprout from his grave as a sign of peace."
"Make a wish, just like I was showing you the seed pod for the dandelion."
"America still symbolizes freedom around the world."
"The elixir is some kind of magic thing, like the Golden Fleece or the Holy Grail, that brings back life into the culture."
"Jehovah Nissi, it means the Lord is my banner. That means He's the flag I fight under."
"Sunflowers are significant to me because they are such a symbol of regeneration."
"The two witnesses here may symbolize the saints."
"The hexagon symbolizes balanced order and the spiritual powers, and the square represents the earth and all physical things within it."
"The word Druid is derived from Proto-Celtic *deru-wid-; ‘deru’ meaning oak and ‘wid’ meaning to see."
"The rainbow represents a connection between mortals and gods, the Azoth."
"The Plumeria flower to most of the world symbolizes, New life, creation, birth, and motherhood, motherly love."
"Skulls symbolize death globally, but not necessarily death as in the end, but death as in the end of an era."
"You’re the pink in my cheeks, and I love that it means I’m a little bit soft."
"Jerusalem gathers the glories of all the people into it as the lamb is at the center of this whole pattern."
"A love forever Stone and it will be the key to her heart."
"The moon in Cancer is the mother, she's the moon goddess, she's the Empress in the Tarot, she's the High Priestess in the Tarot as well."
"Tarot cards, like the Arcana Force cards, are numbered. There are 22 Major Arcana cards altogether, and each one has a meaning attached to it, which is dependent on the positioning of the card as well."
"In all cases, the dragon will ever be a symbol of power and majesty, the first chosen of the greater will."
"You have to solve this case, that's what the sign is for, that's why you have the hat, that's why you have the whip."
"The symbolism of the wall is obviously not just referring to the danger of our coastlines and environment but also our kind of post-Brexit mentality, xenophobia, and the UK attitude towards immigrants and refugees."
"Success in America is being incorporated into the greater whole, like how the calcium in milk becomes bone and teeth. Andy is the calcium of modernity, that’s why his hair was white."
"The goal of the alchemist is to ultimately purify their own soul to become a shining, radiant being symbolized by gold."
"Archetypal imagery endures so that we might remember that which must not be forgotten."
"When the bird landed on Bernie's podium... it was a dove sent from God because Bernie's here to save us."
"The symbolism of the rope hanging in the tree is malicious, regardless of intent; it symbolizes hatred."
"If you're okay pledging allegiance to the American flag, by default, you have to be okay with burning the American flag."
"Symbols are only as valuable as what they communicate, and if they are only communicating your point to your own group who already agree with you, you need a new symbol."
"It's easy to dunk on a given candidate; it's almost not worth the time picking on Nikki individually because she doesn't matter. She's a symbol of a deeper cancer in American politics that exists in both parties."
"Money is said to be the root of all evil, yet it cannot be evil because money is only a symbol. Symbols carry only the faith and spirit of the observer."
"The Pillar standing here symbolizes not only the fight for freedom and democracy but an even more fundamental thing: the freedom of expression."
"Victorians are known to feel negatively about hydrangeas; they represent boastfulness and vanity."
"It matters a great deal that when he said, 'I am here,' the buildings behind him were Kyiv, and not Lvov and not Warsaw."
"Adam fell asleep and his bride was created from his side; Jesus too fell asleep into a deep sleep on the cross, and his bride, the church, came from his side."
"The white color symbolizes nobility and frankness, the blue for faithfulness, honesty, impeccability, and chastity, and red for courage, generosity, and love."
"You've got three of the most powerful tens. The three powerful tens in tarot are the Ten of Pentacles, the Ten of Cups, and the Wheel of Fortune."
"When you gift roses, or you're gifted roses, they cut the thorns off because the thorns are prickly. Well, when you cut the thorns off a rose, you decrease its lifespan."
"Mulholland Drive is a David Lynch masterpiece and has all the standard Lynch trademarks: a narrative that doesn't always make sense, seemingly unconnected vignettes and scenes rich with symbolism."
"The symbol of the all-seeing eye is a very ancient symbol...it has a specific meaning and whether or not it was used later by Freemasons or by certain organizations that is quite possible, but we cannot reduce the symbol to its historical contingency."
"Burning the flag is the ultimate symbol of the freedom that it represents."
"Ian, until you fold one and hand it to a grieving wife, of course, you don't know why that cloth is so important."
"The flag is a symbol of freedom, especially those that have fought for the freedom or have lost people defending that freedom."
"The bird soaring high in the sky embodies the universal longing for freedom."
"Electing a woman as president would deal a smashing symbolic blow to the patriarchy."
"Swords have for a long, long time, for centuries in fact, have been seen as items of self-defense."
"Jupiter represents success, evolution, progress, optimism, enthusiasm, and so on."
"That symbol is the oldest symbol of resurrection known to man."
"I got this tattoo done recently of Jesus Christ, the symbol of the Resurrection, the possibility for divine God Consciousness to be expressed through mankind."
"To Ohshima, Sonic’s colour symbolizes his sentiment that 'the open sky is blue forever.'"
"The First Division's insignia, the chrysanthemum, symbolizes the seeking of truth and innocence."
"The star is about hope... reminding you to be optimistic and hopeful."
"The word comes from the Latin word for this, a fasces. The idea? Well, you can break one stick easily, but when you bundle them together, they become very strong."
"These icons aren't just artistic anomalies; they hold deep meanings of hidden shaded truths sparking serious curious questions about history and faith."
"Queen Elizabeth II's life has been a journey like no other. Throughout her reign, she has been the United Kingdom's symbol of continuity and stability."
"Mississippi replaced their shitty flag, with 70% of voters approving the new design."
"The lion is considered king of the beasts, its mane a royal crown."
"In the Bible, the king of birds is the nesher."
"If you go to Lone Pine, California, you won't find the lone pine; it fell down a long time ago."
"Lone Pine has now taken on a meaning that has nothing to do with a lone pine."
"Keys represent authority, access, control, authorization, power, freedom, and permission."
"Who knew one little black dress could say all that."
"The little black dress told the world that Lady Di, the People's Princess, was not going down without a fight."
"Clarisse's white gown... is representative of innocence and gentleness but Miyazaki's use of white throughout the film also embodies the tonal undercurrent of its tale: hope."
"The British monarchy and its coronation rituals... the most powerful symbols modern humanity has of the union between church and state."
"The iconic armor of the Mandalorians was a symbol of fear and strength earned through millennia of a long, bloody history of war and glory."
"The symbolism of baby Dragobete runs very deep in this parallel as well, as he is the symbol of a warm spring, and his mother Babadokia symbolizes the end of a harsh winter."
"Rabbit banished to the moon, a symbol of immortality in Chinese alchemy, and partially based on the Holy Grail."
"Dolls without meaning to actually mean a lot."
"According to Gerald Holtom, the lines of the symbol represent a dejected man placing their arms out to the side, in a display of weary innocence."
"The girl is the message. If the girl survives to floor zero, something that shouldn't even be in the hole, floor zero will have to question everything."
"Pizza is representative of a thing for me... Pizza was their thing, you see, brought them all together."
"Symbolism acts as a kind of pattern of reality."
"The symbolism of 6 has more to do with a kind of fullness of creation."
"Venice lies under such a cloud; the Venetians are going to proclaim their triumph through the symbolic story of St. Mark."
"The soul is represented by these deer, which are waylaid by the ferocious beasts of hell, but here the ferocious beasts cannot capture the soul."
"Chris uses the cotton to plug his ears and resist the hypnosis, so the symbol of slavery is inverted to become his tool of escape."
"Symbols hold the mind to truth but are not themselves the truth, hence it is delusory to borrow them. Each civilization, every age, must bring forth its own." - Heinrich Zimmer
"Symbols are a foundational expression of meaning and idea that are often worth more than a thousand words."
"The bumblebee represent[s] something to me as a biologist... such a small little thing, this little bumble you see flying around, yet it's so, so important."
"The four-leaf clover indicates better luck is here for you now."
"I've spent my life collecting stories -- signs, symbols, and codes hidden in plain sight."
"The black women the Roman soldiers encounter is not supposed to represent a literal person in the context of the video but is supposed to serve as the personification of Germany itself."
"This crown, filled with symbolism, we hope it will inspire not only the winners but every single one of you to be a force for good."
"Laura's incredibly strong and just like, she is, she is full power of the ponytail."
"Sunflowers... are symbols of the vitality that sunlight brings."
"A strange fruit is rotting, hanging low and falling far from its tree."
"The Olive Tree is central to Palestinian identity... to attack and undermine and eliminate some olive trees is again an attack against the Palestinian people at their core."
"Thus ended the life of medieval Rus' greatest conqueror, whose head was allegedly turned into a drinking vessel for the Pecheneg Khan."
"Donald Trump walking off the man versus the machine or better yet the ghosts inside of the machine."
"He's a symbol of hope and kind of perseverance to so many people."
"Each and every single one of the three Imperial regalia of Japan represents one of the Three core values of the Japanese people."
"This dress has become a symbol of the will to win and work on yourself."
"Roy dies a quiet death with a symbol of peace, a dove grasped in his hand, his life escaping him as the dove flutters off into the pouring rain."
"The wall... an absurd, tragic, almost metaphoric but all too real expression of humanity's failure and depravity."
"I wear a mask. And that mask, it's not to hide who I am, but to create what I am."
"Luffy was given the straw hat as Shank's gamble on the future."
"The American flag and state seals became common symbols displayed in courtrooms, emphasizing the connection between justice and the nation."
"Upon stepping into an American courtroom, citizens anticipate a specific architectural arrangement...an opulent edifice adorned with symbols of justice."
"Courtrooms aim to prioritize function, they also embody elements of symbolism, ritual, and personal taste, reflecting a complex interplay between tradition, technology, and human beliefs in the pursuit of justice."
"This pen, this rather strange pen that I wear, describes one of the most important things going on on this planet right now."
"The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom. We all love it and are so proud."
"Many are familiar with the rider of the green horse, but let's see what the passage really tells us: 'And I looked, and behold, a pale horse, and its rider's name was Death, and Hades followed him.'"