
Oxytocin Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"Touch releases oxytocin, which is this little chemical that floats in your brain in your blood and it helps you be kind to other people and cooperate."
"Service to another oxytocin wins. Serotonin wins. The more we look after each other, the safer we feel, the more we feel like we belong, and the more we will work together to confront the dangers outside."
"Oxytocin, known by many names: the love hormone, the cuddle chemical, the hug hormone, even the moral molecule."
"Find ways to connect with people you love and care about so that you can be getting these oxytocin hits throughout the day."
"Socialization promotes oxytocin, our bonding hormone, and oxytocin actually acts as a neuroprotectant."
"Understanding that online friendships are important and real, but they're also missing some important parts because interactions don't foster oxytocin release."
"There's a hormone called oxytocin which forms emotional bonds... any time you hug someone, you get a little spurt of oxytocin."
"Oxytocin, a hormone released during intimacy and other intimate gestures like hugging or holding hands, has been proven to strengthen social bonds."
"You want other people to feel the same way, and you say, 'Here, take that.' And when you give, now guess what happens, you release more oxytocin."
"When we're stressed, our bodies get flooded by oxytocin. Which is a feel-good, calming, stress-reducing hormone. Which is also increased when we're with our women friends."
"Eye contact produces a chemical, oxytocin, which is the chemical of connection."
"Oxytocin is what's released when we cuddle with other people... it calms down your nervous system, reduces your stress hormone response."
"If your oxytocin levels are up 200 times, you're so in love with life you wouldn't start judging another person because you'd lose the feeling."
"Oxytocin is known as the cuddle hormone because our pituitary glands release it during moments of affection, like when you're hugging somebody."
"And studies have shown that if you have lower levels of oxytocin, you might have a harder time picking up on social cues or reading facial expressions."
"It's also the reason why a bunch of companies around the world have started bottling up and selling it."
"Another key ingredient of the initial stages of attraction that's missing, is oxytocin."
"When dogs and humans make eye contact, it releases oxytocin in both."
"Touch releases a chemical called oxytocin in our brain."
"Oxytocin, the so-called cuddle hormone, helps cement bonds between people."
"Being intimate with someone floods both of your bodies with oxytocin, commonly thought to be the love hormone."
"The hormone oxytocin correlates with our feelings of bonding."
"Ruteri has a lot of implications around oxytocin, the love hormone, on creating bonding and creating a village-like atmosphere."
"Oxytocin is released in the body during intercourse, a hormone which is linked to positive social functioning and is associated with bonding, trust, and loyalty."
"Oxytocin tells you this person good, stay with them, promote them, do good things for them."
"When we experience love, oxytocin is released in our bodies and quiets the thorns in our brain."
"Any kind of touching drives up the oxytocin system and can give you feelings of deep attachment."
"When you give, now guess what happens? You release more oxytocin, more nitric oxide, and more of those chemicals that cause the heart to swell even more."
"So I think when we laugh about it it kind of dissolved away that's a great point about using oxytocin to potentially re-encode some of those memories or experiences or beliefs."
"The more oxytocin we have in our bodies, it actually makes us more generous because the human body is trying to get us to look after each other."
"Oxytocin enhances socialization, including motivation for pair bonding, sexual activity, affiliative preferences, empathy, and parental behaviors."
"Interestingly, in situations perceived to be a threat, oxytocin can serve to enhance protective behaviors in individuals."
"Decreased oxytocin levels have been linked with depression, apathy, changes in eating and sleeping behaviors, guilt, suicidality, and lack of desire to engage with others."
"Oxytocin is neuroprotective against excitotoxicity and hippocampal shrinkage, common in PTSD and chronic stress."
"...perhaps again the problem is that our studies in oxytocin are generally underpowered."
"Oxytocin helps our brain to be in a replenishment state, increased through physical contact and loving relationships."
"Gratitude practice can trigger serotonin and oxytocin release."
"Oxytocin is often nicknamed like the cuddle hormone or the love hormone."
"We increase the hormone in our bodies known as oxytocin."
"What lowers stress for women is oxytocin and oxytocin is produced by romance, by communication, by affection, by empathy."
"Another important hormone produced by the pituitary gland is oxytocin. It's also known as the love hormone or the cuddle hormone."
"Using social media produces solid double-digit increases in oxytocin."
"All the studies showed that when oxytocin is released during and after sex, you feel closer but you're not actually emotionally closer."
"When you hug a pet, you release oxytocin."
"It is so important to have oxytocin bonding routinely with your wife on purpose. Schedule it."
"Oxytocin rewards you for finding safety in social support."
"When you're altruistic, your oxytocin level goes up which helps relieve your stress."
"When individuals engage in altruistic behavior, such as giving without expecting anything in return, levels of oxytocin increase, promoting feelings of happiness and satisfaction."
"Anything that generates warmth and connection produces oxytocin."
"After sex, they switch back and it's then they get that lovely hit of oxytocin, sometimes called the cuddle chemical."
"Human contact is good; it releases oxytocin."
"A good solid 'that's right' triggers oxytocin."
"The birthing process is a really big stimulator of oxytocin."
"Suckling on the nipple can activate specific receptors that will send the actual release of oxytocin."
"Oxytocin is associated with inhibiting the stress response, enhancing bonding, protecting against stress-induced cell death, and has anti-inflammatory effects."
"Oxytocin is a hormone that plays a lot of different roles in our social lives."
"Oxytocin stimulates contraction of the uterus and facilitates lactation."
"Oxytocin will help to stimulate those smooth muscle contractions or uterine contractions to help induce labor and push the infant out."
"Stay at home as long as possible in the comfort of your own environment; this will facilitate the flood of oxytocin through your body."
"Oxytocin is proven to be magnificently effective for increasing muscle mass."
"When a dog holds your gaze, there is oxytocin released both in the dog's brain and the human brain."
"Oxytocin circumvents leptin resistance quite powerfully."
"Tend and befriend... increases serotonin, it increases oxytocin, it allows us to bond."
"Crying's dope; it releases oxytocin, a good cry that really hits."
"When we have heart expansions from feeling more loved up and feeling more open and compassionate, we actually secrete floods of oxytocin."
"Long gazes into your dog's eyes can increase oxytocin, aka the cuddle hormone, in both you and them."
"Encouraging touch: It's literally gifting someone a chemical burst of oxytocin."
"Every single one of those moments where we move into compassion and we move into connection, we elevate oxytocin."
"Oxytocin is the love hormone; it's released when you feel safe, when you feel connected, when stress is low."
"Oxytocin is both necessary and sufficient for the expression of female partner preference."
"Oxytocin is the love hormone; it helps you to feel loved and cared for and nurtured in your relationships."
"Touching releases oxytocin, also known as the love chemical, a powerful bonding hormone that helps people feel more connected and builds trust."
"Oxytocin, secreted by the posterior pituitary gland, stimulates uterine contractions during childbirth."
"Attachment releases a beautiful hormone called oxytocin, and that is the hormone that makes you feel secure, safe, loved, purposed, reason, importance, self-esteem, value."
"Oxytocin is the original viral; it's the kindness virus."
"Oxytocin is a massively important bonding hormone that makes you feel safe and loved and connected with other people."
"Interpersonally, lavender, neroli, jasmine, roman chamomile, clary sage, and sandalwood all increase circulating oxytocin levels."
"When you touch someone else, your brain releases oxytocin. It relaxes the mind."
"When you hug a tree, you release a hormone called oxytocin, known as the hormone of love and trust, which gives you that warm fuzzy feeling."
"Humans' natural boost in oxytocin while engaging with a dog or cat."
"Hug somebody. Have somebody hug you. It helps to release oxytocin in the body, which makes us feel happier."
"Your brain releases oxytocin, a wonderful feel-good chemical."
"Oxytocin stimulates uterine contractions and helps initiate labor."
"Oxytocin is also important in forming friendships and close relationships."
"Stress goes down when oxytocin goes up, and that's super important when you think about the sociality of mammals."
"Oxytocin plays a role in the reproductive system."
"Oxytocin causes labor contractions."
"Women produce more oxytocin than men do, like far more oxytocin, which is like the love hormone."
"Bonding is so important... it raises our oxytocin levels, so many benefits to it."
"Oxytocin... that's the hormone that binds people together."