
Self-realization Quotes

There are 5721 quotes

"I hope what they'll walk away with is the realization that you are the instrument of your life."
"The great ones are the ones who let go completely and they all said the same thing when they came back: 'I am the universe, I am everything.'"
"Enlightenment is going from believing that you're one of these bubbles to realizing that you're the entire sponge and that the entire sponge is infinite."
"To be able to do that, to be able to open up, to be able to see what a beautiful person you are inside, that's some of the purpose of our spiritual life."
"Allowing yourself to become who you've always meant to be."
"You are 100% fulfillment, we just need to come back to that and realize that and be our own fulfillment."
"The awareness, Atman, pure consciousness, it's a donkey smuggling donkeys, always under our noses, we don't notice it."
"Living your life by the 'shoulds'...you wind up in a place where you completely forget your wants."
"Now, I get to reduce it and get to live the next 40 years of my life, being the woman I wanted to be in the beginning."
"Self-realization is a long journey worth pursuing."
"You will experience massive growth and maturity if you realize this for yourself and all of its implications."
"The human being has a has its own infinite capacity to grow into and embody what we realize, and there doesn't seem to be an end to that."
"You are the ancestors. You're the best of their genes, the latest version, and the highest tech model."
"The process of enlightenment is this stepwise process to become aware that you are actually divine and eternal."
"The primary purpose of meditation is self-realization, enlightenment."
"What you guys need to know right now is that yes, baby, you're going through a spiritual awakening, you're going through a self-awakening, self-realization."
"Tell yourself again and again 'I am that,' till it tingles with every drop of your blood... it becomes very vivid."
"You are that consciousness. Normally, we think, before examination, before Advaita, before Ashtavakra, we think I am this."
"You are Nirvikalpa... you are awareness, you are consciousness."
"Brahman alone is real, the world is an appearance, and you are none other than Brahman."
"You are not somebody who becomes free; you are freedom itself."
"You are the only reality. This is the ultimate truth."
"Realizing the self in all and all in the self, free from egoism and free from the sense of mine, be happy."
"This language, the seeing oneself, the self in all beings and all beings in the self, this expresses the highest realization in Advaita Vedanta."
"The recognition of our true nature is unshakable peace."
"You are not a body, hence not subject to old age, disease, and death. You are not even the mind, not subject to confusion, sorrow, and disappointment. You are an immortal awareness, consciousness."
"You become infinite by this knowledge. You realize your infinity."
"God can't help you because you are God separating yourself."
"At dawn, I contemplate on the sense of 'I', Atma doctrine, this I-consciousness which is always continuing within us, which is of the nature of existence, consciousness, bliss."
"You're finally realizing your own power and you're finally taking wise leadership over your life."
"We run through life like hunted animals, unfulfilled, terrorized... The problem is solved at one go, at one blow, when you realize yourself as this Atman, the infinite consciousness, beyond body and mind."
"There's a spotlight you're meant to step into."
"Each soul is potentially divine, and the goal is to manifest this divinity already within us by work or worship or philosophy or devotion, one or more or all of these, and be free."
"Awakening is realizing that you are larger than the entire universe."
"What is more important, enlightenment or the fact that you are Brahman? That you are Purnam is the more important thing, and enlightenment will come of itself."
"Enlightenment is the truth of no self, meaning that there is no such thing as the entity that you personally think and believe that you are."
"All of us have enormous power; we just don't realize it sometimes, and we don't realize how to unlock it and to use it."
"When you come into acceptance, you come into your personal power."
"The Buddha said that the great suffering we experience is not realizing the truth of who we are."
"Religion is realization; it's not just about believing in doctrines but about self-realization."
"Advaita Vedanta is direct; it is concerned solely with self-realization and enlightenment."
"In Advaita Vedanta, the journey is from ignorance to knowledge, from not realizing to realizing your true self."
"That thou art - You are that ultimate reality; realizing this solves all problems and leads to fulfillment."
"You have more of an ability to achieve what it is that you think that you want than you realize."
"Seeing that reality Brahman within and seeing that reality outside, you become that reality, you are that reality, and you find bliss and peace and completeness in that reality and never slip away from that reality."
"We are all heroes in the end, we just don't know it."
"You're blossoming into who you really want to be."
"What we really are, not what we think of ourselves, but what we really are, is the central teaching of Vedanta."
"We are finally realizing what's been holding us back, and we're ready to cut those things out of our life."
"Realizing that you are a powerful, amazing being that has great purpose."
"You're starting to realize your own personal power and the power that you have to manifest on this earth."
"You are starting to become a lot more empowered."
"Ralph Waldo Emerson said that a young man reveres men of genius because to speak truly, they are more himself than he is."
"For ages, I was lost; now, finally, I see how dark my soul had become."
"The truth is that we're all the master, we're all the healer, we're all the mystic."
"How would it feel to be fully seen for the full potential of who you are?"
"You weren't given these desires for them to mock you; you're given these desires because it's in alignment with who you are."
"He tried his best to cultivate powers for 11 years before realizing that he was not cut out to be a hunter."
"Pathological Envy is engendered by the realization of some lack, deficiency, or inadequacy in oneself."
"Sometimes you think your purpose is one thing; life is ever-changing. There's levels to this, but you got to redesign and clarify. That's life."
"We only realize who we are when we are stripped of them. Instead of finding we are nothing, we find that they are nothing."
"If you go to hell, you send yourself down there... Hell is a place with an open door. You can walk out any time if you understand what love and forgiveness is."
"The goal of the sacred woman is to get your power back."
"Every man is Mary and birth to Christ must give."
"I am the underlying consciousness in all of these three states; I am that fourth, the Turiya, the one unlimited consciousness."
"Brahma consciousness is Brahman. In fact, any sentence in the Upanishads which gives you an identity between yourself and that ultimate reality is a mahavakya."
"The realization that I am infinite existence, consciousness, bliss."
"That thou art. This profound statement captures the essence of Vedanta."
"I am the awakened Buddha, meaning thereby that the rest of us are either sleeping or dreaming or sleepwalking. There is something, a higher life, into which we awaken."
"Enlightenment and love come from the experience of realizing our true nature, beyond suffering and toward fulfillment."
"Advaita Vedanta teaches us that we are not the body or the mind, but the immortal self, always pure and free."
"One day the creator of the universe decided that he wanted to create humans... He asked these creatures, 'I have a gift that I want to give to humans but only when they're ready for it. It's the realization that they are the source of great power and can create their own reality. Where should I hide it?'"
"God is perfectly detached, doesn't care which way things go, other than preferring that you wake up to realize that you are me."
"All life is from within out. This is something that cannot be reiterated too often."
"Your mentality is shifting to realize your greatness and your power."
"Your greatest contribution to humanity is your own self-realization as you uplift yourself, you have to lift everyone else around you."
"What is the essence of enlightenment? It's always forever here; it's who you are. And in fact, that is the only essential question: 'Who are you really, right now?'"
"Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life because you become what you believe."
"And yet when you do meet the personification of your own imagination, you see a man, and that man is infinite love."
"God is most present here where you are, because you are Brahman."
"God is most present in you. So most present in you, most present now, most present here, this is what Maya actually means."
"Advaita Vedanta in its final analysis does not actually dismiss the world. What Advaita does is it makes you limitless."
"Peace comes within the souls of men when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers."
"That vision, that True Vision, that's your real identity."
"Self-realization is the highest experience you will ever have, it is the highest state, it is the epitome of life for you to find out who you are in there."
"This sense of purpose, sense of living to our potential, this self-realization that there is more to us than sleeping, eating, and working/career."
"The Creator of all Creation is operating Specifically through me, therefore the WORK MUST BE PERFECTLY DONE. YOUR MIND IS A CENTER OF DIVINE OPERATION."
"I didn't even realize how close to the bottom the things that I wanted for me were, until I saw it in front of me."
"The closer you get to experiencing something that we might call our own deeper nature or reality or truth, the more paradoxical our experience becomes."
"You've got to be it intellectually, you've got to be it emotionally."
"When you get sick and tired of being sick and tired, that's when you finally say the magic words of transformation."
"You are coming into yourself, coming into your own."
"I want you to see the power that you have within you. I want you to be open and receptive to that truth, that infinite potential. I want you to see that dream that you've been working on, and I want you to see it come to fruition."
"There is no journey because what you are seeking is already all there is."
"You are God. Not in the egotistical sense, but literally, you created the entire universe. You are the entire universe."
"You have to go at it directly to realize that you are infinite love."
"I realized that I had the game wrong, but the game was to find out what I already was."
"God has a plan for all of us, and that was the plan He had for me. I maximized my ability based on the plan He had for me."
"I realized that I had the game wrong. The game was to find out what I already was."
"Once you find that you realize, 'I that consciousness, I am never born, I never die, can never die.'"
"Your destiny is greatness and you know this on the inside."
"The fifth and final step to freedom concerns living free."
"All is one existence, and that one existence you are."
"Greatness is being able to have this moment of clarity and realize, 'Wow, look at where I'm at. Look at what I'm doing. Wow, what else can I do?'"
"Your future self is looking at you in the present moment, saying 'You will be this. I see that you are already this. Let me guide you into being that.'"
"I got to wake up, the slap on the face, and the punch in the gut that said, 'Hey, you have one precious life.'"
"Realizing your talents and gifts and becoming so confident in yourself that you don't question yourself."
"He looks at the world with new eyes, connected and whole, realizing that the purpose of his journey was not to disconnect from his physical body and become a spiritual creature, but to find a fusion and harmony between the mind, body, and soul as one."
"Most of us are very strongly drawn to love, and it's part of the highest realization of you being what you can be."
"You are reaching and realizing your potential and how limitless and infinite your potential really is."
"The ultimate goal is not to gain some powers or accomplishments but to realize self-knowledge."
"This abundance in your real nature, the Atman, is the goal of all yogas."
"Lots of young people have never thought about who it is that they could be if they started to be the person they could be."
"Always remember, you are God picturing; your God intelligence directing; you are God power propelling."
"I feel very in alignment with my vision and my purpose."
"I pretended to be somebody I wanted to be, and I finally became that person."
"The risk of remaining tight in a bud was greater than the risk it took to blossom."
"Forgiveness... is letting a prisoner go and realizing that you were the prisoner the whole time."
"Liberation is about balance but also liberating yourself and realizing you have to do your own thing."
"The chance to become someone rather than listen to someone is the difference between education culture and advice."
"It's so true that people say 'you can't heal through someone else,' but feeling loved made me realize I should probably love myself."
"You're growing, you're experiencing more of life, and you're coming to accept more and more of it until you realize what you really are is you are infinity itself."
"The vision that you glorify in your mind, the idea that you enthrone in your heart, this you will build by your life and this you will become."
"You're not going crazy, you're just waking up."
"You are already that which you want to be, and your refusal to believe this is the only reason you do not see it."
"You guys have become very successful because of everything that you've gone through. You became this person that you're meant to be."
"Overcoming fear is the best feeling when you realize it was all just a bunch of nonsense in your head."
"Ayahuasca tells you you're water borrowed from the ocean that the ocean forgot."
"Becoming nobody is so powerful because out of the nothing comes everything."
"It's like at the end of the day, what's really exciting is you're going to realize how far you've come and how different your life is from how it is right now."
"Hell on earth is meeting the man or woman you could have been."
"He loves me. I have been a gift to him. What a earth-shattering realization for me to let that in."
"You don't have to prove yourself; you need to realize it within yourself."
"Once you cross that line or that bridge, or whatever you want to call it, it's liberating."
"You hear my heart and you make me the most amazing leader, the most powerful woman, and the most blessed human being."
"At the last hour of our last day, only two things will matter: who did we become as compared to our promise, and how many people did we help."
"It's been enough of being other people, enough of spending my life trying to be who my mom wants me to be, in producers and record labels, and like, I'm done."
"You made me realize that I am someone who is deeply loyal and committed."
"When we fully understand oneness that we all are that one spark, that one Infinite Creator... we begin to have a lot of these superpowers that we're talking about. But the number one superpower is beginning to understand the true nature of what we are."
"You're more powerful than you think. Way more powerful. God only knows what you are in the final analysis."
"The illusion disappears forever; Atman is Brahman. You, the eternal self, is the whole self."
"The first enlightenment is to realize fully that you are part everything in existence. The second enlightenment is to realize fully that everything is a part of you."
"Imagine Gilgamesh reacting to the fact that he is two-thirds god, one-third man for the first time. Dude, those fractions got crazy."
"Deception in its purest form is when a person doesn't know that he's deceived."
"All we have to do is become who we are authentically."
"I am infinite intelligence in a physical body. I easily create new ways of thinking and doing things."
"You're gonna start to realize more and more of what you want."
"The ultimate goal of Advaita’s teachings is to lead you to personally realize non-dual brahman as the essence of your being, as your own true self."
"Your mistakes could be the aspect in your life that changes you, the aspect that makes you realize what you can do."
"In order for a person to reach their full potential, they must first feel truly and 100% accepted as they are."
"Not only am I looking at God, but I am God. God is what I am."
"Shrek's need, however, is to realize that a life with loved ones is so much more fulfilling than living alone."
"You are Brahman now, after realization, but before realization you are not Brahman. You are Brahman right now."
"By seeing that the self is eternal and the not self non-eternal... you will realize the self alone is non-dual, Advaita."
"The soul wants the remembrance of its Lord; that's where it's at home."
"We have two lives, and the second begins when we realize we only have one."
"Your seat is reserved somewhere else, and once you sit on your seat, you are so deeply connected with your life purpose."
"I think now seeing everything, I think I've been lying to myself."
"The imprisoned self, to be what we are and to become what we are capable of being, is the only end of life."
"When you realize the unity in the universe, knowing that everything's you... loneliness naturally dissolves from there."
"This is your spiritual awakening, baby... realizing who you're supposed to be and where you're supposed to be."
"Only one who knows his slavery can aspire to be free."
"Nature coming back to your natural state, what we want to be, rather than living in the restriction of other people or other thoughts or other things that we think that we need to uphold."
"It's not about bettering yourself; it's about realizing you're already up here."
"It's not about adding; it's about realizing that you're already there and getting rid of everything telling you you're not."
"You become so much freer as a person, you become so much happier as a person once you start realizing these things."
"Whatever you were born to do is built inside of you, and it's natural."
"The only thing that frees another being is a free being."
"You were the first gay person I'd ever met. To me, you were what it means. And I wasn't going to stay in the closet after that."
"The realization you've been here all the way along, it was like I had a dream and I awoke. Oh, the dream was that I was separate."
"By the time I had got to June 1st, I was the happiest I've ever been in my life."
"I shouldn't be alive, unless it was for a reason. I just finally know what I have to do."
"I've done it, at long last, I've bested Kakarot."
"Enlightenment is of the moment, is an opening to intelligent infinity; it can only be accomplished by the self, for the self."
"The goal of life is to manifest the divinity already within us."
"If we realize ourselves as Brahman, then the promise is that you would overcome all sorrow, all suffering."
"I am telling you, that is not it. I'm telling you I am the guy who's got everything, but once you've got everything, then you're just left with yourself."
"I felt complete, and I'd feel like I'm a whole person."
"We often find our destiny by trying to avoid it."
"The whole point is to convince yourself, see the truth, and get the benefit from it."
"Your spiritual DNA is perfect; there is perfection within you, and you are truly God's highest form of creation."
"What interests me is realizing my potential and creating a life that I feel is colorful and dynamic."
"You have a higher spiritual purpose on this earth."
"People change the direction and the trajectory of their lives when they finally have an 'I've had it' moment."
"By the end, Po and the others learn that the limitless power is not some magical technique or hidden energy. It's the realization that you were special just the way you are."
"Glow up isn't about physical looks... it's literally stepping into your truth and your power."
"The most important truth that changed my whole life... was what I read in John 17:23, that God loves Jesus' disciples as much as he loved Jesus... It's an incredible truth to believe that God loves us."
"I am that. Say it to yourself three times. I am that. I am that. I am that."
"Realization of inherent capacity for great things, convictions that we are intended to succeed, and that it is a positive sin to spoil the plans of our Creator by failing, would revolutionize our lives."
"You are already that person of what you're wanting to be. That will bring it to you."
"The very endowment that confers richness and complexity also sets bounds on what can be attained."
"When a man meets his mission, he and his mission become one."
"We are not a class of folks that are beaten or downtrodden or are incapable... we as people are capable of so much more than we ourselves even realize."
"I am the cosmos embodied, and that is a truth."
"Nothing is yet set in stone; it's about realizing that whatever path you're on right now doesn't need to be your forever path."
"The truth, even if it's uncomfortable and not aligned with what we thought we wanted and needed, actually sets us free."
"You are one with the universe. We are the light. We are the 'I am.' We are the truth. We are God."
"A fully and unconditionally loved person who learns to love themselves, who realizes that their life, their presence, is a gift, would not hurt anyone."
"This was the first time in a long while that I proved to myself that I could do something that I thought was genuinely impossible, which is a feeling I missed a lot, and it's quite a beautiful one."
"You started off as a grain of sand and you became a pearl."