
Self-reminder Quotes

There are 150 quotes

"Living a life of gratitude is actually living a life telling himself over and over: be grateful."
"Yuki reminds himself that he came to M to be a hero."
"Let's always remind ourselves why we exist, why we are doing what we're doing, and what we are trying to accomplish."
"It's easy to forget what we stand for and what's important to us when we're bogged down by the frustrations of life."
"Sometimes I have to remind myself that I'm the adult in the room."
"True black liberation is kind of just means that we just get to control our own destiny."
"Just go do it, remind yourself of what you got away from."
"Remind yourself to be relentless about success."
"Remember for yourself the rough waters that you navigated to get to where you are and remind yourself of that strength that you have gained in your own life."
"When you feel like giving up, remind yourself of the reason you got started."
"Remember who you are, remember how far you've come, and remember why you started this in the first place."
"Remind yourself of the people who care for you."
"I'm excited to have a good time, and if you are - don't forget that - like one. Okay, do not forget the like one. Okay?"
"Owning a great watch is a great thing that you can grow with and look down with throughout the day as you're working and just be reminded of your hard work."
"It's always good to be remembering to do that."
"Remember how strong you are and that every part of your journey has influenced who you are."
"Sometimes you gotta work a little bit to remind yourself of the spark."
"Remind yourself relentlessly that every action has an opposite and equal reaction."
"Reminding myself to remember that I'm so lucky and I'm so grateful."
"Remind yourself you came here to have the most magnificent life experience ever."
"Leaving finally I don't know if this storm has passed yet I think it's still here that's another thing to keep reminding yourself that the storm is."
"You have a purpose and a mission and don't you ever forget that."
"Remember who the f you are; you are in your seat of wisdom."
"'What's my phrase again?' 'Keep it true!'"
"Just remind yourself of that every time you go by the drive-thru or you think about grabbing a coffee."
"Remember who you are, what you've overcome. You've got this."
"Prayer is one of the paths of how do we remind ourselves of what we realize that we have forgotten."
"Don't forget those skills that are yours they're in your toolbox and I'm just reminding you that they're there do not forget that you possess those qualities and those skills and those strengths."
"I need to make sure that remind myself yeah that I'm good that I'm okay you know what I mean like after all this showing off his right artistic abilities."
"Just in case you forget how cool you are and how much money you've spent on this car, you get this double 07 written here."
"Remember yourself. You are the king of England. You command an entire kingdom."
"If you want to move fast, calm down. What I have to say to myself sometimes."
"I had to keep reminding myself why I was doing it and how much it meant to me."
"I would just see what I'd written to myself and I'm reminded of what I need to do if I want to achieve what I want to achieve in life."
"You have to have somebody in your life who's like, 'Okay, remember what you said to yourself.'"
"You put that on, you remembering who you are every time."
"Attitude matters. Keep reminding yourself of why you're doing this."
"Ultimately, we are human and we have to remember that we are human."
"I want to remind myself that the 'About Me' project and the 'Job Search' project cannot be started or completed until my resumes project is completed first."
"You have to remind yourself of who you are and also who you want to be, also who you are becoming."
"Remind yourself that feeling lonely is a normal experience and that it is temporary and can be overcome."
"Come back home and remind yourself of your identity, that you're a child of God."
"We all need to be reminded every day of who we truly are because we forget."
"I'm reminding myself regularly to breathe."
"He doesn't change you; he reminds you."
"Look at that every day and remind myself how broke I am, just to kind of keep me going."
"Sometimes I have to remind you just how good I am."
"Never weak, remember what you told me."
"I often have to remind myself to be patient because not everyone moves at my pace."
"This is what I do to like have fun, so I have to remind myself of that, that it's just fun."
"Use it as an opportunity to remind yourself what inspires you."
"You're Robin fucking Williams. I know it. The world knows it. You just need to remember that."
"It's not like a bragging thing, it's just a nice reminder to me throughout the filming, editing, the whole process that I'm really blessed and I have lots to be grateful for."
"I love reminding myself of all the things that I want in life, and that really helps to motivate me."
"Don't forget about yourself because, girl, I haven't forgotten about you."
"We really want to remind ourselves to feel something, show some emotion."
"Remember why you came here today, focus on what motivates you."
"Remember your level, remember you are the Misfits Champion."
"Take a second right now, go get on your phone, write a little reminder that you're going to make an appointment today."
"You gotta remind yourself, I'm about to walk in, I'm irritated maybe because of this or that, like my wife and kid have nothing to do with that."
"I have to remind myself to be grateful."
"Just to go a little bit extra and remind yourself of the good."
"Sometimes you really just got to buy new shoes and remember who the [expletive] you are."
"I reminded myself to treat her with the respect that I wanted to be treated with."
"You have to be thankful and humble and have to remind myself over and over again to do it."
"Now is a good time to remind yourself of why you hit that play button today."
"Remind yourself that you are helping people communicate."
"Note to self: Your diary is a good place to remind yourself that things aren't always as bad as you think."
"You have to remind yourself that you got to start somewhere."
"I think just trying to keep calm, trying to keep in control, and then just continually reminding yourself to do that."
"Remind yourself that the best years of your life are on the road ahead."
"Remember who you are. You're my son, you're a martial artist, you're a member of this family, you live in California."
"Christians should preach the gospel to themselves every day."
"Remind yourself of how powerfully you came through this the last time."
"Remember the true you, remember what you said you were going to do."
"Just always using this practice as a way of reminding ourselves how strong, how capable we really are."
"I got that dog in me, it makes me remember that I got that dog in me."
"I remind myself why I should be happy, and usually, that makes me happy again."
"Write yourself a little reminder that says 'be curious' or 'ask questions'."
"No good change happens overnight, just reminding myself of that."
"It's a reminder whenever I get down that you know I've accomplished some pretty big things."
"I'm so lucky and I keep reminding myself that."
"I always think if you can remind yourself why you're doing it, then it's that extra reminder, isn't it? Like, this is important to you, you need to try and do this."
"Remind yourself that there are benefits to being patient."
"Remember who you are, man. Come on."
"Consistently remind yourself of your why."
"It's reminded me for myself how important it is to always continue to fight every single day."
"I'm a winner, if there's one thing to remember."
"Don't panic," she reminded herself. "Breathe in, breathe out."
"Remembering that you are the prize."
"Hold that full heart, hold that focus, remind yourself who you are, and keep pushing."
"Just to continually remind myself to stay humble and to stay connected to the earth and to being grounded."
"Trust the process, right? I'm working out, I'm getting strong, and I want to wear this shirt to remind me."
"I've got to remember to breathe myself!"
"It reminds me of why I'm here, what my goals are."
"I reminded myself that sometimes it's nice to just try something new."
"This is as much a reminder for me as it is for you."
"Hands to the forehead to remind you to have clear and loving thoughts."
"Regardless of where you find yourself in life, you must constantly remind yourself that you've been planted."
"Still I rise, just to remind myself every day I still gotta rise."
"Remember who you are. You're the chosen one."
"It's good to remind oneself and then sometimes the experience of peace and happiness comes."
"They're not your children," she reminded herself.
"Sometimes you gotta remind yourself who you are."
"We have to choose to replace it with scripture, by simply reminding ourselves of our purpose."
"I think we all have to remember that."
"I am the blood of the dragon," Daenerys Targaryen reminded herself.
"I just keep reminding myself that I have the joy of living within me."
"It's important to remember to be human. We are humans."
"Remind yourself of all the achievements you have achieved till this day."
"Wear your necklace as a reminder that you are one of a kind, the best kind."
"It's just like reminding me to stay present."
"...Caleb tried to remind himself of how lucky he was."
"Just breathe, because I feel like we all need to just remind ourselves that even though everything's heavy around us right now, we've still got to look after ourselves."
"I wanted to remind myself to always be humble."
"In moments of adversity, remember the bravery within you."
"It reminds you that you're an artist too."
"It's so easy to get distracted, so I just needed a reminder for myself: ignore the noise, ignore the social media, ignore whatever it is that is distracting to you, and just focus on your work."
"Remember who you are, that this is not who you are. You don't crumble."
"Note to self: Don't undo all of the progress you have made this week. Remember your goals and have a great weekend."
"If you ever get confused, or you ever get sad, or you get depressed, or you ever have a reason to feel like whatever, the world's not going in your flavor, just stop for a second and remember that you are amazing."
"Every single time I remind myself I'm become a queen warrior."
"I need to continue to remind myself to drink more water."
"I have to remind myself that, yes, they have a perfect couch and I don't, it's okay."
"Just take a moment here to remind yourself of why you come to your mat, why you practice."
"A New Earth is one of the great books that I have listened to and I actually continue to listen to over and over to just remind myself of the message."
"I need to remind myself to not forget to have a great day."
"I just try to keep it simple, man. I just got to remember, you know, I'm human."
"Remember the self-love, remember you love yourself."
"This is the challenge that you need to remember and it is really important indeed because this is to do with the part of your progress."
"It's going to remind you of exactly who you are, what you want to do, and what your dream is."
"Your power is to stay positive, keep reminding yourself of how far you've come."
"Don't forget how strong you are, and remember that strength comes from within."
"Note to self: good things are coming."
"I just remind myself all the time, I just have to do a little bit at a time."
"I just gotta remind myself of who I am and that I really am the best in the world."
"Sometimes Pisces can forget that their happiness is somehow supposed to factor into the equation."