
Social Equity Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"The two main takeaways: Should scholars be completely free to pursue research questions without fear of institutional punishment for their conclusions? If pursuit of truth and social equity goals appear to come into conflict, which should scientists prioritize?"
"We are only as strong as the least insured and most vulnerable among us."
"We should demand that the wealthy start paying their fair share of taxes."
"It’s important for there to be diverse–and economically viable ways–for everyone to benefit from solar power, or else it will just be reserved for the few and the elite."
"The task force announced that black Californians with lower average lifespans and lower access to nutritious food would also be eligible for reparations."
"People shouldn't be made to feel inferior or guilty because of the situation they were born into."
"We have to start hiring more minorities so we have that opportunity."
"When you make it really big, when you make the top one-tenth of 1% big, pitch in two cents so everybody else gets a chance to make it."
"We will do everything that is necessary to make sure that when we ask people to do something tough... that you're not disadvantaged."
"With Opportunity Zones, we are drawing investment into neglected and underserved communities of America so that all Americans, regardless of zip code, have access to the American Dream."
"To make sure that revitalization happens with them and for them, not to them."
"America has to be about possibilities, the possibility of prosperity not just for the privileged few, but for the many."
"Think about it, I've heard it over and over again from the left from liberals that voter id is racist because so many people in impoverished communities and minority communities don't have ids or don't know how to get them."
"If we're going to level the playing field and give more people a fair shot, we're going to have to think bigger."
"A legal system that is invested in pursuing the more peaceful means of coexistence among its people would aim to ensure a distribution of privilege."
"Economic justice cannot be realized without ensuring that all communities, especially low income and minority communities are protected from the exploitation and abuse that often accompanies concentrated economic power."
"Everyone deserves healthcare, no matter your economic status."
"I want to make democracy work not just for the rich and well connected but for everybody."
"MPs weren't paid originally for being MPs, which was very bad because that meant that people of means could afford to stand but working-class people could not."
"My American dream is to have an America where every human being in this country has access to quality healthcare."
"Our goal is to provide is to help level the playing field for regular folks or for water providers and to make sure that everyone everyone has a right to collect good clean Safe Water."
"If the license normally would cost you 500,000, with Social Equity, you can get that same license for five or ten thousand dollars."
"We have to properly tax the very wealthy and make investments in the country."
"We have to measure what we're owed and demand it."
"The boss battles are honestly pretty flipping excellent to say the least."
"Let's just keep taxing the rich because man they're successful and they deserve it."
"In order to make Society more Equitable in order to balance things out in order to give a better chance for those people who are not so fortunate a better chance for them to compete to give them a little bit more competitive advantage."
"Oregon's plan would cover everyone regardless of immigration status, funded by new taxes based on ability to pay."
"Participation is key, and effective participation of women and marginalized groups is crucial."
"Institutions should value all those who use them and they should be as inclusive as possible."
"We have to punish anybody just make sure everybody pays their fair share and everybody gets their fair shot."
"The fight will always continue. That fight is not between the left and the right; that fight is between basically greed and humanity."
"It's not about us, it's about making the world more equitable."
"We're solving social inequities by creating medicines for sickle cell disease... we're taking medicines places around the globe where they could never get to before."
"Is it just run for the richest and most powerful or is it running for working people?"
"I'm sick and tired of trickle-down economy, I'm about building from the middle up and out."
"Entrepreneurship is a vehicle to freedom and equity."
"If y'all don't agree that we should get reparations cuz we were never we didn't because we didn't do the work we were never enslaved you don't get to get your daddy's money."
"There can be no future as long as the people that are working in these areas do not benefit."
"Balance is, I guess, the game or pasta is eat more pasta or give women of color more platforms a chance."
"We have to start focusing on the least and the last."
"We need to hear less from straight white men and we need to hear more from marginalized groups because they have another kind of knowledge which is equally valid."
"The state should be making a very strong effort to provide more services in poorer areas."
"Preference will be given to companies run by women, war veterans and certain other minority groups."
"We want everybody to benefit, especially the workers."
"Universal policies will disproportionately help those who have been disproportionately harmed."
"A society that does not put equity and inclusion at the center of it is certainly going to eventually come to the places where we're at."
"Every dollar that you move from the top 10% to the bottom half... is gonna close the overall wealth gap."
"A global socialist economy where there's a minimum standard of living for those in poverty and a maximum for the elite."
"Education is the great equalizer. We need to make public colleges and universities tuition-free."
"We're here for the social equity but we're also here for that financial and awesome."
"Traditional mainstream approaches tend to imagine the history of policy as a series of incremental steps leading gradually toward improved attainments and ever greater degrees of equity and social inclusion."
"Critical perspectives view policy very differently. CRT views policy not as a mechanism that delivers progressively greater degrees of equity, but a process that is shaped by the interests of the dominant white population."
"We're not going to educate our way to a more equitable society. We have to tax our way and we have to increase minimum wage our way into a more equitable society."
"For too long working people in this nation, the middle class in this country, the backbone of the country, have been dealt out. It's time to deal them back in."
"I don't want to go back to an inequitable world. I want something better."
"Investing in black and brown communities and in the people and economic advantages, that's where we can really see a dip."
"Our working-class people going to benefit from that or just the billionaire class?"
"We just have to make sure the floor we live on is not so high that we can no longer hear the voices of those who just want to get on and come up calling out for opportunity."
"I'm for it as long as the taxes are going to the people who actually need it."
"What we really need to be doing as a collective is shifting our focus into trying to make it a more equitable system overall."
"We cannot have an economy that only works for the top 10-15% of people."
"We as a black community deserve nice things, black women deserve luxury."
"If we are going to make society a fairer place then the place in which you can begin to make those changes is in the school."
"Solving class issues helps with race issues. If we eliminate income inequality, one of the most effective metrics by which systemic racism is perpetuated is now eliminated."
"The dumbest thing in the world: to take money from people who have been responsible to give to people who over-leveraged their debt."
"Creating more Equitable and accessible communities amongst us is the bedrock for the more inclusive and compassionate society that we all wish to see."
"Their real intent was to remove the independency and to eliminate self-sufficiency of thriving and prosperous people of color."
"No one should have to go without medical care because they can't afford it."
"We need equal paid leave for fathers. Fathers matter, period."
"Equitable treatment means we all end up in the same place."
"Healthcare should be a right, not a privilege."
"We need to build America from the bottom up, in the middle out, not from the top down."
"Building technologies that are accessible to everybody, independent of socioeconomic background, color, or religion."
"Care is a right for all, not a privilege for a few."
"Center around equity. Not as a secondary concern, not as a box to check, but as a shared value."
"It's all about just making sure that society is equal and balanced, you know."
"Let's redistribute the wealth equitably amongst our people."
"Let's bridge the digital divide and ensure all Canadians have affordable, high-quality internet. Connectivity is essential for work, school, and staying connected with loved ones."
"The idea that the only way to have surety and equity in America and your future is to literally buy property, it's like the whole country is founded on the idea that only property-owning white men get to have rights."
"What we do, we do with a lens on racial equity, and we're trying to do as much as we can as fast as we can."
"Nobody should have to own a car just to participate in society, and designing a city that way on purpose is criminal."
"We're not talking about taxing the middle class or people who are upper middle class... What we're really talking about is a tax on the billionaire class and these huge corporations."
"A thousand bucks a month would be a game-changer for marginalized groups."
"If we use the tools of capitalism that we have, but in a much more restorative way, we can help people in low-status communities show that you don't have to move out of our neighborhoods to live in better ones."
"We should apply the same tools of capitalism that built white wealth to build wealth in low-status communities."
"Who will compensate for that? Certainly the US has to make reparations to the black Americans whose ancestors endured the unimaginable for centuries."
"America systemically did something to put black people in a bad position, now systemically do something to put them in a good position."
"Implementing social measures to close this gap is a matter of saving lives."
"If we can get to society to a point where we can even out the playing field a little bit I think good government's should be in the business of creating or helping to flat now opportunity."
"Redistribute the wealth, universal basic income now."
"Why are we rewarding children for privileges and advantages accrued by prior generations? Your family's last name and the size of your bank account are not a measure of..."
"Equity allows the fullest expression of dignity, honor, respect."
"Education should be free from birth through doctorate. Education should be free."
"When Republicans do that the unfortunate reality is that if they can deny racism ever existed if they successfully do this they now can deny that diversity equity and inclusion is necessary."
"Close the inequality divide, level the playing field, regulate."
"Communism is about Bridging the Gap, looking out for the working class, not allowing greedy Rich oligarchs to control Our Lives."
"Raising the quality of life for one group raises the quality of everyone."
"As a society, we do have a tendency to want to be fixed, right? But if you can start your day by saying that, it is very powerful."
"Reparations exist because a certain group was stolen, their bodies were used as currency, their bodies were broken, their bodies were raped."
"If you're gonna give away free Gucci, don't give it away to the rich people."
"Class politics benefits working people irrespective of race or gender."
"Investing in affordable housing is about giving everyone a real and fair chance at success."
"I think one of the best groups that you can tax in a society is Rich dead people to give everybody else a chance."
"Part of it is universal basic income... to balance out the economy."
"Reparations should have happened at the end of slavery, not in the year 2020 or 2023."
"Automobility promises the annihilation of distance but prioritizes some people's journeys at the expense of others."
"Education has to be at the heart of it. I think we under find education for the people who most need it."
"There's a new school of thinking about sustainability and equity."
"The principles of our government will be based on justice: economic justice, social justice, racial justice, and environmental justice."
"...investing in schools especially in the underserved areas and making College more accessible and affordable could be a game Cher for this state."
"They learn that they were members of a community of young people with a shared vision of a more equitable society."
"What we need is a Vancouverism 2.0 that focuses on equity for Vancouver to truly be the best place to live in the world."
"Speeding up progress towards a healthier, fairer, more prosperous world depends on commitment and innovation."
"When we talk about giving people options, when we start tying those options into how much money you make, we might be cutting people off from some things that maybe if provided by the government would be otherwise accessible to them."
"Equity actually means more than equality because everybody has different needs."
"If you want to be part of building a more equitable and connected Cleveland, join Clevelanders for Public Transit."
"By investing in equity-based transport options and fostering collaboration across sectors, we can work towards creating a truly civil society where everyone has equal access to essential services and opportunities for socioeconomic advancement."
"We have more work to do to make sure our economy, our justice system, and our government work not just for the few, but for the many."
"Equity acknowledges that people don't begin life in the same places, and that circumstances can make it more difficult for some people to achieve the same goals."
"Promote a sustainable and regenerative material resource cycles; enhance social equity, environmental justice, and community quality of life."
"He has filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty."
"President Biden said that a teacher and a firefighter should not pay the same tax rate as a billionaire."
"It's your taxes, people. It's your money. Do you understand that all we're doing is shifting from giving billionaires tax breaks to give you healthcare?"
"An economics that's based in biophysical reality and centers social equity and justice."
"We need to make sure that we continue to fight for equity and transportation and everything that we do."
"It is mandatory for the Town Planning Scheme to reserve some areas for economically weaker section of the society, promoting equitable and inclusive social development."
"We have to be conscious of the social basis of democracy; if people don't have a stake, an economic stake in the political system, or at least believe that the system is fair enough, then the legitimacy of that system is going to be challenged."