
Worldview Quotes

There are 2123 quotes

"I discovered that beliefs make the world in a very real way, that beliefs are the world in a more than metaphysical sense."
"We carry everything with us and have to acknowledge that the way we see things, the way we view the world, and what we believe is not just our own experience."
"There is suffering in the world, yes. There is malevolence in the world, yes. But we should also be open to the fact that there is pleasure, there is beauty, there is romance, there is adventure, there is genuine love in the world."
"The world is changing too fast, so it's not easy to turn your entire worldview upside down, inside out, even if it gives you a 10 or 100x advantage over the traditional view."
"The victor should speak of the way the world should be, not the way it is."
"How you see the world matters and dictates the success that you have as a masculine man."
"Science is a very important part of our worldview."
"Worldview for me was a kind of organizing principle of how do all the things that you know connect."
"You cannot build a worldview off science since science is just a way of processing information."
"Believing in a subjective worldview is to believe whatever makes you happiest. Thus, if you can choose to view the world as a beautiful, mysterious, incredible place that we have the privilege to live in, why wouldn't you?"
"Our perception shapes our view of the world, and that in turn shapes our experience of the world."
"It is our hope that this debate will spark conversations and wrestlings for all present... and that it will inspire each of you to think more deeply about your own worldview."
"You have to take the world for what it is, not what you want it to be."
"We should be open, at the very least, not even just open but should actively seek out things that don't confirm our pre-existing worldviews."
"The internet changes everything... it really changed the way that I think about the world."
"Invest the world around us with love and not to feel that we are just components in a mindless and purposeless machine."
"The problem of consciousness is not a problem of language. It's a problem with worldviews."
"Evil reinforces its own worldview by constantly engendering the situation it says is unavoidable."
"Now I started to see education as something that could make the world a more interesting place, and something that could increase the accuracy of my beliefs."
"No matter how cemented you are in your worldview, you are never more than one book away from questioning everything."
"Anarchism is a process and it's a lens through which to view the world."
"Our greatest power to change our world is our power to change our mind about the world."
"Each culture has a different orientation to the world, whether that be to nature, to each other, and even to time."
"The most important decision anyone will ever make is whether or not they live in a hostile or a friendly universe."
"It only benefits us as biased interpreters of reality to take in other people's perspectives and use that to build a more open, worldly, inclusive, and joyful view of the world."
"From the beginning of our history, humanity has gone through a non-stop change of its worldviews, always convinced that now we've got it right."
"The idea that the language that you speak gives you a certain pair of glasses that you see the world through is very attractive."
"We should be able to agree that having a worldview guided by a continuous, honest engagement with reality... is better than having a worldview solidified or anchored to unchanging ideas."
"Having a worldview guided by a continuous honest engagement with reality is better than having a worldview anchored to unchanging ideas."
"Every bit of information you absorb is filtered through your worldview and your cultural values."
"How absolutely arrogant would it be to say, 'I have a worldview and it provides me an explanation for everything'? That's laziness. That's somebody who doesn't care about the truth, they're just really uncomfortable with not being able to acknowledge when they're wrong."
"It's a very, very dangerous world, but it's a wonderful world."
"The world is given to us in our perceptions."
"To simply rely on our emotional drives to determine which worldview we should accept is a poor criterion."
"A worldview is built around four questions: origin, meaning, morality, and destiny."
"Bigotry hurts; being bigoted causes you to see the world in a spiteful, vindictive, and antagonistic way."
"I feel really good about my understanding of the world, and I'm trying to constantly expand my understanding."
"Nothing else I read taught me how to look at the world this way, to step outside of the individual or the easy narrative of good versus evil."
"The most fundamental decision that we make is whether we live in a friendly or hostile universe."
"Our worldview is simply our philosophy of life, our attempt to make some sense out of our existence here on a planet."
"Everything is driven by some sort of lens that you're looking at the world through."
"This world is a story... Once you see that, you will be happy."
"The world is a reflection of you. If you view yourself as someone who's susceptible to money getting stolen from them, then that's exactly what your worldview becomes."
"You see the world as a person in love sees the world."
"See the world as a place of opportunity and not pain."
"Everybody sees the world differently, and photography enables us to see the world through the eyes and minds of others."
"You can operate in the world in a very generous fashion once you realize that."
"The world we live in is exactly what you'd expect if that God doesn't exist."
"The world, as far as I'm concerned, is an accumulation of thoughts, ideas. It's 8 billion individualized movie screens attempting to interact, to co-exist together."
"Everyone has a basic worldview, even if it isn't crystallized."
"I initially set out to justify this worldview that I had cultivated for myself, and over time, when you actually look at the data and you dig into it, you find yourself at a crossroads. It's like, well, either I can accept that the data is telling me something different, and I should be open to maybe the fact that I'm wrong, or you double down and you say no, the data's wrong, this is actually wrong."
"When people say ‘do you have optimism about the world, you know how terrible it is’ I said ‘Yes!’ Just say ‘It’s great! Just the way it is!’"
"Beauty is vanishing from our world because we live as though it did not matter."
"This world is just so desperately fucking boring."
"There are four main pathways to the truth: science, reason, intuition, and imagination. Any worldview that tries to get by without paying due respect to all four of these is bound to fail."
"The world is governed by odds. It's not black and white."
"We live in a miraculous world, whether you are a theist, an atheist, or an agnostic."
"Stay cheerful, be constructive. The world's full of ten thousand things that are ugly and awful."
"The most motivating force in the world on the planet, based on research, hands down, is empowerment, encouragement, support, and celebration."
"What are facts? People are always reading texts in light of how they understand the world before they read the text."
"This can only happen by the way if you change these two things your world view and your self view which is by constantly consciously stacking up confirmations on your chosen affirmation"
"It is a world view that assumes from the outset that the ordinary operating system of society is racism."
"Christianity is the worst thing in the eyes of the world because it is the religion of obeying and glorifying God."
"When the brain is functioning right, you begin to see the world very differently."
"It's a subtle but important distinction between how platinuses himself and how he sees the gnostics as they view this world."
"The world is a lot Stranger than what we think it is. There's a lot more going on than we might think. We need to just embrace that idea and then try to process what it is that people experience in an honest way."
"They never demonstrate that their worldview can actually account for these things."
"Say I am in control, look at the wider picture and see the world that you've been faced in."
"His whole world view had been shaken right he'd finally even though he'd seen the Precision of the vase he'd finally gone man that was really something else going on back here."
"We live in a world of probabilities not certainties."
"Be careful what your world view is, it can feed back on you, especially if it is a negative world view."
"How survival shapes the mind, the psyche, the beliefs, the world views."
"I feel like I have a much bigger perspective of the world."
"The world is an interesting place, but there's good people, there's bad people, there's extremes on both sides. But all in all, I think it'll work out, Andrew."
"I try really hard to take a positive outlook on the world and humanity."
"You're going to serve somebody, you are going to be a prisoner to someone's worldview."
"You are responsible for your thoughts and actions. We just have a fundamental difference on how we view the world."
"Remind people that there is a little bit of light in the world."
"The world looks different when you understand it."
"Your beliefs shape your world, man. So true."
"Their perception of people in the world changed because they kind of started to see the world as being a more open or friendly place."
"Sometimes God looks at the world and says you're wrong."
"What if you can see the world in a more interesting way?"
"There must have been 13th-century ordinary working people who were better traveled and had a wider world view than many modern people."
"The question is that the definition of help was created in a way that shaped your way of looking at the world and that definition now is being questioned."
"I'm not in favor of destroying things. I really see the world as binary at this point. There are people who create and nurture and there are those who deface and destroy."
"This world is a callous and merciless place."
"It's almost like they're taking a God's eye view of the world."
"Children must decide that the world is a safe place."
"If this were true, what would the world look like?"
"Are you building your own worldview or allowing bots to do it for you?"
"Challenging the belief in heaven and hell can prompt a reevaluation of one's religious or spiritual worldview."
"I don't think you're living that worldview, it's just unlivable."
"What are the chances... a spiritual war going on in this world."
"You have to see the world for yourself to appreciate how beautiful it is."
"Worldview makes a difference in how you communicate, how we think."
"What it means to have a biblical worldview, we want to achieve a correct, accurate biblical worldview."
"Living in a world where Satan Reigns and you and I and our families have to suffer the consequences doesn't really feel appealing to me."
"If you change the way a person thinks, you change their world."
"Stay safe out there and stay creepy because this world is a strange one."
"So I think I could do it in a way that propels the conversation further but not to the point where I'm advocating for a specific worldview."
"Truly being self-made, having humble roots and beginnings, does allow someone to see the world differently."
"You might want to question your worldview if it requires you to enforce it with violence on people who disagree."
"It's all man-made fantasies. People need to deconstruct their entire worldview."
"History is littered with discoveries that change the way we see the world."
"If you think this world is about you think again maybe you misunderstood something."
"There's nothing random in our world. Everything's by Design from a Biblical perspective."
"Musk's views on religion are a matter of public interest because they provide insight into his world view."
"Your interests cannot be exclusive to others. If your worldview revolves around oppressing people, then shut the [__] up."
"There's something fundamentally wrong with this worldview."
"All the world is a stage, and if we see this world as a narrative that has been authored by the most benevolent being in the universe then we can have hope and we can find courage to do the right thing against all odds."
"This film is an opportunity to show the world in a whole new perspective."
"What keeps the world going round? If we had any sense, we'd understand that."
"Remember that the world belongs to the brave."
"The whole way that we have been trained to see how the world works, it's not necessarily true."
"How far we have fallen from the medieval worldview where man was the literal center of the universe... this nihilistic."
"There's a lot of evil in this world, man, a lot."
"The world was corrupt... you're going to be surprised at just how hypocritical and disgusting it is."
"Every language that I have ever learned has radically reshaped how I look at the world."
"You want me to believe that your worldview is necessary for me to value human life?"
"The world is stupid, we live in a stupid world."
"Linguistic relativity: Does language shape our worldview?"
"As believers we see and know that the world system is lying to everyone and it is directing the masses towards judgment in the lake of fire."
"The framework is called the Soros Imperial Circle. It's a concept that might just change how you view the world of finance forever."
"Psychopaths live in a falsely constructed worldview in which they are both literally and figuratively god."
"How can you truly understand your own worldview if you aren't actually allowed to engage with the ideas that might contradict it?"
"A coherent worldview that attracts radicals."
"The world around us is nothing more nothing less than a mirror of what we accept is our reality."
"Travel is great, it broadens our perspectives, it makes us better people."
"There's a strong theme of changing your belief system, changing how you view the world."
"It simply makes the world feel so much bigger than it first appears to be."
"Everyone has a unique world view, and that world view is shaped by different perspectives."
"It's a heartless world sometimes." - Unnamed speaker
"This full moon really illuminates for you how you approach the world, how you relate to the world, and your attitude towards the world as a whole."
"I want to influence you, alter how you look at the world."
"Core beliefs shape how we interpret events and navigate the world."
"How we see the world is unique in so many different ways."
"The more you separate yourself from the collective, the more the world is going to make sense to you."
"Just round them out a little bit and also look for the underlying material reasons as to why these things happen and uh and you know you will eventually steer towards the right uh steer towards a a better world view."
"I think this is a lot about Anderson's worldview - everybody has a chance to change their lives."
"They view the world and people in their individual potential, not in their limitations."
"The mechanistic mechanical worldview is the worst possible worldview for living sustainably on the earth, a more holistic worldview of which morphic resonance in part seems to me not only true but essential for our survival."
"The secular worldview is built on things like naturalism, that nature is all that there is. There's no supernatural."
"Wholesome in a way that makes you feel okay about the world."
"Bitcoin had some pretty definite ideas about the world."
"Rocket Lab, great job, so glad to see you guys back."
"The world is more complicated than you think it is."
"It's a wonderful world we're living in viewers, a wonderful world."
"Their worldview was really influenced by twisting of scripture."
"Having a nice worldview, having a nice like philosophical approach, I think that'll, you know, present me with, how would I like to put this, it really lets you see things in a different manner, okay, in a different aspect, okay?"
"It's just the reality of the world that we live in."
"Everybody has a worldview, right? Everybody starts with something, and that's how they look at the world."
"We cannot give our children the biblical worldview if we don't have one."
"The apocalypse isn't the end of the world but the end of a particular formation of the world."
"A worldview buttressed by dogmatic desperation invariably leads to single-minded fanaticism."
"That's the basic principle. If people start thinking about that way it'll alter their whole way of looking at the world at large."
"People that have gone through pain and hardship can often see the world in a different way than other people do."
"There's something wrong with the way we're conceiving of the world."
"I think it's a reminder that the world is not black or white."
"Critical race theory is a worldview, it has central tenets, and everything that it does is seen through the lens of this worldview and these central tenets."
"Making sense of the world we live in isn't always so easy."
"Equipping the next generation with biblical worldview."
"The world is a stranger place than I thought it was."
"The world would rather hug you, not hurt you."
"People get persuaded out of entire worldviews all the time."
"We can't continue to see the world... as black or white."
"Everybody is uncomfortable, and that's where I feel like you can say Gen Z is looking at the world like it's not a comfortable world anymore."
"Your worldview is going to impact the way you live your life."
"The world is a fantastic place full of beautiful people."
"It's about rotating your viewpoints so you can see the world from other angles."
"If y'all only knew how evil this world really was."
"A positive outlook that the whole world is full of magic and Wonder."
"I'd rather be an optimist than just despair at the state of the world."
"BMO's way of seeing the world unites a shattered duo."
"Even when I was out in the streets, I had this worldview."
"The world is a wonderful and beautiful place and I am very lucky."
"If your whole worldview consists only of politics, you'll be wholly miserable."
"I feel like the world, in general, is just so much more full of joy and peace."
"I mean, that's such a tragic thing for someone who's been victimized to then have to frame the whole world as a world of victims, a world of trauma, and a world of predation in order to cope with what happened to them."
"The world is evil, but there's also a lot of good. There's a lot of good in the world."
"Having my son has completely changed my worldview."
"Why do we have to live in a world of lack? We live in a world of abundance."
"You don't have to be an anarchist, but you have to at least confess that if your worldview was so incapable of predicting something so basic, you had to have done the math wrong somewhere."
"Our people have an eternal perspective, a lot of American Christians have a 70 or 80 year perspective."
"I feel connected to the world in a way that is deep and abiding."
"We should be dangerous. We should be a threat to this obviously quite fragile worldview that they have constructed."
"The world is embedded with toxic DNA, but seek truth and knowledge like a Brahmin."
"I just love solving complex problems that fundamentally change how we see the world."
"What a strange, wonderful world, what a beautiful world."
"Lots of insanity happening in the world, and the only real way to make sense of it is to try to see it from an honest, real perspective."
"Our thoughts are like glasses: they are the lens through which we see the world."
"You only live one life, so you might as well just live it to the fullest."
"Every time I fight with the concept of generosity I'm fighting with the concept of my identity. A generous lifestyle affects how you see the world around you."
"A world that feels smaller and more full of love than I ever realized."
"An unexpected opportunity may require a worldview change."
"The idea is to see things from a spiritual perspective."
"Everything sucks, the world sucks, people suck."
"It just changes everything, and you see the entire world in a new way, and it's a beautiful thing."
"Our perceptions or our expectations shape how we view the world."
"The world doesn't determine how you feel; how you feel determines the world you perceive."