
Role-playing Games Quotes

There are 940 quotes

"Let's have all three: you don't need to do the voice, knowing your character's motivation and subtext so you can improvise their reaction leads to drama, and just sitting around playing, rolling dice, and killing zombies is fun."
"Players say 'I would like to roll perception on the room' because they want more information about their environment, and when you have a player character that prompts themselves to make a perception check, stop them and ask them what specific actions they want to take."
"Role-playing is about building and expressing a character both through social interactions and through mechanics."
"If you fail this, this is going to happen, and if you succeed, this is going to happen, particularly if the circumstances with the roll are obvious enough that the player would understand that."
"Using natural language makes the game more fun for everybody involved and allows you as a dungeon master to determine when and where the dice will be rolled instead of the players trying to decide that for you."
"Strength is your ability to crush a tomato. Dexterity is your ability to dodge a tomato. Constitution is your ability to eat a rotten tomato and not get sick. Intelligence is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put a tomato in a fruit salad. Charisma is being able to sell a tomato-based fruit salad, which would just be salsa."
"Going to Gen Con in the 90s and seeing all of these amazing RPGs with different fantasies and tons of people playing them was awesome. It is something to look forward to."
"Bards are incredible characters. They have so many capabilities in combat, in both battlefield control but also even a little bit of capability to be damage dealers, and support characters and healers."
"The college of eloquence bard takes everything that rocks about the bard and just turns the volume up to 11. More like 12, actually."
"The bard itself is such a strong root class that no matter what subclass you choose, you're going to have an amazing player character."
"The DM's guide says we award inspiration whenever players take actions that make the game more exciting, amusing, or memorable."
"You're the best level 33 Valkyrie I've ever seen in my entire life."
"A role-playing game is a game that lets you play a certain role in a fictional world."
"Role-playing games are one of the best kinds of imaginary creative experiences you can have with friends."
"In a really like bittersweet twist, he did come back to life, got to continue his story, but the sister he'd been searching for this whole time ended up dying to save him. It was this very emotional, broken moment, and it was wonderful and dark, but we were all there for that type of drama."
"For the players, it is largely improv with structure. You have a character with attributes and things that kind of guide what you're good at, what you're bad at, and you kind of lean into that as part of your character interactions."
"In some ways, streaming is the technology that role-playing games have been waiting for since they started."
"I am a dungeon master and these are the players."
"Any class can be played for comedy, and likewise, any class can be played with gravity."
"Let go of your assumptions... bards are a flexible class! That's kind of the whole point of them."
"Bards are awesome! They're one of my all-time favorite classes. They're so much fun to play and they're incredibly flexible."
"Part of the fun of Dungeons & Dragons is growing this character and seeing them progress."
"It was his first time DMing...but what he did have was imagination and the desire to make it a fun experience for all of us."
"This really does go to show all of you beginner DMs out there that you don't need to know all of the rules...to be a good game master."
"I like the idea of the druid having a social interaction and presenting a flower that then blossoms in his or her hand as he presents it, giving him advantage on the persuasion check."
"These are fantastically creative spells, and there's so much so that I'm actually disappointed by how often players don't get to take them because they end up taking one or a few damage-dealing cantrips."
"The best roleplaying moments in D&D do tend to stem from the dissolve of disbelief and the hilarity that ensues."
"Part of the most appealing thing about RPGs is the ability to play a character your way."
"Roleplaying games allow us to inhabit characters with a level of detail most games don't let us."
"The entire Mages Guild thanks you, young guardian. You will go far."
"I believe that a true role-playing game must involve some combination of the following three major elements: a sense of community through a ritualized shared storytelling experience, a form of game system for the enactment of specific scenarios, and identity alteration."
"Role-playing characters are co-authored creations where the player has real agency in determining who these people are."
"Anytime someone makes a list of best role-playing games, there it sits at either number one or adjacent."
"This entire concept of this unwilling passenger tagging along in your head feels like a genuinely original idea for an RPG."
"Alpha Protocol is a technical achievement in RPG storytelling, not because of the actual details of plot and character, which are mired in conflicting cliches, but because of how truly freeform it is."
"Role-playing games return the power of storytelling to us, and they also spark the imagination."
"Who do you want to be? A brave dwarfish warrior, a wizard who can cast spells, an elf who is skilled in the art of archery, or a stealthy hobbit thief?"
"Spire is a game that boldly, perhaps even nobly, offers you the role of someone for whom life is so intolerable that they're willing to sacrifice everything to make a difference."
"Together we will forge this new world. I would like to invite you to join me on the grand adventure of creating the next great role-playing game."
"In the battle to find the true face of D&D, you have to leave pieces of yourself behind."
"Dialogue is a crucially important area in an RPG. It's how you can express your character, make your choices, understand the world, and much more."
"Pathfinder 2nd edition is finally out of its playtest, and we can now crack open our Pathfinder 2E core rulebooks and bestiary and jump into the newest edition of Pathfinder from Paizo."
"Learn your character and focus on having fun, and you'll be in the swing of things in no time."
"At Archetype, we believe there will always be a place for story-driven role-playing games that put the player at the center of an epic personal narrative with impactful choices."
"Final Fantasy VII is one of the most influential role-playing games of all time, due to its incredible cast of characters, dazzling music and art direction, and very impactful story."
"Role-playing games are often wonderful because they let us explore versions of ourselves that are more heroic, more powerful than we have the opportunity to be in our everyday lives."
"As a Fatebinder, you’re fantasy Judge Dredd."
"Many of the pre-written Call of Cthulhu scenarios are packed with all sorts of great handouts ranging from letters, telegrams, photographs, book excerpts, and much, much more."
"Anybody who looks at this and is inspired by the idea of a trickery domain cleric will find a lot of creative ways to play around with the elements here."
"Playing a wizard feels like you're carrying this magic ring of skeleton keys."
"Oh, what are we going to do in this situation? Cast pass wall, done."
"It's being that problem solver with just the obscure spell list."
"As dungeon masters, we can go, 'Oh, this is a useful way to help me think about the types of encounters that I want to put before my players.'"
"You can create opportunities for them to feel awesome when they overcome those challenges by using their own ingenuity and using their own character abilities."
"Having a warlock in the group is just massive, just so high impact."
"You can go about making your own villain that fits your campaign."
"Constructs serve a great place in D&D, and I am grateful. I'm so glad to have them there; it wouldn't feel complete without them."
"It feels like just a missed opportunity in a role-playing sense or in a storytelling element."
"Curse of Strahd revamped is probably one of the best fifth edition adventures."
"Tomb of Annihilation is genuinely one of my favorites."
"Waterdeep Dragon Heist is still my favorite adventure for fifth edition."
"Starfield's an amazing game... it's just a perfect fit for those of us that love role-playing."
"For me, Warhammer and Star Wars are my gateway D&D drugs."
"Role-playing games that have everything you need in one book."
"Just roll up my character and out of that, create character creation experience."
"Skills covered a broader array of things to do."
"You are mitigating so much damage by being a twilight domain cleric on the battlefield."
"The twilight domain cleric really gets to be the best of both worlds with this build."
"In simplest terms a role-playing game is acting, every choice you make for your character is like a director telling his actors how they should feel."
"Choice within the guild storylines like you have actual like agency."
"Never put the players in a situation where you're taking their agency away from them."
"Playing a wizard feels different than playing any other class... it's harder to get a wizard to be useful but they can be basically more useful than anyone if played right."
"The goal for all of us is to be able to draw a unique D&D character by the end of this season."
"In 1983, I played my first role-playing game and my life was fundamentally changed."
"A reminder of what games can be, what RPGs can achieve, and what good writing actually means."
"First up, we've got the Ancestral Guardian, introduced in Xanathar's Guide to Everything."
"In 2002, Porsche introduced the Cayenne, and to the surprise of many, it became their best-selling vehicle."
"In most Souls games, our avatar comes to the world as an enigma, with very little backstory, and it is up to us to fill in the blanks."
"Being prepared to improv is huge in general and especially I think with NPCs."
"Negative consequences are a vital part of having a rich, full story in D&D."
"Every day of your life can have meaning. It's like you're on a giant open-ended RPG video game where you're an adventurer."
"Tim kept telling her, 'Just rip the band-aid off, say goodbye, and leave.'"
"This was the first game where I felt like I was actually role playing in a game."
"Earthbound attained cult classic status by being unabashedly strange when other RPGs were focusing on dragons and magic."
"Everything gives you XP in this game: discovering new areas, Vistas, jumping puzzles, as well as these heart quests."
"In the 27 years I’ve been playing, I’ve noticed that the majority of problems that occur within an RPG group... it can all be summed up by the Social Contract."
"Minions are a great way to make players feel like heroes."
"Football is just an RPG, it's a strategy game played by people who have leveled themselves up physically in real life. Let's go!"
"Why would you need the fighter or the barbarian to protect you when you have a meat shield of undead minions protecting you while you cast spirit guardians, right?"
"The starting quest in New Vegas has a wealth of player choice involved."
"Playing no DND at all could be better than playing bad d d."
"Trust between a role-playing game group is essential."
"Role-playing takes many forms... if a role player is sitting at the table... that's still role-playing."
"Lead by example... it takes some people time... role-playing is not the same as acting."
"We play a Dungeons and Dragons campaign as well as a Star Wars Edge of the Empire campaign."
"The core narrative... might be the absolute best part of it."
"Clerics are great at dishing out buff spells and damage dealing spells... they really do represent that classic healer archetype, the rock at the center of your party."
"D&D characters of this epic power must deal with primal conflicts that define the fundamental order of the universe."
"A combination of a classic RPG, a champion collecting game, and a beautiful painting all into one thing."
"There's always another campaign, and maybe you like it so much that you want to try your hand at DMing."
"Metamagic feats: empowering, extending, and bolstering spells, with trade-offs in spell slot levels."
"Heighten is basically what allows you to use your spells in a higher spell slot if you apply heightened to a spell you actually get to choose the effective level that you want to cast that spell at."
"Maximize will maximize all the numeric effects of a spell besides the of course saving throws and opposed rolls to block the spell basically it will just deal maximum damage."
"Feel a little more confident in your understanding of what metamagic is and how to apply it in game."
"Come to session 0 with multiple character concepts in mind."
"As a DM you should be willing to budge a little bit."
"We hope that this helps you kick off your next adventure with a bang."
"Establishing the campaign premise sets the stage for adventure."
"Session zero gives you time to work all that out and I would say in a session zero don't feel the pressure to like let the session zero progress you're gonna want to give a couple of hours for for character creation"
"It's a good time to sort of mention that like not every antagonist needs to be fought and not every fight needs to be to the death"
"You want to be in communication with your players over what they want to do. That's going to help you prep."
"I think when we come to exploration, it falls off pretty quick, but we do have some tools at our disposal."
"I think there's one or two possible ones that give the clerics and the Wizards a run for their money."
"A twist on the classic RPGs of the late 90s."
"Never let someone, even the dungeon master, tell you a paladin wouldn't do that or an elf wouldn't do that or a wizard wouldn't do that. They don't get to choose. That's my character, and that's what I'm going to do."
"Sharing your vision and your story is the first step to figuring out if your vision is going to work with everybody at the table because this is a team game."
"Fireball is kind of wearing the crown of one of the coolest damage-dealing spells out there."
"You can make a commentary on D&D in your own campaign and get like a Russian nesting doll with your metaphors."
"Your campaign as distinct from your campaign world is about the player characters."
"Characters are supposed to be unique! The more creative a game, the better!"
"Having the city built on top of a dungeon offers a ton of role-playing possibilities because it's like what happens if the monsters get out?"
"There doesn't have to be this break between City and dungeon it can be sort of one continuous thing right and that really allows for a different style of campaign."
"You could have a lawless city where the powerful crime lords and war bosses vie for control of the city and that's just kind of how it is."
"The urban campaign is about the NPCs and particularly if you have a lot of them or a large organization that's featured in the campaign, having a sort of cast list of NPCs and their relationship to."
"Rangers are the love child of druid and fighter."
"Plan a session 0 for your new campaign to make characters."
"Join forces with characters each on their own personal quests."
"Most people think of me as the D&D guy, and that is entirely reasonable. I often think of myself as a D&D guy."
"Y'all set the standard for the RP in the city."
"Cursed items should be items that are there that the PCs happen to pick up, there should be plenty of options around that as well."
"I countered with, 'Well, you will have a hard time playing the game without a dungeon master,' which seemed to shut the threat down pretty damn quickly."
"If you're someone that's been looking for a real support class, a true magic user that isn't afraid to be right up in the action while protecting their teammates, then the bard is the class for you."
"Serenade of Courage is a team-wide buff that increases the damage of the bard and all party members."
"Serenade of Salvation is a potent ticking burst heal for all party members that stand in the AoE."
"The sense of exploration is central to the RPG experience."
"What defines an RPG? Very few people seem to agree."
"Do you desire RPGs? Spectacular stories, compelling characters, and wondrous worlds await."
"Can I beat Final Fantasy 10 using only items? Let's do it, shall we?"
"The moment the guy was like, 'I'm in the adventurers guild,' I was like, 'That sounds dope.'"
"My game is more about the players dealing with the world than it is the world dealing with the players."
"A chaotic neutral character is an individualist who follows their own heart and generally shirks rules and traditions."
"The only way that these things would matter is if you care about slotting her into your dispatch for the passive rewards."
"The paladin is a fantastic class - full of dedication, courage, and purpose."
"So the shop is going to help provide a lot of this like diversity in the types of fantasies and then you can take all those pieces and mix and match them with the cool stuff that you find in the game to express yourself all kinds of ways."
"It really facilitates a level of immersion and role-playing that crpgs are both known for but also brings it to what I consider a new height."
"The biggest thing that it does is it leans heavily into its role-playing elements."
"A lot of the important characters you'll meet... have a lot to say dependent on your character build previous actions."
"Marvelous. You gotta appreciate when a quest gives you the opportunity to completely and utterly fail."
"It's such a deep game, it explores the role of family and friends in our lives."
"Your responses will reflect Abel as a character and that I very much liked in the context of a role-playing game."
"Assassins and Templars will be important to this game there'll be so much law and it will be there they will be present."
"It's up to you, the Dungeon Master, to describe to the players how their skill earns them a success," Matt Cole stressed. "The goal here is to get the players thinking creatively about how to use their skills."
"The more successes you have to accumulate, the harder the skill challenge is," Matt Cole explained. "You are trying to accumulate a number of successes on skill tests before you accumulate three failures."
"Arcanum not only gives you the freedom to roleplay, it also offers a world in which you’ll want to get into the roleplaying spirit."
"Flight is one of those abilities that DMs have very strong opinions on."
"I hope you have a fantastic day, a fantastic week, and that you get to play lots of D&D."
"No voice actor protagonist, preserving role-playing."
"D&D 5th edition is selling better now than it ever has."
"Pick your birth sign at the start gives your character more identity as they will have unique passives and powers from the start of the game."
"Our hero can fight dragons as a hunter or a wizard, forge weapons or tasty meals as a blacksmith or cook, and even just fish up monster seafood as an angler."
"Garnet and Aiko brought forth quite a lot of evolution for the white mage job class."
"I'm advocating even communities like this should get involved... in dealing with transmutation in this way."
"The story has to be predicated on the dreams and hopes and desires and actions of the player characters."
"So no voice two protagonists, no other weird role-playing restrictions that make it like the fallout 4 of the Elder Scrolls franchise and please do not make it online multiplayer."
"If you want to become a legend in Night City, you are going to the afterlife."
"If you are grappling someone, you become slowed. So if you're holding onto someone, you move slow. Oh, that's cool, I like that."
"Tieflings aren't like outcasts and seen as evil. You as the DM don't need to immediately be racist towards them the entire game."
"KELLY AND I ARE LAUNCHING OUR VERY FIRST BOOK FOR FIFTH EDITION ON KICKSTARTER ON JUNE 28TH Dungeons of Drakenheim is a fifth edition module for characters level 1 to 13 set within a ruined dark fantasy city gripped by cosmic horror."
"Tyranny was the best one among this generation of CRPGs."
"The dwarves have a very powerful sense of duty and loyalty."
"Trying out something like a dwarven drunken master monk can be a refreshing take on a fantasy classic."
"Let's keep going. Am I going in the current series has ended."
"I feel like the Paladin is the protector out of all the different classes."
"Running a published adventure showed me the ropes and let me focus on what was really important, which was running the adventure at the table. It saved me tons of time on campaign planning."
"Collaborating with your players, listening to them, delivering on these experiences is really, really important."
"Every experience that I've had running a pre-written module with my group of four or five friends has taught me more and more about the game."
"I think like maybe one of the lessons is that we as Dungeon Masters are often way more critical of our stuff than our players ever are."
"I grew up playing Dungeons & Dragons and my love for all things post-apocalyptic partially stems from this sword & Sworcery based roots."
"We talked about Trump doesn’t think he’s a visceral editor but he is a marketing and understands the core and power of repeating things time and again."
"The impact that Critical Role has had is immeasurable."
"Good escapism is more important than ever, and I think we have some of the best escapism with Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition."
"Dungeons and Dragons isn't the books that you buy; it's the community around it and the adventures that all of those people go on in their living rooms and homes or online with their friends."
"Dungeons and Dragons only happens when people gather around kitchen tables in living rooms in Zoom calls and Discord to play Dungeons and Dragons."
"Each session should allot time for inter-party role-play and shenanigans."
"Can I hit him with this magic missiles? You got a magic missile that is an automatic hit."
"I want to get up right on the back of his neck."
"I jump and land right at the same time so I squish his head."
"We're seeing a much bigger and broader audience and more diverse audience get into role-playing games and that's really exciting."
"Giving players jobs like these can really help bring everyone together under the common cause of running a really awesome game."
"Imagine King Von on GTA RP, man. King Von was living GTA RP, people."
"Armed with a little bit of knowledge about how to use your class features properly means that you can use them effectively and creatively at the game table."
"Playing Dungeons and Dragons with my friends... it's just such a wonderful playground of creativity and adventure."
"The referee must draw out a minimum of six maps of his underground dungeon."
"It makes your campaign feel epic in scope, it grounds the characters in the world and gives a lot of context for their actions."
"Romance and intimacy and even sex are a part of the stories we tell each other in other mediums so like why would we not have them in our role-playing games."
"The artificer makes the party better, creates these things, fulfills the support role."
"Part of the fun of playing an artificer is that you get to control what magic items you have."
"I love that the artificer has such versatility and that their subclasses change up how they play."
"Inspiration leads to more inspiration in the literary RPG genre."
"I really like how the fifth edition Paladin lets us conceptualize so many different takes on what it means to be a righteous Warrior and that that can take different forms that and that Justice can arrive in unexpected ways."