
Self-interest Quotes

There are 1029 quotes

"We're selfish. There's no doubt that we often will do things to advance our own self-interest at the expense of others. But we're also really group-ish."
"People are willing to make decisions that are preferential towards themselves, their family, their community, and their country, usually in that order."
"The reason Americans don't vote in their own interests is that they don't view politics as a means to improve their material condition; they view it as a tool to punish their political enemies."
"Remember that loyalty to any brand or company, be it Critical Role or Wizards of the Coast, or even me and the books that I create, only hurts you. You are the person with the money. Don't be loyal to a company, be loyal to yourself."
"The average person is more interested in his or her own name than in all the other names on Earth put together."
"We're all selfish creatures in a way; we all want these tools to help us without hurting us."
"And the sum of all self-interests would make for a balanced, harmonious, and prosperous society."
"We're physical beings in a physical universe. The facts around the universe dictate the consequences of our actions about what is or isn't in our best interest."
"The invisible hand is basically the notion that consumers and firms serving their own best interest will do what is best for society."
"Algorithms are like demons. We program these little things to understand our weaknesses and then leverage them to get us to do things against our own best interests."
"As Adam Smith says, as people pursue their own selfish interests, they inevitably create good."
"We make a difference in ways that protect the continued opportunity to make a killing, and we seek to change the world in ways carefully chosen to not change our world."
"If you just line up the set of incentives correctly so that people, in their purely selfish behavior, are contributing to the optimization of the global function, that's it."
"We all have our absolutes; we only bring them out when it serves our own purposes."
"Sometimes, helping other people almost becomes selfish."
"A person in a dysfunctional family system can oppose your well-being for the sake of their own."
"Smith wrote, 'It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.'"
"There is no self-interest here; there is nothing to be right or wrong about because they are unconditionally friends."
"Unless I can figure out what's in it for you, it shouldn't happen."
"As a person's levels of wealth increase, their feelings of compassion and empathy go down, and their feelings of entitlement, of deservingness, and their ideology of self-interest increase."
"The right balance is 70/30... The right leader is a person that's typically 65-70% selfish, 30% selfless."
"People can be taught and people can learn that the collective aspects of societal development are far more important for self-interest than the hyper individualistic 'I'm going to get mine, [expletive] everybody else.'"
"If you're saying that people shouldn't hurt other people because it could cause harm to yourself, you're an ethical egoist."
"A genius and naturally gifted man who subscribes to his own set of morals, ultimately an extraordinarily selfish man living in pursuit of the finest things, even at the cost of harming others."
"People today are more concerned with how they can personally benefit; they are less concerned about how they can humbly serve God and serve others."
"The Chinese government never keeps its promises unless it's somehow in their favor."
"What's everyone's favorite subject? Money? No, yourself."
"Every human being is self-interested, but the best position you want to be in is where both of your self-interests are aligned."
"Most people don't do things with you in mind...people honestly usually do things in their own self-interest and because they want to be happy."
"We need to start voting for people who are going to promote our self-interest and that may not be a Democrat and it may not be a Republican."
"It is time for us to stand up and to vote our self-interest. We vote along party lines, especially as African Americans."
"Sometimes people might say like well you know, it's very magnanimous of you or altruistic of you to care about civilization, but I think actually like even if somebody's very selfish, you should still care about civilization because we cannot live in the absence of civilization."
"The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power."
"She believes in a morality of rational self-interest. You should do what's best for yourself while respecting the rights of others."
"Most are good professionals who want to do well, but some think about number one first. Most think of the club, but some think about number one first."
"When you use the word 'career politician,' I use it in a somber sense that I think he will only make decisions which are beneficial for his career."
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on not understanding it."
"You should always do good deeds for others, as long as you personally benefit from it."
"After living his entire life trying to prove that people should be as selfish as they possibly can be, he finally realized that true happiness and fulfillment came from family."
"Politics is partly profane, it's partly about self-interest, but politics is also about sacredness."
"Try and pick the path that's going to serve you in the long run."
"Most of the time, when people are calling for equality, what they're actually calling for is a celebration of themselves and their own aggrandizement."
"Everybody's nice to you when they think they have something to gain from you."
"My name is Jochi, and I'm here to serve my own interests."
"The more you act in your best interest, guess what? The more your best interest has served you."
"I have a high degree of confidence that...people generally tend to act in their self-interest."
"They want to have their cake and eat it too."
"Discipline is necessary because you're a mass of competing short-term interests."
"One's very sacrificial and one cost you something, and one's easy, and it's about me."
"The central principle is that nobody takes care of somebody else's property as well as he takes care of his own."
"They're protecting their own asses more than anything else."
"His self-interest ends up helping the American people."
"You should set yourself up so that if things are good for you that's good, now you should be grateful about that."
"He could self-aggrandize all he wants and it would only help him and people who aren't vaccinated, it would save lives."
"I'm a champion of capitalism because I'm a champion of rational self-interest."
"The epitome of self-aggrandizement, very little about the national interests and everything about Boris Johnson's particular brand of narcissism."
"The secret is... no one gives a [__] about anybody but themselves."
"Donald Trump doesn't care about anyone or anything other than himself."
"It's not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest."
"It may give you some temporary lift, but in the end, it is about them, not about us."
"Put yourself first, make sure that you're doing what you think is best for you."
"The people run free, raping and pillaging each other for the benefit of... just themselves, but whatever, it's gonna be an anarchy."
"The idea that your selfishness creates market opportunities for other people."
"I think most selfish is actually being the most selfless."
"Capitalism is what happens if you leave people alone you know they will go and function in their own best interest."
"Choose a partner that's good for you. Not good for your parents, not good for your bank account, not good for your image, but good for you."
"I think they want their cake and eat it too."
"People like this don't love God more than they love themselves, more than they love popularity, more than they love the world."
"We do not vote for things that's not going to specifically help us." - Tariq Nasheed
"You don't care what anybody has to say, you want what you want."
"You don't have to stay in a country that no longer serves your interests."
"It's in your self-interest to invest in the kingdom of God."
"It's in my self-interest to invest in myself."
"Don't let anybody else tell you how to do it or what to do for you because you know you know your best interests."
"They are the only people in a position to really change these rules, and they possibly choose not to because they benefit form the way things work."
"They care about power more than they care about the people."
"She does so for his own gain and personal enjoyment."
"At the end of the day, politics is basically just self-interest."
"Forgive others... it is really simply enlightened self-interest."
"Proper selfishness means I want to do what is best for me and recognizing that I have to share space with people."
"People vote in what they think is their best interest."
"A lot of the time people don't really know what is in their best interest."
"Sometimes it's okay to be a little selfish, to put yourself first."
"Ultimately, it comes down to politicians putting themselves or their own political power ahead of the interests of the people."
"Let me do a gesture that has no risk. Let me do a gesture that's going to put more money in my pocket and prolong my career."
"We should look out for our own interests because nobody else will."
"Goodness above their own personal self-interest."
"We've all devolved into self-interested narratives... ethics were always about the other."
"Freedom look out for their interest here it's the best way to protect them."
"Donald Trump cares about exactly one person and that one person is named Donald Trump."
"I had never imagined sort of adults in a room having so patently self-serving a notion of how the world works."
"We're all doing this for selfish reasons, man, let's be real. And we all like validation, let's be honest."
"He believes these things lead to lots of tests of strength which ultimately shaped stronger worlds, factions, and individuals."
"He's not truly devoted to the Stormcloak cause; he's loyal to himself and tends to just side with others where it brings him benefit or alliance with his desires."
"You are the only common factor in this equation."
"People will lie to you when it's in their best interest."
"I want to expand how we define our self interests... let us make choices that benefit us not just now but in the future as well."
"Service to self people are of service to only themselves regardless of the effect it has on others."
"You're not really doing anyone any favors. Look out for AMD look out for you guys the consumers."
"Once you have some success, it's easy to go, 'I'm not leaving this, and I'm definitely not helping those people.'"
"I don't trust anybody unless we have mutual interests."
"At 2-0, players started playing for themselves instead of as a team."
"She wanted to be the one that has you on the hook whenever she needed."
"Those trying to turn on all media today aren't interested in improving journalism but protecting themselves."
"How can this benefit my students? Don't be selfish and try to limit your students' resources just so that you could benefit by keeping your job."
"There's a selfish aspect that comes from it too, and I'll say this because I love like my people and the people around me."
"It's politically savvy to vote for your interests."
"It's morally right, but it's also in our self-interest."
"Why are we so worried? I know the self-interest here."
"Adaptive phenomena are those phenomena which are coherent and advance their own interests."
"We follow those who lead not for them, but for ourselves."
"Follow the truth that's the best decision for you even if it feels like, ah well then now I'm gonna have to you know"
"Stop voting for people who hate you, start paying attention."
"Their version of the truth is always very self-serving."
"We're doing more good than we think even if it's selfishly, you know, all about our own health."
"There's no such thing as like a selfless gift, you know what I mean?" - NBA Youngboy
"I think pride is to Nations what self-respect is to individuals, a necessary ingredient for self-improvement."
"One thing that you can always count on with Loki is that he'll always look out for Loki. If in the moment you find that you and Loki have the same threat, Loki might actually come through for you."
"Kanye's agenda has always been what's best for Kanye."
"One person can't really trust anyone 100% especially in the world where everyone has a selfish agenda."
"What's nice in life is if you can take your own self-interest and you can find a way to meld it with things that you actually passionately ideologically believe in."
"Not all truth is good. Truth is only good so long as I can utilize it to make my life better."
"Human nature is always going to try to serve oneself first, even no matter how much they want to serve others."
"It's always been about my self-interest and my life over yours."
"It's everyone's long-term self-interest to contribute to both the company and the people around you."
"You need to be absolutely driven and semi-selfish."
"Self-interest is hard work. It's figuring out what is truly in my long-term rational self-interest."
"When free people act in their own self-interest, society prospers."
"This person will be back... but is it good for you?"
"We need to honor our ego, what do we want, what do we desire as a unique individual."
"Acknowledging just how complicated selfishness really is, but the shadow of degeneracy still looms large."
"I want them to do the things that's actually going to be in my best interest."
"Money demands of you the recognition that men must work for their own benefit, not for their injury, for their gain not their loss."
"The public decided that Megan was after her own interests."
"Intention is anything that moves the needle in your favor."
"I think that people will always do what's beneficial for them."
"Narcissistic psychopaths don't value human relationships; they just value what they like in their life."
"Empathy. If you just, like all of you care about you, not your customers, not your employees, not your vendors, and I get it, you have to take care of your family."
"How can we create more green lights for ourselves and others?"
"Be selfish and selfless at the same time. Those are not contradictions."
"You've got the only loyalty that works - the loyalty of self-interest."
"It's impossible to get a man to see a point of view when his livelihood depends on not seeing it"
"Politicians allow tax avoidance because they themselves benefit."
"Most people want to keep their job and they put their own career above doing the right thing."
"There's going to be an emotional situation you're not going to be able to sweep under the rug anymore. You're going to face it squarely and make a decision that has your best interests at heart."
"We know exactly who these people are. They don't represent the working class; they are not representing real issues; they're just representing themselves."
"When you are selfish, our now becomes better."
"The stock market is there not to instruct me, it's there to serve me."
"We're all learning this. It's like people are just going to let you down. People are people, and they know how to hurt, and they're selfish by nature."
"The suspect always, always just really thinking about themselves."
"You started making decisions, and when we start making decisions that are in our best interest, our energy starts to free up."
"It's harmful to your viewer. It doesn't really seem all that harmful to you."
"Be passionate but be grounded, appeal to people's self-interest and never to Mercy or gratitude."
"The evidence shows Donald J. Trump, the President of the United States has put himself before his country."
"Put your interest ahead of any company's interest."
"He's a very Petty individual who will always put his interest ahead of the country's."
"When people pursue their own economic self-interest, then in the long run everyone is better off."
"What the rich countries are doing is stupid even if you look at it from a purely self-interest way because even if everyone in the rich world gets vaccinated while the virus rages on importer nations that is a major problem for the rich world."
"Productive people are extremely selfish in a good way."
"What matters to them is them and what can they get out of it."
"White people only do things that bring about improvements in racial equality when it's in their own self-interest."
"The true selfish nature of human beings will manifest when it comes down to survival."
"They all respond to one thing: their self-advancement."
"Throw your friend under the bus for your own gain. That's all it is. It's plain and simple."
"When asking for help, appeal to people's self-interest... emphasize something in your request that will benefit them."
"We abandoned the Golden Rule, do unto others as you'd have them do unto you. It's all about me."
"It's okay to demonize each other and it's okay to be selfish at each other's expense."
"It's not partisan in that the FBI's motivation is to continue to be that self-looking ice cream cone."
"I don't care who I'm trying to help, I'm always trying to get something out of it at the very least."
"In general, I just do what feels right if that makes sense. If it's even if it's something that would benefit me but it doesn't feel right for me to do then I'm not going to do it."
"The only thing you really fight for is yourself."
"Most relationships fail due to self-bias, seeking to get needs met rather than truly caring about the other person."
"Gerrymandering is pure self-bias, redrawing district lines to favor those in power."
"Self bias is synonymous with selfishness, hypocrisy, confirmation bias."
"They're corrupt. They're trading an increased amount of political power for themselves for their own person instead of fighting for the masses."
"When they have an agenda and they want what they want, they're looking for somebody who wants to give it to them."
"The core function of morality is to check your desire to pursue unlimited self-interest... Don't do that, that's not right."
"I had no choice I had to do it see the opportunity or when I go everyone gonna Remember My Name Big Smoke."
"Big Smoke in the end cared primarily about himself he had people he considered friends but when he realized how much money he could make he threw his friends to the side and screwed them over to benefit himself."
"I just trust. I don't know what is in my own best interests."
"He's not some Robin Hood who stole from the rich and gave to the poor he stole from the rich and the poor and kept it for himself."
"Individuals are driven by self-interest, so aligning their interests with yours is key."
"If you're not ultimately willing to walk away and say no, you will never get the best deal for yourself."
"I'm attracted to those people who serve my higher good."
"People don't realize... everything you do is for you."
"There's no such thing as a selfless good deed."
"Snail is someone who sacrifices the lives of others to build himself up... there's a vampire quality to his character."
"Put the athlete in the seat of power versus lending their power over to somebody that says they have their best interests in mind."
"To love yourself ultimately means to act in alignment with your own best interests."
"There's nothing wrong with being selfish. I'm selfish, I wanna buy the New York Jets."
"When society begins to worship self, then the government's role becomes its central purpose becomes to benefit me at the expense of others."
"There is literally nothing that this man won't do in service of his own interests."
"Narcissism at its purest level is simply self-interest."
"What is your interest? What are you looking out for? What are you defending and protecting? What are you investing in and growing? What are you pouring yourself into?"
"Fortune favors the bold, yeah. And people like to talk about themselves."
"Sometimes in life you gotta make a decision what's best for you."
"If being fair and having morals is not benefiting you why would you want to keep doing it?"
"It's insane right? People will actually work hard if it's for their own selfish benefit and not some communist ideal."