
Life-questions Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"At the end of my life, I'm going to ask these questions about life: Did I live? Did I love? Did I matter?"
"One of the biggest secrets of life is spend more time reflecting and turning inwards and really asking yourself deep questions about life."
"We find ourselves in an academic setting, and the purpose of this singular space, the academy, is to foster good faith conversations, often difficult ones, about life's deepest and most important questions."
"The most important questions in human life -- like what to live for and what to die for and what constitutes a good life -- are by definition outside the purview of scientific objectivity."
"A person gets to a certain point in life where they really ask the question, 'Who am I and what am I part of?'"
"The pursuit of happiness... seems to me it's the only question that finally matters."
"The question of a just relationship with God is the decisive question for our lives."
"Legacy: something that I'm sure many of us have pondered, the age-old question."
"There's only about three things in life that you really need to know: How'd you get here, why are you here, where are you going."
"Who am I, where am I, what do I want, and how do I do it? Those are the four basic questions."
"The greatest ethical thinkers aren't Dear Abby telling us how to get along with our mother-in-law. Rather, they articulate questions that help us interrogate how to live ethically."
"What does it mean to have lost your way in your life? What does grace mean to you? In what ways are we manipulated by our media?"
"Refueling, rechanneling, and reimagining desire is actually one of life's most important questions."
"Who doesn't want to know? You research what you're gonna be doing on this trip, but you can't research where you're going when you die."
"The Quran answers all the big questions in life."
"The most important questions in life are paradoxical."
"Why do bad things always happen to good people?"
"The phenomenon of death: What is it like to die?"
"It tends to result in people waking up 10 years down the road and saying, 'Is this what I'm going to do for the rest of my life?'"
"Here, everything was going great for me... what do you do?"
"What shall be my faith, whom shall I marry, what shall be my life's work."
"As long as she lives, she wondered if this meant Kazuki could still be living."
"It explores some really deep philosophical questions about life and love."
"Welcome to the existential compilation here on GT Live, where we just sit and ponder life's mysteries."
"Asking deep questions about life is the best use of one's time."
"Identity is you asking the questions until eventually you get to a point that you get to the deeper part of who do you want to be, what life do you want to live, and why do you want to live this stuff?"
"Viruses occupy a hazy region between life and non-life."
"It's because Aggretsuko talks about all the same stuff that a 20 something like myself is going through, and marriage, ah dude, these are the questions you wonder about, is it too late, like my parents met in college and what am I gonna do?"
"Scientism is really stupid when people pretend that science can answer questions about morality or purpose in life."
"That's a very important feature of being alive is to not just live for the material world today but start asking serious questions about where were you before you were born."
"Most of us have already spent 2/3 of our life before answering those two questions."
"You are never going to have every single one of your questions answered."
"Has anything ever happened to make you question your entire existence?"
"Your ability to really answer that question is a revelation of whether or not you're living life on purpose."
"When Auntie Lil turned 100, I interviewed her on camera and asked her, 'What do you think love is? What do you think life is about?'"
"I had this panic attack of like what the [__] did I just do for the past two years who was that who am I where am I why am I here."
"What does it mean to feel human? What does it mean to feel alive?"
"You're going in deep you're asking yourself serious questions what do you where do you stand on certain things in your life where are your needs getting met."
"The answers aren't always what we were asking for, but there's closure."
"Maybe you weren't put here just to ask the questions. Maybe you were put here to be the answer."
"Honestly, I ask myself the same thing every day... right place at the right time."
"We're always answering this question in some way: Where does happiness come from?"
"The most important question though is, do I get the baguette?"
"You're asking deeper questions, not content with living superficially."
"Your dream might be the answer to a question you've been seeking."
"I've realized that that's probably why I'm here, a big part of the reason why I've been put on this planet is to answer questions."
"He begins to question his life, living with his mentor."
"Who am I allowing to plant seeds in my life?"
"A divinely guided event situation, a truth, something came in for you to be like 'what, why am I still here?'"
"Next time on Turning Point: Ask Jesus how you're supposed to live your life."
"Why not spend less than twenty-four asking life's biggest questions?"
"When I came to know Christ, I realized in Him alone are the four questions of life answered."
"There comes a time in every man's life when you must ask a question: What the [ __ ] am I watching?"
"It's moments like this I ask myself, 'What am I doing with my life?'"
"It's like I'm living in some weird void or something, doing all this stuff but what's next?"
"The Bible answers the deepest questions of life."
"The miracle of the Quran is that there is no question a human being can ask about life any aspect of life but the Quran has given the answer."
"Find what's right for you, but be willing to ask yourself those tough questions that may be unanswerable in this life."
"What do I deserve? Really, what do I deserve as far as relationship or just my life?"
"If you are taking thousands of dollars... what is going on in your life?"
"Every now and then, suddenly, an important question gets in your way."
"Food was very similar in its ability to do just that to bring people together to connect us through something that we all share but also to explore bigger life questions."
"What makes people truly fulfilled is it love, family, success."
"Every single day, are you able to do what you love to do? Can you ask yourself these three questions: Did you live, did you love, and did you matter?"
"I've come to save you and also take everything you own. By the way, what's the secret to happiness? Appreciated."
"It's fun. Life can fill your head with all sorts of questions, but so often you can find the answers by just looking up at the stars."
"I wonder about the reasons for life and the whys behind people's actions."
"Do you ever wonder why your life is not going the way you want it to be?"
"These are the real questions we must ask in life."
"I think that leaves you with resonances, interesting questions, ways in which you interact with our own lives and the way you know we live our lives and what we worry about and what we care about."
"As the years where you're completely caught in the treadmill slow down, there is time for dealing with the questions of your existence."
"I'm a human being that's been trying to figure out for 35 years questions that I've never got the answer to."
"If you're not asking what's my passion, what's my purpose in life, I don't think you're asking the right questions."
"I'm not seeking. I'm interested, turned on to life, to find out what is life, what is reality, what is God, what is being."
"To live effectively, you must answer five questions."
"Identity, heritage, purpose, potential, and destiny - these are the five questions."
"It's the simple questions in life I need answers for."
"What do you want? I don't know. What do you want? That forces you to confront some shit. Very few people, if you're young and listening, ask yourself that question. What do you want? Really be honest."
"Life is asking questions to us; questions we can answer only not by verbal replies but by action."
"It's gonna be very, very confusing and you have to realize that I think that that's what he's going for here, is that's one of the biggest questions in life: Why is there suffering?"
"So, as human beings, we enter into existence and we're kind of perplexed, you know, we're kind of like, 'What is this world all about?'"
"Pitch me, am I dreaming, or is this my real life?"
"Philosophy is the attempt to then step in and say, 'What am I doing? Why am I doing it? What should I be doing? What could I be doing? What do I want to do? Should I want to do the things that I think I want to do?'"
"Philosophy is not just about linguistic questions or abstract metaphysical questions; it is about what matters most."
"How often have you asked, 'Why did this happen to me?'"
"You can't be secure in life if you don't know something about three things: where you've come from, what you're doing here, and where you're going."
"What do you think your purpose is in life?"
"Those questions are the questions of the soul, why have I not been blessed to be able to have my own children, I don't know."
"Children's books deal with ultimate questions: Where do we come from? What's the nature of being a human being? What must I do to be good?"
"Life itself is an unknown; why was life created, why are we born, and why do we die?"
"What's the meaning of life? What happens after death? It was really scary at the time."
"It's about priorities. Why am I here? What am I supposed to be doing here? Where am I going? These are important questions."
"I've been asking myself that question my whole life."
"Do you know what you're looking for? I don't think anyone does, do they?"
"These are just simple life questions, and I'm just searching for some answers. Like what are we doing here and what is our purpose?"
"I don't know, it's like you're not supposed to exactly have the answers."
"If you study philosophy not only you would benefit from the answers that philosophy would give you for your fundamental questions but also you would benefit by developing a rational approach to life to everything."
"The big questions in life are the hardest ones to answer, and they always will be."
"You wonder... how on earth has that happened to them and why am I here?"
"I'm all right, it's just weird. Do you ever think about like there's never going to be a place you get in your life where you're just happy? You're just blissful no matter what."
"Now my esoteric question that has been nagging me my whole life has been answered."
"Is this a comedy or a tragedy, a rebirth or a quest? I don't know."
"Democracy was nonsense; when it came to fundamental important life questions, you had to figure these things out for yourself."
"What is the point of it all, you know, growing up, getting married to some sack of flour, and having children so they can do the things that you couldn't do?"
"He was a thinker, he was the kind of person who was interested in even as a young man in the big questions in life."
"What if I never got married? Would I be content with my life still?"
"He was also just a person like me and you who struggled with what to eat and puzzled like we all do about how it is we're supposed to lead good and successful lives."
"In Him alone are the four questions of life - origin, meaning, morality, and destiny - answered."
"What are we here for? This is so basic, and it's the underlying question that's supposed to be explaining everything we're doing and how we make our decisions in life."
"The question I always ask myself when I come to a new city: could I live here?"
"He's almost grappling with some of the big questions that people may tend to have when they are either retired or near the end of life."
"Dying out loud is all about dealing with the questions of life and death."
"They're sitting there with this strange feeling that there has to be more than this."
"The seeker for the examined life starts when life becomes a question."
"Supposed to be always this way, couldn't it all be so simple?"
"I don't know what I want, I don't know what I need, but I feel there's something missing."
"I always wonder on my journeys, like what's everyone else doing? Where's everyone else going?"
"The quality of the answers you get in life is going to depend on the quality of the questions you ask."
"What do you want, money or love or fame or what?"
"When you're going through life and you're asking yourself, 'Who am I and what am I doing on this planet?' you should probably start to ask yourself, 'Why do you think you exist?'"
"If you went through two years of a global pandemic and you didn't come out the other side asking better questions about how you want to live in this world and what kind of impact you want to have, you're doing it wrong."
"What does life look like even a month from now? We don't know."
"Why must there be fighting in life? Who knows. Although, if the fighting can be stopped, I'd like to stop it."
"Have you loved enough? That's the only question."
"He made me think about deeper things, you know. I wasn't doing the work, I was just like, that's just a good question about life, let's get into it."
"When was the last time you ever had fun in your life?"
"Do you get enough love? That's what it's all about."
"When is it my turn to be happy? Let's talk about it."
"Stay the course, but just ask life, you know, what do you want."
"What is going to make you happy? I feel like we don't ask that enough of ourselves."
"The core question that all religions address is: How should I live? For all people, for all time, and it always will be."
"Did you get what you wanted from this life, even so?" "I did." "And what did you want?" "To call myself beloved on the earth."
"For what reason have I been born? What is the purpose of my life? These are not ordinary questions."
"Do you ever find yourself wanting something more out of life?"
"Why can't we just live a normal life? This is a normal life though."
"It's the biggest question that I've literally had my entire life."
"Will we be happy? Will we make a contribution? Will we be satisfied? Will we be content? Will we be successful?"
"Philosophy is not just the preserve of brilliant but eccentric thinkers... it is what everyone does when they're not busy dealing with their everyday business and get a chance simply to wonder what life and the universe are all about."
"You're going to find yourself at this stage in your life where you're going to be looking for big life answers."
"Religions exist historically to answer two great questions: one is how did we get here, and the other is now that we're here, how shall we live."
"This has given me keys to questions that I've been asking my entire life."