
Disconnection Quotes

There are 685 quotes

"We've fallen into the trap that we are users of computers and electronics with no connection to our animal selves."
"Modern society has disconnected us from our natural environment."
"The normality in our society is that people are disconnected from who they are."
"The food is no longer connecting to the aspects of the body that they need to connect to to nourish."
"Your ability to disconnect from the internet and live in your body is very valuable."
"If you haven't heard of it, click off this video before it's too late. Put down your phone, go smell a flower or something."
"Because no one ever truly knows what it's like to be someone else, this necessary disconnection from each other is what creates an existential loneliness in modern society."
"Loneliness is feeling disconnected from others, even when they're right next to you."
"Disconnecting from people and places and the loneliness that comes with that is one of the most common signs of spiritual awakening."
"Disconnection happens multiple times throughout our lives."
"Sometimes doing nothing is just the best thing. Just turn off."
"Inquiry allows us to notice anything that separates us, disconnects us from the heart."
"Maybe we should do the same today... the first thing the power will do is again to disconnect us, and in today's society without digital connections, we are lost."
"It's important to disconnect, and that looks different for everyone."
"Rage and disconnection are signs to sit down with somebody that you love, someone you trust or a professional, and just say, 'I'm finding myself disengaging from life; I'm finding myself wanting to swing and hit everything.'"
"When we disconnected from nature, we lost our connection and now our bodies are on fire."
"The level of disconnect between the governors and the governed has never been wider in my lifetime."
"They are choosing to distrust in a way that causes them to disconnect with even just the most basic fundamental reality around them."
"Disconnecting ironically can help you reconnect."
"The more connected we become, the more disconnected we feel."
"The only chance of preserving truly preserving this soul connection is actually to disconnect to walk away to fully choose yourself."
"Sometimes you have to disconnect in order to reconnect to the things that matter most to you."
"The best thing I like about flying is being disconnected. It's a luxury thing to be disconnected from the ground, and free up your mind."
"I like to over direct everything back, create that disconnection, then go in and fine-tune the line again."
"Loneliness is a state of isolation, a feeling of disconnection with other people and the world."
"You feel disconnected, you feel like you don't belong."
"If you feel disconnected... ultimately not in a universe that loves you, nourishes you, supports you..."
"They seem out of touch. They seem to not care. They don't seem to be interested in taking care of people with needs that have been adversely impacted by COVID."
"We are a world dying under anesthesia for lack of authentic connection with the living world out of which we came."
"Scientology's rules are the reason Tom Cruise disconnected from his daughter."
"Next time on Turning Point: 'Disconnection - the fear of being alone.'"
"These people do not care about you or your problems."
"Nature is very important; we are part of nature, and we lost this connection, especially in medicine."
"The barrier of time keeps us from connecting with the people in our lives who matter most."
"Don't be distracted by The Matrix, we need to unplug ourselves from the Matrix."
"Modern work leads to alienation and a feeling of disconnection."
"The stock market has no obligation to reflect the actual state of our economy."
"Even now, we are not so much divided as we are disconnected."
"The way to set this right may just be to disconnect."
"The White House is wildly out of touch with the American people on this thing, like super out of touch."
"Turn off the volume of your smartphone, turn off notifications, and also turn off your phone."
"The disconnection is needed because within disconnection comes healing."
"This country is not divided; we're just disconnected."
"Sometimes the only way to be really connected is to disconnect for a while."
"You're not going to win by detaching from spirit."
"The elites have no regard for what their audience or their fans or supporters feel and believe."
"Just unplug. Do something else. Relax, you've earned it."
"Disconnect from those intent on doing harm. Shun participation with those who perpetuate wrongdoing."
"There's no willing to communicate anymore, not even personally."
"It's important that we keep perspective and we disconnect from some of that."
"It's a good first step is to try to unplug and really disconnect yourself."
"One of my favorite things about camping is just unplugging and disconnecting."
"Maybe it's just that in our 21st century lives we're kind of divorced from the natural world around us in a lot of ways."
"Reading is my Escape, it is my way to completely disconnect from reality."
"Disconnect and take a break. You need to disconnect from technology, from the hustle and the bustle, from your friends, from your family, from things that are stressing you out."
"When we judge, we are separating from that oneness, we are separating from that truth within us."
"It's about disconnecting and enjoying the peace and quiet out in the mountains, getting away from the everyday life."
"There's a huge disconnect between things said online and reality."
"There's a prodigal that's a religious prodigal, staying in the vicinity of the father, hanging out in the father's field, but disconnected from the father."
"Disconnection is complete... you will not have any contact with any person still in Scientology."
"Is your joy leaking out because you're disconnected?"
"When you're lost and like nobody has made you feel, and you don't have anything right and you feel like, oh it's better over there they tell me that they really have culture chat..."
"This is a major, major moment... we're gonna have to disconnect from where our emotions are being stuck on."
"We have lost our sense of compassion, we have lost our connection to each other."
"All he does is complain like an old out of touch guy who is very rich."
"The media is broadly out of touch with the core concerns of working class Americans."
"Modern cars bear no resemblance to the streetcar, so you don't feel the connection."
"There's such a disconnect between our politicians and this issue of climate change."
"Humanity decided to experiment: What would happen if we cut ourselves off from God consciousness?"
"Unplug from the politics, get outside, connect with friends, connect with family."
"A sense of disconnection: the seventh sign we explore is a sense of disconnection a feeling that paradoxically can act as a powerful Catalyst for spiritual growth and self-discovery."
"It is about lost souls who wander our streets untethered to home or family or reality."
"The childhoods that most of us have grown up in were keeping us disconnected from ourselves, from our life, and from our relationships."
"The further you can disconnect, the better trader you're going to be."
"We have a ruling class that doesn't have any kind of internal social coherence."
"The biggest freedom in the future will be the freedom to switch off, to touch something real, enjoy nature."
"Many people are saying this doesn't represent me anymore."
"We're in a crisis of connection, this disconnection from ourselves and disconnection from each other."
"It feels good not to know what's going on in the world, you know, and just know what's going on with my world for real."
"Pisces wants us to tap into the spiritual growth, wants us to disconnect from this physical reality, the present moment, this timeline and to go higher."
"The disconnect between the politicians and what's really happening on the ground."
"The Democrats have abandoned many voters... they left you rudderless."
"I feel like a boomer sometimes completely defazed from the current way people are interacting with the game."
"There's no Wi-Fi available out here, so you're well served to use this trip as an opportunity to unplug and relax."
"When the children go to bed, I ask this question because I've actually lost touch with the real world."
"In the near future, there's a specific person here who you disconnected from. You disconnected from this person because of personal reasons."
"If Vince McMahon is not listening to his fucking grandkids, what do you think he thinks about us?"
"We must daily unplug from the newsreel, from what other people are thinking, and from our own opinions."
"Do what you want to do... disconnecting in general is so good."
"I'm really disconnected. It's funny, you do stuff even like my last special, my last special without a doubt the best special I've ever done."
"Players learned two things about Blizzard from Diablo Immortal: Blizzard was immensely out of touch with what its fan base wanted and Blizzard had no problem shoving 10 Slots of monetization into a five-slot stash."
"I have no emotional attachment to Manchester United anymore."
"It's like you're tuned into it, assessing it, considering your engagement with it, and then suddenly it's just off the radar."
"I hope my mom does that. She doesn't speak to me anymore. I've been disconnected from both my parents for about six and a half seven years."
"The moment I disconnect, I can see the world for the first time."
"I hope you have an amazing weekend and you unplug from politics a little bit."
"I've just taken a three-month holiday, of course I don't know what's going on."
"The worst thing in the world is when they're actually having fun but they're not alive like they're they're in there they're there but they're not there."
"We must deliberately take time each day to disconnect from the world and connect with heaven."
"You must have a room or a certain hour a day or so where you do not know what was in the newspapers that morning."
"The whole experience felt a little disconnected for me."
"When you meditate, you mute out this matrix."
"The chance to truly disconnect from everything else for a little while and make some real change in your life."
"The way for the universe to respect you, for you to respect yourself, and for people to send you positive energy is to properly disconnect."
"The disconnect between humans and the real world today is absolutely... I don't even know the word, how to describe it. It's just sad."
"You may feel disconnected from other people no matter how connected they actually are to you."
"It was somewhere they would go to like disconnect from the world and connect with family and spend some real good quality time together."
"His disconnection from the game aspect of this game show and just kind of acting chill all the time is reasonably endearing."
"What's causing this disconnection?"
"America is fractured and living in a quiet crisis of disconnection."
"Some of the woodlands out there are some of the last great wilderness areas on the west coast, the kind of places where radio or even cell towers won't reach, the kind of place that when you're there we truly are disconnected from the modern world."
"The essence of trauma is disconnection from ourselves."
"I would literally just log out of social media for like two weeks."
"I didn't feel connected to anybody."
"We're so ensconced in technology that we grow further and further dissociated from each other."
"We stopped knowing each other we stopped feeling each other's feelings."
"People sometimes contract everything out and they're disconnected from the process. They don't understand how important this step is."
"I feel like there's a lot of suffering in the world at the moment and I also feel like we are more lost and disconnected than I think we've ever been before."
"They feel disconnected, especially on a spiritual level, and this person may not understand what's going on."
"Disconnected but beautifully raw."
"One of you walked away from this connection."
"It suggests that the feelings of disconnection and isolation that plague our modern existence can be healed through a deeper understanding of the universe's Quantum fabric."
"We're a nation of strangers, too atomized, alienated, checked out, too collectively throw our windows open and scream Howard Beal's line into the rainy night."
"What happens when we lose that connection towards... Live Theater?"
"They are growing impatient about the disconnect."
"So many of us are becoming so disassociated from real life and detached from real life. It's like we become more detached and less connected from human beings and reality."
"We're more connected than we've ever been in that realm and more disconnected than we could ever imagine becoming in the real world."
"Many people... began to drop out of church attendance... Many failed or I should say refused to rejoin the community at large, the body of Christ."
"I think loneliness is a thing that's getting more and more prevalent in this society where people are getting more and more disconnected by being online."
"I don't care about what time it is, I don't care what day it is, and most of the time, I don't know it."
"Your wealth is going to go straight up. You will relocate, and that's when you two will truly be disconnected. It's a warning."
"It feels like you're on a different planet."
"There's always going to be times when you feel disconnected and then later reconnected."
"I just felt so, I guess, excluded, yeah. Well, I just couldn't relate to anything they were really talking about."
"I just want to be left alone. I don't want any connection with Mr. Montgomery."
"Loneliness is a subjective feeling of disconnection, a subjective feeling that the people around you don't see you truly, don't get you, don't fully appreciate you."
"The light is building I just wonder how many people will survive they cut the internet off."
"They can suffer relationally because they cut themselves off and isolate themselves due to their disconnection from people."
"Everything's changed and I'm older now, so I don't care because I'm not a part of it anymore. Like, I have a big bernardoodle or like a half a Bernese mountain dog half doodle. I walk them around my neighborhood. I feel safe. But as far as what I see, I don't get it anymore."
"It's like all the pieces don't really stitch up."
"Everybody's separating from everybody else."
"Our little seaglass and rock hunting adventures help us disconnect from technology."
"This is a place that feels truly isolated, disconnected from the rest of the world."
"This person is quite disconnected... they're not fully in their authenticity."
"She constantly felt like his head was in a fog."
"We felt disconnected a lot on tour and in our relationship."
"Shame is ultimately the fear of disconnection."
"It does feel disjointed sometimes."
"There's no hope of him connecting."
"I'm sorry, but I still don't understand how this story relates to me or that awful place back there."
"I'm genuinely so sick and [ __ ] tired of seeing out of touch influencers."
"You become disconnected with who you are and your own feelings."
"I lost all sense of self and then, for a time, my consciousness seemed to be taken off the grid entirely."
"Literally, if there was a festival where they're like, 'Hey guys, this is a big retreat and it's all healthy and stuff,' you feel want to get rid of everyone's electronics, put them all in the house, and then someone goes ram [ __ ] on the [ __ ] island. That's what we need."
"This disconnection from the past is almost a feature of our age."
"It felt like I was in a different world. Everything felt alien to me."
"It felt to me like I couldn't have a conversation with her at that point. She was not listening, and I didn't want to interact any further."
"I turned my back towards Madison and the rest of the people because it felt to me like I couldn't have a conversation with her at that point. She wasn't listening, and I didn't want to interact any further."
"This is kind of like the most isolating time in human history... the isolation has caused a huge amount of loneliness, disconnection, division."
"I felt completely out of it and really exhausted."
"Excessive use of electronic devices can disrupt our energetic balance and create a sense of disconnection."
"Those were some of the best memories, you know, traveling across America and like not having a phone, just having a laptop, not being able to speak to my girlfriend at the time or my family or anything, right? It was just a way of being banned."
"You're nobody to me, you cut me off, we're done."
"Disconnection isn't just cruel, it's bad strategy. If you want someone's heart to be softened towards your belief system, how would shunning them do that? Scientology isn't faith but obedience."
"When you're disconnected from your emotions, you end up feeling depressed."
"When you're disconnected from your emotions, you end up in a bad neighborhood."
"When we're not with the fears, then it becomes aggression aimed towards others because we become unreal. We're disconnected and 'other' becomes unreal."
"Time outdoors without a phone reminds me I want to go camping soon."
"What happens when I cut myself off? What happens when I cut that energy off?"
"You're never more alone than when you're alone next to the person you're supposed to be connected with."
"They really just feel disconnected from the space. It's very like depressing."
"There's something terrifying yet so relieving about waking up in the middle of nowhere with no cell phone reception."
"Wow, we created this tool that was really powerful, really amazing, has done a ton of good, right, has connected people in some ways, but it's also like radically disconnected us from each other."
"I love if I'm going out to dinner with people I want to sit and I want to talk with them and I would eat enjoy the evening I I stick my nose up at a table full of people on their phones."
"Okay, well, I guess when you're over here watching the bowling tournament - you."
"So I was totally disconnected from the rest of the world, but for me, that was a very important mission because, first of all, I brought my guys back. I'm very proud of that. Those guys would have not survived it."
"You're the way that you relate to women has more to do with... I feel like I'm getting a disconnection."
"But that's what kind of that's what pisses me off because it's not it's got nothing to connect it to the original show."
"It is here that small villages pass by your window, they seem so far away from each other, so disconnected and remote."
"These are really diseases of disconnection."
"He was so disconnected from his friends because nobody could understand him fully."
"This trip is about spending uninterrupted time in nature completely disconnected and spending some intentional time together."
"Loneliness is disconnection from each other, and maybe loneliness at the most fundamental level starts with disconnection from yourself."
"These are all things you could do to help you unplug from the system: repentance, living the life of repentance, reading your Bible."
"Family disconnection is failing our children."
"The level of disconnection between crimes and the death penalty is so grand."
"Someone is viewing you as a burden and that's why they're going to disconnect from you."
"In a world of endless connectivity and noise, the constant barrage of information is leading us to overwhelming stress, disconnecting us from inner peace, and making us strangers to the natural world around us."
"They never attempted to contact us again."
"Loneliness is also being disconnected from your own essence."
"The only way you can escape is by disconnecting from the global economy."
"Disconnect from the godless cities with relentless economic oppression."
"It's just weird, you know? It's weird when you don't know what the hell's going on with your own sport."
"This movie is like a fever dream. It's like everyone else in the room is elevated but me, you know?"
"Imagine waking up and feeling disconnected from your present life."
"LA is like waking up to the most beautiful woman you've ever met every morning that you have nothing in common with."
"post covid-19 this sense of isolation and disconnection has become even more magnified"
"The issue is you've lost the network. You're like a cell phone in a dead zone."
"I wish I was there, you know what I'm saying? No one had the phones out and I don't know, it just seemed better to me."
"It's like a disconnection from what we value in the first place, out of desperation to stop this crazy threat cycle."