
Values Quotes

There are 22906 quotes

"The most wonderful, blessed nation in the earth, and we're far more interested in gold than we are God."
"We are incredibly symbolic creatures; we're not just out to make as much money as we can."
"If you want to generate goals... ask yourself what do you care about, what do you actually value in this life, not what you should do."
"We can change how we feel about ourselves by changing our behavior and being more aligned with the person we want to be with our values."
"Don't let the world try to trick you into thinking you have to care about what is 'right' to care about. Care about the things you're into."
"It's that we are making progress towards the things that truly matter to us."
"Live each day based on clearly defined values, purpose, and goals."
"I've never made decisions based on money. If I wanted to make money, I would have had a different career."
"Eulogy virtues matter more than resume virtues."
"You don't have to please everybody; you please people on your terms, with your morals and your values."
"Living in alignment with the things that you most want... do you most want to be somebody that pleases others, or do you most want to be somebody that lives in alignment with things that are important to you?"
"I would never give up having any of my children so I could have more money. They are amazing people and the world will benefit by having them in it."
"What would our lives be like without emotions? They would be empty of values."
"What kind of people do we want in the world that we're creating for the future?"
"Good friendship is when the other person knows your values and helps you stick to them."
"You're not living in integrity with your values."
"Green values love, heart, soul, empathy, intimacy, kindness, compassion, mercy, and leniency."
"Make decisions based on standards and values, not emotions or feelings."
"It's not about the money; it's about the compatibility."
"It's about morals, it still goes back to morals."
"You got to not stop; it's not about not saying the right thing because you're worried about getting in trouble, you say the right thing because you believe the fucking right thing."
"We value fun, family, and food. But more importantly, we value our commitment to atoning for past mistakes and tying up loose ends."
"What do I actually care about and why do I care about it and how do I reflect on what I believe to be both true and meaningful?"
"Hire for the heart set, not just the skill set."
"Money wasn't going to bring me happiness; freedom was far more important."
"True North is that you need to figure out what in your life is worth fighting for."
"My value is not tied to the self-worth of how many followers I have."
"The point of money was to be free. Don't trade your freedom for more."
"Make sure you don't desire the wrong things."
"What we know matters but who we are matters more."
"You're creating a life according to your unique values and strengths. In a sense, you're carving out your own destiny."
"It doesn't matter at all what you create, but what matters is how you live, the principles by which you live."
"You don't find a job you love; you find a place where you share the values, you fit, they care about you as a human being, you fall in love with your job and you work tirelessly every day to take care of the people around you to remain fulfilled."
"The term 'freedom,' the concept of freedom, is something that is very important to us."
"If Superman was legit in our world, that's what he would do. Why would he have all these good values if he's an alien?"
"Love is not a feeling, not real love. Real love is a value, a choice, part of your character."
"Truth is something that should be valued, and I think that everybody should value truth."
"Pain has taught me to understand my true values in life."
"If you can get clear on your values and principles and the way you live is as aligned to your values and principles as possible, you will have the closest chance of living a fulfilled, peaceful life."
"Anytime I was bitter or miserable or annoying to be around is because the way I was living didn't match my values and principles."
"What you put in your ears is what you will put in your heart."
"There's no way in the world I'm going to put a basketball as more valuable or more important or essential to my life as the people and my relationship with God."
"Why would you bet on Goliath when we got David? Valuing values is contagious."
"You can have money or fame or whatever but at the end of the day all that really matters is like the people you truly care about."
"Courage and integrity. I don't think you can separate the two."
"What we need more now than ever is humanity."
"It's not the money that matters, it's not the attention that matters, it's the inner feeling you have that you have accomplished something."
"Integrity is measured by the distance between someone's lips and their life."
"It's not always about money, it becomes more about purpose and impact."
"I'd rather cry in the back of a BMW than smile on top of a bicycle."
"When you say no to something that comes with a lot of zeros, you do so because of your value system."
"The thing that I protect most ferociously is my wife and my marriage."
"I don't want to be famous; I want to be known for the right reasons."
"My mother and father raised me such a beautiful way; they always taught me love, respect, God, God first, and work hard."
"All people, regardless of who they are or where they come from, typically want three things: to be seen for who they are, to be valued for who they are, and to be accepted for who they are."
"It's about how you want to show up to the world, what values are important to you, what relationships you have, how you want to feel within yourself, how much integrity you have."
"For me, the most important kind of explanation is explanation of behavior in terms of value. That behavior is explicable in terms of seeking to realize a value."
"We have been, to Putin, as you can see from what we've done in Ukraine, like we will stand up for the things that we believe in."
"What changes people's lives are values which is inside out."
"Human connection is the most important thing for our daughter."
"Whenever you violate one of your values, you're going to be stressed."
"Living out our culture code of being HOT: Humble, Open, and Transparent."
"Where your treasure is, your heart will be also."
"Focus on kingdom values and morals, not traditions."
"Truth is preferable to falsehood, and accuracy is preferable to inaccuracy."
"Money is not going to make me not agree with it."
"I'm raising my kids to be respectable. I'm raising my girls to be princesses; they got to know their worth."
"You pay attention to things that you value, one way or another, and what that means is that the world tends to manifest itself in relationship to your value structure."
"Most of our values... are not reducible to sheer material greed... they're often the things that are vastly important."
"Kindness and love instead of the values that currently dominate, selfishness, greed."
"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold."
"You guys are really big on justice; you probably have a strong sense of morality."
"Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised."
"It ain't about the money... It was something else."
"The values of love are embedded in the universe."
"Any man can be a father, but it takes a real man to be a dad."
"Embrace love, happiness, freedom, and most importantly, truth."
"I would rather be a free man in my grave than live as a puppet or a slave."
"Why would you wish for even more of the usual toys? We can give more to the orphanage."
"The important thing is that we have each other."
"The greatest value in life is not what you get, it's what you become."
"Competitive kindness, that is my kind of competition right there."
"Don't force your value system on me; I don't need you to adopt my values, but don't make your values my problem either."
"You can have all of these superficial things, but if the core is not there, it's not going to necessarily be sustainable."
"The four greatest values in life: Integrity, Faith, courage, and humility."
"Never give into bullying. That's Nick A30's number one thing."
"Courage isn't simply defiance or courage isn't simply standing alone. It also matters what you choose to be courageous about."
"I'm not going back the other way. I'm only poor, but I'm family-rich."
"Kylie is teaching her growing daughter how to stay humble."
"Simplicity is about truth and simplicity is about values."
"Being in the zone of what you actually love to do, when you're living according to your own values, that's when you're truly happy."
"Congresswoman Omar is a good member of Congress. She fights hard for her district and for her values."
"My lifetime has taught me to embrace the future...Freedom, democracy, a future based on the core values that have defined America: honesty, decency, fairness, equality."
"It's about who we are as Americans, who is this country going to be for in the future, and what are the values that we're fighting for."
"I really just tried to teach the things that can't be bought."
"We cannot accurately imagine where this is going over hundreds and thousands of years, but what we can say is we have developed ethical codes and values that help us live better lives."
"Money's not the only thing that I really need."
"What shall it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul?"
"Immediate experience is, in many ways, the most important touchstone of value in our culture."
"Harmony, traditional values, individual liberty, hard work, discipline, freedom, democracy – these are the ideas that made Western civilization what it is."
"There has to be a continual dialogue between all of those values so that the whole value structure, which has to be diverse, doesn't collapse into a single dimension."
"The fundamental principle of being able to freely and openly discuss our values shouldn't be up for negotiation."
"Values are qualities of action. Every single day, we have hundreds of opportunities to either move towards our values or away from them."
"Morality should not be about imposing one's values on others, but about recognizing and mitigating the suffering our choices cause."
"There are many joys in life, and one of them is to see your children walking in the truth."
"Money should mean freedom from want; it should mean beauty, luxury, a sense of security, and refinement."
"I believe in personal liberty and bodily autonomy."
"Your guiding light, above all else, I hate this sounds cheesy, but it needs to be truth."
"Honesty, I like. Honesty is the best policy."
"Your legacy will be determined by how well you instill your children with the right values so that their children won't screw everything up."
"When it comes to money versus integrity, the integrity side of that argument knows what's at stake."
"The most lit thing to me in life is friendship."
"Decisions based on values can lead to a life of meaning, even if it's not always comfortable."
"My life is my priority. Content comes second to that, views and money come a lot later."
"Honesty in everybody is the most important thing that you can possibly look for."
"Respect, you can't compromise that, especially not with friends."
"I don't care about money... it's all about respect."
"The values of the Declaration of Independence are in fact eternal and they do apply to all Americans."
"Every time we wave a flag on Independence Day, we're reinstilling those values."
"These are the inequities we have to fight, these are the values we must rethink, this is the justice that we deserve and we must demand."
"I value love and integrity far, far above money, fame, and power. Those latter three are all ephemeral; they slip through the fingers of anyone who tries to hold on and leave behind an empty shell of a human being."
"Rich isn't what you think it is, kid. Rich sounds like money and stuff... but rich is having a strong faith, rich is having a great family and loving your family, rich is having great friends."
"The most important thing in life is to be in a place where your behaviors and your actions are thoroughly aligned with your values."
"Putting this middle-class and working people at the center of our foreign policy isn't just good from a strategic perspective; it's just good common sense and good decent values as well."
"We believe to our core that the noble intentions of this institution should still have a place in solving 21st-century problems and shielding our children and our grandchildren from the horrors of war."
"I care about the truth. So, basic truth matters. I want to live in a society where people care about the truth and we're grounded in truth."
"Offense is the currency of today's culture, but forgiveness is the currency of the kingdom."
"Your identity is your values, and being true to your values is great."
"This is about freedom and protecting freedom."
"If anything, these kinds of things make you think of life a little differently. When you're laying on your death bed, it's not the assets or money that matter."
"If you want to change the world, measure a person by the size of their heart, not by the size of their flippers."
"Love, freedom, happiness, and truth are what we embrace here."
"Life is better than death, health is better than sickness, abundance is better than want, peace is better than war, freedom is better than coercion, happiness is better than suffering, and knowledge is better than superstition and ignorance."
"The merger of Judeo-Christian values and reason brings about the Enlightenment."
"When your values are clear, your decisions are easier."
"Our job as parents is to help our kids grow in wisdom, maturity, and virtue."
"This is not what I stand for, and it's not what America stands for."
"Ultimately, sustainable fashion is about values. We have to decide what we value."
"Our currency is people. The relationships we build at our schools, at work, our community, their churches, at home, that's what's important."
"One of our challenges is convincing people that freedom is actually a good thing."
"The three greatest words in the human language are faith, hope, and love, and they are all contagious."
"Becoming a person of high values, a person of principle, a person of honest, a person that earns respect."
"A job's about a lot more than a paycheck. It's about your dignity."
"We pursue integrity, depth, joy, aliveness, connection, growth."
"Hard work is everything. It's not the cool thing these days, but hard work is everything."
"It's like a great quote... when you care about what is true, you look for the things that are true."
"Be true to yourself; being authentic is so important."
"The social things, and the cultural things, and the religious things that are valuable to each one of us should come from inside our household."
"We make time for the things that matter to us."
"A man being generous is huge for me. Not necessarily with his money, but with his time and his effort."
"A legacy is not just about passing down money but what else you're passing down."
"Policy secondary to the values, the policy that supports that."
"Wherever your treasure is, your heart follows that thing."
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
"The dehumanization process allows us to shift our story set so that we bring another set of values and beliefs into the space."
"Respect for the elderly, respect for yourself, respect for others."
"Love of the truth should always be your North Star."
"What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his very soul?"
"If you don't stand for something, then you stand for nothing."
"Invisible assets are super more important than visible assets. Examples of invisible assets include friendship, trust, happiness, love, generosity, kindness."
"Food, safety, shelter, the ability to have a little bit of fun, take care of your family—these are the things that they value."
"Living your life congruently aligned with your top values and with your top strengths and talents... comes together in such a beautiful way."
"When you actually align your life, and you're congruent with all your values, life becomes beautiful, a joy."
"The core values of the society, which are fundamentally materialistic, individualistic, aggressive, and competitive, go against what it really means to be a human being."
"Don't sell your soul for a mess of pottage because in the long run, it's not worth it."
"The most important salient factor in what we're talking about here is the values, the political values, the personal values, the morals, the virtues, the family structure, all these things that we hold dear."
"It's easy to forget what we stand for and what's important to us when we're bogged down by the frustrations of life."
"God's idea is not to have everybody follow one man of God... His idea is to see that his value system is represented everywhere."
"Culture of trust requires you to have common values."
"I can live without a hand. I can't live without freedom. I can't live a good, moral, humanist, valuable life without that freedom."
"What sort of life do you want to live? What are you passionate about? What are your personal values?"
"If people don't live their values, I don't think they are values. It's like fashion accessories for them."
"Who you spend your time with, who you surround yourself with, that's quality. It's not about who gives you an expensive jacket."
"Money, all that material stuff, is not everything."
"I wish people would go down that road but date someone that shares the same values as you and that you could actually see yourself marrying. If you couldn't see yourself marrying the person, don't give them something that you ultimately wish you would have only given to the person that you end up marrying."
"The approval of those whom we love and honor is the approval we value."
"Understanding how a new habit links to your values is crucial for behavior change."
"If you're honest with yourself and you have some degree of self-awareness, understand what you care about, I think choices become a lot clearer."
"It's not what you stand for when you're 18 or 25 or 30. It's the values that are imprinted on the hearts of five, six, seven, eight, nine-year-olds."
"There's a difference between compromising in a system that necessitates compromise versus compromising with yourself and your own personal values."
"Changing a culture... requires re-educating adults about the values they learned as children and changing the way children are being educated."
"I think in the end, our... it's more important that we stay grounded and on what we believe in and take the high ground."
"What really matters in this life is not the things we acquire; things mean nothing. Handbags, cars, houses, clothes all will be left behind, but your place in either heaven or hell is eternal."
"The relationships you cultivate are more valuable than any material possession you can acquire."
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal."
"Nothing more important, nothing more sacred than personal freedom for our democracy."
"The art and architecture of a society demonstrates the values and worldview of that civilization."
"Our primary objective is service and sacrifice, not self-entitlement."
"The truth with a capital 'T'. If you value truth, which you should, this should deeply interest you."
"Some values are more important than others, and if we're reading this as a metaphor for homosexuality and parental acceptance, she's saying that accepting their kid is more important than upholding old traditions."
"This is not the money game; this is the integrity game."
"Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things."
"I respect your message and what you stand for."
"Believe in something that's bigger than you, do the right thing every single day, and your life will improve."
"Taiwan is an extremely crucial partner and an important friend with which it shares fundamental values."
"Meaning is to be in a purposive relationship to a value...a meaningful life is one that's lived in a purposive relationship to values."
"A rogue superintelligence could convert the entire solar system into trillions upon trillions of useless paperclips, illustrating the importance of installing the correct values into our intelligent creations."
"What do you care more about, truth or loyalty?"
"When you value your family's happiness over yourself, that's the true key to generational wealth."
"Peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom are common values of humanity."