
Environmentalism Quotes

There are 6998 quotes

"Environment should come first, and motivation and discipline are good, but secondary."
"You don't have to save the world, just don't [___] it up for the next generation."
"Earth is amazing, it's beautiful, it protects us, and so we should work hard to protect it."
"What I'm doing to help myself, I also help all of my surroundings too. So I help the natural environment, and it makes everything better, including myself. It's pretty fulfilling actually, doing it that way."
"The zero-waste lifestyle is a gift that keeps on giving."
"Electric vehicles are going to help with the demand destruction of oil."
"Plant trees under whose shade you do not plan to sit."
"Clean air is something everyone can get behind... You reduce CO2 but you're also really focusing on the human story which is making air cleaner for kids."
"We should plant trees under whose shade we do not plan to sit."
"Ren is... giving you the power to offset your carbon emissions and be informed about your impact on the environment."
"I love my mountains, I love my nature... I want to help preserve it as best as I can."
"That's actually the most important role for an astronaut, is to become storytellers and help people understand why it's important to take care of our planet."
"I think Muslims should be leading the way and producing ways forward from a spiritual paradigm of how to address environmentalism and climate change."
"The climate crisis is the defining challenge of our generation."
"We're gonna have to be off carbon in four decades everywhere."
"If you really take this to heart and live from this place, this is a radical game changer because it changes the way you relate to the entire planet."
"You have the power to heal and help the world with your decision to buy only products and services that are ethical and environmentally friendly."
"Leave the world a better place than you found it."
"It's our duty, bro, leave the world a better place than you found it."
"Nature is a beautiful thing, but humans have destroyed so much of it."
"His journey is incredible... he's become a jagged little pill for that side because he's of them and he wants what we all want: a cleaner, safer, better planet."
"Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints."
"I'm going to recycle my can. That's an act of kindness."
"The old appeals to racial, sexual, religious chauvinism, to rabid nationalist fervor are beginning not to work. A new consciousness is developing which sees the Earth as a single organism and recognizes that an organism at war with itself is doomed." - Carl Sagan
"The fastest route to a sustainable planet could well be the remediation of absolute poverty."
"Let's take care of the planet we have so that we don't have to leave and colonize some ball of rocks 200 parsecs away."
"My veganism exists for the benefit of animals and for the environment. That is it. I do not care what other people think about me, about my decisions in that. That is not what I am here for."
"If veganism had no effect on the environment, I would still be vegan."
"Would I work 16% harder to cut back on my plastic waste, and reduce my carbon emissions, and do all that stuff that we should be doing anyway in order to allow, you know, to basically get rid of Alzheimer's and cancer? Hell yes, I would."
"Mission accomplished: this was the goal; we saved [the endangered species]."
"We must honor and respect the environment as ourselves because we are directly impacted by everything we output and that equates to our health."
"The entire facade of market capitalism looks at the earth as one big inventory at its core philosophical foundation."
"Shopping secondhand is one of the most accessible ways to become more sustainable."
"The planet's in terrible shape, and the first thing we need to do is to reduce our carbon footprint... Are you so sure that's the most important thing we could possibly embark upon?"
"It's a collective effort, it's a planet issue, it's not a local issue, it's not a corporate issue, it's a global issue, or we do it together or no one will succeed."
"The whole idea with the first R of the three R's is reduce."
"At the end of the day, if I was a billionaire, multi-millionaire, hell, even if I was a millionaire, and I gave a [expletive] about the environment and people and water specifically, I would do everything I could to try to figure out a way to give people who don't have access to clean water, access to that water."
"When it comes to sustainability, any effort is worthwhile."
"Greenwashing is the process of conveying a false impression or providing misleading information about how a company's products are more environmentally sound."
"Those messages of self-reliance, thrift, environmentalism, spending as much time in nature as possible, and protecting that nature are more important today than they were back in his time."
"Extracting from people and the planet is not sustainable long term."
"Man must entirely reverse his attitude toward nature, himself, and things."
"I would spend a lot of time with regenerative agriculture in bringing life back to the soil and back to the Earth."
"Silent Spring...depicted the harmful effects of pesticides on the environment."
"The universe has gifted us this amazing planet and these colossal opportunities to learn and grow and develop."
"The most important issue at hand is the intelligent management of the earth's resources."
"Nature does seem like an emotion, a living beautiful thing, rather than a mechanical resource."
"It's your responsibility as a citizen of the planet to make the world a better place."
"The Lorax's central theme is maybe, perhaps we shouldn't cut down all the trees and destroy the environment."
"Mr. Beast has his own 501c3 charity and philanthropy. He has given over a million free meals to people in need, he has planted 20 million trees... he is currently raising 30 million dollars in order to remove 3 million pounds of trash from the ocean."
"He's one of the most influential climate activists out there."
"If we could shed the apocalyptic pessimism and encourage young people to work diligently towards a mature and integrated vision of the economy and the environment... that's a viewpoint that's much more likely to lift people out of abject poverty and also to produce a greener and more sustainable world."
"The best things politically for this country would be if people actually learn to live with nature."
"Humanity will solve sustainable energy. It will happen if we, you know, continue to push hard, the future is bright and good from an energy standpoint."
"Market forces are moving forward, getting rid of cars and reducing carbon emissions."
"We need eco-socialism today, or we will face the barbarism of ecological collapse unarmed."
"As long as the spirit of the Earth is alive in your hearts, you will always be Power Rangers."
"I'm angry because this planet is dying, and the president of the biggest country in the world refuses to acknowledge that."
"We need to listen to our children because they totally get it."
"Climate change and environmentalism... it's kind of been a big topic... and over the years, we've made quite the advancements... trying to clean up the oceans and switching to more clean energy sources."
"I wish people were able to feel more okay with the idea of being environmentalist without having to be a perfect human."
"People are still trying to reduce not their consumption necessarily, but at least their output and that is the right thing to do."
"If you want to save the natural environment, you just use nuclear."
"The idea that people need to stay poor, that's just a reactionary social philosophy that they then dress up as a kind of environmentalism."
"I don't like humans polluting. I don't like people littering. Let's be clean, good stewards of the earth."
"A billionaire could give away his money to help the planet instead of trying to escape it in a penis rocket."
"Make people rich and they become environmentalists."
"We together can stop future generations from having to face these problems."
"We only get one planet, and we have to take care of it."
"Reclaim our democracy and our freedom and our civil liberties...mother earth and your soul that showed up on purpose for the journey you're taking."
"We have to become more humane, more human, and start to understand what Native Americans knew 10,000 years ago."
"We die because we're not living in harmony with the planet."
"We were all created to nurture our planet and each other, ultimately in mission of optimizing our earth and inhabitants for the best result on course to an extended survival."
"For every 'Where's the moisturizer' T or hoodie sold, three pounds of trash will be removed from the ocean."
"Can you imagine if we were able to plant like 500 trees or remove like 500 pounds of trash from the ocean? Like how cool would that be?"
"A world where people are smarter, healthier, more efficient, and more at pace of progress than today; a world where we treat the environment kindly and the animals gracefully."
"Protecting the planet and being green isn't about not having nice things; we can still have nice things."
"But soft pitch, if you want everyone to have an electric car, and are a billionaire, develop a cheap way to convert people's existing gas-powered cars into electric vehicles."
"Even a successfully terraformed Mars is dog(beep) compared to Earth. So the point is, let's make this place good, make it worth saving."
"The transition to a low-carbon world is an opportunity."
"We got to start just doing those projects. It's like we want to go to Mars and stuff, that's cool too, but let's also like reclaim all these deserts."
"You charge us with your safekeeping, yet despite our best efforts, your countries wage wars, you toxify your Earth and pursue ever more imaginative means of self-destruction. You cannot be trusted with your own survival."
"If we invest trillions into green energy, we can scrub carbon from the skies and from the ocean. We can reinvigorate our planet."
"Zero waste is a movement that's asking for systemic change and to have a circular economy."
"The best way to help the earth is to not over-consume."
"How come we're still not able to reverse climate change yet? How come we're still not able to pull all the plastic out of the ocean?"
"I like animals and I want the environment to be good."
"I know we can't take our democracy for granted, especially now as people are dying, as our land is abused, as our Constitution is under attack. We must work for it."
"The fight against climate change matters. We only have to look at the wildfires."
"The footprint of animal agriculture is great. We must stop chopping down the rainforest and growing crops and feeding them to animals. Instead, we must leave animals out of it and grow the crops ourselves so we have more food to go around."
"The economic and environmental benefits were great enough to more than justify the $33 billion initial price tag."
"We've got to leave a better world to our descendants."
"No other lifestyle choice has a farther-reaching and more profoundly positive impact on the planet than choosing to stop consuming animals and live a vegan lifestyle."
"Instead of meatless Mondays, something like …no-food-waste Wednesdays might be a lot more worth our time."
"The world will not know peace until the money dedicated towards weaponry is dedicated towards living green."
"The only way I can operate is to believe that actually we can do something about it."
"The concept of growth for the sake of growth is the philosophy of a cancer cell."
"It's absolutely ironic but to save the planet we are going to need more mines. You wouldn't think it possible, you wouldn't think that's sensible or reasonable, but that's actually the fact of the matter."
"We de-paved the parking lot there, and now it's a fabulous garden."
"We live on this gorgeous planet... Why do we spend time fighting and hating each other?"
"Fighting climate change is our common task, the task of humankind."
"It's not about the distant hope of creating a new world; it's about preserving the one we have."
"We face a choice: if we do nothing, our environment and civilization will degrade, and we may face extinction."
"If you think the COVID-19 pandemic is bad, wait till you see how climate change will hit us in the near future if we do nothing now."
"Synthesis does not have to involve destruction of the environment at all."
"If you sell it based on conservation, both sides, the left and the right, the environmentalists and the people who care about frugality, will all buy in."
"The reality is staring us in the face. If we keep ignoring it and we keep doing everything the same, we're gonna end up with no planet or an uninhabitable one."
"It's really important for you and I to help keep the water nice and clean."
"I try to walk as softly as I can on this earth, do as little damage as possible."
"Sure, but what about all the problems on Earth? And I completely agree that the vast majority of resources should be dedicated to solving problems on Earth. Absolutely."
"The beauty of that is that diet is not only good for us but it's also good for our planet."
"Wouldn't you agree the best thing we can do is try to meet environmental parity so everyone has the best possible chance to maximize their genetic potential?"
"Trying to gather up all of the leaves in the process as the goal is to eventually build a new forest here."
"Trains, for example, are the most eco-friendly option, far more than cars."
"We want to live in a world that's a beautiful world that honors plants, animals, and the good people of the earth."
"Planning trees is beautiful, by the way. So yeah, that's cool. We should definitely plant trees."
"We are now at a crossroads: one path will take us to a better world, more inclusive, more equitable, and more respectful of Mother Nature."
"Please support local animal shelters and remember to recycle."
"Water is life. There are eight billion people live on this planet, and we all depend on the water to survive and prosper."
"I'm definitely donating about 10,000 to Team Seas, which all of you should if you have the means."
"Animal agriculture is the biggest contributor to global warming that we can practically do something about."
"Project Purity, God, we wanted to change the world. We really thought the waters of life could be a reality."
"We need leaders who will solve problems like climate change and COVID, not deny them."
"With unlimited free energy, we can terraform Earth."
"The Body Shop's famous refill policy was born."
"If we really want to focus on reducing emissions, it needs to be about the results, and the results can come from innovation."
"We should be practical and see how to moderate our impact on climate change."
"Permaculture is this design science, a system of critical thinking and analyzing in a radically different way than I had ever had before."
"The best way that we can influence the planet to adopt vegan principles would be to set a good example, including setting a good health example."
"What you do to benefit your own personal health also happens to benefit the planet and the animals that we share the planet with."
"Being concerned about how healthy you are and about the impact your eating has on those around you and also on the planet... isn't a disorder; it's called being mindful."
"Every little bit helps. The more the better, obviously, but again, something is better than nothing."
"Veganism, to myself, is maintaining a diet that doesn't affect the earth in any way and its inhabitants."
"The most important thing we can do is to go vegan. For the planet, for the animals, for our health."
"Veganism isn't just about consuming plants; it's about creating a system that reduces exploitation."
"Let's get rid of all that trash. Let's get rid of it together."
"I am not perfect. I never refer to myself as zero waste or somebody who lives a perfectly waste-free life. It's not feasible, and everybody makes mistakes, but it's all about doing your best in the moment."
"As long as you're being conscious and aware, and taking responsibility and learning from mistakes and trying to do better, that's all that matters."
"When you're buying new things, you are creating demand for that thing to be produced, and the whole journey it's taken to get to you has required a lot of energy."
"Avoid single-use plastic items or foods. So things like plastic cutlery, plastic straws, plates, cups, and single-use food items."
"Go vegan. This is probably one of the most impactful things that you can do in your day to day life to reduce your carbon footprint."
"This is always it, it has been, it is, and it always will be a red herring because look, I'm a conservative and I care about the environment, I care about migrants, and I care about poor people, all of which I think are part of what it means to be a Catholic."
"The acceptance of biocentrism would have a positive psychological outcome on our mindset."
"Truly seeing that we're one with nature... immediately helps lessen our war with the environment."
"I'm very appreciative of the fact that we're pushing towards electric vehicles and space much faster than we would have without certain individuals."
"I'm proposing an amendment that would require the collection of Public Health Data and other impacts of new drilling on federal lands."
"This amendment specifically speaks to the collection of data of health and safety on Frontline and vulnerable communities that would be nearby these sites."
"People deserve to know if they're being poisoned; people deserve to know if there's no health impact."
"You don't have to be a climate scientist to want to protect the Earth."
"If we are serious about decarbonization, if we are serious about going into a world which have zero carbon emission, there is no choice but using hydrogen."
"Protect the plants, the animals, protect this world I loved."
"Renewable energy works. Renewable energy is the only way we can safely decarbonize the planet at a massive scale."
"Big oil has a new playbook, but we're on to it. More than ever before, we see climate disasters happening all around us. The climate crisis is now undeniable."
"The fundamental goal of Tesla is to solve the climate issue."
"We need to do everything we possibly can to accelerate the transition to sustainable energy."
"Nature is our home; we've just forgotten that."
"We all want the Earth to do well; we have our one planet."
"I'm a big fan of getting rid of gasoline in cars, but natural gas, I want to hang on to that."
"What man has joined nature is powerless to put asunder."
"It's too late to just mend our ways; we have to actively correct our past mistakes."
"Maybe this low-carbon revolution will actually be fun."
"We need to stop shouting and start talking, and if we can have a grown-up conversation, make a plan that adds up, and get building, maybe this low-carbon revolution will actually be fun."
"Who are we to destroy what Creator has made?"
"The whole story of the quest of the Grail is this venture into the wasteland to seek that which was lost, and that which was lost is the formula for restoring the right wasteland. That's the fundamental idea at the core of the Grail mythos."
"We're planting 10 trees for everyone who signs up. That's oxygen for up to 40 people."
"Rather than abdicate, stick our heads in the sand, plant a tree, do something good, and better yourself."
"Conservation, in the 21st century, can’t be passive. It has to be an active process, and therefore, it demands a very real, sometimes significant cost."
"We're going to be in a position where we can create hard, good jobs by making sure the environment is clean and we all are in better shape."
"I hope Earth's gonna be just fine. We may not be here for it, but I think we have a bit of arrogance sometimes to think that we can tramp mother nature."
"The best thing to do might be nothing, letting the world repair itself from all the damage we've done."
"After decades of pollution and deforestation, it's now become basically just an endless wasteland. Or has it?"
"You're not really saving the planet when you go out and buy a new cup every couple of years while your old ones end up in a thrift store or the landfill."
"The only way to protect the planet and humanity is through global cooperation."
"If we can all leave some part of the world in a better state than we found it, we'll have lived lives worth living."
"Climate change is not just a theory, it's happening now, and it's real."
"You cannot morally justify ignoring climate change, but in this world, profit and capital will continue to dominate decisions."
"We won a green game Studio of the year. It's really about anything with due to the core values that the company in Xbox brings to reduce your carbon footprint."
"We don't need the whole world to become vegan. We need a lot of people in high-income countries to reduce their meat intake by 10 to 20%."
"If we don't make love to our sweet blade, the Earth, then we'll surely see all of the bees leave her."
"We need to save our planet, we need to get the control of this world back into the hands of people who know what is the right move to make."
"Protecting the planet is not a solo job, nor a competition. We can all make small, sustainable choices every day and drive meaningful change."
"I'm looking for real environmentalist policy."
"It's not doomed. Earth can and will be saved."
"For almost a hundred years, Volvo has been a company with purpose: pioneers in the protection of people and planet."
"Women's power is gonna save this whole planet."
"I love public transit because it's great for the environment, it's good for communities and for public health, and not because I suck at driving."
"It is safer and less fatal for riders and other street users than cars. It encourages regular exercise. It is way better for the environment."
"We want everyone to be able to stop shopping from non-sustainable fabrics, non-ethically produced fabrics."
"We only have one planet and we only have each other, and so, I hope that we'll take care of both."
"If all the ants in the world died, the world will die. If all the humans died, the world was flourished."
"I don't think of myself as an environmentalist, but I just do the stuff that I know is right. I don't want stuff to end up in landfill."
"We wanted the grass, plants, and biodiversity to flourish; it was Mother Nature's right after all."
"You say you love your children above all else and yet you're stealing their future in front of their very eyes."
"My name is Greta Thunberg, I'm from Sweden and I am a climate activist."
"Whether or not you agree with global warming, at least we'll be able to breathe cleaner air."
"We live in one planet, one atmospheric envelope, one integrated environmental ecosystem; hence, as one humanity, we must rise and unite to preserve our one planet, our home."
"We need to make it easier and cheaper for everybody to do the right thing so that the obvious decision to make is the one that is good for our climate."
"This nature-loving movement... it really is based on something that's fundamentally good for the Commons."
"It's said that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the sea than fish."
"I've always been kind of a tree hugger in a way."