
Spiritual Practice Quotes

There are 1622 quotes

"Certain types of meditation and spiritual practice appear to increase neurogenesis along the entire length of the hippocampus."
"The greatest mantra in Hinduism is the Gayatri Mantra... chanted by millions of Hindus."
"Practice meditation so that you can have that higher perspective."
"Spiritual hygiene is as important as physical hygiene."
"Prayer is a spiritual system of legislation; we enforce mysteries in the realm of the Spirit and cause their manifestation through the Ministry of Prayer."
"Meditation is the stepping stone to enlightenment."
"The essence of all spiritual practice is being aware that you are aware."
"Giving Dawa is a responsibility of every Muslim."
"When I have really deep beautiful prayer, even if it's brief, I sleep better at night because there's a perspective that I get that I'm protected and safe."
"Your greatest weapon in the fight for contentment is worship."
"Prayer will open the door to God's presence."
"Imagining the wish fulfilled brings about a union with that state."
"The Book of Shadows is sort of a Wiccan journal that one uses to document all the work and all your learnings throughout the whole entire Wiccan journey."
"The time has come for those of us who are in the spiritual practice and in the world in general, to step into a place of empowered interdependence, and away from a place of independent self-sufficiency, which is an illusion."
"He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked."
"The art of surrender is one of the cornerstones of spiritual practice."
"Nothing is impossible through prayer. Faith is a huge lever in the movement of prayer."
"It's not enough to go to church or temple; what matters is taking responsibility for our actions and making ethical choices that reflect our deepest values."
"Try fasting... There's a physical component, there's a mental component, and a spiritual component."
"Prayer is our first response, not a last resort."
"Lowering the gaze... is actually an obligation, not an extra."
"Real prophetic ministry is not what you see on a platform, that's a small percentage of it."
"When prayer becomes the priority, only then can prayer become the foundation."
"Don't fast every once in a while, live a fasted life."
"Compassion: seeking awakening for yourself is not enough; you need to practice compassion and attempt to help all beings without exception to overcome their suffering and find lasting happiness."
"You pray and thank God... that's what you do."
"The prerequisite to preaching, teaching, driving out devils, healing the sick, and being a revivalist is time spent in the presence of God."
"Spiritual practice is transcending this living with harmony with all things as best we can, and through that awaken to our true inherent nature of oneness and love with the universe and all reality."
"God, I pray right now that this word would not just go into our ears but may it enter our heart."
"Whatever the troubles in life, I will pursue my spiritual practice."
"They weren't praising for deliverance, they were praising out of devotion."
"Don't be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
"The best thing to do if you see a ghost is the same thing as you would with a holy soul: pray."
"Prayer is the most important key of the kingdom."
"In order to not be afraid of dying, as I said, we have to practice for it."
"Lent is actually what it is intended to do, is practice for death."
"Repentance is not just some conversion exercise; it is the posture of the Christian."
"You are not trying to work for a connection with God; you already have that. You're working from that connection."
"Starting now, I release my faith and gain access to all of the finished works of Jesus."
"In a world of chaos and confusion... prayer just can't be an addendum... it's got to be put on the front end."
"Prayer is the key that unlocks the resources of heaven so that they can be unleashed on planet earth."
"To pray in Christ's name means much. It means that we are to accept His character, manifest His spirit, and work His works" (Desire of Ages, p. 668).
"There is absolutely nothing in your life that cannot be overcome through wrestling and prayer and believing and availing yourself of the promises of God."
"Your deeds, your relationship with Allah, is based on one thing: constantly acknowledging what you do have. That's how you become grateful to Allah."
"Daily immersion in the word of God is crucial for spiritual survival, especially in these days of increasing upheaval."
"We will now begin the channeling. Mystic Maya and honored guest, please proceed into the channeling chamber."
"Prayer doesn't just change things, prayer reveals things."
"Faith is acting like God is telling the truth all the time about everything."
"By engaging with these ancient disciplines, seekers can embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, inner alchemy, and divine communion."
"Intentions are not something you make once. You gotta keep going back. You gotta keep fixing it."
"Faith is a habit that must grow in your life. We need faith to move mountains that block our progress."
"You must learn to pray some of you are not only lazy spiritually you are responsible for the pain of many people."
"Whenever you notice a recurring weakness, you ought to recurrently run to Christ."
"The key is beginning your day in the Word of God, meditating on it, and asking for God's guidance and direction."
"This made both Brian and Catherine a huge believer of past lives and Brian started to undergo past life regression as well."
"Look at prayer as a real power and a real pleasure."
"One of the greatest expressions of love is intercession."
"The best thing I can do to improve my prayer life is to take the time."
"Forgive just as much as God has forgiven you."
"Compassion is key to longevity in the healing ministry."
"Love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength."
"Jesus withdrew to be alone with the Father, setting a precedent for us."
"Meditation became salvation because it's salvation."
"The Christian life is all about synergy, where what we do is enabled and realized through the power of God working in us."
"Every one of you should have a goal to read the Quran mindfully."
"Direct that current from the two eyes into the single eye of divine perception: the point between the eyebrows."
"Be patient and you will definitely be able to do the astral project."
"Here are some of the best ways to practice astral projection: Munroe technique, Rope technique, Hammock technique, Stretch out technique."
"It's a physical, touchable, doable thing that reminds us that through the grace of the sacraments we can bend our will to God's."
"Don't neglect your time with the Lord. If you neglect it, it's gonna be so hard to walk in the spirit."
"Gratitude is the key to unlocking your higher vibration."
"You don't need to be saved. You're going to save yourself. You've got all of this divine feminine power in you and the ability to connect with deep faith if only you gave yourself the time to practice that."
"Manifesting, that's what this card here is about. Not chasing but attracting."
"When prayer and fasting are woven together, they create a fabric of spiritual strength."
"Fasting and prayer will affect this natural form of unbelief."
"Memorize scriptures that touch your heart and fill your soul with understanding."
"By Him, Yahushua, therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to Elohim continually, that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name."
"Take 15 minutes a day... pray in tongues for 15 minutes a day and you tell me if in the next three months if there's not a difference now you have to actually do it and I believe in fact I know that there will be transformation in the spirit."
"He instructed me to repeat all the seven Psalms of David."
"Our authority as believers can be fully exercised when we engage in fasting and prayer."
"It would take work, it didn't just take what you believe, you have to act on faith, and do something that requires faith to have more faith."
"Start immediately to increase our faith, wherever we are in our life's journey."
"Make learning the Quran a part of your lifestyle."
"Give back what isn't yours through meditation."
"Additionally, you can walk your property and anoint the property."
"We're grateful we love you we appreciate you and we worship you we bless you we pray that you'd help us now to see our current situations in light of the life and suffering and glory of Christ in Jesus name amen amen."
"Give yourselves to prayer. There is absolutely no obstacle that cannot be overcome in prayer."
"Islam is about standing up for what's right, not just going to Mecca and Medina."
"Feel love towards everything that exists in the universe."
"Pray for your enemies, it's hard to stay mad at somebody you're fervently praying for."
"Praying in the spirit gets you in synchronization with heaven and takes your prayer life to a whole another level."
"If you want to increase the level of protection that you have, then definitely increase the amount of Quran that you read and implement."
"Fasting is not just about not eating, it's also about replacing that time and activity with something else."
"Oftentimes, anybody who practices a religion that has a component of faith as a principle eventually they are all confronted with just taking on faith that what they're doing is the right path."
"Praying the scriptures means praying the will of God for your life."
"Stay in faith, keep giving, keep praying, keep following the Lord, and use wisdom in everything you do."
"Honoring the memory of our ancestors is vital to our spiritual and cultural survival."
"A beautiful opportunity to practice... spiritual growth... to implement it."
"Using that kind of solidarity and subsidiarity let's go local first, buy local, pray local, time approach."
"It's not just a nice practice, but it's forming your body and your life to the life of the church."
"Spend more time in spiritual practice, hope for the best, and prepare for the worst."
"Rejoice in the Lord always. Rejoicing in the Lord always."
"Faith without works is dead in the sense that it's non-existent."
"Christianity isn't about trying harder it's about surrender."
"I'm going to pray in tongues until the shift comes."
"Replace chattering thoughts with the mantra."
"My goal is to make witchcraft accessible to everyone, especially those in the city."
"Faith is more than an intellectual exercise. It's something that you do with your whole life and your whole mind and soul and body."
"Let prayer be our lifestyle. May prayer become a habitual practice for us."
"Fasting is God's medicine, fasting is a very powerful way to flush the body out."
"Pray without ceasing because there's power in prayer."
"Spiritual balancing is the art of resolving paradoxes within oneself."
"Just get some gold in your body, in your system, to amplify that energy within you."
"Working with the gold light within meditation, so also working with gold light and meditation and stuff of that nature."
"Let us know if this works. Start your day on your knees and just ask."
"Enter into the heavenly realm through prayer."
"Pray the rosary every single day, that is your weapon." - Vegano
"When we pray first thing in the morning, we're saying to God you are the most important part of my day."
"Repentance is acknowledging that your direction is gonna change, where you go, what you do, who you're with, what you say."
"The goal of fasting is not to be miserable the entire time, it's to draw near to God."
"Fear-based systems are out there trying to limit your Consciousness and limit our Consciousness."
"The Rosary is just a wonderful way...if you're not praying the rosary every day, you're not of the team."
"Make seeking him and talking to him a part of your daily walk."
"Tongues is fine-tuning and sensitizing your spirit man to the voice of God."
"Receive the baptism of The Healing, in the name of Jesus Christ."
"The biggest diamonds were for when I prayed for my enemies."
"Christ taught us to pray this daily, to confess our sins and ask God to forgive us daily. If we say we have not sinned, we make God a liar and his word is not in us."
"The practice of Christ is a practice of sacrifice, the highest form of love."
"Time in the presence of the Lord brings power and authority. It's not you, it's who's around you."
"Keep your frequency high... it's about creating a whole new big picture."
"Join in those mass meditations... the power of the people with one heart on one mind."
"Let's work out our salvation with fear and trembling."
"If you can't give yourself 17 seconds to breathe and say thank you, then just let whatever happens happens to you."
"Meditate on the Word to evict what doesn't belong in your mind."
"Vedantic meditation is assimilation of the teachings, making them a living reality."
"I now view prayer as essential. It's what we need and that's how I think it works."
"Every time I enter the game I touch the number 4 of my jersey four times for my dad and three brothers and I touch number three three times for my mom and two sisters then I cross myself for God and point up to the sky." - Pascal Siakam
"When I pray in tongues, my spirit is praying, meaning when you pray in tongues, the Holy Spirit inside of you is using your mouth to vocalize his prayers in this realm."
"They're going to start to do what God is doing and you're going to do it his way."
"Calling Sin Sin and calling error error is a good and godly and spiritual and biblical practice and we must do so as God's people."
"If love isn't at the core of your practice, left hand or right hand, then you've missed a step and you seriously need to reconsider what you're doing."
"I feel happy now that I have all my crystals around me."
"Habitual asking comes from remaining in Christ... you will not need to be urged to prayer."
"Speaking in tongues is your source of upbuilding enrichment and edification."
"Prayer is our direct line of communication with God."
"Right speech, right action, and right livelihood constitute ethical conduct and is considered as the indispensable foundation for all higher spiritual attainments."
"If your practice doesn't begin and end with love, you're practicing for the wrong reasons."
"In Islam, prayer is our daily dose of connection with God. Every day, if you're separated from prayer, you're separated from connecting with the Creator."
"When you're getting ready to fast, look deep within your heart to find out why you're fasting...we are fasting for a reason."
"If you are somebody who is still trying to manipulate the energies to get what you want and you're not doing it in the highest good of everyone involved, you better play catch-up here."
"You want your life to count strongly, impacting people's lives? Then get busy doing the one thing that you know can absolutely impact a person's life as much as anything else you can do, and that's talking to God."
"Let the Holy Spirit speak to you... do something that costs you something, do something that's a sacrifice."
"Join us in this 21-day fast together, let us know how we can pray for you throughout this journey."
"Fasting is giving up something perfectly good... so that you can have more of God."
"Contemplation is the highest expression of man's intellectual and spiritual life."
"Mental prayer will give us God Himself, the source of that joy and that peace."
"Breath and Spirit are the same... when we focus our attention on our breath, we're looking at the movement of spirit."
"Gratitude belongs to the Lord of everything that exists. Praising Allah and being grateful are keys to worship."
"Chaos magic is a modern form of occult practice that emerged in the late 20th century."
"Forgiveness is a place that requires us to have faith in God."
"We don't have the joy, we don't have the peace, we are not touched by heaven."
"The rosary is Christian road work for the soul, that's what it is."
"Start our day with God, before the rush begins, aligning our hearts with His will."
"You must lose control as an act of worship, as an act of submission, as an act of the will."
"Get rid of all the old karma... Forgive people the quickest way."
"Patience is an act of worship which many people have forgotten."
"Don't pray the rosary based on how you feel, pray the rosary because it works."
"Meditation is not the end goal, meditation is the process to get to that end goal."
"You should always set an intention before you begin a reading."
"Stay in your own lane and just pray over your channel."
"Always use your own intuition as your guide through these readings because it's truly your intuition that is the guiding Compass of your life."
"Live joyful in the Lord in all circumstances."
"Your practice, your soul growth is maintaining it, living there, staying there, being in that frequency, honoring that for yourself."
"Yoga is like opening chambers throughout the body."
"Forgiveness is a Divine key to unlocking peace within our hearts."
"It's not a quick fix, but when you fast with a purpose, it can be powerful."
"Memorizing Scriptures will strengthen your prayers."
"Walking it out is where the miracles happen."
"Biblical meditation is the key to making your own way prosperous."
"If Jesus can forgive, we have to forgive. So forgiveness helps me live in the present."
"If this is your last time worshipping, make sure you make it count."
"Prayer is not our last resort, it is our first response."
"The ultimate goal of prayer is to change you."
"Chanting this mantra with devotion is capable of parting the veil of maya just a little bit, so that we can perceive the eternal bliss of the creator in our hearts."
"Pray, especially in tongues, to hear God's voice."
"Learn to channel the feeling of safety within your own aura."
"We stand tallest and strongest on our knees."
"You don't have to create it. It's about energetically tuning to it."
"Give God your waking thoughts, waiting thoughts, whispering talks, and waning thoughts."
"Prayer isn't just something that you do, prayer is a way that you live."
"You're taking energy that's coming in to you that's not great and you're transmuting it out into the universe as beautiful loving energy."
"A serious modern practitioner...could do worse than learn a little about tantra."
"Jesus's prayer is not just a quick check-in; it is full of honesty, emotion, and pain."
"True prayer requires effort; unfortunately, instead of putting in the effort, we often simply bow our heads, close our eyes, and let our minds wander."
"Self-love is the only love, so no wonder the yogis have been doing it for over 5000 years."
"Some spirits only go out by prayer and fasting; it's your authority as a believer."
"Complete deliverance requires faith and fasting."
"Prayer releases a golden stream of spiritual light, life, and intelligence."
"If you would like a personal reading with me then please get in touch via my website."
"When you have a symptom of sickness come on you, you just have to receive what He's already done."