
Nostalgia Quotes

There are 61924 quotes

"I remember you well in the Chelsea Hotel. That's all. I don't even think of you that often."
"Nostalgia increases optimism and motivates actual behavior towards social engagement."
"Finding joy in the moment is what will help you from not feeling like you were robbed when you're nostalgic in the future for a time that you didn't appreciate in the present."
"People still talk about Jamie Lee Curtis young... they choose to remember her in her 30s."
"World of Warcraft contains a lot of good in my mind, a lot of precious nostalgia for something I can't ever have back."
"It's kind of nice being back at the lunch table, freestyling with the homies."
"We see the red and green glowing lights in the distance getting closer and closer and, by a Christmas miracle, at last, we could sit down on the couch, bundled up next to the fireplace, watching a holiday movie, drinking some hot cocoa, all while zooted off that Christmas tree OG."
"I don't regret a single minute that I played the game. I was so happy playing WoW; I wouldn't trade it for anything."
"It's like when I was a kid; you'd build like a fort. It kind of recreates that experience of just exploring these worlds with your friends, capturing monsters and sort of making your fort."
"I wish I could have hung out with the old version of you at some point."
"Going to Gen Con in the 90s and seeing all of these amazing RPGs with different fantasies and tons of people playing them was awesome. It is something to look forward to."
"I now feel like I'm bringing the '90s back, honey."
"In a healthy relationship... there may be a sense of nostalgia and even a sense of gratitude for the growth you experienced in the relationship."
"I didn't realize that here I was, 21 years later, making memories with this game once again."
"I could feel my inner child stirring inside me, and the shock of it all gave me goosebumps and tears came to my eyes. Yes, tears over a freaking Kirby game."
"The best time to play Skies of Arcadia was as a kid, but the second best time is right now."
"It's a simple surface level nostalgic resurrection of Avatar: The Animated Series without actually adding to or building on top of what the original had to say."
"Remember Beanie Mania? It was like people freaking out over a tiny bear stuffed with plastic pellets."
"I love the idea of doing an eat-in kitchen because it looks and feels more reminiscent of the time."
"Bungie prays on the nostalgia that we have for Destiny."
"You and me, we're like the main characters in an 80s movie. An underdog with big dreams trying to become the best at like karate or bartending."
"America in the 1980s was all about ambition, and it was also the decade that nostalgia was invented."
"All of my sketchbooks from the second grade all the way through high school... It's been years since I've seen them, and it just made me remember how desperately I wanted to become a great artist growing up."
"There is something very special about getting out under the sky and dancing along to your favorite music from college with the people who have been some of your favorite people for basically your entire life."
"Cooking with Chef Ramsay made me feel like I was cooking in the old days, the way I had passion about doing things."
"Annual revisits to some of my favorite games are comforting for me."
"We all remember our first moments with our favorite games, we may not have known they would become our favorite games at the time, but in retrospect they become defining, cherishable memories."
"This series is still known for having one of the greatest cartoon theme songs of all time."
"When I was five years old, I played my first video game. It was Mario Bros on the NES, a game that's older than I am by two months. Knowing nothing about video games, I took it to be a cartoon that I could magically control. That was enough to be enthralling."
"I have absolutely never been able to shake the deep psychic scar that insists to me to this day that whenever I see a beat-up old Buick in a parking lot, I should pat it on the roof and call it a champ for making it so long."
"Forza Horizon 5 intersects with childhood nostalgia in such a fascinating way because it feels like an update and a resolution of it."
"Forza Horizon 5 lets me inhabit for a moment the kid who would find a toy car in the mud, take it home, wash it off, and delude himself into thinking he had rescued it and given it a good home."
"I reminded him of the nostalgia and to remember good times await in the future."
"Back in those days, everything was all good."
"Feels like Rashford scored a hundred years ago."
"A big component of music is an attachment, an emotional attachment to nostalgia or to the past."
"I want to go back to a time where we talk to each other and I have to go to your house to see you."
"Nostalgia works hard to keep the past alive."
"Imagine if you will the perfect mid-century American suburb, a town like something out of a faded postcard."
"One day you might just look back on these times as the good old days, and you might just start crying."
"Syndicate has aged particularly well for an eight-year-old game and in an era where a more old-school style of Assassin's Creed game is hard to come by, it's appreciated a lot more."
"This show felt to me like watching something finely crafted with some humor and heart but ultimately a relic."
"It's always fun to go back to Independence Day to a more carefree, innocent time where movies like this were not to be taken seriously and were honestly just about fun."
"Starting the game again from the very beginning showed me why I fell in love with Clash in the first place."
"I'm no longer funny because I miss the way you laugh."
"This cave, this music, this artwork, this biome, perhaps even this house, takes each and every one of us back to a certain chapter in our past life, a period specifically unique to only our own memory that is now simply a representation of a chapter to which we will never return."
"We feel nostalgic for events that were overwhelmingly pleasant, events that in retrospect appeared to be when our monkey mind wasn't chattering, events where we didn't have a care in the world."
"The Minecraft soundtrack is one of, if not the most memorable game soundtracks of all time."
"The simplicity is a big reason why I think people love the Cherokee today."
"You can't get in one of these and not remember when things were simpler."
"It's been 16 years since you could buy one of these as a new car and yet they're still highly desirable."
"I would like to return to that sense of adventure that they had in some of the older games."
"I miss what we had in the past. I often reminisce about those times."
"We're trying to preserve the old one; it was fun, it used to be fun."
"To this day, I still think Sonic Adventure is a really good game. It's not perfect, but I think it's still probably the best translation of the classic formula into 3D we've ever seen."
"Nostalgia is a whole nother level. It holds a special place in a man's heart when they find a toy they used to have when they were a kid."
"Being a huge Kobe fan, seeing them bring back the Kobe 1 with updated technology was just mind-blowing."
"Warcraft 2, bro, this game was so good, this right here, this was the main computer game that I played as a kid, this was my game."
"We miss you, remember about you, we wish you were here."
"I heard about these pictures like they were yesterday. That's part of the reason why it's so hard to look back. I miss her every second of every day."
"Sometimes the games you swear you loved to play as a child can be an outright chore to play when you're an adult."
"The challenge for all of us is resisting that urge of the allure of nostalgia."
"We used to be in a date and time where you had 60 minutes, and people did stories, and they verified information."
"I, like so many others, was lucky enough to be blessed by true Disney magic all those years ago."
"Old School RuneScape is just proof that even in a world that's been established for so long, there's always a unique way to approach shit."
"Once More With Feeling is a masterclass on how to do a musical episode, and I still feel little pangs of nostalgia whenever I hear You Can't Take The Sky From Me."
"This year, I really had to realize like this is it. I will never get this era back."
"I love being able to look back and be like, that was such a different time, I understand what it was, it's over with."
"Abandoned YouTube channels have always been unsettling to me. I get an uncanny feeling upon discovering a channel once full of life now forlorn and forgotten."
"For fans of Tomb Raider's earliest adventures looking to find a simple way to revisit the Lost Valley, the Great Wall, and Area 51, this package is a no-brainer."
"This game is so legendary to me, man. I still get like... I still get teary, genuinely iconic to me."
"Nothing beats that nostalgic feeling of firing up either Silent Assassin or Blood Money, hacking back to those days playing on a massive TV in my parents' living room on my PS2."
"Who are you going to call? Ghostbusters. 'Wow, that's a movie from 1984. Doug, that's cool.'"
"One of the biggest shows to come out of the last decade, Stranger Things, has been attributed by viewers and media analysts alike as being a huge catalyst for wave of 1980s nostalgia."
"Nostalgia can be seen almost like a literary device, something that creators and producers especially use in order to hone in on an audience that is dissatisfied with the current state of the world."
"Nostalgia for those good old days can creep into our mind while watching the show, even though those good old days never really existed."
"Being nostalgic for the good old days is fine, but looking at those days uncritically and wanting to go back to them anyway basically means we want to return to the uncomplicated lives we had as children."
"You're going to look back and realize these days on campus, they were the last days you were truly free."
"To look back and ignore these things in favor of nostalgia continues to be dangerous."
"This episode will make you feel nostalgic for one of the coolest decades on record, but it'll also remind you of the complexities of the world and the black community."
"There are definitely dungeons I want to do again. AQ20 was always a lot of fun."
"Growing up as a kid watching Saturday night Match of the Day with people like Dez Liam and Alan Hansen and Jimmy Hill and Terry Venables, I loved all that."
"Nostalgia, that melancholic feeling you get when you look back on your past."
"Something about looking back on our past with a mix of happiness and a tinge of sadness seems to fascinate us."
"For a long time now, the '80s and '90s have been the shorthand for creators trying to bring nostalgic feelings to their audience."
"Do you ever wonder what happened to these people?"
"The first thing I notice when watching this series is how accurate it is at presenting those old versions of Minecraft."
"Nostalgia isn't always just about the past... The way we experience nostalgia actually tells us more about the time we are currently in than the one we're looking back on."
"Fantasies of the past determined by the needs of the present have a direct impact on the realities of the future."
"People didn't like it, so at one point those ain't electronic stops working so they just took them out all together and they made it back to the original because people love the classics."
"Nostalgia brings with it this comforting sense of familiarity, it's like revisiting an old friend."
"Nostalgia is not a bad thing; it's just an important reminder to enjoy the things you have at the moment because before long, you'll be looking back on it in a few years and wishing you'd appreciated it more."
"The Great Movie Ride was a celebration of cinema as both an art form and a business, offering a one-of-a-kind nostalgic trip through Hollywood's past."
"I remember going to the record shops, buying vinyls, and coming back and dancing. My dad loved his music; I love my music because of that."
"Nostalgia is kind of like fire, okay? And it can be kind of like playing with fire. So fire can, it can warm you up, but you, I feel like you can get lost in it too, staring too long at the fire or getting too close, you can get burned."
"What would happen to my brain if I started listening to music from 2005 and watching old home videos and smelling old smells and just sparking that feeling every day?"
"Nostalgia is delicate but potent. In Greek, nostalgia literally means 'the pain from an old wound'. It's a twinge in your heart far more powerful than memory alone."
"You feel a literal physical warmness, a wonder, a comfort, a happiness in belonging. But the other feeling you get is a yearning to be back in that moment and an acknowledgement that it will never happen again."
"Nostalgia can actually increase somebody's personal view of themselves, their self-esteem, and it can help combat the effects of loneliness."
"Nostalgia has a dark side too... This sometimes can be exploited by marketers or in a lot of cases, politicians."
"The game that it is now isn't what it was in the '90s."
"Comparing a Nintendo and a PS5, Nintendo was what we had then, but the game has evolved."
"Our generation will not let our toys go. We're going to insist that our grandchildren keep playing with our toys."
"Many of Disney's films continue to have a special place in my heart."
"The original Final Fantasy VII is goofy as hell and filled with lighthearted moments, and this game doesn't just retain it. They double down and I'm so here for it."
"The topic of nostalgia is like so near and dear to my heart because of how much I feel like I've been affected by it, as if it's like a disease."
"Nostalgia for lockdown is very, very normal."
"Nostalgia, the personal kind, has been associated with very healthy aspects of well-being, such as empathy, compassion, forgiveness, social connectedness, belonging, anxiety reduction, continuity of self, and optimism."
"Nostalgia encourages us to buy a piece of a memory, a moment in time when things seemed simpler, and we thought we were happier."
"What a beautiful day, the sun is shining, cats are roaming about, the birds are chirping. This is the perfect day to stay inside and watch a bunch of nostalgia."
"Assassin's Creed used to be fantastic, high-quality, story-driven content."
"Nostalgia is a powerful tool because it's a hundred percent subjective."
"When life gets hard or we deal with challenge, it's really easy to look at our past where everything was simpler."
"These games aren't just old games but time capsules of our past, the old positions of life where you can look back and reflect on the old you."
"Together they've unearthed a gem far more precious than before, beloved high school memories."
"Nostalgia is a collection very dear to my heart, it's basically a reminiscence of my growing up, my history, and my childhood."
"Watching all this did kind of give me this sort of feeling of nostalgia."
"It's the story about wanting to hold on to things that are leaving us, and is why it's been told over and over again for almost a hundred years now."
"It's amazing that games can do that, right? Capture a moment in time and bring us back just through association."
"Relive some happy childhood memories and have fun."
"I was in the famous Building 20. No air conditioning in that wooden building and I sat with my slide rule."
"He dreams of the old world and of harnessing the power of the sun."
"Nostalgia is our gateway to the past, allowing us to relive our most cherished memories whilst also adding to them with new experiences from the present."
"There's a generation of wrestling when wrestling was the biggest thing in the world that a lot of us grew up on."
"Nostalgia is longing for a better, simpler time."
"Nostalgia is a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past."
"Nostalgia is the same reason that everyone thinks the 'SNL' they grew up with was the best era."
"When nostalgia has turned from a love and appreciation of the past into a spiral of hate on things that are new, I think people do themselves a disservice."
"I didn't realize how much I missed this stream until it was gone."
"Nostalgia is a predictable and cyclical phenomenon."
"Things were better back then, and we can improve our present by bringing back what we loved in the past."
"Despite that, those ever-changing times were - for me - the simplest, because I was at an age through those years that I could just enjoy existing during that race in technology, without any responsibilities to worry about."
"We woke up from the dream, but I still think we remember how it felt."
"Gen Z, Generation Alpha, y'all do not know how lucky you are. Back in my day, I never... When we had to go walk in the snowed up hill both ways, I never got to see a gay person on television."
"Something that feels like the art of the Battle of Karabor or the art they commissioned to celebrate classic...that's the Warcraft that almost everyone fell in love with."
"People want to feel like the cinematic from Warcraft 3...that is what WoW should be hitting."
"I really loved Jurassic Park when I was a kid."
"It captures a lot of the feeling of the original game: secret passages, a mysterious but angry neighbor, and of course, a mystery about what the heck is going on with this guy."
"Happy Tuesday, everyone. Tonight, let's take a trip back in time, all the way back to the summer of 2023."
"In the 1980s, we had ten years a real communist country... my mom living in that time... said that was the best time that she had in her life."
"What happened to us sitting on a swing? What happened to me sitting next to a boy waiting for the movie to start?"
"People used to sit on their porch and watch the world go by, which was incredibly soothing."
"The album was good, yo. Ain't nobody rap like that in a long time."
"Buying gaming magazines with walkthrough guides was kind of the norm back then."
"Since Bowser's Fury was popular back in 2021 for about two whole weeks, we added Fury Bowser back then but never added a giga Bell."
"Let's get started on bringing this little Northern Electric Baby Champ radio receiver from 1946 back to life, making it work the way it did when it rolled off the factory production line."
"The memories that we've made here will last a lifetime."
"Everything about the PSP generation just excited me. Everything felt so tactile and physical, and I love that about gaming."
"It's hard to believe this is from over 40 years ago, a time where there was no Nintendo Wii, there was no Xbox, there was no PlayStation."
"I grew up loving the Dragon Quest/Warrior franchise."
"This anime will take you back to your high school days and give you a good dose of nostalgia."
"I loved it. I don't miss it. No, honestly, I don't."
"I'm not talking about cars that have gone up in value and that's why I regret selling it... I want to talk about cars that I regret because I really loved the car."
"I didn't realize how much I'd miss complaining about trivial stuff that doesn't matter."
"You can find a lot of places in the Commonwealth that have a certain melancholy about them, reminding you of how life used to be."
"If you close your eyes...does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?"
"I first moved to LA in 2011. Clint visited that year. We played Minecraft on Sam's computer. It was right when Minecraft came out."
"The reason why '80s are hot right now is because the '80s kids have dispensable or recreational income to spend."
"I'm going back to the good parts of my past and who I was when I was younger."
"Everyone loved the late Queen, apart from her favorite Doctor Who. Even Republicans had a soft spot for her."
"I sincerely miss the good old days where I used to just take vlog car, we used to sit in the Chick-fil-A parking lot, and I would just talk to you guys for hours on end."
"Everywhere they go now is more developed, more people are crammed into the same places. This is just how it's gonna be if we get with the times but never forget where we came from and who got us here."
"Nostalgia has Stockholm Syndrome. It really does."
"Wow, what a day, what a return to Portland for the first time in 11 years. It's definitely one to remember."
"Christmas is such a conundrum; it may be a festival of unalloyed and undisciplined materialism... but such a narrative is not always the one we choose to hear. Rather, Christmas is a time associated with a focus on the children, humanitarianism toward the underprivileged and vulnerable, and a feeling of nostalgia for good times past."
"There's something about horror movies, particularly, that draw people to that VHS aesthetic."
"These are the good old days because we're VR pioneers, creating the future—a rare privilege that is all too often only appreciated in retrospect."
"Early Monster Madness is legit a good, simple time."
"He's gonna take you back to the past to play the shitty games that suck ass."
"So with so many Warhammer 40K games and ever-increasing budgets, why is Dawn of War One, a game made in 2004, 20 years ago, still considered the best Warhammer 40K game?"
"It felt very much like a grandmother telling a fairy tale."
"Let's go where we were when no one gets hurt."
"Indie Sleaze is an aesthetic trend that finds nostalgia in the early 2010s era — a time characterized by naughty polaroid pictures, ironic hipsterdom, mustache finger tattoos, American Apparel shiny leggings, and candid club photography."
"Gardenia float, please. We haven't had that on the menu in 20 years."
"I believe that nostalgia is the number one under-priced thing in human behavior."
"Appreciate the good times you had together, remember them, and cherish them."
"You never realize you're in the good days until they're gone."
"Reddit is the most like how the internet used to be where it's highly decentralized and personal spaces are extremely customizable."
"Reddit is the last vestige we have of the old internet... before everything got controlled by like four companies."
"But that’s honestly ok, because I had an amazing time hunting achievements back in the day, and nothing can take that away from me."
"Games that are old are still fun if you just tweak one element to it."
"I'm a '90s kid; we didn't have all these screens and crazy toys."
"That's right, you guys remember this thing, it's called the Bop It."
"We'd probably be better off bringing back whatever the framework was back then than we are today, for sure."
"An elegant weapon from a more civilized age."
"Everything you thought was cool when you were 12 is what is actually cool."
"Any parent that had a van and kids in like the 90s, 2000s, it was just a jungle gym on wheels."
"There's a Game Boy back there that doesn't have a backlight, so you have to use the glow of the passing street lamps to actually see."
"Technology was my Walkman cassette player back here."
"There's this kind of nostalgic wave of trophy hunting and achievement hunting that has taken place."
"The best part about this whole thing was just getting to play Halo again."
"I haven't had this fun since five years since I left Halo. This was amazing."
"As an adult, I've endeavored to get back to that simplicity, and I just can't. I wish I could."
"This is like an homage to a return to nostalgia."
"I recall fondly, though, Modern Warfare, Call of Duty 2, you know, back when it was more simpler times, things were more focused."
"When it comes to my own personal collecting preferences and habits, I really like to focus on games that either meant something to me as a kid or games that I really have every intention of playing sometime in the future."
"The original Ghostbusters, if you think about it, they took that seriously. And we don't have that anymore."
"This is not a tale of what could have been; it's about the awe of what was and what may never be again."
"I've spent a lot of time ragging on the books because it's fun to criticize old nostalgic media, but in my opinion, a lot of them still hold up as really interesting pieces of fiction with strong world-building and some really great writing moments."
"Party like it's 1999. That's my verdict and that's how I see it."