
Muscle Building Quotes

There are 509 quotes

"Even for something we've been doing for thousands of years, like building muscle, there is still debate and uncertainty, showing that even well-explored areas have room for new understanding."
"Building muscle is much more difficult than maintaining it."
"The only way you're going to start to improve your physique and get to the point where you feel more comfortable in your own skin is to build the muscle in the first place."
"Lift weights. The reason why you want to lift weights or do strength training is because that is the most effective, loudest muscle building type signal that you can send your body."
"I have lost more than 30 pounds in a span of around six months, now moving on to a fat loss stage to put on muscle and change my body composition."
"If you do a good job of being consistent for the next 10 years of lifting and building muscle, you're going to love what you notice."
"For optimal muscle protein synthesis, we ideally want to be getting in a dose of protein every three to four hours or so."
"Progressive tension overload is the most important factor of the three in terms of building muscle, especially over time."
"If you're not getting at least seven and a half hours of quality sleep, you are shortchanging your muscle building results."
"Building muscle mass helps reduce the appearance of loose skin and also helps with the elasticity of your skin."
"The approach that makes the most sense to me to muscle building is more isolate of work rather than just full-frame loads."
"If you're always having these nagging little pains, you're never going to build optimal amounts of muscle."
"If you're doing a legit bulk and you're not gaining at least a noticeable amount of weight over a reasonable amount of time, kick it into gear."
"If you intermittently fast, you can still build muscle."
"0.5 grams per pound of body weight per day of protein is a hard no for muscle gain."
"If this video can help you gain a sizable muscle mass over the next six months a year two years three years on body parts that were lagging boy it's gonna be worth the hour and a half."
"Sleep is absolutely critical in building muscle."
"Eating in a surplus, lifting heavy, and training those androgenic muscles: these are the basic pillars of going bare mode."
"Nutrition is where we build the muscle, training creates a stimulus."
"It's possible to build muscle while cutting."
"Carbs are just as valuable for building muscle as the protein."
"Making a concerted effort to gain muscle was a large part of how I was able to recover."
"Building muscle and strength training is one of the best things for your health especially healthy aging."
"The more muscle you work, the greater the need for protein."
"This can instantly increase protein synthesis and decrease protein breakdown."
"If you're picking stuff up and putting it down, you're building muscle."
"Don't let anyone tell you that you can't build muscle in a calorie deficit. You absolutely can."
"Listen, there's nothing wrong with doing sets of 10 to 15 for hypertrophy, but that doesn't mean that heavier sets are not going to build muscle."
"Make sure you eat enough. Seriously, if you're not eating enough, if you are restricting yourself, you will not gain muscle."
"Amino acids, which are in protein, are the building blocks for muscle."
"Ketogenic diet all about helping you burn fat and build lean body tissue."
"Discover the secrets pros use to build muscle quickly."
"We all have different goals, but full-body routines help you burn more calories and build muscle faster."
"If volume is equated, a higher frequency training style builds more muscle mass."
"This workout requires absolutely no equipment whatsoever and it's excellent to strengthen tone and build lean muscle."
"If you want to get toned, you need to build muscle first and take the fat off."
"Metabolic stress is a key factor for building muscle."
"Red meat has creatine and other nutrients that support testosterone levels."
"Finding a balance of different exercises is very important for hypertrophy."
"To create a net anabolic state, train hard, challenge your muscle, and intake the adequate amount of protein and food consistently."
"Who doesn't love training biceps... triceps are a bigger muscle group so your arm looks even bigger."
"Building muscle is harder than losing fat. Absolutely. I've stated in previous videos, it takes at least 10 times longer to build muscle as it takes to lose fat sometimes."
"The only way to force it to build muscle... is to increase the weight or increase the total number of reps you do."
"Take creatine, maintain a calorie surplus, and consume a minimum of 0.8 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight."
"Adding more weight means we're just adding muscle."
"The point is you can gain muscle on a vegan diet."
"Stretch marks come from muscle building and then shrinking back down muscle building and shrinking they are so normal oh my gosh just like cellulite it."
"A lot of people want to know how to build their biceps... it's painful, it's difficult."
"Creatine has been shown in over a thousand studies to be effective to most people it allows you to hold on to more water weight intracellular allows you to train harder get more reps and it's very good at helping you build muscle and strength."
"Hip thrusts are the number one thing to help build the glutes."
"Big picture intermittent fasting for losing some body fat is going to potentially help you build more muscle in the long run."
"Fight for your life: commanding biceps to grow."
"Joker is unlike most other comic book movies. There's no post-credit scene. People actually bleed."
"The keto diet actually built more muscle and lost more fat."
"Your body literally cannot build muscle without enough protein."
"Yes it can be done naturally yes it's gonna take some time nutrition is important sleep is important but overall consistency in patience is gonna be the top key it's for muscle building."
"Muscle is not built very easily, it takes a lot of work."
"Choose the higher SFR ones... what you get a pump from, what you get muscle disruption from..."
"By focusing on the minimum effort growth acceleration, you don't need to eat a ton of calories to progress in your workouts and build solid muscle."
"The push-up is the fundamental exercise for all pushing exercises, building strength and muscle mass in your chest, triceps and shoulders."
"Focusing on being in a surplus, focusing on building more lean tissue."
"Push your limits. Progression is key to continued growth."
"Building muscle is more like building a skyscraper."
"Essentially, being stronger allows you to move more weight with more volume, tearing the muscle down and building it back up."
"Lift hard, hit your macros, go to sleep, you can expect some muscle over time."
"You don't have to eat perfect to lose weight or to build muscle."
"To build muscle, you don't need to lift really heavy."
"To gain muscle, you have to eat. Eating is almost as hard as training sometimes."
"If you over consume by 250 calories and it was straight protein you would actually build muscle and not fat."
"You don't need carbs to build muscle... it's just not true."
"This is the diet that helped me build muscle and lose fat simultaneously."
"Improving VO2 max a lot of different ways to do this, one way is build more muscle."
"Resistance training triggers the mammalian target of rapamycin. Muscle is the organ of longevity."
"Progressive overload is how muscles are built."
"Everyone can build more ab muscle and everyone can burn more body fat to increase abdominal definition."
"Let's put on another five pounds of muscle and show what's possible."
"Even a ketogenic diet in most of the studies is very effective to build muscle and lose fat."
"Train each body part twice a week...once every seven days is absolutely not enough...train more often than every seven days." - Coach Craig
"Building muscle is training smart, feeding it correctly, and recovery." - Alex
"Fasting can actually be a powerful player in muscle building and fat loss."
"It doesn't matter how many calories you're in a surplus or in a deficit overall to gain muscle, it doesn't matter. It really doesn't matter."
"Exercise increases your active muscle tissue."
"It's actually very hard to put on muscle for a guy like it's for a guy to put on 10 to 12 pounds of muscle yeah, that's already really good for a girl."
"The reality of how most people build up the majority of their muscle mass by training hard in lower to more moderate rep ranges and focusing on adding weight to the bar over time."
"The more intense, the more growth hormone, the more muscle activation."
"You can put on a muscle mass even in the month of Ramadan."
"Walking won't build core muscle, but it facilitates a particular type of muscle mass building."
"Intensity is such a driving factor when considering building muscle, arguably more important than volume."
"Going past failure is really the secret source when it comes to building muscle."
"You can maintain, even build muscle in a deficit, as long as protein needs are met."
"To build muscle, you teach your body how to access fat as well as carbs, and then you find yourself just using the fat. It's so simple, and then you feel good."
"...so again if we're looking at structure muscle building capacity muscle bellies insertions he probably had more more stuff going than any other bodybuilder of all time..."
"Citrulline is a better form of arginine. It actually stimulates a substance called the mammalian Target of rapamycin, or mTOR, that's the pivotal substance stimulated by exercising amino acids and steroids that builds muscle."
"Lean protein like chicken, fish, or beef is important for muscle gains."
"...the reality for me if I just want to boil this down simply is are you getting leucine because if your goal is to build muscle then you need protein you need a certain amount of it and you need leucine..."
"...the only correlate to muscle building... is the Androgen receptor... determines how sensitive those receptors are."
"If you want bulk, do you want weight, or do you want lean body mass? Because the way to do that is by eating meat and eating protein. So, if you eat carbs, you'll get some lean body mass, you'll get a lot more fat though."
"Building muscle mass and gaining strength are two related goals for this reason strength gains are often used as an indicator that muscle is being built."
"Leucine is like the general manager. You know it comes over and says all right team let's go let's build the muscle. So without leucine you can take as many amino acids as you want not a whole lot happens."
"If there's something I'm learning if I want to put on any muscle like I have to eat lots of protein."
"Strength gains can happen within a few weeks, you will start to get hypertrophy, which is the building of muscle tissue, increases in muscle size usually start to become evident in about a month or so, four weeks."
"You literally go and watch Fitness videos where guys will explain how to maximize muscle mass."
"It's time to start adding muscle."
"I do think Pilates helps you build muscle, I hope."
"Protein should be the breakfast meal. You need to stop the muscle catabolism, you need to kick-start the anabolic processes to really tell your body, 'Hey, you are out of a fast.'"
"Building muscle isn't just for men; it's especially important for women as we age to prevent osteoporosis."
"Muscle building helps you stay healthy fit and look great."
"Building muscle is a great way to make the formula work for you."
"You have to train to if not close to failure if you want to effectively build muscle mass and ideally Progressive overload indicates that you have hopefully built muscle mass because you're able to do more."
"Resistance training is pretty much universally accepted as the most effective way to build muscle mass."
"...just because you're working your abs doesn't mean you shouldn't use resistance again treat them like any other muscle group to then progress them and build them."
"Intensity... volume... more consistency. Those are the three important things you need to build muscle in any area of the body."
"Let's get your metabolism to boost a little bit and you know what does that? You got to build that muscle."
"Isometric contraction training yields Incredible strength, activates the most muscle fibers, and people build muscle very quickly in a very short period of time."
"You can utilize very high-intensity training and it will build muscle very quickly so long as you alternate it with less intense, higher volume style workouts and throw in some deload weeks."
"Building muscle gives you that confidence."
"When we're building muscle after 40, we want to make sure we're picking exercises that feel good on our bodies, are easy on our joints, work the targeted muscles, and can be done in a pretty quick and convenient way."
"...exercise is not about burning calories, it's about building muscle, it's about investing in your metabolism..."
"It also can increase metabolic rate and human growth hormone, which is really awesome because that means you're gonna be burning more fat and building more muscle."
"The only way to build muscle is to lift weights. Your muscle burns 50 times more calories than fat."
"Nothing burns more fat and nothing puts on more muscle than sprinting." - Dr. Shan Amara
"Building muscle is going to get your body to burn more calories naturally. Let's do that first. The fat loss is going to be easier if we start with the building."
"Building muscle without eating or feeding your body enough is impossible."
"You can build a lot of muscle with machines. They're going to prevent injury and they allow you to not have to be as technically good. You can just kind of push all out on the upper body."
"If you packed on 10, 20, 30 lb of solid muscle, especially within the right areas, your deadlift is going to go up."
"Building muscle is a long, slow process that takes consistency and dedication."
"Focus on building muscle... instead of focusing on calories first."
"How much muscle we build is largely outside our control."
"Our shoulders, our knees, two joints that really give us problems as we get older but there really are things we can do to strengthen those joints and to build the muscles around them."
"If you want to build muscle, burn fat, you leverage myokines to do that. All you do is sprinting."
"Protein is really important for building and maintaining muscle."
"Creatine works really well, builds muscle really well."
"You do not need to eat animal products to build muscle."
"The trick to developing more muscle tissue is heavy lifting workouts until you reach positive failure."
"Resistance training doesn't necessarily make you big and bulky. It's hard to build muscle, and muscle is very dense. It gives you shape and makes you tighter and more compact."
"Protein is the number one thing for building muscle. So, if you don't have enough protein in you, you're not going to build muscle."
"The fact that you're getting stronger is a very good sign. If you keep getting stronger, you will build muscle. That's just the bottom line."
"...building muscle is building the brain."
"Eating too little makes muscle building impossible."
"You trend towards a faster metabolism if you build muscle."
"Most people's goal, whether it's Fat Loss or building muscle, want to build the most amount of muscle."
"The deadlift is an exceptional exercise and it does build a lot of muscle."
"The fat loss is the secondary effect because of the built muscle and the faster metabolism."
"If you wish to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time..."
"In order to lose fat, you need to be able to track it and ensure you're actually losing fat while holding onto or building muscle."
"Think of it this way. It's like doing reps at a gym. Doing something over and over again is how you make your packs pop."
"...you know people always think you know I'm building muscle or I've got to lose fat I've got to do one other two now it does depend on where you're at and how much of a raise of wild fat you've got to lose."
"Rice is not a magic secret in how to build muscle."
"When you're younger, you need more protein, but as you get older, you need more protein for building muscle."
"You definitely want to be in a slight caloric Surplus if you're trying to build muscle."
"If your waist can stay the same while you continually put weight on, you're doing a really good job of building lean mass and putting on very little to no body fat."
"I actually don't want to add any more variables than I need to, and cardio is a variable that I do not need in order to build muscle or lose body fat."
"I think it's important just to be active daily anyway. Being healthier is always going to help you build more muscle."
"We are not [ __ ] lifters, we are builders. We are not here to lift weights, we are here to build muscle through the act of lifting a weight properly."
"It helps obviously then to build more muscle fiber."
"Building muscle requires resistance training."
"Old and young people build muscle the same way, doesn't matter your age."
"Protein is the only macronutrient that can help build and/or maintain your muscle mass."
"Three months dedicated fat loss, then a three-month muscle building phase."
"When it comes to muscle, if you're not actively building with protein and strength training, you're losing."
"You do have control of making sure that you are building muscles in the right places."
"Can you build muscle after 60? Of course, yes!"
"The best rep range for building muscle is 8 to 12 reps."
"...lifting weights doesn't build muscle. Eating and recovering from lifting weights is what builds muscle."
"You won't build much muscle if you don't resistance train."
"It's better to stay lean all year and try to build muscle. You don't have to add fat to build muscle by the way."
"If you get stronger at some of those very important exercises, your squats and your deadlifts and your overhead presses and your bench presses and your rows, and you do so consistently, you will build muscle. That's just basically the bottom line."
"There's massive benefits that go into compound lifting for reasons. It's not just about feeling a specific muscle."
"The most effective exercises for building muscle are compound exercises or compound lifts."
"You can lift weights all day long but if you're not giving your body enough calories to build muscle it's going to have a really hard time putting any muscle."
"Everybody wants to build muscle, but everybody wants to build it faster. Hell yes, I do."
"Building muscle's tough. It's not easy. It's funny."
"There's value to this because obviously it's going to build muscle."
"High protein diet contributes to muscle building."
"When you build muscle the first time, it could take a while. When you build it the second, third, and fourth time, it comes back really fast."
"You keep slowly increasing more weight and the body keeps going like, 'Oh, we need more muscle, we need more muscle, we need more muscle.'"
"Focus on the metabolism-boosting effects of muscle building because what I'm doing essentially is telling the person it'll be easier for them to be lean."
"Your body is primed to build muscle basically 24/7."
"It's a terrible strategy for the average person to pick up a sport with the intent of losing body fat or building muscle, which happens a lot. If you're picking up a sport, your intent should be to get good at that sport. That's the best way to enjoy the sport in its pure form."
"That's kind of like our flagship staple program... focusing on building muscle."
"Your goal is to build muscle so you think that you should be focused mostly on building muscle but the reality is you should be focused mostly on recovery and through that process you'll build more muscle."
"People say, 'Oh, I can't have big muscles if I'm a vegan.' It's just all those myths about animal protein are just myths. They're just not true."
"Burn calories and build muscle, yes you can!"
"If you can get these two factors to work together, a solid bulking plan and a solid training plan, you are going to build muscle."
"What are your next set of goals? We can have an off-season, we can talk about building muscle."
"If you want to lose weight, you got to build muscle, and particularly like squatting and deadlifting and compound movements."
"If you need 200 grams of protein to build muscle optimally, then you have to find a way to get it."
"Sleep is absolutely foundational to muscle building."
"Creatine directly stimulates muscle building and it helps improve brain function."
"You don't need to bulk up to put size on."
"Staying lean, you can put on lean muscle."
"Strength training by itself burned the most body fat and built muscle."
"Cardio will help you put on more muscle because it allows you to eat more food and not get fat."
"Building muscle actually helps you regulate your blood sugar."
"This fairly recent study has exciting findings about the optimal rep range to build muscle."
"Calories are what is going to help you lose weight and protein is what's going to help you build and retain muscle."
"Moving your body with intention is the best way to build muscles, not just picking up something heavier and heavier."
"Creatine is one of the most popular supplements for building muscle and increasing athletic performance."
"Creatine is like a silver bullet in the world of natural muscle building supplements."
"For muscle mass, for body recomposition, protein is going to help with and is crucial to all of those aspects."