
Detachment Quotes

There are 5478 quotes

"I remember you well in the Chelsea Hotel. That's all. I don't even think of you that often."
"The great way is not difficult for those who have no preferences. When love and hate are both absent, everything becomes clear and undisguised."
"Detachment is not that you own nothing, detachment is that nothing owns you."
"Real growth is not about getting what you want externally, but about releasing your need for it internally."
"The formula becomes: neither seek nor avoid."
"Stand up for yourself and speak your truth respectfully and compassionately, with no attachment to the outcome."
"The energy of lack is when you get overly attached to stuff whereas abundant energy is a trust that what's for you will always be for you."
"You are not the body, nor is the body yours. You are not the doer, not the enjoyer. You are consciousness itself, the eternal witness, and free."
"You are not the doer, not the enjoyer or sufferer, you are not the knower. You, the consciousness, and yet other than you, there is no knower, there is no enjoyer or sufferer, there is no doer."
"Mind is never yours. If you can do a little bit of this, 'I am not the mind, the mind is not mine,' instantaneously you'll be free with every problem of your life."
"All problems are out there in the world, in the body, or even in the mind, but I am this refreshingly cool and calm, ever peaceful inner witness, serenely detached from everything in the universe."
"All these are mirages and dreams which come. Enjoy them when they come and go, don't try to hold on."
"Detachment is not about detaching from the world; it's actually about detaching from yourself."
"Detachment lowers the resistance and separates us from the ego, allowing us to live a life based on things like curiosity and interest as opposed to desperation, loneliness, or ambition."
"Suffering stops once we rid ourselves of the attachment to our desires."
"When you reach full non-duality, you're gonna have all the full sensitivity of all the emotions but also simultaneously be detached from them all."
"Everything will come, I resist nothing, nor do I stick to anything, nor do I pursue anything. I enjoy it all as it comes and goes in deep serenity and peace."
"Detach a little bit and get away from all the cell phones, all the noise outside, and just go connect with yourself."
"Detached from the situation... peace is everywhere within me and this situation."
"Once you decide that this is no longer your problem, it's no longer your problem."
"One of the fundamental ideas in Buddhism is that you're supposed to detach yourself from desire."
"You don't know how deep it goes until it's getting you slowly, so you got to let it go."
"The formula for success is to do all you can to make things happen, then let go of the results. Holding on too tightly to a desired outcome can sabotage it."
"All craving fades away; when the craving goes away, the sorrows also go away."
"God is perfectly detached, doesn't care which way things go, other than preferring that you wake up to realize that you are me."
"If you were completely detached, it's like being detached from your thoughts. It doesn't matter what thought happens; if it's a bad thought or a good thought, you're connected with the source, so you feel joyful all the time."
"The sooner you liberate yourself, the sooner you can leave, walk away, detach, the lighter you will feel."
"Let karma float it down; heed no more than how body lives or goes. Its task is done."
"Every day we're to direct our hearts toward you, our Father who art in heaven...my life is not attached to this world."
"Detachment doesn't mean that you own nothing, it means that nothing owns you."
"We cannot prevent the world from worrying, but we can become detached from the worrying set."
"Leave behind anything that is not serving this new era for yourself. If it's not serving you, making you better, making you happier, detach from it."
"Even a little bit of detachment will improve your life, will make it more enjoyable, will make you feel like a child again."
"You must play the game as if your entire life hinges on it and yet simultaneously you must be conscious that it doesn't matter at all what the outcome is."
"To find peace, you have to be willing to lose your connection with the people, places, and things that create all the noise in your life."
"The more you experience and learn, the more you can kind of detach yourself from all that turmoil, all that noise, all that emotion."
"Being attached is the problem, and being detached is the goal."
"It's only when I could easily release those things that I could keep them."
"We live in such a materialistic world, so learning to detach yourself from that...it's moments with special people, with your family, with your loved ones, with your friends, that are what you get to take with you."
"Love means the ability to live your life with an empowered heart without attachment to the outcome."
"They are learning how to walk away from things that no longer serve them."
"Freedom is a great spiritual metaphor... our attachments make us unfree, and when I'm freed from my attachments, I'm freed for that realm of objective value."
"Suffering comes from attachment. Peace or contentment comes from detachment."
"If you live a detached life, you feel more fulfilled."
"Detachment will give your partner the freedom to come closer to you."
"The way to become irresistible and irreplaceable is to detach."
"Detachment is your most powerful tool to use."
"When you hone the art of detachment, you can start to breathe light and gratitude into things that normally we don't feel gratitude for."
"Detachment is the conscious acknowledgment that you cannot control other people and you will drive yourself crazy if you try."
"Detachment essentially means the ability to separate yourself, your entity, your being, the cake that you are, from a person or a goal."
"Detachment can help you control your reality without letting it control you."
"Gorgeous gorgeous girls learn how to master the art of detachment."
"If you don't belong there, we have to work on detaching from that situation so that you can position yourself to receive what is truly best for you."
"Detachment is the art of experiencing our feelings without letting them control us."
"Love without attachment is the purest kind of love."
"There's a magic to detachment. There were days I would go into work completely detached from the outcome, focusing instead on the intention. That's when magic would really begin to happen."
"The more you let go, you become free of your thoughts, the people trying to have them act a certain way, the outcomes, beliefs, labels, identity, the more free you will actually be."
"The beauty of a person's Islam is in leaving alone what's not their business."
"Life is a movie that you are watching; enjoy it and then let it go."
"We've become so comfortable just detaching from things so quickly because there's a million options out there."
"You've got to learn detachment and not let your feelings dictate how you behave."
"One must do action without any expectation of the fruit of the action."
"A person of knowledge has no honor, no dignity, no family, no name, no country, but only life to be lived."
"Detachment from drama and fear allows for a more observational perspective, leading to potential spiritual awakenings."
"Let go of your attachment to outcomes to avoid suffering."
"The biggest business tip is to never get too emotionally attached to the success of your business."
"The world is like a shadow; the more you walk towards it, the more it walks away from you."
"The more I let go, the more free I feel, but the number one way and the number one thing that I want to share with you when it has to do with letting go and releasing attachment is releasing attachment is a release of meaning."
"How detached can you become? You have to get to a place to where it'd be cool if it happened, it'd be cool if it doesn't."
"Detachment is actually the key to you attracting love into your life."
"Keep an open mind, detached from outcomes and expectations."
"Learn to identify your thoughts and feelings, then instead of attaching emotion to them, just almost let them flow over you, let them pass you by."
"Detachment is not that you do not own anything; it is that nothing owns you."
"I'm not trying to keep anything that's not wanting to be kept. I'm not in competition with anyone but myself."
"Set intentions, manifest what you want but let go of the attachment, let go of the expectation, let go of the when and the how and the where, and just trust."
"Detachment can be the key to a more fulfilling and healthy life."
"Detachment is not an act of renunciation, but a conscious choice for the preservation of your own integrity and morality."
"You want a dispassionate mind... a mind that does not cling or need anything."
"The emotional master is a person that remains completely detached from their emotions, they're completely aware that their emotions are simply energy moving through their body, and they are not reactive to anything."
"It doesn't mean having no preference; it means not being attached to your preferences."
"You are not the body, neither is the body yours. You are neither the agent of action nor the experience of the results of action. You are consciousness itself, ever the witness, freely in freedom, go about happily."
"When you let go of the outcome, you have more magnetic energy."
"We have to trust the universe enough to split us away from people, lifestyles, habits, substances... whatever the hell it is. We have to be able to trust in the universe enough to split us away from the things that don't work for us or that don't give us anything. They're actually depleting us."
"Removing yourself from people or situations that aren't actually meant for you is going to be an ongoing process."
"Letting go of the things that you hold most precious is often the illusion of preciousness that holds you back from growth."
"You're not entitled to the fruits of the action; you're only entitled to the action itself."
"Learning how to detach from things of this world, and surprisingly, even people... is something that is now very important."
"When you detach from any outcomes, the synchronicities will start popping up a lot faster."
"Life is suffering. The cause of suffering is attachment. The end of suffering is brought about by detachment."
"If you love someone, let them go, and then if it's meant to be, they'll come back to you."
"Attachment leads to detachment, from detachment comes freedom from delusion, and from freedom of delusion, you reach stillness."
"Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose." - Yoda
"I want nothing more than for people to walk away from the screen afterwards and live their lives away from me."
"I watched a man being eaten alive by goats a mere 15 feet from me. Didn't even break my rhythm."
"You can have love for someone without holding that love for someone. It's about holding a space in your heart for this person without holding on to them."
"Being able to calmly walk away once you realize things aren't for you is a superpower."
"Release what no longer serves you, free yourself from conditions to negative influences."
"You want to be in a place where you're not attached to the outcome. Once you get to a place where you're not attached to the outcome, you can kind of do anything you want and not worry about it."
"At the end of the day, people have their own opinions, that's none of my business."
"Sometimes we have to detach in order to gain clarity about a situation."
"You don't have to keep her when you get tired of her."
"Attachment is the root of all suffering decouple your Idols from your mind."
"We're dead to sin, dead to sickness, dead to disease."
"What someone is doing has nothing to do with you."
"You'd be surprised what makes its way back to you when you let go."
"The opposite of attachment is learning how to let go. And letting go is not a dull and dreary state."
"Maneuvering through the world like an NPC - a soulless Avatar that operates on Matrix programming."
"As soon as you detach from chasing material gain and status, that's when your material success will come."
"The chosen ones, all this [expletive] that's happening, it's not going to affect you. You should really just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show."
"You leave everything of this earth behind and you get out."
"Once I give it to you, it's yours. Once I give it to you as yours, then nothing after that really matters to me anymore."
"Just sit on the sidelines, grab a marshmallow, and watch it all burn."
"I just never found myself interested in any of it."
"Stop letting people keep you attached to what you did."
"To act without attachment to the fruits of action."
"The only way to achieve true freedom in your life is to lose attachment to everything."
"Detach yourself from the outcome, and you'll feel very free."
"Trust me because everything is accumulative in this life and you also have non-attachment."
"He delighted in everything but was not attracted to anything."
"For the sage, there is nothing to send away, nothing to welcome, nothing to destroy, and nothing to complete."
"The moment you stop caring is when you can actually have the will to win and be effective."
"Emotionally detach to do what's best for you."
"Detaching from others can be a beautiful gift we give ourselves and we give to them."
"Detachment: Leave it, drop it, and deflect other people's opinions."
"It's nice, but you're not attached. It's the same as the car, people say that about my Lambos and stuff like that."
"You actually want to use a powerful tool to get your ex back: back off completely."
"Separate what's yours from what's not; let go of what's not yours."
"I have never in my life ever felt such peace. Everything was stripped away, every hope, every fear, every attachment to the material world was completely stripped out of me. I was free to just be the essence of a soul."
"Genuinely learning not to care is important."
"Just get outside, focus on your natural environment, get away from that."
"That's the beautiful. Let's come down to the point where I really don't listen anymore. Let him do what he wants. Fresh and fragrant."
"If you really love them, let them go because they don't... They don't want to own the truth and you can't make them. Why do you hold on to them?"
"It's time to end something, it's time to pull back, it's time to just get away from things that aren't for you."
"Detaching from the outcome allows us to enjoy the journey."
"Remember to hold positive thoughts about what you request and have a certain detachment about receiving it."
"Let go of your grip on earthly possessions, with faith in your heart, no door remains closed."
"You might notice yourself kind of detaching, more interested in current events."
"You can become more detached during this time, the drama can fall off gradually over the year and a half you can detect to."
"Trust that the outcome will work out and let go of your attachment to it."
"Detaching from something that you've been holding on to."
"Don't engage. Let the rumors and lies fly around. Let whoever wants to believe it, believe it."
"Detachment is the key; be able to let go, not cling too hard."
"Let losers be losers. Let them manifest failure in their own life. Don't respond to it. Don't feed into it. Okay?"
"There's no healing as long as this attachment to the thing that makes you suffer."
"Let the universe handle this. Okay, don't take karma into your own hands."
"They are cutting the ties with people or things that aren't serving them."
"It breaks your heart to have to push someone away."
"You can't wait on it. You have to forget about it and release it."
"Sometimes cutting someone out of your life is a favor to them."
"Tip: A chap inside once told me, 'Don't become attached to anything you're not willing to say goodbye to in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner.'"
"Stop wanting it so bad, do you ever notice the people that don't want anything are the people that got all of it."
"The more you let go of the outcome, the more you actually allow the magical things to come into your life."
"All attachments are being divinely released."
"The way to set this right may just be to disconnect."
"Be willing to take risks but remain unattached to the outcome."
"Life is this expansive body that opens up, reaches out, allows things to come in, allows us to play, to discover, to explore."
"Clarity comes from being detached. The greatest thing you can do is be detached from your own life, totally involved and detached at the same time."
"You always have the power to have no opinion."
"Let it go if you don't want to hold on to it."
"The less attached you are, the more attractive you are."
"Honor your feelings so you can detach with love and clarity."
"I felt tears springing up in my eyes as I looked away from the body."
"One of the most important things to remember in stocks: the stock doesn't know you own it."
"A dead man does not respond, a dead man has no ego to protect."
"We'll just sit back, watch, and then laugh knowing that nothing will come of it."
"It's one of those situations where if it don't apply, let it fly."
"Never get yourself attached to nothing that you can't walk away from."
"I didn't feel anything... I didn't feel anything."
"When you offer everything to the divine with detachment, you begin a love affair with spirit."
"Detach from attachment, it's the key to manifestation."
"The key is letting go of what no longer serves."
"I do have thoughts about it as somebody who really doesn't care what anybody else has."
"Make damn sure that when that day comes, they have to get to know you all over again."
"Cool guys don't look at explosions or their opponents."
"The watcher will not intervene no matter how bad the situation is and the universe literally ended he was like well that's what happens you know see you later."
"Trials wean us from the world, and surely that is a most blessed thing."
"Read the Bible, and these things that in feeble will lose all their attraction for you."
"You possess the power to release the attachments that do not serve you."
"Detaching yourself from things that no longer serve you."
"The entire world becomes this... when you believe things that aren't true after a while, you become detached from reality."
"I feel like they're trying to move on from you and this connection from the standpoint of like they believe that you've already moved on."
"The more research and understanding that you collect about crypto, the easier it is to not care at all about prices."
"His task is to be outside this realm of human drama."
"You always know when it's time to let go and walk away."
"It's all passing away anyway, do not be too attached."
"Acceptance allows you to continue to detach and step away."
"I feel like you're walking away from this energy. Like, I feel like you thought you would be with this person for a long time but Ada Cups is like walking away."
"Absolutely not. It's not personal. I just want to win this fight."
"Honor what's happening without too much attachment to results."
"We are living in a world where political incompetence gets rewarded, where the politicians who are destroying and crippling and punishing the lowly citizenry are so far detached they have no idea."
"The true self cares about nothing and wants nothing."
"Trust your intuition, follow it with courage, and let go of old attachments."
"Things will come together relatively quickly once you really detach and you are just okay with yourself."
"Something's got to draw your heart away from worldliness because it has a really strong pull and grab."
"Do not get attached. If they need turning off, just turn them off."
"You're detaching from old judgments of yourself."
"Karma yoga is all about being in the world but not of it."
"To act without attachment to the results is yagya."
"Live light, live carefree, just go with the flow."
"I don't pay attention to that kind of stuff."