
Dark Matter Quotes

There are 422 quotes

"Even though we don't understand dark matter and dark energy... we still continue to study."
"Science is still in its infancy... 95% of the matter and energy in this universe is unknown to us. Dark matter, dark energy are completely unknown."
"We see evidence of something without a guilty party, so to speak, without an actor doing it. This is our dark matter in terms of the gravitational effects."
"Dark Matter makes up about 85% of the mass in the universe."
"Our best idea for what dark matter might be is that it's some kind of subatomic particle."
"Dark matter certainly exists, or as certain as you can be in an experimental science like cosmology."
"The universe is 5% ordinary matter, 25% dark matter, and 70% dark energy."
"Dark matter...there must be some new invisible particles out there, or else something else that we don't yet understand."
"Dark matter exists... we've crossed a threshold where we have enough evidence empirically to say that dark matter of some sort has to exist."
"Increasingly, we see evidence that space may also be teeming with that which barely interacts with light: black holes, dark matter, rogue planets, and fragments lost between the stars."
"Dark Matter gives out no light or too little light for us to detect. We know it exists because we see the effect of its gravity on the visible stars and galaxies."
"Space isn't only about the light of billions of stars and galaxies; it's also about massive blind spots with previously unexplored objects hidden within."
"These [axions] have all the right properties to provide the dark matter."
"Even though it's invisible and undetectable, dark matter rules the cosmos."
"Dark matter is a form of matter that does not interact with light. It's that simple. Wrong answer. What is dark matter? We don't know."
"Dark matter... it should be called invisible, like if I had a handful of it, it would literally be invisible."
"96% of the universe is either in the form of dark matter or dark energy, which is just a fancy way of saying there's some physical phenomena that we don't understand."
"I believe that, you know, we're missing something. Whether it's dark matter or other dimensions... I feel like we're missing lots of things in this puzzle."
"Dark matter only feels gravity, so we can't detect it. We're also looking for all sorts of other stuff. We know very little about the universe. Most of the universe is a big mystery."
"Unanswered questions about dark matter and the early universe unsettle our understanding."
"The twin discoveries of dark matter and dark energy have thrown cosmology into turmoil."
"Dark matter could be responsible for major parts of the formation of the universe."
"The present-day shape of the Milky Way has definitely been formed and shaped by not just the interaction of matter but also a very strong influence from other mysterious things like dark matter."
"Even though it's less dense, it still forms about 50 to maybe 80 percent of total mass of the universe."
"The mysterious dark matter and of course the visible matter known as baryonic matter."
"The advancements in trigger systems will greatly enhance the ability of the experiments to identify signals related to dark matter."
"Some of the earliest and most compelling evidence we have for dark matter's existence comes from the ways that galaxies rotate or orbit."
"We have all sorts of ideas for what the dark matter might be, and there's even a good chance that whatever it really is isn't on this chart or anyone's mind yet."
"She discovered dark matter in galaxies so that sort of brought dark matter home in a way that was like whoa this stuff is not just exotic at the edges of the universe it's in our face and we just named a telescope after her."
"The observations from Euclid are going to be revolutionary they will hammer down the constraints of dark matter and dark energy better than any telescope has ever done before."
"Once we have the ability to harvest dark matter, that could be very valuable indeed."
"Dark matter is a meme made up by physicists to hide the fact that they have no [ __ ] idea how the universe works."
"Dark Matter forms huge structures Across the Universe, existing as gravitational scaffolding."
"Dark matter is the craziest phenomenon in the universe."
"So our Venus, all the planets, all of them are inhabited but they are in the realm of dark matter and dark energy which our quantum physicists are finally learning about."
"What everybody wants in life is financial stability. I mean, that's the most important thing."
"In exploring the universe's edges, we confront the limits of our understanding, where dark matter and dark energy shape the cosmic landscape in profound yet distinct ways."
"Dark matter is essentially matter that doesn't interact with light so that means we can't see it but just because we can't see it doesn't mean we don't know it's there."
"As you can see, there are lots of reasons to think that dark matter is a real thing."
"The gas that's falling in and out of these dark matter regions is ultimately going to become the first stars, the first galaxies."
"Whoever answers the question 'what is the dark matter'... will be getting a trip to Stockholm."
"Dark matter makes up like 85 percent of the matter in the universe."
"Another thing that more recently upsets me is that you have probably heard that there is a type of dark matter that is increasing in popularity right now which is called the axion."
"Discovering what dark matter truly is... is a monumental step to the next levels of mankind."
"Dark matter is very likely an essential building block of the universe."
"If we had a Dark Matter particle, we would see just a little flash and a very high-frequency sound."
"Dark Energy propels the Stars outward; Dark Matter slows them down."
"Dark Matter: A mysterious and invisible substance representing a significant portion of the universe's mass."
"I was always the kid that got stuck out in the hallway because I was asking questions that the teacher couldn't answer."
"The world has zillions of intractable problems some of which are genuine existential threats to the human race."
"Dark matter makes up a significant portion of the universe."
"They want to find dark matter, that is their goal."
"Whoever figures out what dark matter is, you'll get a Nobel prize. Let's do it."
"This telescope's mission is to help answer the question... what is the universe made of by exploring the cosmic mysteries of dark matter and dark energy."
"Most of the mass in galaxies isn't made of luminous material; it's made of something else, something we just called dark matter."
"We think there'd be something like a million particles of dark matter in this room with us right now."
"This separation is considered to be direct evidence that dark matter exists."
"Probably something related to the dark world because we are so many compelling evidence from gravitational and also our model for the birth of the universe."
"This missing invisible mass is called dark matter according to contemporary studies."
"There has been some really intriguing findings especially on the nature of dark matter and the nature of dark energy."
"Moving beyond the standard model is necessary to explain things that don't fit, like dark matter or open doors into new physics like supersymmetry."
"Much of cosmology is focused on figuring out the dark matter... We should be ready or open-minded to new Knowledge Learning that things that arrive to us from outside the solar system could be quite different from what we had seen before."
"This has great relevance for the concept of dark matter. The stars in the outer region of the galaxy are orbiting faster than Newton's and Einstein's equations predict."
"Dark matter and dark energy, together they make up 95% of the universe."
"Euclid is the first purpose-built telescope that's going to study the structure of the universe by looking for these distortions of Galaxy shapes using dark matter."
"Dark matter is the caloric of our time."
"The cosmic web of Dark Matter becomes visible when looking at the objects that fill it."
"95% of our universe is made up of dark energy and dark matter, and we don't know what it is."
"A very important discovery for scientists studying Galactic Evolution and trying to solve mysteries of things like dark matter."
"This invisible mass is called dark matter. With this in mind, scientists quickly created the standard cosmological model called Lambda cold dark matter, abbreviated as Lambda CDM."
"We also know in fact the way to say is dark matter is cool and not just in the hip way but it's cool and that it is cold."
"Intriguingly, the amount of dark matter calculated from the tiny temperature variations in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) aligns with what we observe from the movements of stars and galaxies."
"And if it gives insights into what we describe as dark matter, yeah, uh, that's a good thing because dark matter is the longest unsolved problem in modern astrophysics, possibly the longest unsolved problem in all of science. It's been around for 80 years."
"The real reason why wimps and axions are the popular dark matter candidates is the ease with which their evolution in the early Universe can naturally give rise to the observed amount of dark matter."
"The role of dark matter in cosmic structure formation is a topic of ongoing research and fascination in cosmology."
"Dark matter makes up about 85% of the universe's total matter content and acted as scaffolding for galaxy formation."
"Dark matter is um a huge part of the universe and we still don't know what it is we've been speculating it about it for almost 100 years now."
"If you have a better idea than dark matter, that's great. Explain all the evidence."
"Dark matter played a crucial role in shaping the universe's structure and evolution."
"Gravitational lensing has become instrumental in mapping the distribution of dark matter."
"Dark matter and dark energy together form the crux of a cosmic conundrum that significantly challenges our understanding of the universe's origins and its fundamental nature."
"...if these dark stars are confirmed it could once and for all prove the existence of dark matter..."
"...it wouldn't be unusual for dark matter to also be some kind of a non-interactive particle that just seems to kind of exist and gravitationally influence things but doesn't really do anything else."
"Radiant worlds dominated and held together by Dark Matter."
"We know neutrinos are dark matter."
"Dark matter is basically space-time Heat."
"Dark Matter, a mysterious substance, has been explored as a potential factor in mass extinction events."
"About 80 percent of the matter in the universe is invisible to telescopes. This dark matter neither reflects, absorbs, nor emits light yet it interacts with matter via a gravitational influence."
"We don't know how close we are to figuring out dark matter. I don't think we're very close. I would say we are still probably decades away from knowing what it is."
"So what are your thoughts about the possible relationship to dark matter as the news has talked about this?"
"Dark matter is just as real as the 100 plus planets discovered in orbit around stars other than the sun."
"Since the late 1990s, it has become clear that even dark matter is dwarfed by dark energy."
"It's dark in the dark matter, and what we mean by that is roughly speaking that it doesn't interact, or it interacts only very very weakly. If dark matter interacted strongly, it would clump and form structures pretty easily."
"The universe is expanding and with its entire contents, and it's filled with a bizarre kind of matter, dark matter."
"Dark matter, an invisible yet profoundly influential component of the universe, plays a crucial role in its structure and evolution."
"...without dark matter, the gravitational forces generated by visible matter alone would be insufficient to form the galaxies and other large structures that we see in the universe today."
"Rick knows the formula on how to create concentrated dark matter."
"The Halo and the Dark Matter Halo are these spherical structures."
"With Roman, you're already ruling out a whole bunch of alternative theories of dark matter."
"It is a strange idea to think that we are being orbited by these Blobs of dark matter that are not connected to any kind of galaxy."
"The building block of the universe are these Halos of Dark Matter out there."
"But it has to be different than ordinary matter because of just what I said because the Dynamics of dark matter are different."
"The battle between dark matter, the force that holds the universe together, and dark energy, the force seeking to tear it apart, has set the universe on a path of destruction."
"...clusters themselves would fly apart if they weren't composed of dark matter."
"Black holes are the only dark matter that we currently know of to exist."
"There should be at least one hundred million black holes in our galaxy in the Milky Way alone but that's not enough that's not enough black holes to account for the dark matter."
"People have taken very seriously the idea that the dark matter comes from other dimensions or represents ordinary particles that are actually moving in the other dimensions."
"Many physicists are confident they'll eventually discover a complete solution to the dark matter mystery unless, they say, it simply exists at an incredibly small size far smaller than humans have ever been able to explore."
"Does this mean that black holes are dark matter? Well, possibly."
"Black holes represent a way we can learn more about dark matter, even if they turn out not to be dark matter themselves."
"Experiments have given some weird hints that just maybe we might be getting close to finding whatever particle it is that makes up Dark Matter."
"In theory you could even use dark matter to bulk up a black hole, and get power from it."
"So if we can ever work out whether dark matter is, it has profound implications tied back to the early history of our universe."
"We're trying to understand these mysterious two big mysterious components, dark energy and dark matter."
"We're able to detect things that are entirely dark and we have this opportunity to really probe the universe for the first time in this completely original way."
"Dark matter, Schrodinger's cat, wave-particle duality, these are all conceptually quite strange things."
"Dark matter and antimatter are still mysteries waiting to be unraveled."
"There really isn't dark energy or dark matter, there is simply a lack of understanding on the gravitational forces."
"If dark matter interacts through forces other than gravity, as some theories suggest, it could open up novel pathways to understanding the cosmos's structure and the fundamental laws that govern it."
"...it might actually create a bit of a problem for the modern cosmology specifically the problems for the ideas behind the mysterious dark matter."
"Efforts to understand Dark Matter."
"Dark matter, an invisible form of matter, comprises about 85% of the universe's total mass."
"The interaction between dark matter and black holes is a topic of significant interest and ongoing research in astrophysics."
"...the energy of the scalar field... decayed into dark matter and dark energy and normal matter."
"Euclid's primary mission is to map out dark matter across the greater cosmos."
"Euclid is undergoing final preparations for its dark matter survey set to start at the beginning of the year."
"Dark matter may have been at work."
"Most of the matter in the universe is dark."
"When we say dark, we're talking about shadow matter, we talking science here."
"The rest of the universe appears to be made of a mysterious, invisible substance called Dark Matter."
"Astronomers have noticed things in the heavens that strongly suggest that all that we can observe makes up just 5% of the universe."
"Wimps – Short for Weakly Interacting Massive Particle, this is the current favored candidate for dark matter."
"Dark stars, hypothetical stars composed mostly of dark matter, are thought to have been able to get as big as a solar system."
"The nature of dark matter is still a mystery."
"Dark matter... appears to be the dominant form of matter in the universe."
"It isn’t likely we will crack the mysteries of dark matter for some years."
"Dark Matter seems to be a probably type of some type of particle but it clumps up under the influence of gravity."
"A spherical region called the galactic halo contains one of the oldest stellar populations in the galaxy as well as mysterious dark matter."
"Galaxies are made up of stars, dark matter, various exotic components, and interstellar gas which is diluted in this gigantic volume between each star."
"The dark matter is dark because it doesn't interact with electromagnetism; it really should be called invisible matter rather than dark."
"The only kosher candidates for Dark Matter are the ones that were predicted from particle physics to exist before it was realized they could be dark matter."
"The remaining 23% is something called dark matter."
"The only thing that we can detect about dark matter is its gravity."
"Congratulations, most of the universe cannot be bothered to interact with you."
"Dark matter is seriously strange stuff."
"This invisible scaffolding of our universe makes up almost all the matter in the universe."
"Is the universe made of dark matter, and the rest of us, doesn't matter?"
"Dark matter is something that makes up about 27% of the universe and yet it doesn't emit, absorb, or reflect any light and remains completely invisible."
"Dark Matter holds galaxies together as they spin, and without it, galaxies would be scattered and we most likely wouldn't exist."
"The dark matter starts compressing, and the normal matter then falls into the deep gravitational wells it creates."
"The dark matter filaments have been very fully created, there's something bright going on in the center."
"Cold dark matter is the stuff that doesn't do light."
"The Dark Matter halo is making gas fall into the center, that makes a hot rotating disc."
"Galaxies are at the centres of dark matter distributions that once was smooth and then fell together."
"The vast majority of the cosmos is dark matter."
"The question of what dark matter is all about is the one that is most compelling."
"Dark Matter... it's some sort of particle and it is a mass, just like normal matter, but it just only interacts gravitationally."
"The bullet cluster... can only be explained if there is dark matter in addition to regular matter."
"We can actually infer from the third peak the amount of dark matter that there is in the universe."
"Dark matter is often referred to as the invisible glue that holds everything together."
"Only 5% of the universe is ordinary matter... 25% of the universe is this stuff called dark matter... and 70% or thereabouts is this even more mysterious Dark Energy."
"The separation between the material shown in pink and blue provides observational evidence for dark matter."
"Dark matter... is one of these great mysteries in astronomy."
"I research the dark side of our universe, the stuff we can't see and touch: dark energy, dark matter."
"CERN's large hadron collider will unleash its power during the April 8th total solar eclipse, aiming to unravel the secrets of dark matter and the universe's fundamental forces."
"Thank you for tuning in and watching. We hope that you now know a little bit more about Dark Matter, this mysterious substance that may or may not exist."
"Dark matter is called dark matter because we cannot see it; it doesn't shine like a sun."
"The Large Hadron Collider will operate at an energy that will produce dark matter particles."
"I think we're all agreed that dark matter is real."
"Dark matter is this mysterious stuff that seems to be permeating the universe, dominating the mass of the universe, and it doesn't give off any light."
"If I knew what dark matter was made out of, I'd have a Nobel Prize in physics."
"I am an astrophysicist. I get paid cash money to understand things like dark matter and galaxies, and my specialty is supermassive black holes."
"The observable universe is only about 4% of what's the actual Universe; you have dark matter, Dark Energy."
"Dark matter should form a web, a structure that actually takes up the whole volume of the universe."
"It's an amazing idea that there's a hidden underlying scaffolding to the entire universe."
"80% of the mass of the universe is something we don't know what it is; it's not made of atoms the same way we are."
"Dark matter is really weird; it doesn't heat up when you shock it, it doesn't interact with regular matter, it doesn't reflect light, it doesn't give off any light at any wavelength."
"Dark Matter, one of the biggest mysteries in space, is the name we use for all the mass in the universe that's still invisible to us."
"Dark matter is also accounted for about 85 percent of all matter in the universe and is more the theoretical type of matter rather than an actual one we've discovered."
"Dark matter is often invoked as one of the most mysterious substances in the universe."
"There is also dark radiation, which is a hypothesized type of invisible radiation that governs the interaction of dark matter."
"One of the big questions about dark matter is its complexity."
"Between dark energy and dark matter, maybe 70 to 90 percent of everything that's around us... I presume one day we will have instruments to detect it."
"You have dark matter as the main constituent of material in the universe."
"Dark matter... a form of matter we can't see but exists everywhere."
"Dark stars are a proposed concept in which the first phase of stellar evolution in the universe is powered by dark matter heating instead of nuclear fusion."
"We can go after dark matter, we can go after so much more."
"The galaxies are actually held together by mass far bigger than all stars combined."
"If primordial black holes within this mass range exist in the numbers needed to account for dark matter, then maybe some of them could have ended up in stars like our sun."
"...94% of the universe is dark matter... all this stuff that we take as a reality is only 6%."
"The universe is made of five percent normal matter, 27 percent dark matter, and 68 percent dark energy."
"We might think we understand all this but we have things like dark matter, dark energy... and the real directions are going to be different from what people think they are."
"No one is entirely sure what is causing this, but one speculation is the weight in the galaxy's dark matter halo caused by the rapid motion of its two closest satellite galaxies."
"We really, really don't know what dark matter looks like, and so it could be anything."
"Shedding light on dark matter, we're going to learn about the ever mysterious invisible matter that makes up a large part of our universe."
"Dark matter... it's really quite mysterious. It's not as mysterious as dark energy, but dark energy is so mysterious that we don't understand it at all."
"Dark matter is an indication that there may be another revolution coming."
"We know that dark matter exists in some form in our universe; we see its gravitational effects."
"We don't know what dark matter is, but we use it as a telescope, which is kind of amazing."
"Dark matter really doesn't seem to clump in the way that regular matter does."