
Probability Quotes

There are 3736 quotes

"The probabilities are overwhelming in favor of intelligent life out there in the universe."
"The odds against you ever being born are absolutely insane."
"Two body one crit; 60% of the time, it works every time."
"So, with that being said, do y'all still think we're alone? If that's possible, there's no possible way we could be the only ones. We're not that lucky."
"You're more likely to get hit by a fallen coconut than attacked by a shark."
"It would be a miracle if there weren't other [alien] civilizations out there. The statistics are so high that how can we be singular?"
"You just don't know how the cards are stacked; you can think you're always going to land on a heads, and sometimes it's tails."
"Genetics is not deterministic; it is probabilistic."
"We always have to realize that no matter how many times you've rolled the dice, and it's come up six every time, the next time you roll the dice, there's still a one in six chance that it's going to be a six despite the previous rolls."
"Over 90% of the things that you think will happen, won't."
"With the universe as big as ours, we certainly can't be the only one living in it."
"The probability of this stock going down an individual stock going up or down on one trade isn't certain but the probability of many overall is a lot more easier to predict."
"The odds of our solar system falling together by the random collision of particles is around 10 to the 10 to the 60th."
"So the overall probability, when you exhaust all possibilities, must be equal to 1."
"Even when a single event is chaotic and random, with an effectively unknowable outcome, it's still possible to make precise statements about a large number of events."
"The Galton board illustrates one of the most prominent distributions in all of probability, known as the Normal distribution, more colloquially known as a Bell curve."
"Risk means more things can happen than will happen."
"I can't tell you that this mine is going to be a disaster; they can't tell you that this mine won't be a disaster. But I can tell you that from a probability standpoint, it's not a good bet that there won't be problems."
"A probability of one means more than just possible; it means it will happen, it's certain."
"Mutually exclusive events are two events which can't happen at the same time."
"The odds of Yellowstone exploding in any given year are 0.00014 percent, according to the USGS, which is lower than the likelihood of being struck by a civilization-destroying asteroid."
"Quantum mechanics only tells us the probability of a particle's properties, like location. Laws of nature were no longer definite statements about what's going to happen next; they were just statements about probabilities."
"If life did arise on the early end of that, it means the next big steps took a lot longer, making them much better filters."
"Probability in many worlds is necessarily a statement about what we should believe and how we should act, not about how often things happen."
"The universe's expanse suggests life probably exists somewhere else."
"Exercise caution when predicting the future because the probability of predictions decreases as you go further into the future."
"The real point is that if these existential threats carry a small chance each year of occurring, then the lifetime of technological civilization should follow an exponential distribution."
"Just because something's correlated doesn't mean it's going to happen 100%."
"The biggest coincidence of all would be if there were no coincidences."
"How likely is it that two people have the same birthday?"
"Very optimistic. If I miss five in a row, that means I'm due for the sixth one."
"The odds of Bigfoot being real are significantly higher than three billion ten million nine hundred thirty-six thousand three hundred and eighty-four to one."
"It is more probable that someone is either deceiving or be deceived than the fact which he relates should have actually happened."
"We can break down the risk of a disaster into two parts: the potential number of casualties it would cause if it happened, and the likelihood of that event happening."
"The Born rule is how we find the probability of getting a particular result when we make a measurement."
"Unless you imagine that there is something so ridiculously unique about Earth... then you just have to conclude the most likely conclusion is that a scene like this is rife with planets that are just full of life."
"Even the probability of unfairness should be avoided."
"I am aware that just actually like giving a good tutor with a high education trait does not actually guarantee the child's going to get that education trait."
"The Monty Hall problem...switching doors is good if you initially chose a goat, which happens nine-tenths of the time."
"When Elon Musk was asked what he thought the chances were that our reality is the original base reality, 'The odds that we're in base reality is one in billions.'"
"Neil deGrasse Tyson thinks the odds that we are in base reality versus a simulated reality is 50-50."
"You cannot compare two positions only by the consequences of each position being wrong; you also have to compare the probability that each position is right along with the consequences of the positions being wrong."
"Zero probability does not mean impossible. It just means extremely, extremely unlikely."
"Zero probability things do happen. In such continuous models, actually zero probability outcomes are everything that happens."
"Unitarity is a non-negotiable statement about how probability works, but the condition also ensures time-reversal symmetry and conservation of information."
"There's a 50 percent chance that the end of human life will come sometime before the year 2779."
"If we accept that intelligent life here, and reassess the number of planets in the universe is gigantic... it seems to me highly likely that there is not only life in the universe elsewhere but also intelligent life."
"Complementary events imply that the probability of an event plus the probability of its complement is 1."
"Probability in stochastic processes are an important adjunct to rational thought about all human and scientific endeavor."
"Almost anything you have to deal with is dealing with something in the future... You're probably better off knowing something about probability than not."
"This is actually called Bayes theorem and it's one of the most important theorems in probability and machine learning."
"When it's he said, she said, the probability that all those women are lying is just astronomically low."
"The probability of an event that is certain is equal to 1."
"If you live up to the expectations, and use the same probability distribution to generate the output, then you are in good shape."
"If this universe is fine-tuned for life, then we simply won the lottery and we're in the right universe with the right laws of physics to support life and intelligence."
"The beauty of mathematics and probability is that they reveal the patterns hidden within the chaos of randomness."
"What's the more probable scenario? Well, okay, if the U.S. enters a recession... it's going to be very well anticipated."
"I'm not saying that there's zero probability of the market collapse. I'm saying it's not a high probability outcome."
"If you don't deal with probabilities, you don't deal with history... The only way to know historical truth is through probabilities."
"You and I have a 95% chance of having the same common ancestor just 600 years ago."
"The world is governed by odds. It's not black and white."
"Aliens could exist... the numbers are good, what's not good is the evidence."
"The price has a higher probability of moving in the direction of the higher timeframe trend."
"Quantum gates modify a qubit's probability magnitude and its phase component, not any direct values."
"Your best at science when you can instantly formulate a whole range of ideas that might explain it... and then you have to kind of threshold in order the most likely chain of probability that one is correct or not."
"The more trades we can place, the more the probabilities will work themselves out over time."
"In one sense the test is over 90% accurate... And yet if you learn that someone gets a positive result without any added information, there's actually only a 1 in 11 chance that that particular result is accurate."
"It almost seems incredible that out of all the odds, we are here, existing at the same time."
"When you play poker, your edges are small. You just don't go on runs like this."
"It's insane that we're here, the chances of us like not being born are huge."
"It's a high variance format, I agree with him 100%."
"Next up, Go Bank, which always has a 1% chance of being virtually completed with the open vault."
"Whatever decision you're taking in mind takes into account the high likelihood of the probability of this thing actually happening in the future."
"There's just more ways for things to go wrong than things to go right."
"Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind... set to be one of the longest indoor coasters."
"The probability of intelligent life existing elsewhere in the universe is high."
"Both possibilities appear equally valid, like a 50/50 coin toss."
"One of the key points within engineering is, unfortunately, maths and one of the fields of math that is most easily manipulated and quite often very misunderstood is probability and statistics."
"I think the balance of probability is that we are not alone in the universe."
"I'm gonna grant the motion... I'm gonna find that there's a substantial probability."
"We cannot change the probability by part in 100."
"The short answer is as bad as we let it get that's the short answer the long answer based on probability and the freedom of choice that we're exercising in the way that we're exercising right now we're waking up but not quick enough."
"Every rule has an exception. Once might be a fluke, twice might be a coincidence, three times or more might be a pattern."
"These are only probabilities, not certainties."
"I think there's a very high chance [Camavinga to United] will happen."
"The most entertaining outcome is the most likely one."
"We live in a world of probabilities not certainties."
"Life happens quickly and with great probability when the conditions are right."
"If Earth is any indication, advanced technological life is not unique."
"In the quantum world, particles act as statistical probabilities until measured."
"Logically one of them could possibly be a bit more likely infinitely more likely they're all wrong including science."
"Every circumstance I've ever described in your interviews reflect probabilities. People want certainties but it doesn't matter what you want because there isn't certainty."
"The chance of this happening within a few million years of the existence of humans is actually relatively high."
"It's statistically improbable that we are the only sentient intelligent life forms."
"Given the sheer size of the cosmos and the fact the primary ingredients of life such as carbon are in such abundance, it seems far more likely there are aliens out there than not."
"The point I was trying to get at isn't like, 'Jim, do you think it's most likely that God the God most people believe in, in fact, does not exist?' I think that is more probable than not."
"Almost 80% right now looks like ascetics may cross 80%."
"The most entertaining outcome is the most likely outcome."
"Even when we've got the full size of the pot, we only need to win 50% of the time and 67 percent of the time our opponents miss."
"I would say statistically speaking you have a very, very high chance of seeing profit."
"I have a 66% chance of knowing which direction the market will go."
"God works exactly at the same rate of random chance every time."
"Knowing what happens on one trial gives some information about the probabilities on other trials."
"If under a given assumption the probability of an event is really small, then that assumption is probably wrong."
"It's a tricky dice, it lands on 11 and seven."
"Each of your skill values affect your chance of success with that skill."
"The setup is to imagine that you want to describe some kind of probability distribution in two-dimensional space."
"Your chances are actually higher than you think."
"Wishing and hoping don't actually change the probabilities."
"Unless there's something extraordinarily miraculous about our solar system or our planet then life has got to be extremely commonplace."
"The odds of getting a really great killstreak out of a care package are pretty low."
"The likelihood of us receiving a second stimulus check is very high at this point in time."
"You can throw darts at a dartboard and pretty much hit a bullseye with anything in the short term."
"It's always for me the most important thing is who makes the best probability decisions for their own chances."
"The probability that life exists elsewhere is pretty high."
"Humans are notoriously bad at understanding... something is point zero zero zero one percent to happen they like so there's a chance."
"Pokemon is a game of numbers and luck exists."
"Bayes tells us how to revise that probability taking account of what we know... of the accuracy of the test."
"Our planet is just a blip on the map of the universe... How likely is it that the Earth is the only place inside 93 billion light years of space that can sustain intelligent life?"
"I am reminded of the delightful theorem: an infinite amount of zombies with infinite books will eventually write Hamlet."
"If you always fight, man, invade in solo queue it works 70% of the time."
"The probability there will be one out of 15."
"He got stuck by the cluster nade. What are the odds?"
"Forex is a probability game. Every trade you take will either be a win, a loss, or a break even."
"There's a significant risk of war between China and the United States, but it's not probable."
"The chance that a random person could unlock your iPhone with Face ID is about one in a million."
"Successful gamblers think probabilistically."
"It's not that the improbability of this particular universe existing rather it's the improbability that whatever universe does exist it would be a life permitting one."
"I use kind of a Bayesian reasoning approach starting with Cromwell's rule: 'Never assign a zero or one to any hypothesis...'"
"The chances that we're the only ones here cooking on this planet it's like lower than the chances that there's other intelligent cultural beings on other planets."
"Life is common. Life would re-emerge is nine times more likely than life would not re-emerge if you re-ran the tape."
"Are you telling me luck doesn't work like that? That my luck on one thing doesn't affect my luck on the next thing? That's BS!"
"First test best test: the fresher the level, the higher the probability."
"Rounded retests are higher probability setups."
"It's not a hole, it's a contrivance. Winning the lottery isn't nonsensical, it's just unlikely."
"Just because it hasn't happened to us doesn't mean it hasn't happened."
"The probability of me flipping a coin to the head side doesn't become 100% after I flip it 2 heads. It was always 50/50."
"The probability that I will roll a 3 on a six-sided dice under naturalism is 16.6%."
"What are the chances that something big could happen?"
"You can never truly know what exists in the mind of another person. All we can do is look at some evidence and speak to a probability that something exists."
"Success is a possible outcome. Is it the most likely outcome? No."
"There's a 1 in 256 chance that any move can just miss and if it happens it can lose a lot of time."
"Sooner or later, all those three dice are going to show up all at once. That's a Black Swan."
"It would be a shame if thunder struck at the same spot twice."
"As we mentioned before Jen one misses are terrifying and they can happen randomly to 1 in 256 chance but we got through a pokemon block without any so that's amazing."
"The improbable is probable in this chaotic world."
"The most entertaining outcome is often most likely."
"You're more likely to get hit by lightning than to ever get attacked by a shark."
"I'm just I mean I'm in disbelief you know I like I I get it all your drops were around the drop rate but I'm just waiting for the RNG to balance out you know it's gotta balance."
"If you want to just do the most ridiculous things in standard, yeah, maybe you're only going to win like 35% of the time or something, but that 35% is going to be so, so sweet."
"I believe that Justin's mentality is what gives him a big chance." - Daniel Cormier
"Poker is a game of infinite solutions. You always have some percentage assigned to some answer."
"Does this change of character provide a high probability or does it carry a high chance of winning?"
"Particles and their properties do not follow strict determinism but rather exhibit probabilistic behavior."
"The easier it is for them, the more liable they are to succeed in life."
"A 50/50 shot is just like imagine if you have two faces facing each other like this."
"How many coincidences until you've won the lottery?"
"Do you believe in coincidences? How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?" - Cue
"Domino has probability manipulation Powers meaning she is almost always lucky she exudes at all times a subconsciously activated field that alters the probability of occurrences in her line of sight in her favor."
"Doctor Strange might have seen 14,000,605 futures, and only one path to victory, but out of those 14,000,605 futures, 14,000,601 of those futures involves Scott being freed by a rat."
"It wasn't impossible for Trump to win, it was very unlikely."
"Lightning doesn't always strike twice, and in this case, it hasn't."
"Given the vastness of the universe, there should be a high probability that other intelligent civilizations exist."
"What are the odds? 50/50. It either happens or it doesn't."
"Statistically speaking, if you blast that out to enough people, someone falls for it."
"I'm gonna hold out hope, I'm gonna say 30 percent likelihood of that happening."
"You really have to go with probabilities at this point."
"Not every attempt yields success. In fact, you'll likely fail 99% of the times."
"What are the chances of that? Yeah, that's pretty weird, right?"
"Everything's about probability assessment rather than certainty."
"There are no certainties in investing or macro or anything in life, but there are definitely probabilities."
"The odds are too great that there's something else out there somewhere."
"I think the odds are too great that we're the only ones."
"Maybe there's a reason why those odds are like that."
"The difference between probable and possible is just a matter of perspective."
"Do you understand that it's actually statistically harder for a team to be this consistently bad than it is for them to occasionally accidentally be good? The probability is staggering."
"For everyone LeBron James, there probably about 5,000 of the guys who tried to become LeBron and failed."
"Two players having three creatures, you see that a lot, I think that's completely reasonable."
"I'm wrong roughly 30% of the time, but cut losses quickly."
"If you just accept the probabilities, then that diminishes fear."
"Ninety-three percent of headaches come from the neck - that's a pretty good chance I can fix it."
"In this world of crystals and photons it’s all a game of probabilities, and the simplest way to increase the chance that a crystal will undergo sufficient reduction in the exposure is to make it bigger."
"Brittle crown: Gain 30% chance on hit to gain 2% gold scales over time."
"Intelligent life is rare, and microbial life is not."
"If you play a hundred games, alright, and let's say that you can win 50 of them without a kill or an assist, this already means that you're capable of winning on even footing."
"What's the chance of Furret's 244 game? Well, a one in 149,458 chance."
"This video started off as a fun little experiment, but I realized the possibility of this game existing has now gone from zero percent to like 0.5, but that's still higher than zero."
"I think one can place estimates of probability on these things and I think the probability of any supernatural creator existing is very very low."
"The probability is one in 9 trillion, and of course, like I said, this is just for any random outcome."
"Improbable does beat impossible in terms of likelihood."
"I think that actually might be likely."
"There's no such thing as certainties. There's only probabilities."
"In life, there's no such thing as certainties. There's only probabilities."
"It defies logic and the laws of probability that it could elude capture in so many places for so long."
"The simplest answer is usually the most likely."
"Absolutely unbelievable, three crits and a freeze."
"I'm sorry, but some people are going to look at the track record of those kinds of things and look at this and say this is the same exact playbook as what has been happening in these other issues."
"If I write a book that makes a lot of claims, it would be very unlikely that one of them doesn't end up being true."
"From a mathematical point of view it's extremely likely actually."
"Human beings in everything that we do, everything that we believe, whether it's a TV to buy or which camera or what phone, we generally base our opinions upon balance of probability."