
World Perception Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"It still makes me feel special because I have experiences. I feel the world. I experience the world and independent of whether there are other creatures out there, I still feel the world, and I have access to this world in this very strange, compelling way. And that's the core of human existence."
"Changing the way they approach the world, actually, at its core, it's about understanding themselves better."
"You shining, everything else in your world shines by your light. Everything in your world is revealed by you, the light."
"This entire world is a reflection of your consciousness."
"Change your thoughts and you change your world."
"This world we're living in is absolutely crazy."
"The world is a friendlier place than the internet and the News will make you think."
"Good stories create a very good world, and problematic stories create a very problematic world."
"There's more magic in this world than people realize."
"We have a narrative sense of the world. For me, that's been the world of morality. That's the world that tells us how to act. It's real, like we treat it like it's real."
"You have to categorize the world in order to act on it."
"The statement that there are boundaries to the universe is considered per se one of those great ideas which are able to dramatically change our world perception."
"The world's not as scary as people think it is."
"Their perception of people in the world changed because they kind of started to see the world as being a more open or friendly place."
"Stay safe out there and stay creepy because this world is a strange one."
"The world is so much bigger than I thought it was."
"Nobody cares about what you plan on doing. The world is result-oriented. It only cares about what gets done."
"It's not a choice, it's a funny world we live in."
"It simply makes the world feel so much bigger than it first appears to be."
"It's a heartless world sometimes." - Unnamed speaker
"It's almost like the world's a bit stranger than we all thought."
"It reflects how we process the world in such a deeply eerie way."
"Leaders are able to assimilate experience in order to reframe the world around themselves on their own terms..."
"The world is a dangerous place for you, it doesn't have to be."
"There's something wrong with the way we're conceiving of the world."
"It's pretty obvious... it's a pretty small world."
"The world is a stranger place than I thought it was."
"Ark realizes the world isn't as peaceful as he'd hoped."
"Stayed creepy, because this world is a strange one."
"What an incredibly bizarre world we all live in."
"It felt like the world was normal for a bit."
"People perceive the world to be more dangerous than it actually is..."
"There are a few people whom I really love and fewer of whom I think well, the more I see of the world, the more I am dissatisfied with it."
"We shouldn't be surprised if the world hates us."
"Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world I feel like I can't take it."
"The world feels a bit more alive and vibrant."
"God has made the gospel message the thing that's so foolish to the world."
"Whether it's a flat earth or a round globe... all that matters is that this is where we live right now."
"Sometimes for no discernible reason, the world is just a little more magical than we expect it to be."
"The world is a cruel mistress machine, not and so here we are happy rappy."
"The world is not that scary, most people want to live happy, healthy lives."
"Jesus answered, 'My kingdom does not belong to this world.'"
"The Vikings, the Norse people didn't know that it was a mythology, they just believed this is the world that they lived in."
"Observation is you take all those details of the world and you somehow contract them to be experiences that we can describe."
"The limits of my language are the limits of the world."
"You have to read the world, you have to read the signs, you have to read the situation."
"We are humans who have very advanced brains, and we have done our best to try to make sense of the world."
"You've treated the world as if it was Legos, and you could just take it and put it together however you want when really it's more like a garden or a tree."
"Our brains... they seem to be much more capable of analyzing their world."
"The world is a narrative space, or at least it becomes one when you add a subject to the mix."
"This stuff is fun. I've learned to look out in the world, by learning how to identify what you see, it becomes much less frightening."
"Look upon the world as empty, uproot the wrong view of self."
"The entire world, including this body, is revealed to me at once, so either I am all of it or none of it."
"Everything in this world, including your body, including the mind, are they not appearances in awareness?"
"We understand the world and feel happier with life."
"Ignorance, we see the world; in knowledge, we see Brahman."
"There are objective facts that there is an objective reality that we can build an understanding of the world on top of."
"You're opening up the world to them as something that isn't so gray and bland; it's like the world's got color, it has meaning."