
Reciprocity Quotes

There are 7651 quotes

"If you want to have influence over someone, you actually have to allow them to influence you."
"If you give, you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full measure, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, and running over."
"Your body is your greatest investment. So treat it right, and it will treat you back."
"People have a powerful drive for reciprocity. If you offer something to someone for free, it doesn't allow people to discharge their moral burden."
"Generosity, bro, if you give back to your people, it's all going to come back to you."
"Let's make the city bigger, and remember, generosity with the people always pays back."
"The more you give, the more that ends up coming back."
"Help other people get what they want; they'll always give you what you want."
"I just want to be welcomed and wanted in the same way that I love someone else."
"Forgiveness is so that the same grace will be extended to you."
"You will receive what you deliver in a marriage, often very rapidly."
"The way the world works is we sacrifice for others and others sacrifice for us."
"Generosity is just telling me that the universe will be generous to you if you are generous to others."
"Stop trying to get something for nothing. You must give to receive."
"Islam is built upon the principle of doing good, the principle of reciprocity, not just having good but doing good."
"This relationship that's coming in for you is really a card of reciprocity. This person will mirror back the love that beautiful love that you have in your heart space."
"You should only ever invite people into your life who reciprocate the same amount of love that you give."
"Trust that what you are seeking is seeking you too."
"Reciprocity is the process through which you share something deep about yourself and the person feels compelled to share something deep about himself."
"The more I give, the more I receive, and the more I receive, the more I give."
"The way you treat people always comes back to you."
"It's better to give than it is to receive because giving starts the receiving process."
"The best way to make progress in human hierarchies has nothing to do with power but everything to do with reciprocity and responsibility."
"You've got to think positive and stay positive because if you do, positive will come back to you."
"It's not a sacrifice if you get something in return."
"Love requires sacrifice, but that's not love, and it's not a sacrifice if you get something in return."
"If somebody shows me respect, I show respect back. That's a good way to go through life."
"If somebody shows me respect, I show them respect back. That's a good way to go through life, whoever it is."
"Don't invest in someone based on how much you like them, invest in them based on how much they invest in you."
"Showing respect to others is a way to earn respect yourself."
"Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you."
"I think that if you live in a society, you kind of owe that society something since it gives you stuff as well."
"Generosity creates a reciprocity that allows you to dream again on a level that you have become comfortable not to dream on."
"Givers get as much out of giving as the recipient does; it's a natural inclination to give."
"You get what you give, so I think that could be talking about the effort you put into the relationship."
"The truth of this connection is that there is mutual reciprocated energy here."
"Receiving is just as important as giving, so we need to find the balance of giving and receiving."
"I just say no to struggle love and yes to reciprocity."
"The liberal soul shall be made fat; he that watereth shall be watered also himself."
"When you genuinely love people, and you don't need them to be like you in order to love them, people love you back."
"Our marriage survived because of reciprocity."
"Life gives to the giver and takes from the taker."
"Every relationship whether it's business, personal, financial, emotional, or marital will only survive to the degree that there is reciprocity."
"Reciprocity... It's how our society moves forward."
"Give if you can, receive if you need; if we cycle through this way, in the end everybody wins."
"I do want to feel love, you know what I mean? I want to be able to give it back."
"To me, true love flows both ways; it's not a one-sided thing."
"Did you realize that everything you mentioned was what you're pouring into him but you have yet to tell me how he pours into you?"
"This idea of reciprocity has evolved for social species."
"The more you're of service... the more is returned to you."
"Pure intentions and a pure heart attract positive, reciprocal energies in life."
"Givers gain: the more you give, the more you're going to receive."
"With the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
"Networking isn't just about being liked; it's about finding people who you like and who like you in return."
"Someone may owe you, or you may owe someone, but the moment you start a war, you're both evil."
"Whatever you put into the universe, you'll get back."
"The better you serve people, the more you will receive."
"It's always nice to be nice to people because you get it back in ten folds."
"Dating should be a two-way thing, and as much about what you can do for the other person as what they can do for you."
"The more I give, the more I receive; the more I receive, the more I give."
"What I give is what I get; what I do to you, I do to me."
"Wishing good for one is wishing good for all. What you wish for others will come back to you."
"You give me love, I'm gonna give you a lot of love back."
"Any kind of social interaction is to an extent reciprocal and not adversarial."
"Cultivating a healthier and more mature relationship, built on mutual respect and reciprocity."
"Reclaim your energy. Remember, the universe, Mother Earth, will always take care of you if you take care of her."
"Being supportive and caring, good communicator, efforts given to her are also reciprocated."
"What happens when I heal the land, does the land now contain the ability to heal myself and heal others?"
"There's going to be this beautiful give-and-take of love and affection, which I think is really nice."
"Give first and without expectation, and you'll get more than you can imagine."
"The more energy you feed into this opportunity, the more energy that opportunity will feed into you."
"Every relationship, project, and habit in your life should have a reciprocal exchange: you give and get back in return."
"If you're not happy with what you're getting, you better focus on what you're giving."
"You got to give respect in order to get it back."
"Society is something you participate in, you take things from society, receive certain rights...and you give certain things in return."
"A relationship should be about giving and not receiving... You will receive naturally as you give."
"We should do unto others as we would have others do unto us. That should be the United States' influence."
"Do kind things too, and it will definitely, like 100%, return to you sooner or later."
"Your self-worth is constantly shrinking if you stay in a relationship and give it your all and don't get back the basic honor."
"Family comes first, and there are actually scenarios where kids help parents out financially all the time."
"Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you."
"Every single time you guys reach out to me, you feed my soul, you bring me joy, you reciprocate that passion right back at me."
"Take care of God's house, and I know he'll take care of yours."
"Norms should be reciprocal and reliable, and if you have one party not being reciprocal or reliable, you really don't have a norm in the end."
"Those that serve the community should be protected by the community in return."
"The more money I give, the more money I receive."
"When you message them, they message you back. They don't ignore your messages."
"Yes, there were times that I was giving so much more and she was on the receiving end, but there were also times where she would do something and then I would have to be responsive to it. So to me, it was just a total partnership between the two of us."
"Caregiving, or any type of giving, signifies a one-way relationship; you're always giving and never getting anything out of it, which even with caregiving, you are getting a lot out of it. The rewards and the benefits of shared memories, shared moments, and experiences."
"Best of luck, be kind to each other, and may your gods treat you as you've treated others."
"Treat women in a reciprocal fashion as to how they treat you."
"If all of your dating advice or strategy focuses on how to get the most of what you want from other people, with no consideration whatsoever for what you're bringing to the table or how you're affecting the other person's life, then I'm sorry, but you don't deserve a good boyfriend or girlfriend."
"If you simply give a little bit more than you're expected to give, most of the time you're not going to get anything back from that, but over time you will, when you need it."
"He gave me one anecdote... he knew that there was a store owner who was going to spend the weekend organizing his shelves... so on Saturday he puts on his work clothes and he shows up at the store and he says, 'I'm here to help, just for free, for nothing, I'll just help you organize the store today.' The store owner accepted his help and bought his salt from that day forward. Why? Reciprocity."
"Treat others as you would like to be treated is written into the very fabric of the universe."
"They want to make sure they're giving you as much as you're giving them."
"It's a reciprocity ring around Silicon Valley. So if you help someone get into a round of a hot company now, it's going to come back to you later."
"When I meet somebody and they show me respect, I show them back respect."
"The African American community stood up again for me. You've always had my back, and I'll have yours."
"The energy you put out is what you get back."
"They feel like you have been showing them a lot of unconditional love, and they really want to return that."
"You're not considering yourself on the other side, you're ignoring the principle of reciprocity that is essentially the fundamental basis of all morality."
"When you start giving, that person is going to give it back to you, and you start receiving slowly. It takes patience, just like this cooking over here."
"You don't need to give so much of yourself away, especially when you know it's not being reciprocated."
"You got to watch your energy because we receive what we give out."
"God will never ask me to give him something and then give me something inferior in return."
"This new agreement is based on the principle of fairness and reciprocity, to me, it's the most important word in trade."
"Be willing to give more than you receive or debt. Give first, receive second."
"Relationships are a two-way street." - Speaker
"Those people are invested in us, so I'm gonna invest back."
"Add value first before you ask anything in return."
"Y'all really want me to win... It's kind of like what you put out, you get back." - Ivan Orji
"If there's a girl that is giving you [], you can give them [] back. I think most people will respect you more if you play rather than being a massive sim."
"You do unto others how you would want to be done unto yourself."
"The throwback is the egregiousness of it, you should do like a little give a back, give a look back, yeah."
"Politics is based off of reciprocity... civilized society."
"We're gonna have to be real, man. We got to look at this in a very honest way because we think we can cape for everybody and it's gonna be reciprocal. When has this shit been reciprocal?"
"I've always believed that the kindness you put out into the world always will come back to you."
"Life is about people. If you help people get what they want, they will help you get what you want and more."
"Be kind to animals and they will return the favor."
"Always be nice to people and then you'll get stuff."
"Relationships are a two-way street, it's a process of give and take."
"Open your heart... giving and receiving... healthy emotional connection."
"Women are reciprocal. Make her happy and she's going to make you happier right off the bat."
"A funny thing happens when you care about other people; they start to care about you."
"Whatever you want from someone else, give it to yourself first."
"You gotta watch the way you treat people because you never know when you're gonna need them."
"Reciprocity is the secret to prosperity. Give your cash out, brother."
"It's the whole idea of a free sample. The one that tastes best is generally the place I go to. America could start giving away free samples, meaning we help you, we get you fixed up, and then business will come our way."
"He didn't just wait, but he was kind. But he decided that he was going to reach out, and what happened is the blessings came right back to him. His behavior changed other people's behavior."
"If you treat me good, I'm going to treat you better; treat me wrong, so if you approach somebody like me with good intentions you're never gonna have a problem."
"Love your body and watch as it loves you back in the most extraordinary impressive way."
"A new partnership is on the horizon, mutual respect, mutual reciprocation."
"They want all the perks of friendship without providing anything back."
"I always use the Kardashians as an example to this - every single time they're coming out with a new season they have some type of scandal or some type of drama going on."
"Treat others as you would like to be treated, with courtesy and respect."
"It's a reciprocal thing. It's give and take, my guy. Like, come on now, relax."
"To make friends you've got to be a friend yourself."
"You should always treat people how you want to be treated."
"You will often get repayment in kind for the words you speak to others."
"Remember what comes back when you give away, give away, when you give it away, give away."
"Share the love and the love comes right back to you."
"Watch how you treat people on your way up because if you ever see yourself coming back down, you may need a handout here and there."
"The love you take is equal to the love you make."
"Having understanding and giving understanding should be a mutual goal and responsibility in relationship."
"Treat other people how you want to be treated. If you don't want it done to you, don't do it to anybody else. It's the easiest way not to be a piece of [__]."
"It's an absolute benefit to be able to give back to those that have given back to you."
"Nature requires balance. I give and receive."
"One who dares to give is one who dares to receive."
"Toasts are great. I mean, you toast somebody, they toast you back. It just goes round and round. That's my favorite part about toasts. The reciprocity."
"They want to be there for you, they feel like you've been there for them."
"When you value yourself, you will not engage in a non-reciprocal relationship."
"Don't text him if he's not texting you back. If he's not putting effort in, then you shouldn't be putting energy and effort back."
"It's a two-way street you always have to remember that."
"When you start doing what pleases God, He starts doing what pleases you."
"Life always works its way out as long as you put in the effort to give back to the life that you're given; life is a lazy river."
"You're going to be giving out a lot and you're going to be getting a lot in return."
"When you and I treat other people the way we want them to treat us, the Father will bless us in ways we could never begin to imagine."
"Luke 6 38 it says give and it shall be given unto me good measure press down shaken together and running over shall men give unto my bosom for the same measure that I meet with all it shall be measured to me again"
"Feelings are either shared and reciprocated, or they're not."
"Be generous because generosity is reciprocal."
"Show compassion, and it shall be given back to you."
"What the Queen does to Abigail here, is the same as what Abigail did to the bunny."
"Treat people well, and they'll treat you well."
"I'm always available just like you're not always available for me it's really the same energy you're giving me."
"Black lives do mat along with every other life that matters."
"People are gonna meet you with the energy you bring to them."
"To get something, you have to provide something, this is how nature works."
"Treat others the same you want them to treat you."
"You let God go, he'll let you go. You come back to God, he'll come back to you." - Bill Winston
"You give a little more, you get a little more. Yeah, it's also the way life works, people."
"When you give to an audience, they give back to you."
"Make sure to stay disciplined and come in with a strategy."
"Draw close to me and I will draw close unto you."
"You live a good life, you do good to people and good things come in exchange."
"I'm a big believer in tough love, yeah, absolutely. I'm a big believer, and if you meet me halfway, I'll meet you halfway and then some."
"When you're a blessing to others, then God is a blessing to you."
"I think you need to repay the favor a little bit."
"If you can't argue for the rights of your opponents, then ultimately when it comes to you having your rights threatened, there'll be no one to argue for you."
"If you learn how to give people what they need, you'll always have what you need."
"I found that in my life, when I put energy into something, it comes back." - Mark De Cascos
"The world is reflective... if you want to meet honorable people, be an honorable person."
"You're learning to have balance in your relationships, equal give and take."
"You gotta give to get and you know I'm saying, you gotta reach out for them to reach back."
"Take care of the people that take care of you."
"Karma, cause and effect. All that goodness that you have given to people will come back your way."
"You don't always have to be the giver. Let people show you what they bring to the table."
"The golden rule of life is this: do unto others as you'd want them to do to you."
"If people don't support you during your bad times, they don't deserve to be with you during your good times."
"Trust is the expectation that someone else will behave in a particular way in order to generate a positive return for you."
"When you help a friend, sometimes they help you back."
"You're not going to fight for something that's not willing to fight for you."
"Go where the energy is reciprocated, go where the magnet is pulling you."
"Expressing love opens the door to receiving more love. Be willing to express love and receive it in return."
"He felt like a guy that if you didn't invest in him, you weren't going to see any return."
"They just want to be mutual, and it's really amazing that you get them and they get you."
"Thank you guys again for everything, much love to you guys, and I know a lot of the times you reciprocate that love, and I can't thank you enough for that."
"Everyone helps me now. I have a chance to help everyone. That's wonderful."
"I think if you do the right thing for people, they'll do the right thing for you in this respect, in life in general."
"When you teach others success, that brings you more success."