
Liberation Quotes

There are 13856 quotes

"Gratitude is actually liberating, it frees you from negative thoughts."
"Gratitude unshackles us from toxic emotions."
"Spiritual is about getting rid of that garbage because it liberates the soul."
"You cannot escape from a prison if you don't know you're in one."
"Gratitude is what leads to freedom; gratitude is what unlocks you from the chains."
"An end to the occupation means the liberation of Palestine, and it's an incredible thing to see this global movement taking root."
"When I lean on His word, it would Set Me Free."
"Abundance is a kind of liberation. The more efficient your economy, the more it can produce, the more the average person has access to."
"Spectacles are fun to indulge in. I get it. But they're definitely not liberatory if the conditions they arise from remain unchanged."
"Learn to work the machine (maya), it will set you free."
"There is nobody who is in bondage, there is nobody who is a spiritual seeker, there is nobody who is seeking liberation, and indeed nobody who is liberated. This is the ultimate truth."
"Liberation comes choicelessly to such a person, but that much conviction must be there, that much clarity must be there."
"I liberated Italy, I liberated France, I liberated Belgium, and now I'm going to liberate the Germans from life."
"As Brazil, just liberated all of Italy in one fell swoop."
"That's how powerful it is when we're willing to be authentic; it both liberates us and it touches and inspires the people around us."
"Once you break out of the matrix, you never want to go back in."
"Yet understood and respected, it's a symphony of liberation and enlightenment."
"It's like some shackles you never knew you had are being broken."
"People are drawn to anti-heroes like Jack Sparrow because it's liberating to watch them break the mold."
"The only way to escape the maze is self-discovery."
"Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win."
"The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win."
"We are finally realizing what's been holding us back, and we're ready to cut those things out of our life."
"You're unfreezing certain parts of yourself... your soul wants that movement again."
"Everybody looks so beautiful together because everybody's different, nobody's perfect. Such an amazing feeling, you feel so liberated."
"My fantasy, my dream of how things should be is that people don't see naked people as a problem, don't see it as something that's abnormal."
"You are really just setting yourself free in a lot of ways."
"It's not only liberating but things get way, way easier when you start living life without constantly seeking a fixed outcome."
"Experiencing a karmic release in responsibilities or expectations can bring a sense of liberation and new beginnings."
"There are very few things in life that are as liberating and freeing as the ability to say no."
"The greatest sense of liberation is realizing there's no 'me' to be concerned about dying."
"Liberation is choice. You get to make your own choices, people don't make them for you."
"The liberation of all really means the liberation of all."
"Thanks to you, I've got nothing to lose and nothing to fear anymore."
"You set a prisoner free and then you discover the prisoner you set free was you."
"We only realize who we are when we are stripped of them. Instead of finding we are nothing, we find that they are nothing."
"Once you become your own lover, your own partner, your own best friend, your own parent, now that's liberation."
"You don't belong in this forest anymore. It's time for your liberation, your freedom, your happiness."
"It's only in samsara and for the purpose of liberation from samsara that the ultimate reality is expressed through words, Sat-Chit-Ananda."
"I pray to the Lord, to Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother, and Swami Vivekananda, to bless us all. May we attain freedom from sufferings in this world right now."
"Literally goes, disappears, and they have an incredible, incredible change in their brain chemistry. They're in love with life, they're off their meds, they're not suicidal. Why would they be? They're free."
"This crisis leads to liberation, this crisis leads to reprogramming of your mind, and to destroying lies and uncertain beginnings."
"The amount of freedom, liberation, and inner peace that comes from knowing who you are at a deep level within is so freeing."
"Life is spiritual, and you need this knowledge. You need to know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."
"Liberation always follows the struggle. Love and light are on the other side."
"The sooner you liberate yourself, the sooner you can leave, walk away, detach, the lighter you will feel."
"My intention is not to get married, not to have children, not to have enough wealth to travel around and see the world; my intention is liberation, my intention is to explore the depth of my being."
"You are slowly beginning to unbound yourself from being chained up and held back."
"To come to Bosnia, the other one Palestine, I wait for its liberation to be able to visit that home as well, Insha'Allah."
"Once you invest yourself in other people, you are so liberated and so free and you understand life so much better than if you're completely invested in yourself."
"Freedom or liberation is understood as the capacity to choose."
"The Palestinian people are screaming for liberation, screaming for freedom."
"Moksha not only after death but here and now while living in this body, you are completely liberated."
"Stop trapping your soul's desires, stop caging your heart."
"Liberation is my term for liberation from the illusionary imprisonment of being a 'me' in a story."
"You are saved, yet you are being saved. You are delivered, yet you are being delivered. You are free, yet you are being liberated."
"The gospel must be preached, the sick might be healed, that the oppressed might be set free."
"Forgiveness was for me to not live in a cage of Rage. That's what forgiveness is."
"The end should be an exciting outlook for us because it is The Liberation not only of us but of the whole human race."
"Fight for some of you, you may find just that you're able to walk away from something that kept you tied to it for a long time."
"There is a moment when everyone knows that we cannot free ourselves."
"The real question is how do you liberate yourself from suffering?"
"If you let go of all of them, you're completely free, and you can enter Nirvana because you're done."
"You've got to take sexuality out of the realm of societal shame."
"It is ironic that I had to be in an actual prison in order to break out of my mental prison."
"Materialism is a virus of your mind, and recognizing that can be incredibly liberating."
"Being liberated from poverty, being liberated from pessimism is the most spiritually uplifting thing that can happen to you."
"The fundamental spirit that has imbued the West is the only spirit that has ever actually lifted people who are oppressed out of their oppression."
"Something isn't as it first appears to be. Even if it's difficult to accept, liberation always follows the struggle. Love and light are at the other side."
"The liberation of the occupied is also the liberation of the occupier."
"What gets you to where you want are habits. Daily habits... there are negative habits that you can't get rid of, but there are other habits that are immensely liberating, and you can rid of your bad habits through developing positive habits."
"I felt light and free and all the pain was gone and all the fear was gone."
"For freedom, Christ has set us free; do not be enslaved again to a yoke of bondage."
"If the Son has set us free, Father, we are free indeed."
"Your life is your responsibility...when you stop outsourcing your happiness, your validation, your support, and you bring it back in, it's so liberating."
"Stop playing, break free from your chains, to break free from your cage."
"If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."
"What's really exciting is that all these lines are just kind of crumbling away. When you take away 'there's clothes for men and there's clothes for women,' once you remove any barriers, obviously, you open up the arena in which you can play."
"Acceptance actually can be a beautiful thing and it can be a liberating thing to think I'm not holding on to something that I can't change."
"Forgiveness... is letting a prisoner go and realizing that you were the prisoner the whole time."
"Once you've done it, you will just feel so liberated. It's crazy."
"My chains fell off, my heart was free; I rose, went forth, and followed thee."
"The ultimate goal is to liberate you from something and to be free from something and to complete and to finish some karma in your life."
"To be able to control and master yourself like this is truly liberating."
"This new moon energy for you is all about liberation."
"Fight Club was about learning to let go of the life we're told we're supposed to want, so we can have the life that we want."
"Don't be afraid of that. It can be scary, mentally distressing, painful, but in the end, it's very freeing and enlightening."
"Once you wake up, things are gonna start changing. Chains are gonna start falling. You're gonna start walking past doors, and you'll walk through gates."
"The dictionary defines redemption as the deliverance of the persons or things from the possession and power of captors."
"You are shifting an old paradigm, and it is going to be amazing. It is going to set you free."
"When the past starts to loosen its hold over your present, that's so powerful."
"You're never required to forgive anybody, but at the very least you deserve to forgive yourself."
"The truth can hurt, but the truth is what sets you free."
"Facing yourself is the hardest but most liberating thing I've ever done."
"Awakening is a journey from limitation to freedom, from unconscious to conscious."
"Being committed to something much larger than ourselves is understanding what role you play in our collective movements for liberation."
"Acknowledging why you're even there is the first step to breaking free."
"You are going to be more willing to express who you are on an authentic level to those around you, and it's going to feel very, very freeing."
"You are released, you are forgiven, you are empowered."
"True freedom from The Matrix is not freedom to fulfill your desires; it's freedom from them."
"Once you cross that line or that bridge, or whatever you want to call it, it's liberating."
"I felt this immense feeling of liberation because I didn't feel I no longer had the burden of pretending anymore."
"We're moving into a new season right now, and the Lord does not want a single person to leave this room with shame, grief, and depression."
"Once you realize that most people don't actually care about you or don't even think about you that much, you start to feel a little bit more free."
"Learning not to be afraid of death... and giving up your sense of omnipotence are very liberating."
"He took back control over his life in the end and was no longer following an abusive uncle, a flawed friendship, and lastly the leader who he had felt indebted to."
"Breaking free of old mental barriers... you're going to be on a completely different path and in a completely new world."
"The truth will set you free, but first, it will piss you off."
"Guilt, condemnation, and shame is a lie from hell; it's never the gospel."
"Vayne was trying to free mankind from the corrupt Occuria."
"This inner liberation offered in the trip can help create the conditions for a social liberation."
"Bitcoin liberates us from the systemic, uninsurable theft perpetrated by central banking."
"Once you realize that you are the architect of your own reality, it liberates you."
"Forgiveness is something that frees you from that person's restraints, it frees you and your heart to be open to someone more deserving as well."
"Life is so much more interesting and freeing and liberating when you look at things that have happened to you when you're a child and say, 'What beautiful lesson did I get out of that?'"
"Free at last. Free at last. Thank God Almighty, I'm free at last."
"Anyone that is caping hard for radical Caucasian terrorists and doesn't want to see it end or your liberation, that's on male and female."
"God wants you free from the things that you feel like you always have to be chained to."
"You've got the future; it's your choice if you want to be shackled by the pain or if you want to be free."
"You don't care what people think of you, you don't care what was, your enemies did, you don't want to lose this feeling. This is who you really are."
"The moment you discover the meaning for your suffering, it releases you."
"Automation could liberate people from the drudgery of work."
"The sacred sakura blooms from the darkness, finally free from the clutches of the heavenly principles."
"You're breaking free. You realize...you're better than that. You don't deserve to feel like that, and you never deserve to feel like that."
"It's time to rise up. We have nothing to lose but our chains."
"As you dissolve more desires, you become more free and can end up choosing to act compassionately."
"My brother told me, you know, when I got outside and put my fist in the air, he said, 'You know Al, that's when I knew that you were free.'"
"The magic by which a man becomes free is imagination."
"Imagination is the tool by which we may be delivered from our bondage."
"There's nothing more liberating than to experience a healthy man who you can trust enough to completely let go with."
"For the first time, humanity was truly free."
"The moment I release certain people and things and situations, the shadow hanging over me vanished."
"He whom the Son has set free is free indeed."
"If anyone has dimmed you, hushed you, shushed you, pulled you back, held you down, the sun card is coming through to say that's not who you are."
"Upon hearing these prayers, the power of God will set you free from witchcraft, curses, and idolatry, and healing will be loosed in your life."
"Letting go of the 80 is to be celebrated; it's truly a gain that you're letting this go."
"This overwhelming sense of freedom... it just feels great."
"You can't have freedom from Pharaoh if you don't have freedom from you."
"I felt like a backpack on my back of sin just fell off, and I felt weightless."
"As these systems are crumbling and breaking down, we're feeling more and more free and more liberated."
"The goal of Karma Yoga is one's own liberation and the welfare of the world."
"Karma is not about fear, karma is not about guilt, karma is about liberation. It is about freedom."
"Recognizing all things as illusion, devoid of clinging, may I be released from bondage."
"Thinking of altruism and understanding the nature of reality can lead to inner liberation from self-centered attitudes and tight-mindedness."
"Believing in God and being Catholic is so incredibly liberating."
"You think your praise on a Sunday is just for you, what would you do if I told you that your praise had the power to set somebody else free?"
"The most liberating thing in my life is when I took total responsibility for everything."
"Liberated... feeling like you have your wings again."
"We've been taught that freedom is the pursuit of our desires, but true freedom is liberation from those desires."
"The Exodus story is very important for a number of reasons. It's a story of liberation from bondage; it's a story of victory over oppressors; it's a story of how one individual can make a tremendous difference. I think it's right at the roots of our ethical system, if not our religious system."
"All past karmas and conditioning, manifest or unmanifest, are burnt away with enlightenment."
"I've come to realize that the labels we assign to ourselves can liberate us or imprison us in our own minds, and it's a really strange thing to think that a word can be so powerful."
"You cannot run away from life, you can't run away from the machine; you must learn how to work the machine and then it sets you free."
"It's been liberating for them; it's adding years on to their lives."
"Let's not look at this as a crisis; let's look at this as our liberation."
"We are focused on liberation, on making sure we change systems."
"Acknowledging that you have a dark side... can actually be a very liberating feeling."
"I don't want people to lose the centrality and the importance of my main message, which is the liberation of our people."
"Please do not allow my actions and the actions of Muhammad to hold you hostage and continue to victimize you for the rest of your life."
"Communism...is about the liberation of human potential from the oppressive forces of state management."
"Seek the truth, and the truth shall set you free."
"I can think of nothing more liberating and nothing more utterly magnificent that expresses the greatness of God."
"Jews were liberated from Auschwitz Birkenau in January 1945... choose life."
"Discipline, self-discipline, in our hearts is not there to limit you, but rather to liberate you."
"If you take control of your financial situation, you get liberated. Things change for you, things start to get better."
"Words are instruments of liberation and speech is an alternative to harm."
"You know what? I've done operations before... and it was one kid, but this one kid... he's free now."
"Let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore."
"You have to know the truth and seek the truth, and the truth will set you free."
"An emotional reunion between a lost dog and its friend after the Ukrainian town of Buca was liberated."
"Kali is the goddess of creation, the liberator of Maya, letting us see through this eternal illusion and therefore attain moksha."
"I'm about Black Enterprise, black ownership, and black liberation, and it is important to me."
"Jesus came to set us free... He came to bring liberty to the captive."
"Let's all free ourselves from this curse and stay here as the best of friends."
"Education here, I suppose, is the key. But, frankly, the only way that any of us are going to get out of whatever sort of slavery we're in, is through a real education."
"Many people are more committed to the project of making white people feel guilty than any kind of liberation of black people."
"Lauro Pechka guarantees the safety of the town they liberated."
"Very often we live our lives trapped inside the dreams of dead people, and history can show us a way out of that."
"The truth is finally out; I don't have to lie or cover things up, and I get out of this dangerous house."
"Cassius Marcellus Clay...decided that he did not like slavery at all, went home, freed all of his family's slaves."
"A slave is set free. It's not merely economics; it's choices and margin and future. It's everything on the list."
"We don't need to be defined by the prisons of the past. We need to look forward to the future."
"When you have no [cares] to give, the freedom you feel is absolutely insane."
"I felt free for the first time in a long time."
"There's something liberating about accepting your fate."
"The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound."
"If I could have convinced more slaves that they were slaves, I could have freed thousands more."
"I am free from everything that I feel like it's holding me back, to go do what I need to do for this world, for me."
"My destiny is to be a storyteller in the world and a liberator."
"If you free a person after a whole long time of oppression and say, 'Now you are free to survive,' if you have no skills, if you have no quantifiable means of existence, what you have done is liberated them into oppression."
"Moksha, mukti, salvation, liberation, Nirvana...this most auspicious of things is Moksha, freedom from samsara, freedom from bondage."
"There's a human potential that is so vast that if humans ever get there, if we ever become free from this guilt, from this shame, from this degradation, from this slavery, and we were able to think with our own minds, there's nothing that we can't do."
"We are them, but freed from the shackles of ignorance."
"Your sister's where she belongs now. Thanks to you, you set her free. You set her free."
"Thou shalt know the truth and the truth shall set you free."
"I'm hopeful that Cubans will find a way out of their subjugation."
"We need to let people get out of the system."
"The world was finally free from the plague of demons."
"Set yourself free from your servitude of Donald Trump so we can move forward as a country."
"It is modern-day slavery and Islam liberates us from that."