
Reconciliation Quotes

There are 9640 quotes

"He shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers."
"If a true connection ever existed in that relationship, then it can be fixed."
"We used to be not close at all, constantly fighting, but recently we've gotten close."
"We need to draw a line in the sand, forgive and forget, and move forward."
"They want to heal the situation between the two of you."
"We all do make mistakes and I think apologizing is a step towards making things right."
"The only safe and sure way to destroy your enemy is to make him your friend." - Mark Twain
"Healing really needs to happen for reconciliation to happen."
"Making amends is really important because a lot of times what causes us to use substances is we have all these crushing karmic debts which are weighing on us."
"It's not whether or not you fight, it's whether or not you reconcile."
"For some of you, there is someone from the past you get to set things right, and you find that harmony."
"It was beautiful to see that he had mended those relationships with his kids."
"It is a moment of reconciliation and acceptance for Nephiumi as he finally embraces his role as the Shield Hero."
"I'm willing to sit down with almost anybody that I've had problems with."
"The problem is is that Gabby apologized to Jessie for those tweets and that's how they became friends."
"Forgiveness is the action or process of forgiving or being forgiven."
"People keep asking whether there can be a reconciliation, and as you know, there can always be a reconciliation, and it has to start somewhere."
"I don't think anything is irreparable if people are prepared to make the effort, but that requires effort on both sides, of course."
"You admit you both did wrong and you want to make it work. That's hard. Most people take the opposite route. Ego. 'No, I'm perfect, and I don't do anything wrong, and you do everything wrong.' But then, what does it lead to in the end? Misery."
"I'm sorry, will you forgive me?" - the potential for reconciliation that exists in every estrangement.
"Achieving reconciliation requires delicately balancing religious, political, and diplomatic considerations alongside a strong commitment to finding common ground and fostering peaceful coexistence."
"Reconnect with the people who love you after you've made some horrific mistakes."
"Understanding is a challenge, it's a challenge and the bulk of our work here together is reconciling a bunch of stuff."
"You're both longing for each other, missing each other, wanting a reconciliation."
"It is not only in remembering that shameful past that we can make amends and repair our nation, but it is in remembering that past that we can build a better present and a better future."
"We can go ahead and beat each other up, but at the end of the day, we still brothers."
"Apology accepted. Now let's get home, we got bedtime stories."
"You cannot reconcile with someone unless it's a two-way street."
"I am listening now, time to give Dad a call to apologize."
"Can you ever forgive me? If I reach out, will you answer my call?"
"Sasuke finally admits defeat, accepting that Naruto is just as vital to him as he is to Naruto."
"They wish they could turn back time, make things work between you again."
"I know I really messed up, bro, that's why I asked can I take the thing off my check."
"Apology and forgiveness... you guys are going to overcome whatever the heaviness was of the past."
"I want to give our connection another chance."
"They feel like it's unfinished business and we have the six of swords. Let's heal this."
"They want to rebuild that security, missing you and wanting to be close again."
"The only way for the whole truth to emerge is by the reconciling and combining of opposites."
"If your mom is still alive and you don't have the relationship you want, then pray for it and get it right."
"God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, not reckoning their trespasses against them."
"We are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us. We beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God."
"What we need is a Truth and Reconciliation Commission... Let's tell the truth about what happened."
"Reconciliation is about trust and respect and restoring it after a century and a half of a federal government failing."
"After recalling those memories, Cai Yue went to Wu Shang and apologized for her actions that had killed her grandparents."
"War tears apart. It takes that which is whole and dismembers. To remember is to bring together again that which was once torn apart."
"I forgive you. I know if you go to God and ask Him, He will forgive you."
"You can't transcend this without admitting it. In our personal lives, if someone commits a wrong against you, you can't have any reconciliation without an acknowledgment of that wrong."
"God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself."
"Please, if you can, if you have a funky relationship with your parents or your mom, just try your best to repair it."
"You use it for that, that's fine. We're going to use reconciliation... to pass legislation desperately needed by working families in this country right now."
"The message of the gospel is the message of reconciliation: the alienated sinner can be reconciled to God."
"For a moment, all the past disagreements were forgotten; mother and daughter embraced, rocking back and forth in each other's arms."
"The universal reconciliation of opposites is effected by a recognition of this principle of polarity."
"His humility and commitment to pursuing peace and reconciliation truly set him apart, demonstrating the kind of forgiveness needed to bring unity to the nation."
"Finding common ground is possible; it's a glimmer of hope in a dark tunnel."
"You have unfinished business and you have a future together."
"We seek unity, not separation. We seek forgiveness, not condemnation."
"The conversation moves to a whole other level that not only is reconciling relationships, it's transcending the usual left and right polarity in a very effective way."
"Civilization thrives on forgiveness, on confession first and then forgiveness."
"Look, I know you haven't heard from me in a while, and there's rumblings that it's because of some lingering hard feelings from the primary. Here's the deal, that's all Malarkey under the bridge."
"Hopefully, he will respond in kind, we'll have a big hug, it's gonna be a very romantic thing, and we'll live happily ever after."
"This person definitely wants a second chance with you. They want a fresh start, a new beginning."
"They want to take a leap of faith. They want harmony to return to your connection."
"A lot of people have been reaching out to me that I thought hated me in the past, making me feel a lot better about the situation."
"We've been watching you and everything that you've done since you've left, son. We're sorry. Can you forgive us?"
"They're coming back to clean this relationship up; they're coming back to fix it."
"I love being able to reconcile differences and talk things out."
"Sometimes you got to swallow your pride and like you know what, I love you, you are the best thing that ever happened to me, I regret losing you."
"Reconciliation between two people is not always possible in this life because it requires two willing parties."
"We fought as friends once; we'd like to fight as friends again."
"If they can figure out how to coexist and repair their relationship, you can repair the relationship with that other person that you should repair your relationship with."
"He ends up with respectability... he made peace with his family. He died a successful man, really. What a wonderful, emotionally and financially."
"Being able to take back that time and be friends with everybody now is actually more rewarding because we have so much more perspective."
"We are a species who has invented truth-and-reconciliation commissions in South Africa, in the Balkans, in Rwanda."
"I would desperately like to meet him and ask his forgiveness."
"He understands the cost of conflict and the value of peace and Reconciliation."
"This person who's supposed to be my enemy leans over with tears in his eyes, embraces me, and says, 'Then you are my brother.'"
"The protest is over. I challenge you to find a bridge builder and bring him back."
"You should only get back together with your ex if both of you are committed to working on the problems that made you exes."
"There can be no reconciliation without truth."
"The Telltale of a great relationship is people who can apologize well to each other and make each other feel better afterwards."
"I hope that we can go back to who we once were."
"I like to think that in Canada there is at least a bit of a national conversation going on about what reconciliation is and what it would mean to reconcile with that history."
"Don't be sorry for anything. I was so worried. I love you so much. We should never have let things get so bad. I'll never let it happen again."
"Colonization is an ongoing process, and choosing to ignore this fact makes it impossible for us to truly reconcile with its legacy."
"We need olive branches passed between the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street activists."
"For you once connected to someone, it's very possible you two will get back together, or there may be apologies, reconciliations. I'm getting like a really good energy around it."
"We should be really open to bringing these people back into the fold now that they're seeing that they've been lied to. Now that the goal posts are being moved, we should be embracing them, welcoming them back."
"I have been very emotional, and I can cry real quick, okay, but I'm not gonna cry. I forgive the girls; they apologized, and I forgive them."
"They've shown absolutely no willingness to reconcile. I would like to get my father back. I would like to have my brother back."
"You always give someone the opportunity to make amends, as it were, or at least hear another side of it."
"We can't get past slavery because we can't have a race reconciliation dialogue about it. Nobody's ever apologized to us for slavery."
"How do you build bridges with people who must now know that this is haplessness?"
"A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city."
"Reconciliation is not possible without justice."
"You had some deep-seated feelings and long-term feelings and there was a lot of fighting, and now there's a lot of love."
"Forgiveness should not just leave you with a zero bank balance; it ought then to open the way for reconciliation."
"We're in the resistance together, the war's behind us, right? Let's make peace."
"If people could do restorative justice in the manner that we have done it, look where we are right now and how that affects me and how it's affected him."
"There would be a movie about this couple that got to the love stone ceremony and they shunned the new partners and they started the whole thing over again together."
"Let's embark on a journey of laughter and forgiveness and become best friends once again."
"Mandela perceived his primary role as President to oversee the transition to a new post-Apartheid South Africa and to effect national reconciliation."
"I want you back because I know that we are meant to be together."
"A Truth and Reconciliation approach to the ugliest parts of our history is important."
"Especially if you two have kind of exited a relationship, somebody walked away, there might be a process of what you might call a private rediscovery of each other's energies."
"It reinforces the message that there's never a point where it's too late to turn back, to reconcile, and to try and make your actions right and your life better."
"Reverend Sharpton talked about demonstration, legislation, reconciliation."
"Trust is better. Create the kind of relationship where withdrawing is both supported and quickly forgiven."
"Reconcile with others in Ramadan, seek forgiveness and strive for Allah's mercy."
"It's just reasonable to reconcile it in multiple ways."
"They want a second chance, even if it's slow."
"We can make jokes and laugh with each other again."
"If he forgave me for hurting the most precious person in my life, I could forgive anybody."
"The language of apology is the language of connection and love."
"The walls kind of came down, which is exactly what needed to happen for this family."
"If you're not willing to say, 'I get it, we're all human,' and I believe your intention, give me a hug, let's work this out, if you can't do that, you're the problem."
"No matter how satisfying it seems to our historical trauma to have this antidote... a tremendous injustice, historical injustice has been committed against another people."
"Acknowledgment is the first step toward reconciliation."
"We need a true and Reconciliation Commission to process the toxicity of the last four years."
"By completing the composition and playing it a final time at the series's conclusion, Jeremy finally makes peace with the past and is able to at least talk about what happened with his best friend Ashley."
"If God can kill the hostility between the Jews and the Gentiles he certainly could kill the hostility between the blacks and the whites."
"I wish there was just a way to kind of like bring the Two Worlds back in alignment with each other because the frustrating thing is like there's so many good conversations that just don't happen because we're so like hyper polarized."
"You're nothing like me, and when you were kicking the ever loving shit out of me, I realize, that's my deepest wish, and it's the thing I most wanted when we came here. You've done me proud, boy."
"In a time when we are talking about a national divorce we can be talking about something more enlightening about bringing this Union back together."
"Somebody trying to return and get forgiveness."
"There does have to be forgiveness and reconciliation on a mass level."
"No contact made his ex come crawling back on her knees."
"It just seems like a video of like clearing up lies of the past and everything seems to line up with that thought."
"If we speak the name of Jesus, there's going to be reconciliation."
"This is a fresh start, new beginnings. They want a second chance with you."
"He eventually calms down enough to have a change of heart, and agrees to marry her, for real this time."
"They want to resurrect your friendship, your connection, your relationship."
"You are the prize, they're coming back to claim it."
"The world needs more apologies and forgiveness."
"This is two souls that are meant to be for each other coming back together in peace and harmony."
"In the end, it was empathy that bridged the divide."
"Against all odds, Natalie Wood and Robert Wagner found their way back to each other, rekindling their love."
"You might be trying to fix certain connections or bonds with family members, friends, or perhaps even a lover as well."
"I think it's about recognizing Canada has a lot of its own problems with reconciliation."
"To reflect, to consider, and then hopefully to engage and discuss allows us optimistically to move forward with some potential for reconciliation."
"They really want a second chance with you because the door is closing."
"They're wanting to heal this relationship with you but it's like they have all of these words... but then when it comes down to it... they're still all right."
"I'm determined that we should use this process as a means of healing the Labour Party."
"Jacob looked up and there was Esau coming with his 400 men. But Esau ran to meet Jacob and embraced him. He threw his arms around his neck and kissed him, and they wept."
"Esau had reconciled with his brother. Jacob was spared death. Esau didn't want any of the possessions Jacob offered him, though he accepted them at Jacob's request."
"I'm gonna predict second chances and you two continuing this."
"He apologized gifts wine etc which again plays right into dr hughes."
"He would never do it again he apologized gifts wine etc."
"He said he would never do it again he apologized gifts wine etc."
"It's good to not be awful to each other again, it's good to let the past pass."
"That's a thought. Maybe you just start with a text or something. If she does ever decide that she wants to make things right with you, don't you want her to know that the door's at least open?"
"Actions speak louder than words. If you want to begin that long road back to proving you're not a racist, you're not bigoted, support the bipartisan compromise that three Republicans and three Democrats have put on the floor."
"If they're going to try to reconcile things with you, is that somebody that you need to reconcile with? Answer the question."
"You never know what bridges you can mend, it's crazy."
"We've had like two-ish times where we stopped talking to each other, but we come back."
"Guess what, someone's coming back to reunite."
"After a decade of trying to make their love work, the pair is in a much better place."
"The only way that this person could reunite with you really is if they showed you that they're willing to put in the work."
"It was like seeing a crowd of sworn enemies that were about to go to war just suddenly embrace the one they'd been hell-bent on destroying."
"They just want to come back together with you and end this separation. They want a chance, want a future with you."
"Ultimately, if it's [10 years from now] and the hatchet is buried, that would obviously be great."
"A man can get his woman back if they are long-distance."
"We can all disagree sometimes but we still love each other, right?"
"Cheers! Let's all make up and love each other. I love you love you guys."
"Now is the time to heal, now let's bring the country together."
"Other people can change - and it's never too late to apologize."
"We love a good debate, but we always come together."
"We need to believe again in the power of community, we need to build those bridges that Israel has burnt down between the different parts of our occupied homeland."
"We really cannot heal as a country without a fuller understanding of what happened."
"We don't see a contradiction between justice and forgiveness."
"Reclaiming cultural heritage and fostering cultural pride are essential to healing and reconciliation."
"The Lost Cause allowed historians to explain how a nation once divided could unify again."
"The Lost Cause became infused with American culture."
"They reconcile after all these years, and Max promises to take care of Hannah."
"Both of you can find a way to mend this connection."
"Our love is eternal, I was silly to let you go."
"They're feeling they want to make it right with you."
"I apologize for the bad things that was said I was hurting."
"This person wants to make amends, they want to put things right."
"They're going to put that break period to rest and come toward you."
"They still are hoping that one day you guys can get back together."
"You felt shut out in the cold with this connection, but this card is in reverse so it does mean that you and this person can recover this connection."
"Somebody that you can trust is going to be coming back into your life with an apology."
"There's gonna be Clarity I think you guys are going to be talking to someone from the past and the end of this year where you guys are going to be actually experiencing a lot of clarity with what you want in your life and what you don't want."
"There's forgiveness that is going to be received here."
"Can you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?"
"What's meant to be will always find its way and when you both have evolved you know appropriately in a spiritual sense and an emotional sense on your personal journeys you will naturally come back together and the Sun will heal all of things."
"Offer some forgiveness, reach out an olive branch."
"Apologies are crucial for the healing process."
"The chemistry between the two of you is insane."
"And personally I believe the only way she can truly start to make amends in this situation is by admitting the truth and she is just not willing to do that."
"They really want it to work out this time around."
"Loving your enemies: find out they weren't your enemies after all."
"Loving your enemies means realizing they weren't your enemies after all."
"What's meant to be will be brought back together in the right time."
"They're going to reach out, revive this relationship they have with you."
"They're coming back because they want to heal and be in union with you."
"Change behavior is the best apology, all right, or change behavior is the best apology."
"It does no good for me to hate you. I know you got a heart, I know you got a mind."
"You guys are meant to give things another try, see if it'll work for you."